
    Reality Check Nation Radio Show

    We cover the hard issues that people like to candy coat...
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    Episodes (22)

    Reality Check Nation commercial

    Reality Check Nation commercial
    Teens are not one hundred percent of our population, but they are one hundred percent of our future. The statistics on poor choices some teens make are staggering. The solutions to the problems our teens face are not necessarily difficult to implement, but parents need to know how to access them and get support to follow through. And teens need to know they are loved regardless of those poor choices. Each week hosts Sean Mulroney and John Martin interview parents, teens, celebrities, sports stars, and experts who have been affected by the dangerous consequences of bad choices. Sean and John cover the issues that people often candy coat, not by just revealing the problem, but by focusing on pursuing a solution. They strive to care and make a difference in every listener’s life. Tune in every Monday from eleven a.m until two p.m. to Reality Check Nation, here on Westplex News Talk 1280.

    Reality Check Nation Mothers On a Mission (Mama bear effect)

    Reality Check Nation Mothers On a Mission (Mama bear effect)
    Women set the temperature of society, culture, community, and homes The role of women in community development can be crucial to the health of a society. According to some sociologists, women make many of the decisions that determine a household's participation in the community, including healthcare, educational, and cultural decisions. In many families, women often decide where the family will shop, what schools and activities children will attend, and the extent to which the family will participate in community events. As a powerful decision-making force, women are often well acquainted with the pros and cons of their community, and may be in a good position to analyze how best to improve society. As members of community development organizations such as outreach programs, parent-teacher associations, cultural societies, and city planning boards, women can use the knowledge they garner from household decisions to make a substantive contribution to the future of their city or town. Some sociologists also claim that the way women process information, prioritize, and plan, may be highly beneficial to community development. In general, women may be likely to consider community development as a holistic process, in which the goal is the improvement of society for everyone. Furthermore, some studies suggest that many women work better as collaborators and teammates, making them ideal candidates for community organizations in which decisions must be made together. While these tendencies are far from universal, increasing the role of women in community development can lead to more cooperative organizations that seek to improve life for all citizens.

    Reality Check Nation Equipping Teens with Character

    Reality Check Nation Equipping Teens with Character
    Why do today's teens answer the question, "What is character?" with good looking? Since when did physical appearance become a character trait? Society and pop culture send messages like: It's all about me. Sex outside of marriage is the norm. Girls must dress sexy to be attractive. What's at stake with this kind of thinking? Our culture's moral compass — and our sons and daughters' future. Can we help our teens reclaim Christian values so their lives make an impact? Yes. Our influence still matters. The teenage years are a time of self-discovery for most people, and that stage of life can be difficult to navigate for some people. Teenagers can be quite self-absorbed, so it is good to show them that there are other things in life that are important. Character-building is planned & doesn't happen by accident. It is up to us as adults to instill character in the next generation whether they are your children or your students, so that they can learn some important life lessons.

    Reality Check Nation Times have Changed - Teenagers Haven't!

    Reality Check Nation Times have Changed - Teenagers Haven't!
    Times have changed, but teens still need someone on their side. Today’s teenager is said to love luxury, have bad manners, have no respect for elders, don’t take school seriously and have contempt for authority. “Times have changed,” it has been said, and today’s teenagers have changed to reflect the changing times. Before we take a look at today’s teenagers, let’s look at the influences acting on the adolescent stage perhaps since the beginning of the human race. These influences were present on our grandparents and parents when they were teenagers. Times have not changed the following observation: Adolescence seems to be a time of seeking status as an individual, an attempt to emancipate the youth from childish submission to parental authority. It is during this time that the teenager is asking in a serious manner, “who am I and how am I different from my parents and perhaps from every other teenager?” Adolescence tends to be a time when group relationships become of major importance. The adolescent is very anxious to attain status with and recognition by his age mates. He tends to desire intensely, to conform to the actions and standards of his peer group. There is much security in conformity. Adolescence is a time of rapid physical development and growth. Teenagers must adjust to changes in body image, primary and secondary sexual development, coordination, increases and decreases in appetite, quick shifts in need for rest and physical activity. Much physical and psychic energy is spent trying to cope with school, with peers, and with parents. School is viewed as a very artificial environment for the teenager. It is physically restrictive and unnatural to their desires for activity. Of course, they must also accept pubertal changes and adjust to psycho-sexual needs within the framework of societal expectations. Adolescence seems to be a time for complex intellectual and cognitive development. Believe it or not, teenagers are capable of mental functions equal to most adults, and better than some adults. They lack experience, however, to go with their new found intellectual capacity. Unfortunately, they often reject the experience offered by adults. Within the development of thought and thinking, many adolescents lack immediate motivation for academics, studying and performing “up to their capacity in school.”

