

    G'day, I'm Kat John, Authenticity Coach and Keynote Speaker. Through sharing real guidance, raw truths and relatable stories, this podcast is here to help you powerfully manage the shit storm in your head, so you can listen to your heart and focus on what matters. Only real talk lives here - no highlight reels. New episodes are released on Monday's. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it.
    en-auKat John258 Episodes

    Episodes (258)

    The Most Overlooked Spiritual Practice

    The Most Overlooked Spiritual Practice

    Back in the day, all I did was THE practice that I thought would "make me more spiritual." I thought that by doing the 'thing' that it would mean I am more spiritual, when in fact, there is no such thing as being 'more spiritual'.

    If I heard someone had been in Kathmandu meditating, I'd think, "well there more spiritual than me!" When I watched Eat Pray Love, I thought, "that's what I need to do to be more spiritual!" The shit I spun to myself I can laugh about now, but it really did send me into a tailspin and I was overlooking the single most important practice that reminded me that as I am, I already am Spirit.

    Sharing this episode in the hope that it serves you on your path and that it resonates.

    No matter where you are in the world, Monthly Sessions Live & Online allows for us to come together in-real time to have real chats, deeply enquire and share space with one another. Head here for the upcoming session dates!

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Kat & Steve: Relationships & Independence

    Kat & Steve: Relationships & Independence

    Steve and I firmly believe that what contributes to our relationship being solid and built on deep trust, is that we are not dependent on one another. We have our own unique interests and aren't keen on dragging the other person along. I love going to dance classes, Steve loves riding his motorbike for example. We are two independent individuals who love being together, doing our thing together and also, doing what we love individually, apart.

    I love watching the sun set and sitting there for a while longer. When I've asked Steve to come, he's usually fidgety and ready to leave as soon as the sun sets. I could (and have) judged him, make him 'wrong for me' because of it and try and make him be present to enjoy the moment more. Or, I could realise that this is my thing, go with my two doggies, sit there and enjoy it for myself. 

    He loves building giant size lego. He could ask me to sit there and join him or keep him company whilst he builds. Or, he could realise that lego is his thing and get lost in his world of building and enjoy it for himself. These are small examples, I know, but the niggles and the 'making the other' do something that is your own joy often starts small and grows.

    We have our common loves like hiking, going on new adventures, seeing new parts of the world and dancing at parties or weddings. We treasure our joined loves and leave the rest to our own individual selves to enjoy.

    No matter where you are in the world, Monthly Sessions Live & Online allows for us to come together in-real time to have real chats, deeply enquire and share space with one another. Head here for the upcoming session dates!

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    I Needed A Break From Being "In Control"

    I Needed A Break From Being "In Control"

    After five days at Gwinganna Retreat, I found my joyful, playful, light-hearted Kat again. Prior to going, I was in 'just get it done' mode, serious mode, no time for joy mode. 

    I have created an enriched life by choice that has space and time to 'do my life', yet I couldn't see it. My lens on life was task orientated, tick it off, next!

    The last five days gave me space from control Kat and I could see more clearly why she was out and what I needed to give her to ease back into softness, ease and playfulness. My inner child doesn't cope well with change and her first thing to make change okay is to control the environment. I remembered that as adult Kat, it's my responsibility to nurture little Kat during those times, hold her close and let her know that I've got it, and her. 

    This is now my practice. 

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    What It Really Means to "Enjoy The Journey"

    What It Really Means to "Enjoy The Journey"

    I was asked a question recently, and it was, "when you go for your goals, what do you hope to achieve?" Immediately I replied, "to actually the enjoy the journey along the way."

    Yes, that sounds wanky and cliche, but it's true. I read the quotes and cognitively 'got' that it's about the journey and not only the destination, but when I put this into for real practice, a greater respect came about for the blood, sweat and tears (and lol's) that take place along the road to whatever is you're going for. That in the blood, the sweat, the tears, the lol's, the digging deep and widening of capacity, that is where the real juice is. 

    Today's episode shares about this. Hope you find it relatable. 

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Being "With" Reality

    Being "With" Reality

    I’m currently in the practice of bringing myself back to reality, as in, what’s happening right in front of me and around me. Not what I think is in front of me or what I think is happening around me, but what is right there.  

    This is to help me get out of the stories running through my head and the meanings I’m about to make reality mean, which has the potential to hate  on my reality, when I may in fact not need to. 

