
    Raising Mothers of Teens

    Guiding mothers to transform the way they connect, communicate, and collaborate with their teen! Every week we'll bring you inspiring, empowering and educational episodes that will give you the tools you need to consciously raise your teen!
    enAshley Kahn100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Confidence Building + Goal Setting Systems

    Confidence Building + Goal Setting Systems

    I could not be more excited to share with you special guests Joe and Mell Hashey.  Joe is a former high school teacher and business owner and Mell is a former social worker turned stay at home mom of three.  In 2020 the Hashey family was turned upside down!  As a result, they ended up changing EVERYTHING!

    Together Joe and Mell chose to use their experiences to help others and started what is known today as Strong Family Co.  Strong Family Co. was built around a 7 element framework that helps families establish vales and stress free family leadership.

    In this episode we dive into one of those 7 pillars, "Confidence Building and Goal Setting Systems.“ 

    Episode Resources:

    Book:  The Power Of Moments

    Link: https://a.co/d/7HNkzKn


    Connect with Joe and Mel Hashey:

    Website: www.strongfamilyproject.com

    Instagram: @officialstrongfamilyco

    Facebook: Strong Family Co

    Facebook: Strong Family Life


    The Importance of an Apology

    The Importance of an Apology

    Have you ever reacted and then thought to yourself, “Dang I owe my teen an apology!”

    Ya me to!  If you are anything like the “old me” I used to apologize because it's what you’re “supposed to do!”  Even though I would always apologize, I was always puzzled why the relationship with my children still seemed fractured.

    In this episode I am going to share with you the two things you can do to ensure your apology repairs and heals the parent child relationship!

    Let Go and Lean In

    Let Go and Lean In

    Entering the teen years is like walking into unknown territory! 

    When faced with unknowns, naturally conscious and unconscious fears arise within us. 

    Whenever fear rears its head you can expect control to show up!  We think, by controlling a situation or person we can get rid of the fear of unknowns.   Ultimately our need to control is one of the many faces of the ego that shows up as a way to protect us.  One of the big things the ego in the form of control protects us from is feeling like we failed as a parent.

    In this episode I am going to share with you three things you can implement as you enter unknown territory of the teen years that will take fear and control out of the driver seat and put peace and connection in its place.  These three things will invite you to “Let Go and Lean In” so the parent teen relationship becomes deeply connected!

    How to Run Your Schedule So Your Schedule Doesn’t Run You

    How to Run Your Schedule So Your Schedule Doesn’t Run You

    Do you ever think to yourself...

    “I feel so overwhelmed and cannot get anything done!’

    “My todo list is never-ending and I just feel like I can’t keep up.”

    “I don’t even know where to start!”

    It’s almost as if your daily schedule is running you and your left feeling like a chicken running round with its head cut off!

    If this is you, then I am glad you are here!  In this episode I will share “How to Run Your Schedule So Your Schedule Doesn’t Run You!” You will walk away from this episode with the tools you'll need to create a schedule that creates a life filled with more connection, free time, peace, clarity and fun!


    The Inner Voice of the Parent Becomes the Outer Voice to the Child

    The Inner Voice of the Parent Becomes the Outer Voice to the Child

    Have you ever done something and thought to yourself, “Oh my gosh, I'm so my mom right now?”

    This happens because, things are CAUGHT not TAUGHT.  By consistently being in the presence or same environment as someone, you will naturally pick up on their patterns, habits and ways of doing things.

    When patterns, habits and ways of doing things are repeated so often they become ingrained and an unconscious pattern or habit.  This means you end up doing the same things without even thinking about it!

    The same is true when it comes to the parent-child relationship!  The parent’s inner voice becomes the outer voice to the child.

    The way the parent talks to themselves when they make mistakes, have a bad day, feel anxious or stressed, is unconsciously the way they will talk to their teen when they also have a bad day, are anxious, stressed, or make a mistake. 

    The expectations a parent has for themselves will also be the unconscious expectations they place on their teen. 

    You may be thinking, “How can I change that?” 

