
    Reasoning Through the Bible

    Taking a cue from Paul, Reasoning Through the Bible is an expository style walk through the Scriptures that tells you what the Bible says. Reviewing both Old and New Testament books, as well as topical subjects, the hosts methodically show how Scripture is one cohesive story. Critical Thinking with a little bit of theology and apologetics and you have what this podcast is about. Just like Paul on Mars Hill, Christianity today must address woke, deconstruction, and progressive Christianity, all topics that are addressed if we go purposefully through the Bible. Join Glenn and Steve weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as they reason with you through the Bible.

    en-us344 Episodes

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    Episodes (344)

    The Origins of Existence || Genesis 1:1-2 || Session 5

    The Origins of Existence || Genesis 1:1-2 || Session 5

    Have you ever stood at the edge of a vast ocean, feeling the awe of the mysterious depths before you? That's the sense of wonder we bring to our latest exploration into the very genesis of existence—where theology, philosophy, and cosmology converge. Join in as we navigate the opening verses of Genesis, contemplating the inception of time, space, and the pre-existence of an omnipotent God. We wrestle with the enigma of the Earth's age, pitting ancient cosmos theories against young Earth narratives, and even entertain the possibility of a pre-existing Earth.

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    Hard Questions for Young Earth Creationists || Genesis Introduction 4 || Session 4

    Hard Questions for Young Earth Creationists || Genesis Introduction 4 || Session 4

    How does one navigate the interplay between Biblical creation and modern science without losing their footing in faith? Join us as we tackle this nuanced landscape, uncovering the profound mysteries ensconced within the first pages of Genesis. We wrestle with the complex questions that buffet the shores of belief, ranging from the age of Earth to the definition of a "day" in the Creation story. Our conversation isn't just an intellectual exercise; it's an open door to a place where scriptural truths and scientific inquiry can coexist and even bolster one's spiritual journey. Whether your faith is deeply anchored or you're in pursuit of answers, this dialogue stands as a beacon for anyone endeavoring to align their beliefs with the reality of our wondrous world.

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    Hard Questions for Evolutionists || Genesis Introduction 3 || Session 3

    Hard Questions for Evolutionists || Genesis Introduction 3 || Session 3

    Venture with us through the stormy seas of the creation-evolution debate and emerge with a fresh perspective on one of today's most heated discussions. We tackle the tough inquiries faced by both believers and skeptics, From the bias that shrouds academia to the emotional undertone of these dialogues, we shed light on the challenging aspects that often evade public discourse. Revisiting enlightening interpretations of the Bible in the context of science, we prepare you to navigate the shifting sands of thought and opinion with a critical yet open mind. Engage with us in this balanced exploration that promises to equip you with the tools necessary to critically evaluate both scriptural texts and scientific arguments, fostering a robust dialogue that transcends the standard echo chambers of debate.

    As an example of the challenges from the mathematicians, see:
    Biological Information: New Perspectives (Marks, Robert J., et al, eds. (2013, World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey), which contains 24 academic papers plus relevant comments from the editors. After about two years, when asked what response they received, Marks said "Crickets."

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    Creation Narratives and Theological Controversies || Genesis Introduction 2 || Session 2

    Creation Narratives and Theological Controversies || Genesis Introduction 2 || Session 2

    In this session we explore eight Genesis creation narratives and examine their implications on faith, theology, and the ongoing debate between creation and evolution. Gain a deeper understanding of Christian doctrines and the sanctity of acknowledging God's role as the Creator of everything. Our dialogue navigates the complex waters of Christian perspectives, from Young Earth Creationists' staunch defense of a 6,000-year-old planet to Old Earth advocates who find harmony between an ancient earth and the sacred texts. Join our compelling conversation, where we dissect the controversies that emerge from interpreting 'days' in Genesis and wrestling with the alignment of creation's order to literal scriptural accounts. Glenn's insights illuminate the intense discussions within the Christian community, underscoring the diversity of thought that unites in the core belief of divine creation. As we navigate these theological crossroads, our discourse elevates beyond academic rigor, engaging the heart of why these interpretations matter to our faith journey and our relationship with the world. 