    It's to help me manage my output, my energy and how I can either choose to infect the room with my mood, or, choose to contribute to the 'all-goodness' that is taking place in the room. 

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Seven Game Changing Words

    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Seven Game Changing Words

    It's been a big month for us. Our richness of time has shifted to strained time, due to high workload and  changes in family dynamics. This has challenged our relationship as the space we previously had changed overnight and we've been adapting to our new reality as best we can. 

    The other day, Steve and I were running hot, and we were doing our best to not unleash our inner assholes and take our frustrations out on one another. One harsh word or tone of voice would have sent us over the edge - the tension was building up. When I was in the shower Steve said seven words that allowed for a shift to take place. He asked, "is there something we need to clear?"

    Shit yeah there was, but uninterrupted time was capped. I sent him a message a while later, sharing, clearing, venting. Underneath all of that was that I missed him. So we took luscious time for ourselves and went for a hike, just us, reconnected, created a plan we both felt aligned to and sat amongst the rocks and trees. And so on we go with a new reality with strength, alignment and connected. 

    Sunday Meds - 29th October - Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 21st November - Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    3 spaces are open to work with me one-to-one.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    How Can You Rest If You Have Guilt About Resting?

    How Can You Rest If You Have Guilt About Resting?

    The other morning, I was eating my breakfast and watching Seinfeld. That's not my usual thing to do, but I was sick and wanted to sit snuggled up in my grey trackies, nom-nom-noming on my cereal with Bailey and Daisy sitting next to me. Ah, heaven. 

    Except the thoughts in my head weren't a fan of this. The doer in me, the achiever, the come on, get it done in me did a great job at attempting to make me feel like a lazy loser. Cool, thanks for interrupting my joyful moment!

    Today's episode goes into the very funny but also mean-girl dialogue in my head, how I handled it and offers a few suggestions for you if you find it difficult to rest at times. Enjoy!

    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

    Support the show
    en-auAugust 21, 2023

    Trusting the Current 'Flow'

    Trusting the Current 'Flow'

    It seems my body ain't done with taking it slow, but I tell you, my ego is DONE with it. 

    After a week of rest and honouring my body, I was like, "yes, let's do this world!" And then bam, I got my step-daughter's cold (thanks Ally-bum). All the shit I didn't do the week before I was eager to sink my teeth into, plus get back to Life Hub and lift them weights. But alas, my body said, 'rest human, rest some more.' 

    The current of flow that presented itself to me was slow, quiet, conserve energy kind of flow. The current of flow I wanted was let's go, let's lift, let's pick up the pace. In the past, I'd have pushed through and forced the flow I wanted. Now, I know better to respect what's needed. 

    Today's episode shares light on my new found perspective on 'going with the flow'.

    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Holding Yourself Tenderly

    Holding Yourself Tenderly

    It's been one week since the life awakening moment with the man on the beach. A week of managing my body and mind's response. I've been doing some reading about the normal and natural responses after delivering CPR and it's been a nice reminder that how I've been feeling is indeed, normal. 

    I've been doing nothing, so the doing can be done. Rest has been my best friend. Sleep has been my companion. Laying in the sun has been my healer. Talking to trusted friends and peers has been my warm blanket. Space, quiet and time has been my medicine. 

    To be able to honour the body by listening to it and tending to it, and not give power to the thoughts that say, "get up you lazy woman, get on with it, you're weak", has been the greatest gift of all. There is so much magic in the simplest remedies. 

    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

    HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

    Transpersonal Counsellor

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    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Really Being There

    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Really Being There

    **This episode speaks of an incident that includes the medical intervention of CPR. Please be mindful when listening and check-in with yourself if you feel okay to listen / read on. 

    I've spoken many times about being a believer of the right time, right place, right person and having deep respect and trust for this way of life. Last week, all the right things led to being in the right place at the right time to help save a man's life. 

    After a poor sleep the night before, I cancelled the gym and chose to listen to my body and rest. Steve woke up and was about to take the dogs for a walk and I said, "give me 15 minutes of shut eye and I'll come!" When we walked out the door, Steve suggested to walk the canal due to being time poor and I said, "nah, let's do the beach, we'll make it home in time." 

    All those little happenings that we were open to allowed for us to be on the beach. As we walked back home, Steve noticed a man on the path, surrounded by incredible humans who were doing all they could to save his life. I ran over to see what was going on and as an ex nurse, could see quickly that this could go either way really quickly. I relieved the woman who was giving CPR, all of us saying to him, "come on mate, come on buddy, stay with us, stay with us." Then, he took a breath. 

