
    ReThink Bullying

    Personal and theoretical discussions of the problems rampant in anti-bullyism, the philosophy underlying the zero-tolerance for bullying policy.
    enIzzy C. Kalman36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    Episode 36- Victimhood as a Means to Victory for Israel

    Episode 36- Victimhood as a Means to Victory for Israel

    -Should a woman give her all to motherhood?
    -How Izzy’s influence may have made his daughter a reckless mom
    -A little escapism: the Israel-Hamas war
    -Israel can’t win through force because as soon as it appears dominant, its support from the world ebbs
    -If the world were rational they’d be pressuring Hamas to give up
    -Obama and the Infidel Meme
    -We shouldn’t be trying to destroy the Muslim fundamentalists, but rather the idea that makes them kill us
    -Human nature can’t be changed but culture can be changed
    -Messiah isn’t a miracle worker; it’s a leader who can bring peace


    Episode 35- Interview with Simon Klebanow

    Episode 35- Interview with Simon Klebanow

    -Is Simon Klebanor a Jew? He certainly prefers to be 
    -Simon’s niche: helping young people wake up from sleep walking through life
    -Ted Kennedy let Natalie Wood asphyxiate in a car under water after driving off a bridge
    -Catastrophic car accident led him to change course in life
    -In waking up out of his coma he realizes what distinguishes between people and animals is the ability to operate by choice
    -Stages of physical recovery
    -Getting addicted to pot at the age of 50, getting clean 15 years later
    -Brooks gives Izzy full credit
    -Quaden Bayles: a young dwarf whom Brooks Gibbs helped out of victimhood
    -Landmark education: a technology
    -The difference between choosing a major when you’re fresh out high school and when you’re faced with supporting yourself
    -The Israel-Hamas war- almost impossible for Israel to win
    -Brooks helps Izzy get the message out
    -Jolie: watched Nad doctor deliver a baby and drown it right after; she still lived a good life
    -Miles Briggs Personality Inventory 

    Episode 34- Ali Kashkush

    Episode 34- Ali Kashkush

    This episode is an interview conducted in Hebrew with Ali Kashkush, an arab israli who is an officer in the IDF, a physics Teacher and educator in Israel. Ali is a Social activist and advocate, and a member of the Zionist security movement. If you’re curious but don’t speak hebrew, I will soon be posting links here to video excerpts from the video with English subtitles.



    Episode 33- Tsvi Misinai

    Episode 33- Tsvi Misinai

    Tsvi Misinai is the pioneer of Israel high tech and an historian with encyclopedic memory who has researched tirelessly the roots of the Palestinian people in the tribes of Israel. he believes that the deadly rifts between Jews and Muslims in the middle east, and perhaps more importantly, the rifts within Israeli society itself, can be healed by a correct understanding of our history and faith. This interview was conducted in Hebrew. If you’re curious, but don’t speak hebrew,  links to excerpts from the interview, with english subtitles will be posted here soon.

    Click here Tsvi's website.

    Click here for Tsvi's biography.

    Click here to view Tsvi's youtube page.

    Episode 32- Yinon Dan Kehati Interview

    Episode 32- Yinon Dan Kehati Interview

    Yinon Dan Kehati is an Israeli activist who founded the organization "The Home." He seeks to  bridge the Arab and Jewish people of Judea and Samaria not through compromises over land, but by speaking the common language of faith, asserting our religious right to sovereignty in the Land of Israel, and extending a hand to the Arabs who seek to tie their fate with us.

    The Interview is conducted in Hebrew, but links to video excerpts with English subtitles exist on Lola's youtube channel:


     and you can find more material on him in English on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thehomejlm


