
    Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    In our weekly episodes of Recycle: Don't Be A Waster! - we talk about all things recycling, environment and waste industry related. We really believe that there are lots of simple recycling improvements that people can easily make - if they simply know the facts. This podcast takes a fresh look at recycling and does not shy away from tough questions like greenwashing, is recycling one big scam - or can recycling safe the world. Your presenters believe in the positive impact of recycling - but very much take a real world, business focused view on making practical real world change. Subscribe to our weekly podcasts to keep up to date with all the latest info - in a light, and hopefully enjoyable format.
    enWaster.com.au56 Episodes

    Episodes (56)

    Hey! Did WA Just Ban My Coffee Cup? :Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Hey! Did WA Just Ban My Coffee Cup? :Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Hey! Did WA Just Ban My Coffee Cup? :Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    If there is one thing Aussie's love - it is their morning take away coffee - and anyone who messes with that could be in trouble!


    WA has just banned non compostable coffee cups - and Waster agrees!


    We discuss how sitting down and having an actual cup of coffee will be good for your health and help the environment



    Should All Plastic Drinks Bottles Be Replaced With Aluminium?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Should All Plastic Drinks Bottles Be Replaced With Aluminium?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Should All Plastic Drinks Bottles Be Replaced With Aluminium?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this episode we discuss whether plastic drinks bottles should all be replaced with aluminium.


    Aluminium is common for drinks such as soft drinks and beer - but tends not to be used for water.


    We discuss the list of problems with plastic such as microplastics, ocean pollution and increasing evidence of health problems.

    Why A Startup Wants To Reduce Paper Receipts And Save The World: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Why A Startup Wants To Reduce Paper Receipts And Save The World: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Why A Startup Wants To Reduce Paper Receipts And Save The World: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this episode of our recycling podcast - we look at the environmental and potential health impacts of paper receipts - i.e. the type you receive as proof of purchase in any shop from supermarkets to other retailers.


    We find out that the thermal paper used can not be recycled - and has major potential health benefits.


    This is where an Aussie startup comes in with a solution

    What Is A Nappy Tax In South Australia And Is It A Good Idea?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    What Is A Nappy Tax In South Australia And Is It A Good Idea?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    What Is A Nappy Tax In South Australia And Is It A Good Idea?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    South Australia Nappy Tax - We have to assume that the government making their residents’ lives easier and more comfortable would be in their best interest. They have the purpose of serving their citizens by providing good and just governance, establishing beneficial laws, ensuring order and offering essential services. Of course, this includes making the best decisions in regards to waste management. However, one proposed rubbish disposal scheme dubbed the ‘nappy tax’ has been making news as of late which was met with a lot of controversy and criticism in South Australia. Let’s talk about it more below. 


    Do you live in South Australia and have any babies or toddlers in your house? If so, then you should be aware that a new waste disposal proposal in South Australia dubbed the nappy tax is being studied and could potentially be implemented.

    The Green Industries department of South Australia is examining the concept of a ‘pay-as-you-throw’ waste disposal system, aiming to reduce household council rates whilst implementing increased fees based on the weight of rubbish placed for collection.

    Obviously, a lot of South Australians opposed the idea. None of them would give it a chance, and with good reason. Here are some of the residents’ comments as interviewed by:

    “It doesn’t make sense, it is not equitable,” one man told 9News Adelaide on Wednesday.

    Another resident said council services needed to be “balanced and fair”.

    “And I think we pay a lot already for everything, for every other service,” she said.

    Is There A Solution To Ghost Nets In The Ocean?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Is There A Solution To Ghost Nets In The Ocean?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Is There A Solution To Ghost Nets In The Ocean?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this week's episode - we look at the major issue of ghost nets or ghost gear. This is when old fishing nets and similar equipment is left floating in the sea.


    As you can imagine this creates big issues with pollution and impacts wildlife - such as turtles.


    Did you know the Top End of Australia is one of the worst impacted regions for this problem globally.


    We discuss some recent programs from the Australian Government seeking to combat this issue.

    Leaf Recycling - What's That About Then?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Leaf Recycling - What's That About Then?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Leaf Recycling - What's That About Then?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this episode we look at leaf recycling and whether it will become an important factor in boosting recycling.


    A new startup called Releaf Paper - https://www.releaf-paper.com/ is focusing on manufacturing paper and paper packaging from tree leafs instead of needing to cut down trees.

    Three Great New Recycling Options For Aussies: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Three Great New Recycling Options For Aussies: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Three Great New Recycling Options For Aussies: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this episode we discuss three great recycling options that are free or low cost. They will help households and businesses recycle niche items whilst avoiding long car journeys of high costs.


    Terracycle free drop offs - https://help.au.terracycle.com/hc/en-au/articles/4406783519501-How-can-I-find-my-nearest-public-drop-off-point-


    Recyclesmart - https://www.recyclesmart.com/


    Mates On The Move - https://matesonthemove.org/services/

    Do We Really Inhale A Credit Card Worth Of Plastic Every Week?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Do We Really Inhale A Credit Card Worth Of Plastic Every Week?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!

