
    Ready Set Growth - Inspiration for Teachers

    Nick aims to provide value to you and your classroom with his creative and imaginative approach to learning. If you are looking to add creative, engaging methods to your lessons or add more efficiencies with your time in the classroom podcast is for you.
    enNick Moskaluk99 Episodes

    Episodes (99)

    Provocation and Inquiry Learning

    Provocation and Inquiry Learning

    In this bonus episode, Nick joins Jessica Vance on her Instagram live segment "Going Further with Inquiry" to talk about his experience when using mathematical provocations and why everyone should be using them in their class. 

    - Tug of War http://www.pz.harvard.edu/resources/t...

    - Would You Rather?

    - Marilyn Burns https://mathsolutions.com/about-us/ma...

    - Kath Murdoch IG post on relationships https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjdyvv8N4...

    -Catherine Fosnot https://www.heinemann.com/authors/293... 📲

    https://www.readysetgrowthpodcast.com 📲

    Check out my IG for some key takeaways @jess_vanceedu


    How to Create a Student Driven Classroom

    How to Create a Student Driven Classroom

    In this episode Nick sits down with teacher author Mariam Plotinksy to discuss how teachers can take a step back and create lessons that put student explorations at the center of learning. If you have been looking for ways to hover less and let students take more ownership of the learning Mariam provides concrete ways to help you do that. 

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    https://www.edutopia.org/article/creating-classroom-student-not-teacher-driven - Edutopia

    Using Wordle in Math Class

    Using Wordle in Math Class

    In this episode of the Ready, Set, Growth podcast, Nick is joined by Crystal Fromer to discuss the integration of literacy-based activities, such as the wordle game, into math instruction. They explore how topics like probability and statistics can be taught through wordle, improving both students' wordle scores and their understanding of key concepts. Crystal shares her insights and recommendations from the book "Building Thinking Classrooms" by Dr. Peter Lijedahl. They also discuss new teaching strategies and activities that they are bringing into the classroom this year. Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own teaching practice.

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    https://www.edutopia.org/profile/crystal-frommert - Edutopia

    [00:01:32] Building Thinking Classrooms

    [00:04:05] Wordle's popularity across generations.

    [00:08:46] Competitiveness in the classroom.

    [00:12:11] Statistics and probability.

    [00:15:33] Distribution and bell curve.

    [00:19:25] Wheel of Fortune letter frequency.

    [00:23:00] Starting Wordle with kudzu.

    [00:27:30] Wordle etiquette and strategies.

    [00:29:35] Building thinking classrooms in math.

    How Teachers Can Use Provocations With Jessica Vance

    How Teachers Can Use Provocations With Jessica Vance

    If you have been looking for a way to include more conversation and subject discussion in your class join Nick as he sits down with Jessica Vance to break down how and why you should be using provocation in your daily/weekly routines. 

    Follow us on social media: www.readysetgrowthpodcast.com

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    https://bit.ly/2YWVW91 - Facebook 

    Follow our guest: 

    https://www.instagram.com/jess_vanceedu/ - Instagram

    https://leadingwithinquiry.squarespace.com/ - Website



    A Better First Day of School

    A Better First Day of School

    They say you never get a second chance at a first impression and the first day of school is no different. 

    If you are looking to have a great first day of school for this year, join Nick as he speak with Emma Chiapetta as she explains how the key to a great first day starts with high yield problem solving tasks. 

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    Follow our guest: 

    https://twitter.com/emmajchiappetta - Twitter

    https://www.edutopia.org/article/using-problem-solving-build-community-day-1 - Edutopia.org 

    Giving Feedback That Matters

    Giving Feedback That Matters

    If you have been looking for ideas for giving great feedback for your students, parents, and even colleagues join Nick has he speaks with his podcasting mentor Paul Mumford. 

    Nick and Paul sit down to talk about actionable ideas for how we deliver feedback with meaning and purpose. 

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    How Teachers Can Use Universal Design of Learning

    How Teachers Can Use Universal Design of Learning

    Join Nick as he sits down with fellow teacher podcast Michael Ralph to discuss "Universal Design for Learning" and how we can take steps to deliver lessons in a universal approach. 

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    How Teachers Can Co-Create Report Cards with Students

    How Teachers Can Co-Create Report Cards with Students

    Don't let writing incredibly personalized report cards overwhelm you, Join Nick as he shares the highlights from an Instagram live he did with Trevor Mackenzie about how every teacher can create the best report card comments for their students. 

    Nick and Trevor give easy-to-apply tips, tricks, and ideas for the best report card comments you will ever write. 