    In this episode I will share with you three things that you can implement today to start nurturing yourself and CHANGING the way that you talk to yourself and ultimately your teen.

    The Root of Feeling Lonely and Lost in the Teen Years

    The Root of Feeling Lonely and Lost in the Teen Years

    I feel like the teen years should be called the “massive change” years!  From physical changes, brain changes, hormone changes, relationship changes, you name it…it’s safe to say EVERYTHING CHANGES in the teen years!

    When we become parents, it can be hard to recall what it felt like to be a teenager and just how difficult it was at times to navigate that season of life.  It is also easy to forget how physically and emotionally drained you often felt.

    In this episode I am getting vulnerable and authentic as I personally reflect on my own teen years, recollect the two core feelings I felt, and discover the 3 unmet needs attached to them.

    Grab your coffee and come hang out with me and very special guest Mansi Maitri Parikh a fellow Conscious Parent Coach with a background in Communications and Psychology!  In this episode Mansi and I share how you can shift your parenting to allow more awareness, mindfulness and consciousness creating the ultimate environment for your teen to thrive through this season of massive change.

    Connect with Mansi Maitri Parikh:

    Instagram: @coachingandcompassion

    Website: www.coachingandcompassion.com


    Additional Resources:

    All quotes referenced in this episode are from the book Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld Ph.D. and Gabor Mate, M.D.

    From Blah to Ahh

    From Blah to Ahh

    Have you ever felt blah in motherhood?  If you have, then can I just say that is completely normal!  Why?  Because um well you are human!

    The cool thing is in these uncomfortable and “blah” seasons of life you are gifted the opportunity for the next best version of you to bloom.

    For me personally I have noticed this “blah” feeling typically creeps up as I transition into new seasons of motherhood or when something in me is shifting/growing/healing.

    What I have come to recognize is that this “blah” feeling is simply a signal to start paying attention and become aware of the root that is behind the “blah.” 

    Inner shifts and transformations are exciting, because it's the process of shedding what no longer serves you in order to make room for new growth and the next best version of you…but you know what?  Growth and transformation can be really firkin hard often making you feel "blah."

    In this episode I am going to share with you the three things that I personally apply in my life that help me go from blah to ahhhhh!

    How to Guide and Support Your Teen to Optimal Physical and Mental Health with Kristen Blake

    How to Guide and Support Your Teen to Optimal Physical and Mental Health with Kristen Blake

    This episode we are talking about how us mamas can guide and support our teens to optimal physical and mental health through nutrition.  This is such an important topic because nutrition is a key factor in a teens physical development and mental health.  While this topic is important, it is also a topic most of mamas aren’t quite sure how to navigate for the simple fact that there is SO much information out there, it can feel overwhelming figuring out where to start!


    In this episode I am honored to have the best of the best and an expert in all things nutrition and human performance guide us! She is the one and only Kristen Blake!  Kristen is an IIN certified health coach and holds a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition and Human Performance. 


    Kristen’s mission is to help women through education, empowerment and advocacy, take back their own health by harnessing the power of nutrition, biohacking and ancestral lifestyle.


    This episode will give you the direction you’re looking for and leave you feeling, empowered, educated, and excited ready to take your teens physical and mental health to the next level.


    Connect with Kristen Blake:

    Website URL: https://www.kristenblakewellness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristenBlakeWellness/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristenblakewellness/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC63QK53oqDjq4QiRYPegj2w


    SPECIAL OFFER on Kristen Blake Wellness Programs:

    All Raising Mothers listeners will receive 10% off when joining any below program, simply click the provided link.


    The KB Code: This program will take you from, "I just want to crawl back in bed" to Energizer Bunny. The KB Code is a 12 week transformational health program that follows the same method Kristen uses with her one-on-one clients.


    The KB Club: A membership program with women just like you wanting to take back theirs and their families health.  The KB Club contains exclusive content, masterclasses, and weekly live calls.