    Since recording the episode, I have spoken to his wife on the phone, a moment I'll never forget. He is alive, well, walking and hopefully heading home soon. My respect and trust in listening to our inner voice that leads us to the right time, right place, right person has only deepened more. Still processing this one. 

     With regards to this episode and relationships, I couldn't thank Steve more if I tried for holding space for immediately after this experience and in the days following. 

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    Trusting In The Work You’ve Done On Yourself

    Trusting In The Work You’ve Done On Yourself

    There comes a time where the solo work we do to unravel, peel and strip back our lives, patterns and thinking comes to a natural end. A time where we are called to come out of our sacred cocoon and ‘play’ with life and others with our new found perspective and next layer of authentic self intact.

    Your ego can resist this, pushing life and others away which stems from a lack of trust in who you are. It’ll sell you stories that you might “lose yourself again” and keep up an invisible wall, blocking out love, opportunities and the chance to test your new found self in the world.

    After years of pleasing everyone but myself, I journeyed hard into coming back to myself. I too feared letting people in because, “what if I stop meditating? What if I stop working out? What if I lose connection to spirit?” This way of thinking kept me isolated way longer than necessary and it all came down to not trusting that I had myself.

    This resistance is a normal response, one to acknowledge, sit with and respect. But also one to not let fool you into not believing that you can indeed have love with another AND honour yourself.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    The Egos Lines of Defence

    The Egos Lines of Defence

    I was speaking to a client the other day in a one-to-one session. She shared with me her writings from a meditation that had her access her heart and what she longs for. Immediately she said, "but who am I to have this? Who do I think I am?"

    That's when I spoke to her about the egos lines of defence and it's multilayered approach in preventing you from receiving and experiencing what deeply matters. I asked her what her first line of defence was. She replied, "my ego cares what others think." I said, "let's say you broke through that limiting belief, what's the second line of defence waiting to block you?"  She very quickly told me the stories and beliefs that came up immediately and we continued to do this until there were no further obvious lines of defence. 

    This is a great way to see the intricate ways your ego armours up and defends itself, the way things are and what it deems safe or unsafe. Listen to the full episode for further insights and how to get clear on your own lines of defence. 

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    The Stories We Play Out In Our Head When Waiting For A Reply

    The Stories We Play Out In Our Head When Waiting For A Reply

    That space between sending a text or email and waiting for the response for something we deem, or is, important, whether it be a job application, making the first move on bumble or asking someone out on a date, can send us bat shit na-nas.

    "OMG, they haven't written back, I shouldn't have sent it!"

    The ego's response when we find ourselves waiting anxiously for a response can lead to us questioning ourselves, doubt our worth, and experience heightened insecurities during these moments (hello old wounds resurfacing).

    Our human instinct is to seek resolution and regain a sense of comfort, or possibly control, when faced with uncertainty. We apply coping mechanisms to manage the discomfort, from refreshing our inbox obsessively, re-reading our text or email to dissect every word and its meaning, to crafting alternative scenarios in our minds.

    Today's episode is a reminder that it is okay to wig out. Even if you'd done all the work in the world and wig out, it's okay. We want to do our best to slow this automated response down by asking ourselves some important questions.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Kat & Steve - Relationships & The Ongoing Work

    Kat & Steve - Relationships & The Ongoing Work

    I held a pretty firm belief that once I found 'true love', it'd be smooth sailing and easy breezy. That when you meet, 'the one', you'll both just get each other and problems won't exist because you're 'so aligned'. What a reality check I was in for!

    If anything, there was more work to put in as there were now two humans with their own ego's, views of the world, belief systems, values and all the rest coming together to cohabit, plus the added layer of children and step children. 

    Today's episode with Steve shares the realness of relationships and what's really involved when coming together AND staying together. 

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Mini Coaching Series #4 & Med - Honouring the practice, slowly & steadily

    Mini Coaching Series #4 & Med - Honouring the practice, slowly & steadily

    Okay, it's the final week of the mini coaching series on, "What do you know you need to be in the practice of?"

    Week 1 you determined what you need to be in the practice of and what your next best step is to be in the practice of that practice. 
    Week 2 we took a look at what to do when your head or environments gets in the way of your practice. 
    Week 3 we focused on three self reflection questions to check in with how your current practice is aiding your life, what it's teaching you and what's possible if you continue to stick to it.
    Today we look at how to honour your practice, slowly, surely and steadily.

