
    Return To Truth

    Discerning what is truth and what is tradition. The facts from the fables. Sola scriptura, meaning by scripture alone. Simply put, letting the Bible interpret itself rather than relying on what is widely taught in most mainstream Christian churches. There is a great deception going on in the church, we have strayed away from the Word of God and it’s time that we Return to Truth.
    en-usClint Curry55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    An Enduring Honor

    An Enduring Honor

    In today's episode we are looking directly at the Fifth Commandment of God. “Exodus 20:12, says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Did you know that the word honor is mentioned 355 times in the scriptures? Let's see exactly what the Bible has to say about it. 

    Don't Forget To Remember

    Don't Forget To Remember

    In today’s episode, we discuss the 4th Commandment of God. In Exodus 20:8-10 we read “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God." The word “remember”, what does it mean to you? To me, well, I often think of the word “remember” as sort of a “don’t forget”, almost as if I have already done so in the past. In a way the word "remember" means to make it a priority. Listen now to understand the truth about this commandment and how it is still just as relevant as all the rest.

    Hallowed Be Thy Name

    Hallowed Be Thy Name

    In today’s episode we talk about the Third Commandment in Exodus 20:7 which reads, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”  A name can tell you so much about someone, can’t it? It’s sort of your reputation, it’s who you are. But does a name really matter to you and to God? Listen now to understand the Third Commandment in more detail as we study this topic and Return To Truth.  

    A Graven Error

    A Graven Error

    Isaac Newton once said, "The more time and devotion one spends in the worship of false gods, the less he is able to spend in that of the true One." Idolatry reduces God of what He is. In this episode, we take a closer look at the second Commandment of God, You shall not make to you any graven image...Exodus 20:4, but it's not just idols or statues, sometimes it's ourselves, and what God wants from us is our worship of Him alone. 

    No Other Gods

    No Other Gods

    In today’s episode, we discuss in detail the first of the ten Commandments of God. Exodus 20:2-3 reads, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.” God starts with priorities doesn’t He? It’s appropriate that this is the first commandment. If you get this one right you have nothing to worry about, all others will follow suit. 

    Woe Is Me

    Woe Is Me

     “Woe is me, for I am undone!" “Isaiah 6:5. It was once asked to a Rabbi, when is the best time to repent, the Rabbi said, the last day of your life, but the man said, I don’t know when the last day of my life is. The Rabbi said, exactly. In today’s episode we talk about seeing God, seeing ourselves, repentance, confession and sanctification. 

    This Is War

    This Is War

    There is a war going on, unlike anything we have ever seen before. In todays episode we look into how this great war started and how it continues today. We take a close look into the fall of Lucifer and how YOU are part of the battle now. What are demons and who are angels? From Heaven to earth, we are now in a spiritual warfare unlike any other, but we have the most powerful armor and weapons waiting for us. 

    Who is Jesus?

    Who is Jesus?

    In today’s episode we will be asking the question, Who is Jesus? In order to find this out we need to investigate just exactly what the Bible says about Him. Get ready to find out who He is, where He came from and why He came as we explore this topic in detail. From riches to a manger, from Heaven to earth, giving up all He had to save the human race. 



    The aim here is to get back to the Bible. Sola scriptura, meaning by scripture alone. Discerning what is truth and what is tradition. The facts from the fables. Simply put, letting the Bible interpret itself rather than relying on what is widely taught in most mainstream Christian churches. There is a great deception going on in the church, we have strayed away from the word of God and it’s time that we Return to Truth. 

    Then Jesus said…, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” -  John 8:31-32

    Return To Truth
    en-usJanuary 02, 2023