    Additional Resources:

    Court & Kitchen by Kristen Blake, Michelle Tegenkamp, and Dr. Bethany Tennant: Court & Kitchen ebook provides performance nutrition for hoopers featuring 25 basketball specific recipes.



    It’s Never to Late to Start Parenting Your Teen Consciously

    It’s Never to Late to Start Parenting Your Teen Consciously

    In this episode I am sharing something that has been heavy on my heart and inspired by a question that so many mamas of teens ask and that is, “Is it to late to start parenting consciously if your children are in their teen years?”

    If you are a mama of a teen and have asked this very question, I have some good news for you!  The short answer to that question is NO!  In fact regardless of your child/rens ages IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO START PARENTING CONSCIOUSLY!

    Come hang out with me as I share with you how you can START parenting consciously now!

    Raising Mothers Podcast YouTube:



    How to Create an Environment That Makes Your Teen Feel Like They Belong

    How to Create an Environment That Makes Your Teen Feel Like They Belong

    When teenagers don’t feel like they belong, they will search for a place to feel like they fit in often becoming somebody who others want them to be. 

    I love this quote by Brene Brown:

    “The minute you become who someone wants you to be, in order to fit in and make sure people like you, is the moment you no longer belong anywhere.”

    The question is then how can we as mamas create an environment for our teenagers to feel like they are loved and accepted exactly as they are and truly feel like they belong in our family and at home?

    In this episode, I am excited to share Lindsay Law with you as we dive deep into the topic of belonging.

    Lindsay Law is a Certified Youth & Parent Life Coach.  Lindsay helps youth quiet the anxiety that comes from not feeling enough and together they work to replace perfectionism with self confidence.  Lindsay also teaches parents how to respond to their teens in a way that promotes connection and acceptance in the relationship.

    Grab your coffee and come hang out with us as we shed light on what you can do to create an environment for your teenager to feel like they belong without changing who they are!

    Connect with Lindsay Law:

    Instagram: @youthrisingcoach

    Website: youthrisingcoach.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxUkLKT8Itb9tFstz29TxQ?view_as=public

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Youth-Rising-100357341726054

    Mother Daughter Retreat: www.youthrisingcoach.com/motherdaughterretreat



    • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sense-belonging/201906/the-importance-belonging-across-life
    • Quote by Brene Brown
    • Brainstorm by Daniel Siegel M.D.:  https://www.amazon.com/Brainstorm-Daniel-J-Siegel-M-D-audiobook/dp/B00H7JJP26/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2N58MB12AFXE4&keywords=brainstorm+by+daniel+siegel&qid=1676822447&sprefix=brainstor%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1
    • Hold On to Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld and Dr. Gabor Mate: https://www.amazon.com/Hold-On-to-Your-Kids-audiobook/dp/B07FKCRK88/ref=sr_1_1?crid=20TKGANCFPS02&keywords=hold+on+to+your+kids+gordon+neufeld&qid=1676822558&sprefix=hold+on+to+your+kids%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-1




    Finding Your Way Back to You in Motherhood

    Finding Your Way Back to You in Motherhood

    If an episode could be a party then this is it!  I am so excited to share with you two of my fave faves Sarah Teichmuller and Char Stammer!

    Sarah Teichmuller is a mama to two boys, a certified life coach for women specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery.  Sarah’s mission is to guide women through a transformational process in order to create a lighter and authentic personal and professional life.  Sarah’s wisdom penetrates to the soul and inspires you to be the best you.

    Char Stammer is a mama to two, a daughter (17yrs) and son (20yrs).  Char is a certified parent coach through the Jai Institute and her mission is to spread love and light through her one minute love nuggets she shares on social media.  Char’s light is so bright you can’t help but be drawn to it!

    In this episode we talk about the expectations we had about motherhood, the internal and external shifts we experienced when we became mothers, the things we struggled with in motherhood, and how motherhood gave us the most beautiful gift of showing us the way back to ourselves.

    The vulnerability and authenticity throughout this episode will pull on all your heart strings.  This episode will leave you feeling like you are not alone, and will inspire you to starting living a conscious life!


