
    Relentless Dentist

    Elevating confidence, culture, and cash flow for single-location dental practice owners. Dr. Dave utilizes over a decade of practice ownership and consulting experience to help dentists grow their take-home pay while spending less time at the office. He’s the author of “Dentist on a Mission” and speaks at many of dentistry's top meetings.
    enDavid Maloley, DDS, FAGD, CHPC484 Episodes

    Episodes (484)

    What Are Your Dental Patients Really Buying?

    What Are Your Dental Patients Really Buying?

    Today, Dr. Dave delves into the common disconnect between dentists' clinical precision and patients' quest for emotional fulfillment. This enlightening episode guides dental practice owners towards fostering deeper, more meaningful patient relationships, promising a transformative shift in practice approach.


    Discover How To:


    • Unlock Emotional Insights: Dive into the true motivations behind patient visits. Learn how understanding these emotional drivers can significantly boost treatment acceptance.


    • Evolve Your Communication: Adapt your practice’s messaging to align with contemporary patient expectations, distinguishing your services in a competitive landscape.


    • Implement Success Strategies: Gain mastery over presenting treatment options by emphasizing their emotional benefits, directly resonating with patient needs.


    Elevate your dental practice by enhancing patient connections and increasing case acceptance. Step into a new era of patient-centered care that prioritizes patient motivations alongside clinical excellence.


    Listen now to embark on your journey to a more empathetic, patient-focused approach in dentistry.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.


    Is Your Dental Team Draining You? Boost Morale with Culture-Centric Hiring

    Is Your Dental Team Draining You? Boost Morale with Culture-Centric Hiring

    It’s important that you enjoy the people you employ.
    In this episode, Dr. Dave explores the essence of culture-centric hiring within dental practices. With a blend of personal stories and seasoned advice, he guides us through the journey of creating a team that not only achieves professional excellence but also fosters a joyful and supportive atmosphere. 

    Discover the strategies to mold a practice where each member is passionately aligned with a unified vision of success.

    • Define and Align: Learn to vividly articulate your practice's culture, drawing in individuals who not only share your core values and mission but are eager to contribute to them.


    • Beyond the Resume: Delve into the effectiveness of behavioral interviewing techniques to uncover candidates' true spirits, ensuring a match that extends well beyond mere technical abilities.


    • Team-Driven Hiring: Uncover the benefits of including your existing team in the hiring process, promoting a more integrated and harmonious workplace culture.


    Tune in and revolutionize your hiring approach to assemble the ideal team that elevates your dental practice to unparalleled levels of harmony and success.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    Autopilot Alert: The Hidden Consequences of Mindlessness in Dentistry

    Autopilot Alert: The Hidden Consequences of Mindlessness in Dentistry

    Uncover the overlooked dangers of "autopilot mode" in dentistry and its silent yet profound impact on your practice. In this revealing episode, Dr. Dave ventures deep into the hidden aspects of routine dental care, spotlighting how mindlessness can undermine a dental practice owner's confidence and the core of their practice.


    • The Cost of Autopilot: Explore the detrimental effects of mindlessness on decision-making, team dynamics, and overall practice efficiency.


    • The Power of Mindfulness: Discover how mindfulness can transform your practice by sharpening focus, alleviating stress, and fostering a culture of empathy and teamwork.


    • Mindfulness in Action: Unveil practical strategies to weave mindfulness into your daily routine, significantly boosting resilience, patient satisfaction, and care quality.


    Tune in now for a transformative journey and unlock the secret to a more focused, stress-free, and fulfilling dental career through the power of mindfulness.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    From Goals to Profits: 5 Pillars for Dental Practice Achievement

    From Goals to Profits: 5 Pillars for Dental Practice Achievement

    In this episode, Dr. Dave discusses five hidden principles that’ll help you crush your business goals. He distills the essence of achieving beyond the ordinary with strategies that blend ambition with actionable wisdom.


    • Future Identity Alignment: Explore how envisioning your ideal self can serve as a compass, guiding your steps towards significant success and ensuring your goals are not just met but exceeded.


    • Passion-Driven Goals: Uncover the strategy of pursuing goals that deeply resonate with your curiosities and core passions, guaranteeing sustained motivation and deeper satisfaction in your professional journey.


    • Empowerment Through Mastery: Dive into the concepts of personal influence and time management as critical tools for overcoming challenges, ensuring progress, and realizing your financial aspirations.


