
    Reading Teachers Lounge

    This is the Reading Teachers Lounge where listeners can eavesdrop on professional conversations between elementary reading teachers. We are passionate about literacy and strive to find strategies to reach all learners. Shannon and Mary are neighbors who realized that they were “literacy soul sisters” at a dinner in their Atlanta neighborhood. Once they started chatting about reading they haven’t really stopped. Come join the conversation.
    en-usShannon Betts and Mary Saghafi94 Episodes

    Episodes (94)

    the Importance of Handwriting

    Date Your Data

    Date Your Data

    Shannon shares with Mary the steps she follows for analyzing student data.    This Date Your Data process requires multiple steps of looking at test scores, improvement goals, student strengths and weaknesses, and then connecting the data to standards to facilitate data-driven instruction.  This method of data review makes the test score information meaningful to teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders.   Listen to find out how to Date Your Data to get to know your students and their learning better.


    1. our Season 1 episode: Understanding the MAP test
    2. Date Your Data free handout for MAP scores *created by Shannon
    3. Date Your Data free handout for analyzing other data sources *created by Shannon
    4. NWEA MAP Test information (login needed)
    5. NWEA MAP Test website (no login needed)
    6. MAP Quadrant Chart Analysis & Reflection *created by Shannon
    7. Get a free Green Chef box using our link.
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    Building Knowledge with Linda Rhyne

    Building Knowledge with Linda Rhyne

    Shannon and Mary are joined in by Linda Rhyne in the Reading Teachers Lounge. They share a deep dive of information from the book, The Knowledge Gap by Natalie Wexler. This episode is full of information and strategies to increase your student's knowledge helping them dive deep into comprehension and knowledge building.  Linda Rhyne is a returning guest to the show and shares her expertise in guiding professional discussions to help educators meet their student's literacy goals.


    1. The Knowledge Gap by Natalie Wexler *Amazon affiliate link
    2. The Reading Comprehension Blueprint by Nancy Lewis Hennessy *Amazon affiliate link
    3. The Reading Comprehension Blueprint Activity book by Nancy Lewis Hennessy *Amazon affiliate link
    4. Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy by Gholdy Muhammad *Amazon affiliate link
    5. Linda Rhyne Consulting
    6. Placing Texts at the Center of the Science Aligned ELA Classroom PDF
      M. Liben, S. Pimentel
    7. Podcast recommended listening: Melissa and Lori Love Literacy, Ep. 37: Placing Text at the Center of the ELA Classroom with Meredith Liben & Sue Pimentel 
    8. Knowledge Matters Campaign 
    9. Tim Shananon blog: Knowledge or Comprehension Strategies?
    10. Centering Knowledge Building: An Interactive Reading Guide. Users can access the materials Shannon and Mary used in exploring The Knowledge Gap. Linda created this interactive course and now for $25 you can access this treasury of science of reading texts and recommended articles. Listeners can use the code "LOUNGE" for $5 off!
    11. Contact Linda through e-mail contact@lindarhyneconsulting.com
    12. Follow Linda on Instagram @lindarhyneconsulting
    13. our season 5 episode with Linda Balancing It All
    14. Get a free Green Chef box using our link.
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    Ideas for Differentiation with Wiley Blevins

    Ideas for Differentiation with Wiley Blevins

    Shannon chats with her favorite literacy guru, Wiley Blevins, about the decisions and methods that go into differentiation.    Shannon picks his brain about some of her reading students.  Also, Wiley shares insights from his coming book about adjustments that teachers can make before or during their lessons to better suit the learning levels of their students.   We always get some much wisdom from Wiley, whether it be from a direct chat, a webinar he hosts, or from a book he's authored.    Listen to this entire episode to get inspired about ways you can best meet your students' needs.