    Do We Really Inhale A Credit Card Worth Of Plastic Every Week?: Recycle - Don't Be A Waster!


    In this episode we look at a recent academic study that suggests the average human breathes in microplastics each week - equivalent to the weight of a credit card.


    This is quite shocking and brings with it multiple health concerns covering fertility issues as well as general health concerns.


    We also comment how it has implications for some of the plastic re use ideas we have discussed on this podcast such as using waste plastic for plastic roads.

    Samsara Eco Has An Amazing Breakthrough For Fabric Recycling? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Samsara Eco Has An Amazing Breakthrough For Fabric Recycling? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Samsara Eco Has An Amazing Breakthrough For Fabric Recycling? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    In this episode we cover how an aussi startup called Samsara Eco is making massive innovation in clothes recycling.


    By using an enzyme to break down polyester and nylon into its chemical building blocks - they can recycle huge voumes of synthetic fibers.


    They aim to open a plant in the USA and also have signed an agreement with sports wear and active wear company Lululemon - to partner in clothes recycling.


    A real good news story.

    Can You Recycle Mobile Phone Cases? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can You Recycle Mobile Phone Cases? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can You Recycle Mobile Phone Cases? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    We all have them and increasingly they are seen as fashion statements or collector items - we are talking about mobile phone cases.


    These brightly coloured plastic protectors are changed even more often than the mobile phone itself.


    In this episode we talk about some of the options available for recycling them in 2023.

    What Can Be Done With Solar Panels? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    What Can Be Done With Solar Panels? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    What Can Be Done With Solar Panels? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!


    As we move to a cleaner energy model in Australia - it makes lots of sense to implement solar panels. This is particularly clear in the Sunshine State of Queensland.


    In Queensland the State Government is discussing banning any ewaste including solar panels going to landfill.


    If we do nothing - we are looking at over 10,000 tonnes of solar panel waste ending up in landfill in Qld, Australia alone.

    Should Small Business Be Scared Of ESG? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Should Small Business Be Scared Of ESG? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Should Small Business Be Scared Of ESG? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!


    When you hear about ESG or Environment, Social and Governance - it can lead to various reactions.

    Many small businesses worry they simply do not have the time or systems to focus on it.

    Waster argues that it will be key to helping small businesses track, and improve their waste and environmental footprint.

    Does The Redcycle Collapse Have A Silver Lining? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Does The Redcycle Collapse Have A Silver Lining?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Does The Redcycle Collapse Have A Silver Lining?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Redcycle has collapsed - and Coles and Woolworths have been ordered to dispose of 5,200 metric tonnes of soft plastic waste by the EPA.

    We look at this huge mess - and ask - is there a silver lining?

    Can We Recycle All Plastics By 2040? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can We Recycle All Plastics By 2040?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can We Recycle All Plastics By 2040?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    We discuss the announcement by the Australian Government that the country will recycle all plastics by 2040. Is this plausible? Is this good news or is it just more of the same wishcycling that has seen Redcycle in trouble?

    What Happened To Redcycle? Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    What Happened To Redcycle?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    What Happened To Redcycle?  Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    We discuss what happened to the major soft plastics recycling business - Redcycle - which collected plastic bags and other soft plastics at major supermarkets in Australia. We discuss the problem with soft plastic recycling and if incineration is a better option.

    How Much Money Do Plastic Recyclers Make?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    How Much Money Do Plastic Recyclers Make?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    How Much Money Do Plastic Recyclers Make?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!


    Many people ask can they make a fortune by starting a plastic recycling business - in today's episode we explore that question - and discuss some of the negatives.


    It certainly is not as easy as you may think - and would not qualify as a "gold mine" in normal language.

    We Take A Look At Composting Food Waste. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    We Take A Look At Composting Food Waste. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    We Take A Look At Composting Food Waste. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    In this episode we take a look at composting - as an alternative to landfill for food waste, organic waste and some items you maybe have not thought of as compostable.

    We mention some interesting websites such as the food waste sharing platform

    If you have no room for a compost bin - check out sharewaste.com - a platform where you can find people in your area who want your organic waste!
    Another great option is a worm farm such as wickworming.com.au - which makes great options for homes and offices alike.

    Can We Recycle Clothes, Shoes And Books?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can We Recycle Clothes, Shoes And Books?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Can We Recycle Clothes, Shoes And Books?. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    In this episode we discuss the possibility of a national or municipal collection for books, clothes and shoes.

    There are some programs available at moment  - but a huge amount of items - that are not high enough quality to be sold - often end up going to landfill. Let's look at the options.

    Why Fining Is The Wrong Approach. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Why Fining Is The Wrong Approach. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    Why Fining Is The Wrong Approach. Recycle: Don't Be A Waster!

    In this podcast episode on all things recycling - we discuss why fining people is not always the best way to get people to make the right recycling decisions.

    Aodhan discusses the Perth council that is proposing fining people $5000 for having a smelly bin!