
    Relationship Rehab Show with Nancy Landrum: Recovering Happiness in Your Love

    Marriage is not always easy, but a little guidance goes a long way! Tune into Relationship Rehab Show: Recovering Happiness in Your Love with Nancy Landrum and Dr. Pat each month on Transformation Talk Radio.com. Nancy is an author and teacher empowering couples to create and sustain loving marriages. Learn to listen, speak, and handle conflict with respect so your love can flourish!
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    Episodes (12)

    The Power of Listening With Empathy with Nancy Landrum

    The Power of Listening With Empathy with Nancy Landrum

    WE learn how to spell, write sentences, create compositions, join a debate club, etc. But the only place we learn how to listen effectively is if it is modeled for us! Only then do we experience the transformative power of another hearing, not only our words, but the belieifs and meanings behind the words. You are fortunate indeed if you’ve had even one person in your life

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Is a happy marriage a myth? If it’s not, then why aren’t we happy? with Nancy Landrum

    Is a happy marriage a myth?  If it’s not, then why aren’t we happy? with Nancy Landrum

    There are happy marriage tools that can be counted on to create and sustain a loving, happy marriage if you are willing to learn and use them!  Nancy Landrum has made it her mission to teach others the tools that work to create a happy marriage.