    1. Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact:  How to Scaffold Whole-Group Instruction So All Students Can Access Grade-Level Content by Wiley Blevins *Amazon affiliate link (For PreOrder)
    2. Wiley's website
    3. Reading Rockets:    Differentiated Instruction for Reading
    4. Reading Rockets:  What is differentiated instruction?
    5. Differentiated Reading Instruction:  Multiple Pathways to Literacy Success (Solution Tree)
    6. Read Write Think:   Differentiating Instruction Strategy Guide Series
    7. (Kappan Online)  Teaching Reading: Development and Differentiation
    8. FCRR: Features of Effective Instruction Overview 
    9. Sadlier School: 13 Ideas for Differentiated Reading Instruction in the  Classroom
    10. (Read Naturally) Differentiating Instruction: Teaching Differently to Improve  Instruction
    11. Benchmark Decodable Books
    12. UFLI Foundations Deconudable Text Guide 
    13. Linnea Ehri Continuous Blending Study 
    14. Stanford Study (Bruce McCandliss) 
    15. Empowering Writers
    16. Our Season 4 Episode with Wiley 
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    Gifts for Our Readers with Dr. Karen Gazith

    Gifts for Our Readers with Dr. Karen Gazith

    Shannon and Mary chat with Dr. Karen Gazith about her new book The Power of Effective Reading Instruction.   The conversation flowed through many topics but ultimately what you can gain from our discussion is the gifts we give our readers when we teach with intention.  Listen to this episode to gain fresh ideas for enhancing your own reading instruction.


    1. Ask the Right Questions about RTI
    2. Wait to Fail Model 
    3. The Power of Effective Reading Instruction:  How Neuroscience Informs Instruction Across All Grades and Disciplines by Karen Gazith *Amazon affiliate link
    4. Teaching with Purpose: How to Thoughtfully Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Your Classroom by Karen Gazith *Amazon affiliate link
    5. Website for Karen Gazith
    6. Connect with Karen on Facebook
    7. Connect with Karen on LinkedIn
    8. Connect with Karen on Twitter
    9. Karen's E-mail:   Karen.gazith@hotmail.com
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    Read Aloud to Boost Comprehension

    Read Aloud to Boost Comprehension

    Mary and Shannon chat with Dr. Molly Ness about her new book Read Alouds for All Learners.   Molly shares how teachers should intentionally plan their read alouds, with thought put into the vocabulary instruction, the purpose for reading, the think aloud process, and engagement and extension activities for students after reading. Listen to this episode for TONS of ideas from our guest about how to get the most learning out of your read aloud experiences.


    1. Reading Rockets:  Reading Aloud to Build Comprehension
    2. Reading Rockets:   Vocabulary Development During Read Alouds
    3. ASCD:   The Hidden Power of Read Alouds
    4. Scholastic:   5 Easy Skills to Teach Kids During Read-Alouds
    5. Read Write Think:    Teacher Read-Aloud that Models Reading for Deep Understanding
    6. Cox Campus:  Meaningful Read Alouds for Vocabulary and Oral Language Comprehension
    7. Read Alouds for All Learners:  A Comprehensive Plan for Every Subject, Every Day, Grades PreK-8 (Learn the step-by-step instructional plan for Read Alouds for All Learners) by Molly Ness * Amazon affiliate link
    8. Think Big with Think Alouds: A Three-Step Planning Process That Develops Strategic Readers by Molly Ness *Amazon affiliate link
    9. Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall *Amazon affiliate link
    10. The William Hoy Story: How a Deaf Baseball Player Changed the Game by Nancy Churnin *Amazon affiliate link
    11. The Decline by Nine (Scholastic Reads Podcast)
    12. End Book Deserts (Podcast by Molly Ness)
    13. Website for Molly Ness
    14. Contact Molly on Twitter
    15. Contact Molly on IG
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    the Comprehension Process

    Best Reading Instructional Moves

    We Love Mistakes

    We Love Mistakes

    Shannon and Mary talk about why they love student mistakes.   They share how to make mistakes meaningful in the ways they show insight into students' learning.     They chat about establishing a trusting relationship with students so they feel comfortable showing us mistakes.  Lastly, they discuss ways to provide student feedback without inducing shame.   Learning happens between the lessons, and in this episode, you'll find concrete ideas for what to do and say each day with your students to promote a growth mindset and engagement in learning.