    This episode is dedicated to dental practice owners aiming to transform their goals into tangible successes. Listen now to lay the groundwork for a future where your practice not only grows but flourishes beyond expectations.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    Are You The Trusted Authority or Just Another Dentist?

    Are You The Trusted Authority or Just Another Dentist?

    Dive into an eye-opening discussion where Dr. Dave explores unnoticed actions that may be compromising your position as a trusted dental authority. This episode is packed with essential takeaways:


    • Crucial Mistakes: Identify the common oversights that dentists make, negatively affecting their professional image, credibility, case acceptance, and revenues.


    • Trust Builders: Learn actionable strategies to strengthen your relationships with patients and enhance their experience.


    • Keys to Authority: Gain insights into the core practices and communication skills that establish you as a leading figure in dentistry.


    Don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your approach and solidify your status as a trusted authority in the field. Listen now!


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    “Too Busy” for One-on-Ones?: The Hidden Costs You're Paying

    “Too Busy” for One-on-Ones?: The Hidden Costs You're Paying
    Are you maximizing the potential of one-on-one meetings in your dental practice? This episode is a deep dive into how these crucial interactions can be a game-changer for creating a self-managing, efficient, and growth-oriented team.
    • The Untapped Potential: Discover how effective one-on-one meetings build trust and efficiency, while neglecting them can lead to serious consequences like reduced engagement, communication breakdowns, and a lack of team cohesion.


    • Navigating the Pitfalls: Learn about the detrimental effects of poorly conducted meetings, including stunted professional development and increased staff turnover, and how to transform these challenges into opportunities for growth.


    • A Roadmap to Success: Gain insights into the principles of impactful one-on-one meetings, focusing on regularity, core values, active listening, and crafting actionable growth plans.
    Don't let another day pass without harnessing the power of one-on-one meetings. Listen now to upgrade your dental practice and pave the way for a more prosperous future.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    Is Fear of Rejection Holding Back Your Dental Practice?

    Is Fear of Rejection Holding Back Your Dental Practice?
    • The Hidden Impact: Discover how the fear of rejection subtly influences both the professional and personal aspects of dental practice. Unearth the underlying factors that give rise to this common yet unspoken challenge.


    • Transformative Strategies: Dive into five empowering techniques designed to overcome the fear of rejection. Learn about building resilience, nurturing self-compassion, and reshaping negative perceptions.


    • Embrace for Growth: View rejection from a new perspective. Explore how accepting and learning from rejection can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth in dentistry.


    Tune in now for insights that will redefine your approach to challenges and open doors to greater success as a dentist.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    The 5 Winning Principles for Dental Practice Owners

    The 5 Winning Principles for Dental Practice Owners

    Ever pondered what 'Winning' truly means in the realm of dental practice ownership? In this episode, inspired by Tim Grover's book 'Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness,' Dr. Dave delves into the art of triumph in your business.

    • Redefining Success: Explore how expanding your vision of victory can transform your practice's trajectory.


    • Team and Wealth Dynamics: Unearth the crucial role of team unity and smart financial strategies in driving your practice to victory.


    • The Only True Opponent: Learn why facing and overcoming your inner challenges is the ultimate battle for your practice's triumph.


    Don't just ponder; act. Listen now and embark on a journey to elevate your dental practice to a championship season.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    The Hospitality Mentality: How to Attract More and Better Patients

    The Hospitality Mentality: How to Attract More and Better Patients

    In this episode, Dr. Dave reveals how embracing the hospitality industry's standards can benefit you and your practice.


    Discover the Power of a Hospitality Mentality:


    • Elevate the patient experience.
    • Attract a flood of high-quality dental patients.
    • Uncover Healthcare Challenges: The current standards often fall woefully short.
    • The 10 Tenets of a Hospitality Mentality: These are the keys to 3x your word-of-mouth referrals


    Dental practice owners: tune in now and embark on the path toward a healthier, more prosperous practice.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    Dentists vs. Team Toxicity: Cutting Through the Drama

    Dentists vs. Team Toxicity: Cutting Through the Drama
    Ready to uncover hidden threats that could shape the destiny of your dental practice?
    Join Dr. Dave as he reveals The 6 Warning Signs of Team Toxicity… potential triggers for team turnover, disgruntled patients, revenue loss, and scathing one-star reviews.
    • The Subtle Threat: Explore the concealed signals of team toxicity that undermine your practice's foundation.


    • Practice Vitality: Gain insights into how team toxicity can impact your financial success, morale, and patient relationships.