     Follow us on social media: www.readysetgrowthpodcast.com

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    https://www.trevormackenzie.com/ - Website 

    How Teachers Can Be Culturally Responsive

    How Teachers Can Be Culturally Responsive

    Have you ever thought about what culture is and its many impacts inside your classroom? 

    Being culturally responsive can feel like "one more thing to do" but it doesn't have to be. Having a culturally responsive approach is less about making wholesale changes and more about seeing how the small things add up to make a big difference. 


    Better Questions, Better Word Problems

    Better Questions, Better Word Problems
    The eternal question of "what makes a good" seem to always come up when we think about presenting our students with mathematical word problems. Join Nick as he talks with Braxton Hall about how we can all find, make and share better word problems.  Follow us on social media: www.readysetgrowthpodcast.com

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    https://twitter.com/Mr_Hall27  - Twitter

    https://www.edutopia.org/article/3-tips-creating-math-word-problems-boost-critical-thinking - website 

    Teacher Project Based Learning

    Teacher Project Based Learning
    Why do we do projects in our classes:
    1. To see what our students know
    2. How they display that knowledge
    3. To expressive creative thought
    The list goes on, but what if we did the project alongside our students what might we REALLY learn from them, and with them. Might we have a better understanding of their learning, and who they are as young adults.  What if we learned things we didn't expect, what if by doing projects at the same time and with our students we created stronger bonds. Join Nick as he explores how doing a recent project with his 9s strengthen bonds and furthered something even more important than marks/grades. 

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    Are Your Students Losing Interest in a Project?

    Are Your Students Losing Interest in a Project?
    Have you ever started a great project, or what you thought was going to be a great project only to have student engagement fall of somewhere along the way? Join Nick as he breaks down how we can keep students invested and highly engaged with his guest Kristy Lathrop. 

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    https://mobile.twitter.com/KristyLathrop - Twitter

    https://www.lathroplearning.com/ - website 

    https://www.appliedcoaching.org/post/how-to-maintain-student-interest-in-a-project-borrow-strategies-from-science-classrooms - Article 


    Meaning Over Memorizing

    Meaning Over Memorizing

    Have you been looking for ways to move past only relying memorization as a learning tool in your class. Join Nick as he sits down with Kasey Short to discuss ways to move the needle on meaningful learning and building confidence. 

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    https://www.edutopia.org/profile/kasey-short - Profile

    Take Over with Crystal Frommert

    Take Over with Crystal Frommert

    Join this month's second guest Crystal Frommert as she takes over the podcast to interview instructional coach Moira Burgy to discuss how we can be better every day for our students. 

    This episode is a great reminder of how important the little things are in life and in our classroom to make the most of our time with our students. 

    What do Marks Have to do With Learning?

    What do Marks Have to do With Learning?

    Marks, grades, and report card comments are a fact of life but if they didn't need to be the entire focus of our teaching, what could we accomplish with our students? 

    Join Nick as he sits down with the teacher, administrator, and learning coach Crystal Frommert to discuss how we can take steps to move from grade-based focus to learning and most importantly a learning-based approach to our classroom. 

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    https://www.edutopia.org/profile/crystal-frommert - profile

    https://www.instagram.com/crystal.frommert/ - Instagram


    The Importance of Rough Draft Math

    The Importance of Rough Draft Math

    Many students, especially those in middle school, only share their thinking in math class when they’re sure they have the right answer. Getting our kids to see their thinking and process just as important as arriving at answers is what rough draft math is all about. 

    Join Nick as he speaks with Dr. Amanda Jansen, teacher, professor, and author of Rough Draft Math as they break down how we can bring a rough draft planning approach to our classroom. 

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    https://www.instagram.com/mandyjansen/ - Instagram

    https://jansenamanda.wixsite.com/professional - Website 

    The Interactive Classroom, Usable Teacher Tech

    The Interactive Classroom, Usable Teacher Tech

    If you have been looking for a new piece of technology to add to your teacher tech toolbox look no further than Nick's conversation with two of the best in the industry. 

    Teachers, speaker, bloggers and authors of "The Interactive Classroom" Joe and Kristin Merrill join Nick to talk all things useful technology for any teachers unique needs. 

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    https://www.themerrillsedu.com/ - Website 

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    Meaningful Learning Through Discussion in Math

    Meaningful Learning Through Discussion in Math

    Join Nick as he sits down with fellow podcaster and math specialist Mona Lehl to discuss how we can ask our students better questions and more engaging tasks for deep learning. 

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    Follow our guest: 

    https://www.instagram.com/local.learners/?hl=en - Instagram

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    https://honestmathchat.libsyn.com/the-first-episode - website