    1. Actual Reading Errors
    2. Reading Simplified: 4 Types of Reading Errors
    3. Common Reading Mistakes and How to Fix Them
    4. Error Analysis for Reading
    5. Achieve to the Core: Mistakes Tell us What Students are Ready to Learn
    6. How to Help when Students Don't Notice Errors
    7. Teaching Students to Embrace Mistakes
    8. Examination of the Student Mistakes in Oral Reading
    9. Yo Yo Ma: Music Happens Between the Notes (On Being podcast)
    10. The Big Secret Episode from Season 1
    11. Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching (What Works for Special-Needs Learners) by Anita L. Archer *Amazon affiliate link
    12.  Book a free call with us to tour our Patreon and see if it's right for you!
    13. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon


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    Intervention in the Upper Grades

    Intervention in the Upper Grades

    Shannon and Mary meet with Kionna Squires (@DaLiteracyLady) to talk about the challenges facing older struggling readers.    During the discussion, they explain how meeting students where they are IS rigorous and the right thing to do for our readers.  They also share ideas for boosting student engagement and their favorite activities for upper grade reading intervention.


    1. Texas Center for Learning Disabilities: Effective Reading Interventions for Upper Elementary Students
    2. Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9 (What Words Clearinghouse)
    3. EdWeek: How Schools Can Support Older Students Who Lag in Reading
    4. Reading Rockets: Best Practices in Planning Interventions for Students with Reading Problems
    5. Teaching Phonics & Word Study in the Intermediate Grades by Wiley Blevins *Amazon affiliate link
    6. Florida Center for Reading Research 4th and 5th Grade Activities
    7. Assessing Reading Multiple Measures (Core Literacy) *Amazon affiliate link
    8. Structured Literacy Interventions edited by Louise Spear-Swerling *Amazon affiliate link
    9. Raffi songs 
    10. Moon Dogs books 
    11. The Big Secret Episode from Season 1
    12. Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching (What Works for Special-Needs Learners) by Anita L. Archer *Amazon affiliate link
    13.  Book a free call with us to tour our Patreon and see if it's right for you!
    14. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon


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    Etymology and Orthographic Study

    Etymology and Orthographic Study

    Shannon and Mary host a returning guest to the Reading Teachers Lounge @MindfulTeacherRachel, who you heard in Season 5 on the Schwa episode.   In this episode, Shannon, Mary, and Rachel talk about English word histories and how they may inform how a word is spelled.   Check out this discussion to get ideas for how to share word origin stories with your reading students and help students see how important morphology is in addition to sound symbol connections.


    1. Online Etymology Dictionary
    2. When is an O a Scribal O?
    3. Literacy Nest resource for Scribal O
    4. Scribal O video
    5. Latin Connective I
    6. Word Smarts: Van Cleave Vocabulary 
    7. Connecting Vowels
    8. Historical Layers of English: Reading Rockets
    9. IG Post from Laura.Loves.Teaching:   English Language Layer Cake 
    10. Scribal O slides by Laura Watkins 
    11. Real Spelling Toolbox
    12. Sounds & Syllables (Jason Wade) on Twitter
    13. Word Origins by John Ayto *Amazon affiliate link
    14. Once Upon a Word by Jess Zafarris *Amazon affiliate link
    15. Beneath the Surface of Words by Sue Scibetta Hegland *Amazon affiliate link
    16. And Sometimes Y by Rachel *Amazon affiliate link
    17. Short Vowel Protectors by Rachel *Amazon affiliate link
    18. Science of Reading book list (compiled by Rachel and others)
    19. Contact Rachel on Twitter @TeachRachelSOR
    20. contact Rachel on IG @MindfulTeacherRachel
    21. contact Rachel on TikTok @TeacherRachelSORSEL
    22. our SCHWA episode with Rachel from last season
    23. Book a free call with us to tour our Patreon and see if it's right for you!
    24. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon


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    Back to School Reflections and Plans

    Back to School Reflections and Plans

    Shannon and Mary meet again to begin the 6th season of the podcast.    They recap their summer activities in both professional and personal lives, update the audience on the plans they're making for their reading students this school year, and preview what's coming next in Season 6 of the podcast.