    • Solutions Await: Empower yourself with actionable strategies to confront team toxicity, fostering a culture of growth, collaboration, and unwavering professional excellence.
    Don't wait any longer; your practice's future depends on it. Listen now and embark on the journey toward a healthier, more prosperous practice culture.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

    The 5 Big Mindset Mistakes Dentists Make

    The 5 Big Mindset Mistakes Dentists Make

    Prepare to challenge and change the way you think about your dental practice through:


    • Fixed Beliefs, Fixed Outcomes: Are unhelpful beliefs constricting your practice's potential? Learn how embracing flexible thinking can open new doors.


    • The 'Yet' Factor: Discover the immense power of 'yet' in transforming perceived limitations into opportunities for growth and success.


    • Brain's Untapped Potential: Explore how leveraging neuroplasticity can revolutionize your skills, adapt to new technologies, and evolve your practice.


    • Boundary Breaker or Safe Player? Examine if fear is stifling your growth. Learn why pushing past comfort zones is key to innovation and success.


    Listen Now: Join Dr. Dave in this first episode of 2024 so that you can get out of your own way.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete Dr. Dave's Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business. 

    Why Avoiding 'Day 2' is Crucial for your Dental Practice

    Why Avoiding 'Day 2' is Crucial for your Dental Practice
    In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into the transformative 'Day One Philosophy' and its surprising impact on dental practices:
    • Innovate or Stagnate? Uncover how continuous innovation isn't just a buzzword but a necessity for staying at the dental forefront.


    • Beyond Treatment Plans: Explore the customer-centric approach that redefines patient experiences and skyrockets satisfaction.


    • Agility: Your Secret Weapon? Find out how being agile in business can outpace competitors and secure your practice's future.


    • The Long Game in Dentistry: Learn why strategic long-term planning is crucial for more than just financial health.


    • A Learning Culture: Luxurious or Essential? Discover the underestimated power of cultivating a learning environment in your team.
    Tune in to unravel these compelling concepts and see how they can radically elevate your practice.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. 

    Virtue & Veneers: Stoic Principles for Enhanced Patient Trust

    Virtue & Veneers: Stoic Principles for Enhanced Patient Trust
    In this episode, Dr. Dave explores the intersection of ancient philosophy and modern dentistry:
    • Timeless Insights for Modern Care: Learn how integrating age-old wisdom enhances patient satisfaction and boosts referrals.


    • Elevated Decision-Making: Gain insights into thoughtful treatment planning and improved patient outcomes.


    • Deepening Trust with Patients: Discover powerful communication techniques rooted in philosophy to strengthen relationships and increase referrals.


    Tune in now to learn how these enduring principles can significantly enrich your dental practice.

    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

    Navigating 2024: The 4 Essential Questions Every Dentist Needs to Answer

    Navigating 2024: The 4 Essential Questions Every Dentist Needs to Answer

    In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into the complexities dental practice owners will face in 2024. He focuses on how to create a self-managing team and build a high-profit practice amidst uncertainty:


    • Adapting to Change: Ready your practice for the unpredictable dynamics of the dental industry in 2024.


    • Crucial Questions: Explore key questions to drive effective decision-making and enhance practice management.


    • Success Strategies: Identify strategies for developing a self-managing team and optimizing practice profitability.


    • Building Resilience: Learn principles and tactics to establish a robust and profitable dental practice.


    Tune in now to gain strategies for leading a successful and forward-thinking dental practice.


    Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

    The Dentist's Guide to an Epic Life: Unveiling the 10 F's Formula

    The Dentist's Guide to an Epic Life: Unveiling the 10 F's Formula

    Transform your dental practice and enrich your life with key insights in this episode:


    • Revolutionize with Values: See how Faith & Focus can dramatically alter your practice's direction and decision-making.


    • Peak Performance & Well-being: Explore the impact of Flow & Fitness on enhancing your professional efficiency and personal health.


    • Growth and Joy in Dentistry: Embrace Fearlessness and Fun, and ignite your professional passion with Fascination.


    • Harmony in Wealth and Relationships: Understand the synergy between Friends/Family, Fortune, and Freedom in creating a well-rounded, successful career.


    Tune in now to discover strategies for a more powerful and integrated approach to your dental career.


    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

    Gratitude Gains: Elevating Dental Practice Owner Confidence

    Gratitude Gains: Elevating Dental Practice Owner Confidence

    In this must-listen episode for dental practice owners, we delve into the transformative power of a next-level gratitude practice:


    • Revolutionize Your Mornings: Learn how to supercharge your morning routines and team huddles with gratitude.