    Connect with Raising Mothers Podcast guests:


    Sarah Teichmuller:

    Instagram: @thriving_with_sarah


    Char Stammer:

    Instagram: @twinsloveonefromabove

    Facebook: Starting Over Again As A Parent

    Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1758480084466820

    Motherhood and Matresence

    Motherhood and Matresence

    I literally could not be more honored and excited to share my girl Kendra Williams with you all!  Kendra is a mother to two, a Certified Conscious Parent Coach Practitioner through Dr. Shefali’s Coaching Institute™ and an expert on all things matresence.

    Kendra is hysterical, wildly entertaining and is as real and authentic as they come!  She is a truth teller and has an incredible way of educating and guiding new mothers as they navigate their shifting identity in motherhood!

    Being a new mom is a season that naturally comes with a lot of changes and adjustments!  Many of these changes and adjustments are completely different from what we expected and quite frankly we do not feel prepared for. 

    Often times, this new season of motherhood can leave women feeling like there is something wrong with them or the way they are mothering.  Mama you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you!  In fact there is a term for what new mothers go through and that term is matresence.

    Come hang out with Kendra and I as we talk about all things matresence, the seasons of motherhood, the importance of a motherhood village and so much more.  This episode is straight gold and is going to leave you feeling seen, empowered and supported!


    Connect with Kendra Williams:

    Instagram: @its.kendrawilliams

    TikTok: @its.kendrawilliams

    Website: https://www.kendra-williams.com


    Empowered With Tools and Skills

    Empowered With Tools and Skills

    This is episode #20 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    Truth is nobody is born confident.  In fact, confidence is something that you develop and strengthen as you go through life.

    In order for parents to create an environment for their chid's confidence to grow, strengthen, and develop we the parent must embody and model confidence.  It is near impossible for parents to teach their children the tools and skills if the parent does not have the tools and skills themselves.

    Come hang out with me and I will share with you how you the parent can equip yourself with the tools and skills needed to build confidence so you can empower your child to do the same.

    Connects With The Parent

    Connects With The Parent

    This is episode #19 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    This episodes special guest is Debbie Wheeler!  Debbie is a wife of 38 years, a mom of three girls, and a Baba to 4 grandkids.  She is a bright light, a fountain of wisdom, an answer seeker, the best advice giver, and the definition of what a godly woman looks like.  She is a certified counselor for those in recovery and a mentor for mothers.  She is on a mission to empower women to be courageous, fearless, emotional and spiritual leaders.

    In this episode we discuss how connection builds a solid foundation for the parent child relationship.  When the parent and child have a strong connection and a solid foundation, the child will thrive in all aspects of their life and develop unshakeable confidence in themselves.  Come hang out with us as Debbie and I get vulnerable and share with you how we struggled with connecting and how you can learn from our mistakes.

    Connect with Debbie Wheeler:

    • https://www.instagram.com/fixedonchange/

    Navigates Solutions

    Navigates Solutions

    This is episode #18 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    This episodes special guest is Debbie Wheeler!  Debbie is a wife of 38 years, a mom of three girls, and a Baba to 4 grandkids.  She is a bright light, a fountain of wisdom, an answer seeker, the best advice giver, and the definition of what a godly woman looks like.  She is a certified counselor for those in recovery and a mentor for mothers.  She is on a mission to empower women to be courageous, fearless, emotional and spiritual leaders.

    In this episode we discuss what it looks like for parents to model healthy ways to navigate solutions.  Through modeling, encouraging, and guiding parents can create an environment for their children to feel confident and empowered in navigating solutions in their own life.

    Connect with Debbie Wheeler:

    • https://www.instagram.com/fixedonchange/

    Extends Empathy

    Extends Empathy

    This is episode #17 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    In this episode my dear friend and personal coach Meg O’Keeffe joins us! Meg O’Keeffe is the founder of Heart Centered Parenting, a Montessori trainer and teacher with 30 years of teaching experience and is also Certified Coach Practitioner through Dr. Shefali Tsabary's Conscious Coaching Institute™. 