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    Understanding Our Origins and Redemption || Introduction to Genesis || Session 1

    Understanding Our Origins and Redemption || Introduction to Genesis || Session 1

    Discover the timeless narratives of Genesis that have defined our understanding of the world and ourselves. This episode offers a profound reflection on the first book of the Bible, bringing to light the interconnected stories from the dawn of creation to the dawn of Israel. We take you on a journey through the fall of man, the flood, the Tower of Babel, and Abraham's covenant, unraveling the message of redemption woven into these ancient tales. You'll find a deeper appreciation for the theological significance of figures like Adam, viewed not just as symbols but as vital historical persons that anchor the Christian faith.  Each discussion is an invitation to engage with the text, and as we journey through the stories that have shaped centuries of thought, we ensure you come away with a richer, more nuanced perspective on these foundational episodes of our Christian faith.

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    If Evolution, Why Religion? || A Reasoning with God Session

    If Evolution, Why Religion? || A Reasoning with God Session

    Shouldn't the atheist's fervent disbelief in religion actually be counter to an evolutionary response? This episode unfolds an intriguing exploration of the tensions between evolution, faith, and atheism, dissecting that following evolution beliefs to their logical conclusion, religion itself is a product of natural selection. We scrutinize the atheist perspective, challenging whether their often-impassioned rejection of faith is grounded in scientific skepticism or a more visceral opposition to the moral standards religion espouses. As we navigate these waters, we ask if it's intellectually consistent to accept evolutionary theory and yet dismiss religious beliefs that may have been shaped by the very same processes. 

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    Embracing the Challenges of Faith || James 5:10-20 || Session 17

    Embracing the Challenges of Faith || James 5:10-20 || Session 17

    As we navigate the tumultuous seas of life's challenges, the stories of Old Testament prophets stand as beacons of hope and perseverance. We delve into our final session in the  Book of James, bringing to light the profound endurance of figures like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Job. Their trials and unwavering faith in the face of suffering provide not only a blueprint for our own struggles but also reveal the blessings that come from steadfastness. We grapple with the complexities of trusting in God's wisdom when hardships occur without reason and the power that lies in the integrity of our words. Drawing on personal experiences, we illuminate the importance of speaking truthfully and maintaining a resolute spirit amid adversity. Join us for an episode that emboldens your faith and enriches your spiritual journey.

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    The Ethics of Wealth || James 5:4-9 || Session 16

    The Ethics of Wealth || James 5:4-9 || Session 16

    Could our financial dealings be the linchpin in the ultimate judgement we face? This episode delves into the potent warnings from the Book of James, particularly aimed at the wealthy and their treatment of riches and workers. We tackle the profound implications of hoarding wealth and explore the weighty concept that our material transactions are under divine scrutiny. With the Book of James as our guide, we navigate the ethics of Christianity and the stirring reminders that every action—especially towards those who labor for us—carries with it the gravity of justice and fairness. Join us for a journey not only through scripture but into the depths of our own faith, where we learn to foster patience and hold firm to the promise of what's to come.

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    The Spiritual Pitfalls of Wealth || James 5:1-3 || Session 15

    The Spiritual Pitfalls of Wealth || James 5:1-3 || Session 15

    Could your pursuit of wealth be silently eroding your spiritual foundation? Today's episode peels back the layers of this complex issue, guided by the profound teachings within the Book of James. Together, we confront the hard truths about the perils of affluence and its potential to lead us astray from what matters most. You'll uncover the wisdom of investing in heavenly treasures over earthly ones, and why the way we handle our wealth speaks volumes about our values. The conversation is a stark reminder that while wealth in itself isn't inherently evil, it's the heart's attachment to it that can be our undoing. Join us as we explore these timeless biblical lessons, which hold the key to a life rich in spirit and truth. 

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    Living with Eternity in Mind || James 4:8-17 || Session 14

    Living with Eternity in Mind || James 4:8-17 || Session 14

    In this session, we shine a light on the ripple effect that a purified heart and disciplined mind can have, steering clear of the hypocrisy that dilutes our testimony. By embracing genuine confession and God's grace, we underscore the importance of a singular focus on our spiritual journey. This honest dialogue serves to fortify the impact we can have in our communities and the wider world, reminding us that a resolute faith can leave an indelible mark on the hearts of nonbelievers. Offering advice to our listeners, we implore you to seek out actions that resonate with eternity, leaving you with a sense of urgency to direct your energies towards what truly matters beyond our temporal existence. Tune in for an episode rich with encouragement and inspiration, aimed to provoke thoughtful reflection and a renewed commitment to a life of reverence and purpose.