    I hope you've enjoyed this mini coaching series and gained great insights from tuning into yourself, asking the right questions and putting your answers into action. 

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Mini Coaching Series #3 & Med - Self reflect to stay on track

    Mini Coaching Series #3 & Med - Self reflect to stay on track

    We're in week 3 of the mini coaching series, an exciting four-week mini coaching series on, "What do you know you need to be in the practice of?"

    The first week you determined what you need to be in the practice of and what your next best step is to be in the practice of that practice. Last week we took a look at what to do when your head or environments gets in the way of your practice. Today, we focus on three self reflection questions to check in with how your current practice is aiding your life, what it's teaching you and what's possible if you continue to stick to it.

    In this explorative and much needed journey, I'll be offering you self-enquiry questions, powerful meditations, and check-ins each week to keep you on track and aligned with what truly matters to you. 

    Each episode will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you align with a meaningful practice that honours your deepest aspirations. Together we'll dig deep, tune-in and take intentional action as we honour what's important, and stay curious as to why we might sabotage. 

    Stay tuned for the last episode of this series and be sure to have a journal and pen by your side each episode.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Mini Coaching Series #2 & Med - When your head gets in the way of your practice

    Mini Coaching Series #2 & Med - When your head gets in the way of your practice

    We're in week 2 of the mini coaching series, an exciting four-week mini coaching series on, "What do you know you need to be in the practice of?"

    Last week you determined what you need to be in the practice of and what your next best step is to be in the practice of that practice. This week, we focus on what to do when "life, others and your own head" gets in the way of your practice.

    In this explorative and much needed journey, I'll be offering you self-enquiry questions, powerful meditations, and check-ins each week to keep you on track and aligned with what truly matters to you. 

    Each episode will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you align with a meaningful practice that honours your deepest aspirations. Together we'll dig deep, tune-in and take intentional action as we honour what's important, and stay curious as to why we might sabotage. 

    Stay tuned for the next two episodes and be sure to have a journal and pen by your side each episode.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Mini Coaching Series #1 & Med - What do you know you need to be in the practice of?

    Mini Coaching Series #1 & Med - What do you know you need to be in the practice of?

    Welcome to an exciting four-week mini coaching series on, "What do you know you need to be in the practice of?"

    In this explorative and much needed journey, I'll be offering you self-enquiry questions, powerful meditations, and check-ins each week to keep you on track and aligned with what truly matters to you.

    Each episode will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you align with a meaningful practice that honours your deepest aspirations. Together we'll dig deep, tune-in and take intentional action as we honour what's important, and stay curious as to why we might sabotage.

    Stay tuned for the next four episodes and be sure to have a journal and pen by your side each time.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Calling In Your Ideal Partner

    Kat & Steve - Relationships & Calling In Your Ideal Partner

    Before we met, we had a pretty gnarly list of who we wanted to attract into our lives. Both our lists were specific in what the person looked like, what they had, how old they'd be and more. What both our lists didn't have was the essence of the person we wanted to be with and what the energy of our relationship felt like.

    Steve and I were friends and sought one another for dating advice. We couldn't even see that the person our hearts were seeking was right in front of us because we were list focused at that time.

    In today's episode we share what was on our lists, who we attracted in as a result and the wound that kept creating those lists to keep our hearts safe. We also speak about how we both shifted from our heads and into our hearts, and how that led to us being together.

    Sunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!
    ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.
    As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. 

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Beneath The CBF Vibes

    Beneath The CBF Vibes

    Prior to most work engagements, I have self talk that says, "I can't be bothered." It's a lazy, meh kinda energy I'm carrying around and I watch and observe it. 

    What I've realised and accepted over the last nine years of business is that no matter how on path I am or how epic an opportunity may be, there's a part of me (the ego) that resists the work. But why?

    In today's episode I share what's beneath my CBF vibes prior to events, speaking engagements, coaching, recording podcasts, THE LOT! and how I manage it. There's an underlying narrative that is running, looking to convince me that this is not my path, "because if it was your path Kat, you'd be stoked all the time!" 

    Don't let it fool you out of doing what you love at the level of your heart. 

    ZEROFKS Dance Party -  23rd May, Melbourne, Australia. Sign up here!

    WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.

    SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.

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    Support the show