    -המטרה של ארגונו של ינון, הבית, לקדם את יחסי היהודים המוסלמים בשטחים, לחזק את הלגיטימיות של השלטון היהודי עליהם, ולקבל את פני הערבים שרוצים "לקשור את גורלם" עם ישראל.
    -עת למלחמה, עת לשלום; עכשיו זה הזמן להראות לערבים את כוחנו
    -אנחנו חייבים לכבוש את עזה
    -צריך למחוק את האידיאולוגיה של חמאס, לא רק את הלוחמים
    ינון לא שומר מצוות אלא מאמין בשליחות היהודית שלנו בעולם
    -היכן שונים ינון והרב פרומן
    -שיהודים יכולים לחיות בשמחה תחת שלטון מוסלמי זה מיתוס
    -לולה מספרת על מבוי סתום בהכנת סרטוני הסבארה- קריאה על מדיניות אחרי 67 שנועדה לעודד ערבים להגר מעזה- גם עם הגזר וגם עם המקל
    -יעדים שהמנהיגות הישראלית צריכה להגדיר לעצמה
    -חמאס מכחיש את הטבח ב-7 באוקטובר
    -הציווי לישראל לקחת אחריות על החינוך של ערביי ישראל
    -כל העיניים נשואות לישראל, איזה פוטנציאל יש לנו
    -להשפיע על העולם אם ניצור שלום
    -החשיבות של לימוד ערבית של יהודים
    -פעילים דתיים יהודים לא רוצים להיראות כשמאלנים, פעילי שלום ערבים לא רוצים שיראו אותם כחלק מנורמליזציה
    -חמאס תכנן לגרש אותנו החוצה באמצעות פחד. ניצחון כרוך בהראות להם שאנחנו לא רק נעזוב, אנחנו נשלוט

    Episode 31- The Israel Hamas war, part 3

    Episode 31- The Israel Hamas war, part 3

    -Reality trumps Fauda big time
    -The irony of liberals supporting Hamas
    -Conversation with Arab couple who said 80% of Israeli Arabs support Hamas
    -Israeli Arab soldier in the IDF who fights for Israel
    -What, in fact, is apartheid?
    -Why the canton (clan government, headed by local elder) system won’t work today for Arab municipalities
    -Could the Minute of Silence help restore respect for elders among Arab youths?
    -The importance of Jewish Israelis learning Arabic
    -The importance of the Israeli government apologizing about and naming every Palestinian casualty, alongside an explanation that we have no choice but to kill in these circumstances
    -When the Golden Rule requires us to kill

    Episode 30- The Israel-Hamas war, part 2

    Episode 30- The Israel-Hamas war, part 2

    Our 2nd conversation about the war, 12 days in. 


    -Experiencing sirens and rockets with young children

    -The miracle of Iron Dome

    -Izzy vists Arab friend in Gaza in the 80s, no fear

    -The myth that Jewish settlers get away with illegal construction in the territories

    -The bravery and risk-taking of Arabs who side with Israel

    -The legacy of the "Eternal Jew" in the public consciousness

    -Why Judaea and Samaria will never be relinquished by religious Jews in Israel

    -How the Iron Dome is a "double-edged shield"

    -Why the best outcome for the Palestinians is an Israeli victory

    Episode 28- Avraham Frank

    Episode 28- Avraham Frank

    Email Avraham Frank at: AFSilence@gmail.com 

    Click here for Izzy's Psychology Today blog post about A Minute of Silence

    Click here to learn about the Seven Noahide Laws

    -Avraham Frank meets Izzy Kalman at a seminar in NYC
    -Working for the city in foster care, welfare, unemployment and more
    -The Lubavitcher rebbe urged Jews not to “disregard” gentiles but rather to influence them to keep the 7 Noahide laws
    -Enumeration of the 7 Noahide laws
    -Lubavitcher Rebbe explained that parents are too busy or preoccupied to invest in their kids’ moral upbringing, so Minute of Silence is critical in public schools
    -In Minute of Silence kids are supposed to think about what they discussed with their parents the evening before, thereby strengthening parental authority and the bond between them
    -Izzy explains that the Minute of Silence was not invented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, but was instituted in many schools when prayer was banned in public schools 
    -The Rebbe’s twist was in giving parent’s back the moral authority over their kids
    -Avraham helped change the laws in three states to require a Minute of Silence
    -Writing letters about Moment of Silence allows staff to monitor the thoughts of the students and prevent crises
    -Evidence of Minute of Silence’s social, emotional and educational benefits
    -The communal aspect of a Minute of Silence
    -Izzy and Avraham reminisce about their beginnings in the Bronx