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    The Subtle Encroachment of Sin || James 4:4-8 || Session 13

    The Subtle Encroachment of Sin || James 4:4-8 || Session 13

    Are your daily choices aligning you with God or tugging you towards the temptations of the world? In this session we discuss the tension between our earthly desires and spiritual commitments. We delve into the notion of spiritual adultery, a powerful metaphor that signals the betrayal of our sacred relationship with God when we cozy up to worldly values.  We talk about recognizing the sneaky ways material focus and selfishness can undermine our spiritual integrity. Navigating the fine line between engaging with the world and remaining untainted by its vices, this episode is a treasure trove of reflection for believers everywhere.  This session is an invitation to reflect on your spiritual walk, encouraging you to continue nurturing a life marked by intention, purity, and a deep connection with God.

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    Finding Peace Amidst Inner Turmoil || James 4:1-3 || Session 12

    Finding Peace Amidst Inner Turmoil || James 4:1-3 || Session 12

    Have you ever considered the root of conflicts that challenge our inner peace and the harmony within our communities? Join us for an engaging discussion on the powerful teachings of James chapter four, where we tackle the tough questions about personal desires, spiritual growth, and  peacemaking. This session takes a no-holds-barred look at the struggles that beset the early Christian congregations and somewhat persist to this day—clashes derived from our own yearnings that can lead to disunity and discord. We dissect the candid words of James as he calls for self-examination and a deeper relationship with God. Listen closely as we share insights on fostering peace within ourselves and our communities, understanding the nature of sin, and the earnest seeking of God's will above all.

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    The Impact of Heavenly Wisdom on our Daily Life || James 3:13-18 || Session 11

    The Impact of Heavenly Wisdom on our Daily Life || James 3:13-18 || Session 11

    Explore the profound difference between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom from above as we, navigate through the teachings of James chapter three. Have you ever considered that your actions reveal the type of wisdom you live by? This episode promises to deepen your understanding of how earthly wisdom, laced with envy and selfish ambition, contrasts sharply with the Godly wisdom which leads to purity, peace, and a harmonious existence. We're inviting you on a journey to uncover the transformative power of heavenly wisdom, as we dissect the practical applications of James's words and their astonishing effects on our daily lives. By the end of our session, you'll be equipped to embrace a heavenly perspective that fosters peace over strife, guiding you towards a life that is truly blessed and fulfilling.

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    Our Tongue's Impact on Everyday Life || James 3:2-12 || Session 10

    Our Tongue's Impact on Everyday Life || James 3:2-12 || Session 10

    Our seemingly insignificant tongue holds immense power to shape our lives and relationships. As we unravel the wisdom of James, we're reminded of the sheer might of our words, likened to a ship's rudder or a spark that can set a forest ablaze. Throughout this episode, we shed light on the everyday struggle to harness our speech, reflecting on how even the smallest utterances can lead to harmony or chaos. Guided by scripture and personal introspection, we confront the paradox of the tongue's dual nature—capable of both blessing and cursing—and how this instrument, when unchecked, can unleash consequences as devastating as a poisonous flame.

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    Living Your Faith Through Action and Teaching with Integrity || James 3:1 || Session 9

    Living Your Faith Through Action and Teaching with Integrity || James 3:1 || Session 9

    Have you ever considered how your faith intersects with real-world action? Before we head into James Chapter 3, this session takes us through a heartfelt exploration of what it truly means to live out Christian values. Anchored by the teachings of James 2:15-16, we unpack the necessity for believers to extend a helping hand beyond mere words of comfort. Our latest chat is a clarion call for Christians to actively engage in transformative charitable works, as we spotlight the many ways in which faith can—and should—translate into compassionate deeds that resonate within our communities.