    1. Georgia Department of Education:  Dyslexia Information
    2. Great E-books about Structured Shared Reading & Writing and other guides Regarding Dyslexia
    3. Assessing Reading Multiple Measures from Core Literacy Library *Amazon affiliate link*
    4. Book a free call with us to tour our Patreon and see if it's right for you!
    5. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon


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    Summer Reading Tips

    Summer Reading Tips

    Shannon and Mary bring you a surprise bonus episode for Season 5.   They chat with Dr. Amanda Alexander from Scholastic about statistics about summer reading.   In the episode, they all share tips about how to make the most of the summer reading experience. 

    Note:  The research statistics cited were compiled by Scholastic in conjunction with Fluent Research.   The findings are based on a nationally representative sample of 1,724 parents and children, including 531 parents of children ages 0–5; 1,193 parents of children ages 6–17; plus one child aged 6–17 from the same household.


    1. Scholastic Summer Reading Home Base
    2. Scholastic Ultimate Summer Reading Guide
    3. Scholastic Kids and Family Reading Report
    4. How Educators Can Strengthen Summer Reading Connections with Families by Dr. Amanda Alexander
    5. Scholastic Warehouse Book Sale
    6. our Season 3 Episode 1:    Books as Windows, Doors, and Mirrors
    7. our Season 5 Episode 5:  Classroom Libraries
    8. Learning Ally: Audiobooks
    9. The Good Egg by Jory John *Amazon affiliate link*
    10. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon
    11. Educate & Rejuvenate June 27-28, 2023 <---This is the link for ALL the information and WHERE to sign up!
    12. Shannon's bundle of lesson plans for teaching syllables (You get this free if you upgrade to the Conference Platinum Pass!)


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    Season 5 Finale: Ends & Beginnings

    Season 5 Finale:   Ends & Beginnings

    Shannon and Mary meet up to review how season 5 of the podcast has gone.    They share some of the things they learned during the season and list some of their favorite episodes and guests.   They also chat about the school year as it winds down, their upcoming summer plans, and what is in store for the podcast in Season 6.    At the end of the episode, they're joined by Kelsey Sorenson from Wife Teacher Mommy to talk about the Educate and Rejuvenate event they're all participating in during June 2023.


    1. Season 5 Episode 4:  the Schwa with Mindful Teacher Rachel  
    2. Season 5 Episode 6:  Balancing It All with Linda Rhyne
    3. Season 5 Episode 7: The Reading Brain with Dr. Marnie Ginsberg
    4. Season 5 Episode 8:  Orthographic Mapping with Anna Geiger
    5. Season 5 Episode 9:  the Simple View of Reading and Beyond with Dr. Janet Mort
    6. Season 5 Episode 10:  Decodable Texts with Emily Gibbons
    7. Season 5 Episode 15:   Practical Tips for Reading Teachers with Jamie Sears
    8. Season 5 Episode 17:  Putting the Science of Reading Into Action
    9. Great E-books about Structured Shared Reading & Writing and other guides Regarding Dyslexia
    10. Get Literacy Support through our Patreon
    11. Educate & Rejuvenate June 27-28, 2023 <---This is the link for ALL the information and WHERE to sign up!
    12. Shannon's bundle of lesson plans for teaching syllables (You get this free if you upgrade to the Conference Platinum Pass!)


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    Putting the Science of Reading Into Action with Malia Hollowell from Playdough to Plato

    Putting the Science of Reading Into Action with Malia Hollowell from Playdough to Plato

    Shannon and Mary chat with Malia Hollowell (@Playdough2Plato) about her new book, Science of Reading In Action.    They summarize the big ideas within the Science of Reading for listeners and share practical actions teachers and parents can take to ensure they're doing best practices for students that are backed by literacy research.   After listening, you'll understand more about WHAT the SoR is, WHY it is important, and HOW to put it in action, no matter your literacy role.