    Episode 27- The Evelyn Field Interview

    Episode 27- The Evelyn Field Interview

    Link to Evelyn’s book, Harry the Bully Blocker

    -School counselor for 50 years
    -Mt. Scopus Jewish school in the family for generations
    -When her daughters finished at the school she left too, and wrote “Bully Busting” and two books on workplace bullying
    -Addressing the lack of practical guidance a school counselor gets on how to deal with cases of bullying
    -Explanation of what the DSM 5 is
    -Social alienation in the Western world, exacerbated by Corona, mitigated by religion
    -The need for kids to learn how to get along with all kinds of people, of all ages
    -Evelyn posits that despite all the research on the damage caused by bullying, it’s not actually taken seriously by schools or the psychological field
    -Izzy posits that it is taken seriously, it’s just that schools are being required to do the things that make the problem worse
    -Prevalence of Holocaust awareness in Melbourne
    -Learning from Netflix series how Chinese, Koreans and Japanese deal with mean people
    -The trend in Korea to publicly shame those who bullied you as a kid; devastating to the accused
    -Research shows kids who tell the most get picked on the most
    -Izzy explains what’s so problematic about treating bullying like a legal issue
    -Izzy and Evelyn role-play (she calls him a bitch)
    -Evelyn posits that Jews (historical victims of extreme tragedies) are plagued less by bullying

    Episode 26- The Steve Sussman Interview

    Episode 26- The Steve Sussman Interview

    Dr. Sussman's website: https://www.sussmankids.com/

    -Licensed psychologist for over 4 decades, private practice in NJ and NY
    -Early on in career worked in a violent adolescent center, where staff faced physical assault; gave him perspective on what’s considered challenging in psychology
    -Therapy in group settings, with parents present
    -Accountability- not consequences, and incentives- toys and money
    -Steve’s very unconventional use of humor in therapy
    -Laughter’s power to spur emotional bonding
    -Steve and Izzy compare how many toys they had as kids
    -Izzy and Steve met at a community cable TV show panel on the Columbine massacre- Izzy feels he sounded like a lunatic, Steve feels he sounded like a visionary
    -the Richmond County Psychological Association- Izzy was struck with Steve’s use of humor
    -Steve takes Izzy’s suggestion to leave all the parents in the room throughout the sessions
    -Steve encounters previous clients after many years- testament to his program’s long-term success
    -Steve gets Izzy the opportunity to give seminars through Cross-Country University

    Episode 25- Michal Cohen Eliezer

    Episode 25- Michal Cohen Eliezer

    עמוד הפייסבוק של מיכל: 


    לסרטון שיטת איזי לבריונות, שעזר לבת של מיכל: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOReCVHEstCE42CxPfZRRGfgyJzYJ4gMW

    תוכן הראיון: 
    -מאמנת אסטרטגיות למידה
    תלמידה לא מוצלחת ביסודי, גילתה ספר על שיטות שינון בשירותים-
    -ילדים לומדים הכי טוב דרך הרגש
    -פרוטקציה לגרום לכתבה להתפרסם בעיתון ישראלי
    . -בנה מותקף על ידי בריונים במושב. מיכל מחפשת איך להתמודד באופן עצמאי.
    -הבינה שהגישה של האשמת כל הסביבה במקרים של בריונות היא נוחה אך לפותרת את הבעיה
    -אובדן אמא בגיל צעיר, ואמא חורגת שעודדה לימוד- אולי גורמים בהצלחה שלה?
    -תולדות שיטת איזי- בעבודה בתור פסיכולוג בית ספר באילת
    -ילד של לולה בחינוך ביתי, לולה חושבת שהחינוך החברתי בבית ספר לא שווה הרבה, כי הוא מאוד מתווך
    -הטבח בקולומביין הצית את המשימה של איזי להציג את הפתרון הנכון לבריונות
    -התחיל לטוס בכל ארצות הברית להרצות מול אנשי בריאות הנפש וחינוך
    -חשב שבארץ ישמחו לקבל את שיטתו, אך במשרד החינוך אמרו לו להתחיל בתור פסיכולוג בית ספר
    -מיכל מרגישה שאין שום טעם להישען על המערכת אלא להסתדר לבד ולעזור לאנשים להבין איך לפתור את בעיותיהם לבד
    -מיכל מסבירה למה גופות כמו ים של חברים גם לא יגלו עניין בשיטה
    -סרט על שיטת איזי לישראלים בחינם- מיכל: לא מעריכים דברים בחינם
    -קודם כל צריך להפריך את הנחות היסוד של הציבור על בריונות 
    -אנטי קורבנות, לא אנטי בריונות
    -ספר אנטרופולוגי על עם ללא בריונות: Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh
    -לימוד השיטה דרך משחקי תפקידים
    -התסכול של  איזי מתלמידו שגנב את רעיונותיו
    -מיכל חוותה משהו דומה עם ספר שלה שהועתק ונמכר- היא בחרה לא לתבוע, אלא להמשיך בעשייה