    Turning to Chapter 3:1 we navigate the intricacies of teaching the Word of God, and in this discussion, we tackle the gravity that comes with this sacred calling. With a gentle yet firm reminder of the accountability that teachers bear, our conversation is an aspiring to guide others spiritually, offering prudent advice on honing one's scriptural insight before stepping up to larger teaching roles.   We invite you to tune in and be inspired to notice the needs around you and highlight the seriousness surrounding the teaching of God's Word.

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    The Dynamic Interplay of Faith and Works || James 2:14-26 || Session 8

    The Dynamic Interplay of Faith and Works || James 2:14-26 || Session 8

    Ever grappled with the tension between faith and works in your spiritual walk? Our latest session tackles this head-on, offering a deep dive into James chapter 2, where faith and works intertwine.   We dissect what "dead faith" truly means and discuss whether James is talking about faith plus works or faith alone.  Many people are familiar with the phrase "faith without works is dead" but what is it that James is actually saying? 

    We confront this question, offering perspective on how true faith is not merely professed but practiced, not just believed but beheld in every aspect of our lives. As we wrap up this soul-stirring session, we leave you with a reflection on how your personal journey aligns with the principles discussed.  Tune in and let the transformation begin.

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    The Law of Christ in Modern Faith || James 2:8-13 || Session 7

    The Law of Christ in Modern Faith || James 2:8-13 || Session 7

    How does embracing the Law of Christ transform the way we view the Biblical directives of the Old Testament? Join us in a riveting exploration as we navigate the intricate dance between the Old Covenant's detailed commandments and the New Testament's heart-centered approach to the Royal Law of Jesus Christ. Our conversation illuminates the "Royal Law" also known as the "Law of Liberty" from James chapter two, revealing the shift from legalistic adherence to living a life fueled by the principle of loving your neighbor as yourself. As we dissect the teachings of Jesus, we shed light on the profound implications they hold for contemporary believers, challenging you to rethink the essence of a faith-driven existence. 

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    Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: A Deep Biblical Exploration Part 2 || Reasoning with God Session 3

    Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: A Deep Biblical Exploration Part 2 || Reasoning with God Session 3

    Can the concept of hell coexist with a loving God? Our latest episode tackles this profound question with a nuanced exploration of Biblical teachings on divine justice and the human condition. We navigate the perplexing notion that the anguish of hell stems not from divine malice, but from the pain of separation from God's inherent goodness. By examining real-world parallels of self-destructive choices, we unlock insights into the spiritual autonomy some may choose over Heavenly submission, and the resulting eternal consequences. In our closing summary, we reaffirm the urgency and immediacy of embracing the redemption offered through Jesus Christ. We extend a heartfelt invitation to journey with us on the path to Heaven, while gently reminding that the embrace of forgiveness is but a decision away.  Join us for a heartfelt conversation that illuminates the pathway through faith, eternity, and the defining choices of our destiny.

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    Confronting Favoritism in Our Faith Journey || James 2:1-7 || Session 6

    Confronting Favoritism in Our Faith Journey || James 2:1-7 || Session 6

    Ever questioned the true essence of fairness and how it applies to our faith? Join us as we unpack these first verses of James chapter 2, showcasing its timeless call for justice and impartiality within the Christian walk. We're not just talking about ideals; we're addressing the gritty reality of integrating Jewish customs into Christian theology, all while recognizing each individual's intrinsic worth before God. As we dissect the potent truth of Christ's deity, feel the impact of that revelation on how we interact daily, particularly among our faith communities. Tune in for a session that's about real transformation, not just talk – and don't forget, it's about living out the word in every action we take.

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    Reasoning Through the Bible
    en-usJanuary 31, 2024

    Forming a Life of Active Faith || James 1:19-27 || Session 5

    Forming a Life of Active Faith || James 1:19-27 || Session 5

    Discover the remarkable transformation that awaits when you align your ears and heart with the teachings of the Bible. Glenn and Steve invite you on a spiritual expedition, guiding you to a life that resonates with your faith and actions. This session unveils the art of being "quick to hear," a biblical principle that, when embraced, can revolutionize not only our listening skills but also the way we speak and act. We tackle the often-overlooked power of the tongue and the profound changes that come with mastering self-control in our speech. Through our dialogue, the essence of true change is revealed – it's not just about hearing the Word, but about doing it. Tune in and be equipped to reflect on your faith, not just in words but through the tangible expression of your works in the community.

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