    Reality Check Nation What's on the mind of a teenager/John Berlin

    Reality Check Nation What's on the mind of a teenager/John Berlin
    The best way for a parent and adult to understand a teenager is to hear what they have to say. They know what's going on in their culture. Teens have a built in lie detector, they know if an adult is genuine or not. So, in this episode you will hear what they have to say. Plus we have John Berlin who made a video plea to Facebook to make the Facebook movie in honor of his son Jesse who passed away.

    Reality Check Nation Fathers: the missing link of society

    Reality Check Nation Fathers: the missing link of society
    The growing epidemic of fatherless families has taken a grave toll on children, both young and old, in the form of emotional, social, spiritual, academic, physical, criminal, and suicidal issues later on in life. There is no doubt that we live in a fatherless generation. We either have fathers that are absent physically or mentally, and relinquish there responsibilities, fathers aren't taught to be fathers, or teens are becoming fathers prematurely. It's time for fathers to step to the plate and start teaching and training your sons, those that don't have a father it's time us as men to step in and mentor them, & teens need to wait until they are married, have a job, & not living off their parents Adolescent fathers have remained an understudied and underserved population.1 While teen fatherhood appears to be associated with similar consequences to those observed for teen mothers,2 most national programs serving low-income families focus on mothers rather than fathers.3 Recently, attempts to include young fathers in services have increased, but relatively few programs for young fathers exist.4

    Reality Check Nation Demo

    Reality Check Nation Demo
    Reality Check Nation fulfills the promise of "getting real on every level". The 2-hour radio program features stories, advice, inspirational insight, and gets right to the point. It spares no details about the gruesome effects of growing problems in this generation such as the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and harmful practices such as bullying, self-injury, and much, much more. It's funny, serious, educational and filled with attitude. Each week the hosts Sean Mulroney and John Martin interview parents, teens, celebrities, sports stars, and experts who have been affected by the dangerous consequences of bad choices. Sean and John cover the issues that people often candy coat, not by just revealing the problem, but by focusing on pursuing a solution. They strive to care and make a difference in every listener’s life. Reality Check Nation targets pre teen, teens, parents, and families and the rapidly growing list of advertisers interested in connecting with the largest group of teens and parents in U.S. history.

    Reality Check Nation The Struggles of Single Parenting

    Reality Check Nation The Struggles of Single Parenting
    The struggles of a single parent Regardless of family structure, the quality of parenting is one of the best forecasters of children's emotional and social well-being. Many single parents, however, find it difficult to function effectively as parents. Compared with continuously married parents, they tend to be less emotionally supportive of their children, have fewer rules, dispense harsher discipline, are more inconsistent in bestowing discipline, provide less supervision, and engage in more conflict with their children. Many of these shortfalls in parenting presumably result from struggling to make ends meet with limited financial resources and trying to raise children without the help of the other biological parent. Many studies link incompetent parenting by single parents with a variety of negative outcomes among children, including poor academic achievement, emotional problems, behavior problems, low self-esteem, and problems forming and maintaining social relationships. **Today, one-third of American children – a total of 15 million – are being raised without a father. Nearly five million more children live without a mother. According to the Single Parent Success Foundation, a national nonprofit that encourages educational opportunities for single parents: • 63 percent of suicides nationwide are individuals from single-parent families. • 75 percent of children in chemical dependency hospitals are from single-parent families. • More than half of all youths incarcerated in the U.S. lived in one-parent families as a child.