    • Uncover Health Breakthroughs: Grasp how gratitude profoundly impacts pain control, sleep quality, stress levels, and inflammation.


    • Boost Confidence & Drive: Discover immediate strategies to conquer fear and skyrocket motivation, leveraging gratitude to enhance your professional confidence.


    Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your dental practice. Tune in now to elevate your leadership with the power of gratitude!


    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

    Be The Relentless Hero: A Dental Podcast Mashup

    Be The Relentless Hero: A Dental Podcast Mashup
    Dive into a Real and Raw Conversation with Dr. Dave Maloley and Dr. Paul Etchison:
    • Identity Shifts Unveiled: Engage with the genuine challenges and triumphs of evolving within the dental profession.
    • Practical Growth Strategies: Discover actionable tactics for growing your practice, suitable for both small and large teams.
    • Authentic Leadership Insights: Gain invaluable perspectives on guiding your team with sincerity and effectiveness.
    • Leveling Up Your Practice: Learn from the experiences of dental leaders who have successfully navigated the journey of professional advancement.
    • Direct Dental Wisdom: Access no-nonsense advice for enhancing patient care and optimizing your practice's efficiency.
    This episode is more than a conversation; it's a deep dive into the realities of dental practice and leadership. Listen now to gain insights that can transform your approach and elevate your dental career.
    Tune in today – embrace the insights from The Relentless Dentist Podcast.
    Share this episode with your dental community, rate us, and leave a review. Your engagement helps us continue to deliver impactful content for dental professionals.

    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

    15 Seconds to Success: Crafting a Stellar Dental Practice

    15 Seconds to Success: Crafting a Stellar Dental Practice

    Discover the transformative power of 'Moments of Truth' in this week's episode, drawing lessons from legendary leader Jan Carlzon and Scandinavian Airlines' remarkable turnaround:


    • Elevate Patient Interactions: Uncover how every 15-second interaction can be a 'Moment of Truth', profoundly enhancing patient loyalty and satisfaction in your dental practice.
    • Differentiate with Personalized Care: Learn actionable strategies to make each patient visit memorable, setting your practice apart in today's competitive landscape.
    • Team Empowerment for Excellence: Explore how empowering your staff can turn routine appointments into opportunities for exceptional patient care, driving growth and reputation.


    Tune in to "15 Seconds to Success: Crafting a Stellar Dental Practice" for insights on leveraging brief interactions for lasting impact. Transform your practice with the philosophy that appreciates the magic of moments.


    Subscribe, rate, and review, and share this episode with peers who are just as dedicated to cultivating a high-profit, mission-driven dental practice.


    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

    Missionary or Mercenary? Decoding Your Dental Team's True Motivations

    Missionary or Mercenary? Decoding Your Dental Team's True Motivations
    Are you a dental practice owner looking to foster a team culture that's rooted in passion rather than just profit?

    This week, we're exploring the "Mercenary vs. Missionary" mindset with guidance from John Doerr, the legendary venture capitalist. His insights help us understand the crucial differences between team members who operate out of self-interest and those who are driven by a shared vision and dedication to your practice's success.
    • Delve into Doerr's perspective on why a missionary-driven team is the cornerstone of long-term success and patient satisfaction.
    • Learn actionable steps to inspire a shift in your team's mindset, leading to improved care, stronger team cohesion, and enhanced practice growth.
    • Discover how to identify mercenary traits and strategically transform them into missionary zeal that aligns with your practice's core values.
    For dental practice owners seeking to create a lasting impact and drive genuine success, this episode is your playbook.

    Tune in and learn how to lead your team towards a future where dedication and passion are the driving forces.

    Subscribe, rate, and review, and share this episode with peers who are just as dedicated to cultivating a thriving, mission-driven dental practice.
    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

    Timidity’s Toll: How Boldness Elevates Dental Practice Owners

    Timidity’s Toll: How Boldness Elevates Dental Practice Owners
    Are you a dental practice owner caught in the inertia of indecision, watching potential growth pass you by? Tune in this week as we delve into the transformative power of boldness in dental practice ownership.
    • Understand the crucial difference between “Motion vs Action”
    • Learn how a single act of boldness can set off a ripple effect of positive change
    • Discover the pitfalls of timidity and how it affects your team and patient relations
    If you’re looking to elevate your practice by building an empowered team, attracting a loyal patient base, and boosting profitability, don’t miss this episode! Ready to step up your game? Subscribe, rate, and review. Share this episode with fellow dental professionals who could benefit from a boldness revolution in their practices.

    P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.