    Episode 24- The Rivka Tucker Interview

    Episode 24- The Rivka Tucker Interview

    -50 reasons for lack of concentration and only one is neurological
    -Uncovered stories of bullying in many of her cases, felt unequipped to help
    -Has bullying always existed in the orthodox Jewish community, or is it a by-product of modern stressors?
    -Perhaps the difference between then and now is that this generation is made up of “marshmallows”
    -Izzy’s favorite technique: answering with the opposite compliment
    -Izzy’s explanation why bullying is such an issue in the orthodox Jewish community
    -In orthodox world, mothers prone to discouraging children from sharing for fear of accomplices to slander. In secular world, mothers prone to getting overly involved.
    -With learning disabled children, the technique must be drilled
    -The difficulty breaking through in Israel
    -Feeling very outcast as an orthodox Jewish child in a non-Jewish school in Holland.
    -Discovering, thanks to a remedial reading course, that you can be smart and yet not know how to read. 
    -Izzy and Rivka’s common ground as second generation to Holocaust survivors


    Episode 23- The Ana Maria Andreu interview

    Episode 23- The Ana Maria Andreu interview

    -Anna Maria browses 300 bullying programs to try to help her daughter who was attacked in the bathroom
    -Guatemala, 1982: The army deposes the president; Anna Maria has a tank pointed at her building; parents send her and her siblings away, but stay at home to safeguard the house.
    -Anna Maria has her patients guess why she was bullied- not the partial paralysis of her face, but rather, big ears
    -The source of Anna Maria’s bullying at school- damage to her self-esteem at home
    -Anna Maria demands to be moved to a new school- and the bullying stops
    -Anna Maria marries a man not suited to her because he’s the first person to say “I love you.”
    -Anna Maria helps her daughter turn her 6 assaulters into friends.
    -Anna Maria’s daughter becomes a coach on how to make friends.
    -Research shows Latin American countries have some of the highest rates of bullying in the world.

    -When the stars aligned for Ana Maria to bring Bullies To Buddies to her school.

    -Ana Maria "cures" a teasing victim in one conversation.

    Episode 22- Analyzing the Brooks Gibbs Interview

    Episode 22- Analyzing the Brooks Gibbs Interview

    To get an idea of the plagiarism spoken of, view this video.

    -Izzy feels nauseous after the interview because Brooks appears as the better man
    -Did Brooks really sell honey on the side of the road? Or is it another story to please the listener?
    -Izzy is not requesting to be credited in speeches, just in Brooks’ written materials
    -Is mass media blurring the line between plagiarism and more innocuous forms for borrowing?
    -Izzy feels betrayed not only because of the plagiarism, but because of the time and energy he had devoted to him
    -how Brooks could begin to rectify the falsehoods he’s spread
    -Brooks drops his false tiles in brooksgibbs.com
    -The power of telling stories
    -Izzy’s concern about a defamation-of-character lawsuit

    -Putting it out there to make it binding: Izzy has a book to write.

    Episode 21- The Brooks Gibbs Interview

    Episode 21- The Brooks Gibbs Interview

    Click here for video evidence of the plagiarism.


    -Milk and Honey
    -Steve Sussman got Izzy doing seminars around the country, how he met Brooks
    -Brooks succeeded on bringing the approach to the whole world
    -Brooks’ humble beginnings on a sheep farm in Franklin, Tennessee, selling honey
    -Viral success of Golden Rule Game
    -Izzy quiets down, grows distant
    -Brooks considers Izzy’s insistence on being credited for his ideas a “value violation.” Brooks does not share this value.
    -Brooks denies copying Izzy’s seminar participant testimonials and pasting them with his name on BrooksGibbs.com
    -After their one-year contract Brooks starts to train mental health professionals in Izzy’s technique without  informing Izzy.
    -Brooks claims he attempted to help Izzy’s public relations in the Nebraska fiasco. Izzy claims Brooks never stood behind his promise.
    -Brooks “Coauthors” the book ReThink Bullying with Izzy, without Izzy’s knowledge
    -Izzy challenges Brooks’ credentials and titles (read about Atlantic International University)
    -Brooks explains how he’s moved far beyond Izzy’s teachings- offendibility
    -Will Izzy’s potential trainees hesitate to be certified by him for fear of being hounded for not properly crediting Izzy?
    -Brooks and Izzy give each other homework

    Episode 20- The Brooks Gibbs Saga

    Episode 20- The Brooks Gibbs Saga

    Click here to view video evidence of the plagiarism.