    RCN Child Sex Trafficking right in our backyard

    RCN Child Sex Trafficking right in our backyard
    What is Sex Trafficking? The Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act defines the crime of human trafficking as: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act where such an act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. Domestic minor sex trafficking occurs when a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident minor are commercially sexually exploited. Children can be commercially sexually exploited through prostitution, pornography, and or erotic entertainment. Commercial aspects of the sexual exploitation is critical to separating the crime of trafficking from sexual assault, molestation or rape. Commercial sex act is the giving or receiving of anything of value (money, drugs, shelter, food, clothes, etc.) to any person in exchange for a sex act. The age of the victim is the critical issue, there is no requirement to prove force, fraud, or coercion was used to secure the victim’s actions. The law recognizes the effect of psychological manipulation by the trafficker, as well as the effect of threat of harm which traffickers/pimps use to maintain control over their young victims. Now that we have all the legalese out and defined, we can start talking about the Who, What, Where, Why, and Hows. Who are the victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking? Kids are especially susceptible to the deception and manipulation of traffickers. Traffickers recruit at locations that commonly attract youth, like schools, malls, parks, protective shelters,and group homes. Over 1.68 million American kids run away each year and become targets for traffickers. About 85% of DMST victims have experienced contact with the child welfare system, according to a New York Study. Boys and girls can be victims and the number one factor of vulnerability is the child’s age. Human trafficking in the U.S. is a $9.8 Billion industry. At least 100,000 US children are exploited in prostitution every year in America. Thirteen years old is the average age a child is first exploited through prostitution. The traffickers are called pimps and more than 90% of victims are under the control of a pimp. Pimps commonly sell girls for $400.00 an hour or more. I have seen the research indicating that the majority of pimps control about 1-5 girls and can sell the girls several times a day. This has become more profitable than selling drugs. We need to protect our children, It can, has and will happen in our backyard.

    Reality Check Nation Viewing youth problems from behind the badge

    Reality Check Nation Viewing youth problems from behind the badge
    The United States has been fighting a losing war against drugs for decades. Budgets have increased dramatically over the last two decades and drug-related incarcerations consistently reach new records yet drug problems worsen: adolescent drug abuse is increasing, overdose deaths are at record levels, heroin and cocaine are cheaper, more pure and more available than ever before, and health problems related to drugs, especially the spread of HIV/AIDS are mounting. Meanwhile an expensive and ineffective international counter narcotics policy entails growing human rights and environmental costs. Drug problems can be reduced at less cost if we change course and adopt strategies that work. At a time when the federal budget is limited programs need to be re-evaluated. Funding needs to go to programs that work. We need new ideas to save lives – we can't afford to continue to be wrong.

    Reality Check Nation From a Tragic Statistic to a Triumphant Success

    Reality Check Nation From a Tragic Statistic to a Triumphant Success
    It is said that the most crucial decisions you will ever make is between the ages of 18-24 (College, career, & mariage) It is so important for a teen to have structure and stability and the need to take life seriously; to understand the process of making good choices while they are young. The informative years should be the testing & truing ground not when they are 18-24 We need to train teens for success... The voices of bad choices are getting louder & louder that when we were teens. While there are lots of kids making good choices, teenage behavior indicates far too many are traveling through adolescence and into adulthood without making good decisions. There are the "will I or won't I" decisions all kids face. Usually related to moral and ethical dilemmas, the negative fruit of their decisions can be seen in some of the current statistics on teen behavior. By the time they reach their senior year in high school, over 65% will have had sexual intercourse. Almost 55% will have used some illicit drug. Over 70% of high school students and 54% of middle school students admit to cheating during the prior 12 months.