    Episode Links for Resources mentioned:

    1. Science of Reading: Defining Guide from The Reading League
    2. White Paper-The Science of Reading (Zaner-Bloser)
    3. Timothy Shanahan:   What is the Science of Reading? (Reading Rockets)
    4. our Season 4 Episode about the Science of Reading
    5. The Science of Reading in Action by Malia Hollowell *Amazon affiliate link*
    6. Malia's website:  Playdough To Plato
    7. Connect with Malia on IG:  @playdough2plato
    8. Facebook group:  Science of Reading in Action


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    Teaching and Reaching Diverse Learners

    Practical Tips for Reading Teachers with guest Jamie Sears from Not So Wimpy Teacher

    Practical Tips for Reading Teachers with guest Jamie Sears from Not So Wimpy Teacher

    Shannon and Mary chat with Jamie Sears from Not So Wimpy Teacher about how to get more done as a reading teacher in less time.  Jamie shares practical tips for teachers from her newly published book titled How to Love Teaching Again.    Listeners will walk away with ideas on how to save time in preparing lesson plans, routines for lesson structure, easy grading techniques, and ways to simplify reading groups.  Check out this episode to find out how to make your jobs as reading teachers easier and more enjoyable!

    Episode Links for Resources:

    1. Jamie's book information and website
    2. How to Love Teaching Again by Jamie Sears *Amazon affiliate link*
    3. Reading Basics from Reading Rockets
    4. Classroom Management from Reading Rockets
    5. 5 Ways to Keep Reading Centers Running Smoothly (Chalk and Apples)
    6. How to Make Guided Reading Manageable (Scholastic)
    7. Launching Readers Workshop (The Curriculum Corner)
    8. Making Readers Workshop Work (ASCD)


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    Speaking and Listening Standards

    Speaking and Listening Standards

    Shannon and Mary read over and discuss the Speaking and Listening standards in Reading to develop a deeper understanding of how and why these standards exist and help the students grow in literacy.     They show how the standards develop in the depth of knowledge across the grade levels from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade.   They also share ideas of ways to embed Speaking and Listening standards practice in classroom routines and project-based learning.

    Episode Links for Resources:

    1. Common Core Standards
    2. Reading Rockets:   Speaking and Listening in Content Area Learning
    3. Speaking and Listening standards Utah
    4. Elementary Nest:   How to Fit in Daily Speaking and Listening Activities
    5. Education Week:  Helping English-Learners Meet the Common Core's Speaking and Listening Standards
    6. The CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards...in 20 days or Less!
    7. The Forgotten Strand in ELA:   Speaking and Listening
    8. 9 Big Ideas Within the Speaking and Listening Standards
    9. Let's Talk...About the Speaking and Listening Standards
    10. Listenwise:   A tool to build listening comprehension
    11. Teaching the Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards:  Strategies and Digital Tools by Kristen Swanson *Amazon affiliate link*
    12. Teaching the Core Skills of Listening & Speaking (ASCD) by Erik Palmer   *Amazon affiliate link*


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    Building Reading Fluency

    Building Reading Fluency

    Shannon chats with Stephanie Summers from Pride Reading Program about the topic of helping students build their reading fluency.    They talk about what skills go into a student's reading fluency.     They share ways to work on fluency with readers.     In their chat, they reference ideas from The Megabook of Fluency by Timothy Rasinski.

    Episode Links for Resources mentioned:

    1. What is fluency?
    2. Fluency methods
    3. Note from Timothy Raskinski
    4. The Megabook of Fluency by Timothy Raskinski *Amazon affiliate link*
    5. Reading Rockets: Reading Basics-Fluency
    6. Reading Rockets: Developing Fluent Readers
    7. Reading Plus-a reading fluency software
    8. The Measured Mom:   How to Improve Reading Fluency   
    9. FCRR Fluency Activities K & 1st Grade
    10. FCRR Fluency Activities 2nd & 3rd Grade
    11. FCRR Fluency Activities 4th & 5th Grade
    12. Google Docs Forced Copy of Shannon's created Weekly Fluency Rubric
    13. Pride Reading Program's Website
    14. Pride Reading Program on Facebook   
    15. Pride Reading Program on Instagram  


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    Building Vocabulary