    This was an interview Lola conducted with Izzy approximately one year before the podcast was created, with the intention of allowing Izzy to create a record of his experience being plagiarized by his student. It was aired as a prelude to the interview Brooks Gibbs conducted with them after discovering the podcast.

    Episode 19- Ron Shuali

    Episode 19- Ron Shuali

    Check out Ron Shuali at BreakingTheBullyingCircle.com



    -Enters naval academy at age 12, first experience being bullied and denied the option of defending himself
    -Learns to forgive and drop out at a Landmark seminar
    -Presenting to kids, developing strategy for those who complain of being punished for defending selves
    -Mental self defense tactics: “and?” and “the Power Look”
    -Izzy’s evolution: from ignoring bullies, to the Golden Rule towards bullies
    -responding with the opposite compliment
    -NJ anti-bully laws “garbage”, written by lawyers
    -Anti-bully laws force teachers to submit a report instead of dealing with the bullying on their own
    -Bullying happens here because we’re human
    -Teaching teachers to have a “clean-up” conversation so that their aggression doesn’t create the next bullying incident
    -Listening to the gut biome instead of the brain
    -If you get hit and ask “are you mad at me?”, the bully will just hit you harder (?)
    -24th anniversary of the Columbine shooting

    Episode 18- Triggering Transgenders

    Episode 18- Triggering Transgenders

    -It’s high time we started doing something about bullying (April Fools!)
    -Transgender man shoots up Catholic school, media focuses mostly on what pronoun should be used when referring to him
    -Could it be that psychiatric drugs are influencing the rise in shootings?
    -Bullies being blamed for shootings when it’s the victims who commit terrible acts of violence
    -Is the word “trauma” overused?
    -LGBTQ movement unwittingly raising sensitivity of transgenders and contributing to rise in violence and self-harm
    -The bible’s support for behaviors which are beneficial in nature (heterosexuality) 
    -The distinction between decriminalizing non-normative (but harmless) behaviors and encouraging them
    -The movement to enable youths to change gender and limit parental rights to intervene
    -It’s become cool to be non-heterosexual
    -If not enough babies are born, who will shoulder the burden of the retired elderly?-It’s good that homosexuality is decriminalized because it’s not a choice
    -It’s unreasonable to expect people to get rid of their natural inclination to see something different as potentially bad
    -Sexual identity also a matter of nurture, not just nurture
    -Izzy relates his near-gay experiences

    episode 17- Mark Johnson

    episode 17- Mark Johnson

    Visit Mark Johnson's website: lifetothebrim.org

    -Professional history: air force to corrections officer
    -being bullied by infantry: “airhead,” “zoomie”
    -Deployment to “Bumf**k, Egypt” after Muslim Brotherhood assassinates Anwar Sadat
    -Return home, night terrors
    -Deployment to Philippines, witness to acts of terrorism- more trauma
    -Molestation at the age of 5- early trauma
    -Willie Lynch- Caribbean slaveowner who advised his Northern counterparts to better control their “livestock” by pitting them against one another” (today Lynch is widely viewed by historians as a fabrication)
    -Public torture of slaves as a warning to others- generational trauma
    -Lola tries to understand why she, as a descendant of Holocaust survivors, has no generational trauma
    -Izzy relates the repercussions of the poor match between his parents, who met in a displaced persons camp at the end of WWII
    -Mark relates marrying four women to achieve a sense of normalcy- like Izzy’s parents
    -“Jesus saves, Moses invests”
    -How Mark decided to attend his first Bullies to Buddies seminar
    -Volunteering for Izzy’s role-play: Mark’s first experience of the Golden Rule technique
    -Mark overcomes his trauma to marry a 5th time
    -Mark tries to locate similarities between Izzy’s mother and wife-Is the word trauma overused?
    -Izzy remembers Mark attending his seminar in a tuxedo
    -Mark’s work and materials for inmates and kids
    -Izzy’s anecdote about a role-play with an inmate, “Tattoo”
    -It’s only through resilience that trauma can be overcome
    -The tragedy that befell the Native Americans
    -Miri shares about her recently deceased brother- a hero who went too soon