    Reality Check Nation Silence the Violence

    Reality Check Nation Silence the Violence
    Teen violence is a heart issue not a hardware issue If we don't listen to teens, they'll do something to be heard and that something could be an act of violence. Teen violence is a very real occurrence, and violent crimes are committed by teens regularly. Thirty-two percent of kids, according to a 2011 survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, admit to having taken part in a physical fight. Whether you have concerns about bullying, verbal insults, physical aggression or the use of guns, teen violence is something no one should tolerate. Violence on our public school campuses is increasing at an alarming rate. It has been a loud noise ringing through our schools and in the ears of teenagers that are on edge. It seems as though teenagers have no concept of the value of life; from the school yard shootings, gangs, bullying, dating violence and the list goes on. With the violence so out of control, we have to get the youth of America to start taking a stand against the violence in America and silence the violence.

    Reality Check Nation The Weapon of Drinking & Driving

    Reality Check Nation The Weapon of Drinking & Driving
    YOU can be that weapon anytime you drive after drinking. You could hurt yourself, an innocent bystander, or someone you love. How’s this? Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. On any given weekend evening, one in 10 drivers on America’s roads has been drinking. Is underage drinking a problem One out of 10 children ages 12 and 13 uses alcohol at least once a month. In a single year, 522 children under age 14 were arrested for driving while intoxicated, (113 of them were under 10 years old). 70 percent of all teenagers drink alcohol. 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related.

    Reality Check Digital Dangers

    Reality Check Digital Dangers
    WHAT EVER YOU DO ONLINE IS THERE FOREVER... The first step to keeping your preteens and teens safe on the Internet is to find out what they’re doing online to make sure they’re behaving respectfully and responsibly. Talk to them about what’s appropriate to say to others, what kind of content is okay to upload and download, and what kinds of interactions are important to avoid. Helping your children become responsible digital citizens is what will ultimately keep them safe online.

    Reality Check Fake Pot, Real Danger

    Reality Check Fake Pot, Real Danger
    While Spice has been around a bit longer than bath salts — experts say it first appeared in the U.S. in 2004 — the word didn’t go out on the dangers of the drug until a couple of years ago. The problem being that most people assumed that, as a copy of marijuana, spice couldn’t be that worrisome. But they were wrong. Widely sold in gas stations, liquor stores, convenient stores, head shops and smoke shops, as well as online. Teens are getting high on an emerging drug called "fake weed," a concoction also known as K2 and "spice" that is also causing hallucinations, vomiting, agitation and other dangerous effects.

    Reality Check Breakdown of Parent/Teen Relationships Part 1

    Reality Check Breakdown of Parent/Teen Relationships Part 1
    Society has taught both parents and teens that they don't need to respect each other. There needs to be mutual respect. Parents need to be parents, not prison wardens or friends. Teens need to honor their parents. Communication lines should be kept open. Teens need to know their parents love them. Too often though, parents are busy with their careers and their needs. They give their kids material stuff but they don't give enough of themselves. Parents think their kids do not know anything and kids think they know it all.

    Reality Check D.W.I. (Driving While InTEXTICATED)

    Reality Check D.W.I. (Driving While InTEXTICATED)
    Driving while Texting Six Times More Dangerous than Driving while Drunk Driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).1 The federal agency reports that sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent -- when traveling at 55 mph -- of driving the length of an entire football field while blindfolded. Texting and driving is now the new drinking and driving...

    Reality Check Bullying 2.0

    Reality Check Bullying 2.0
    The distancing effect that technological devices have on today’s youth often leads them to say and do crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional face-to-face bullying situation. While bullying and cyberbullying are often similar in terms of form and technique they also have many differences. Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying allows the offender to mask his or her identity behind a computer. This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike blows against a victim without having to see the victim’s physical response.

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