    Empathy is learned and modeled.  Parents who model empathy towards themselves and their child, create an environment for their child to also extend empathy towards themselves and others.

    When your child is going through something, it is an opportunity for you the parent to model empathy and compassion by validating what your child is feeling.  There are no “bad” feelings.  When children are heard, seen, and validated they gain confidence and are open to connect.

    Come hang out with Meg and I, as we share how you the parent can model empathy and why empathy is a crucial component to healthy relationships.

    Connect with Meg O’Keefe:

    Discusses Feelings, Thoughts, and Beliefs

    Discusses Feelings, Thoughts, and Beliefs

    This is episode #16 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    In this episode my dear friend and personal coach Meg O’Keeffe joins us! Meg O’Keeffe is the founder of Heart Centered Parenting, a Montessori trainer and teacher with 30 years of teaching experience and is also Certified Coach Practitioner through Dr. Shefali Tsabary's Conscious Coaching Institute™. 

    As parents, one of the greatest things we can MODEL for our children is how to become aware of, process, and deconstruct, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. One of the greatest things we can CREATE for our children is a safe environment for them to also go through this process of decostructing and healing.

    When children have a safe environment that they can go to knowing without a shadow of doubt that all of our (the parent) judgements, expectations and projections are left at the door and they (the child) are encouraged to come as they are, exhale, process, and deconstruct their own feelings, thoughts, and beliefs your child will grow into a healthy human being that is confident and liberated.

    Come hang out with Meg and I while we share with you three things you can do as a parent to guide your child in developing these live changing and confident building skills.

    Connect with Meg O’Keefe:

    Identifies Their Needs

    Identifies Their Needs

    This is episode #15 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    In this episode my dear friend and personal coach Meg O’Keeffe joins us!  Meg O’Keeffe is the founder of Heart Centered Parenting, a Montessori trainer and teacher with 30 years of teaching experience and is also Certified Coach Practitioner through Dr. Shefali Tsabary's Conscious Coaching Institute™. 

    Children have a lot going on in their days and are constantly on the go leaving little time to just be.  As a result, children are often running on emotions and autopilot. Running on autopilot naturally makes us unaware of needs and creates disconnection to self.

    When a child is able to slow down, pause, and awaken awareness they give themselves the gift of reconnecting to themselves.  As a result they are able to set healthy boundaries, prioritize self care and clearly communicate needs.

    Come hang out with us and we will share with you the 4 things that create an environment for children to identify their needs.


    Naming Your Feelings + Needs:



    Connect with Meg O’Keefe:

    Frees Themselves Of Perfection

    Frees Themselves Of Perfection

    This is episode #14 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    What is perfection? Why do children often strive for it? 

    • Perfection is proof to self that we are good enough.
    • Perfection is the way of the ego protecting self from getting hurt by failiure.
    • Perfection is deeply rooted in fear.  Fear of failure and fear of not feeling worthy.

    Confident children free themselves of perfection and know their worth is not based on how "perfect" they do things or how "perfect" they are. Confident children know that perfection is un-obtainable.

    Truth is NOTHING and NOBODY is perfect!

    If your child is on the hamster wheel of perfection, chances are they're exhausted! The cool thing is we can help our child jump off the hampster wheel.

    When your child learns to free themselves of perfection, they will feel like they can finally catch their breathe!

    In this episode I will share with you four things confident children do to free themselves of perfection!

    Notices Truth vs Their Story

    Notices Truth vs Their Story

    This is episode #13 of a 20 episode series on raising confident children and the characteristics + habits confident children embody.

    Special guest Debbie Wheeler joins us in this episode sharing her wisdom and experience as a councelor in drug and alcohol addiction on the importance of noticing the truth vs our stories.

    In this episode, Debbie and I will show you how to guide your child in becoming aware their story based on deeply rooted beliefs and how to uncover the truth.


    1. Reene Jane Psychologist and creator of GoZen tool the 5c's

    2. https://gozen.com