

    This show is about shifting our individual consciousness and how that effects the collective. So rather than being about reincarnation from past lives, it's about actually coming fully into yourself, and the philosophy, methods, stories, and practices of those who are working on it. This is Riancarnation
    enRian Bevan29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    09| Outdoor Simulation with Isaiah and Jarah Dobbs

    09| Outdoor Simulation with Isaiah and Jarah Dobbs

    Isaiah and Jarah Dobbs join me at a nearby park for a conversation. I worked with these guys at a cannabis dispensary, and are some of the most fun people to hang out with. They also made my theme song. 

    I tried to make this episode really feel like a conversation that we would generally have with the mics off to really get a sense of their energy and passion that they carry with them, so be ready for lots of laughs.

    We talk a lot about music and the environment, bee-sting mystical experiences, working in a cannabis dispensary together, and lots more. This is a lighthearted episode but a great conversation.

    Check out their band Schwey!
    Songs played in this episode: Outdoor Simulation and Truth
    Instagram: @schweyluv
    Schwey's Korenteen EP
    Jarah Femi The Chaos Hacker
    Singing Plants at Damanhur Website (and mini doc)
    Village Bloomery, the dispensary in Vancouver we worked at

    My show is now on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts! (and still on Spotify and Stitcher) 

    Send me a message or email if you're interested in the Pentapipe!

    08 | A Somatic Approach to Salvia Divinorum with Christopher Solomon

    08 | A Somatic Approach to Salvia Divinorum with Christopher Solomon

    Christopher Solomon joins me this week on the show to talk about Salvia Divinorum.

    Christopher is a Somatic Therapist who specializes in using this unique sage plant for sessions with clients to help them overcome all kinds of things, including physical illness (from powerful anti-inflammatory compounds), addiction, depression, anxiety, and more. He's is a proponent of mindful low and medium doses with this plant, and we talk much around these kind of ideas. 

    Salvia is a lesser known psychedelic, and very fascinating plant overall. I'm definitely going to have Chris on in the future as he brings a great perspective to this work.

    Christopher does 1-on-1 work in person or over Zoom if you're interested in getting deeper with this plant. Find his writings, the PentaPipe (@salviapipe on Instagram), and get in touch with him at the website below.


    07 | Generational Perspective and Grounding into the Heart with Sean Coan

    07 | Generational Perspective and Grounding into the Heart with Sean Coan

    Sean Coan finally makes it on the show after too many technical difficulties

    We get into a conversation around Heart Math that unfortunately mostly got deleted. Then we got together to record a new chat and get deep into generational perspectives, grounding yourself, and bringing a magicians awareness to the chaotic times we find ourselves in. 

    Sean is a meditator, householder yogin in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, magick practitioner, and tarot card reader. Follow him on instagram, and book at tarot reading with him at his website below.

    Instagram: @arcaneheartstarot


    Institute of Heart Math

    I'm also on Instagram as well if you're not following me yet


    06 | Using Art to Navigate Grief and Uncertainty with Heather Prost

    06 | Using Art to Navigate Grief and Uncertainty with Heather Prost

    Heather Prost joins me on the show this week.

    Heather is an End-of-Life Doula and Expressive Arts Therapist.

    This time we're all going through of Covid 19 in a lot of ways is acting like a collective trauma on us and we're having to contend with a new way to be in the world. For many this can be quite destabilizing and challenging to come to terms with. 

    We're collectively in some ways grieving for the lives and world we once had. But new states of being and new ways of life can come from this time if we really learn to listen to ourselves and what our needs are.

    Techniques with expressive arts and such that Heather talk about are essential in this time to help us process what we're feeling.

    To find more of Heather's work (and art!) check out some links below. The artwork for this episode is part of their 'Shelter in Place' series.

    Instagram: @pinkwhiskers


    blog post mentioned in the epsiode: www.heatherannemarie.ca/post/navigating-covid-19-with-an-anxious-mind

    Peter Levine's Trauma Therapist Project Podcast 

    The death-reminder app they mentioned is called 'WeCroak'


    05 | Maximizing Creativity and Navigating Uncertainty in Times of Crisis with David Krantz

    05 | Maximizing Creativity and Navigating Uncertainty in Times of Crisis with David Krantz

    David Krantz joins me on the show this week.

    David Krantz is an Epigenetic Health Coach and musician behind Futexture

    In this episode we talk about his music and an interesting synesthetic experience he had that he worked to put out through his music, opportunities that may arise during a time like this, managing uncertainty and adapting to stress during Covid.

    I'm releasing this on 4/20 (in my time at least) and we do go into cannabis and considerations around use and genetic expression. David's genetic work and research looks deep into the endocannabinoid system and its correlates to response to cannabis, stress, and much more.

    He has a genetic test you can take that go deeper into the endocannabinoid system than most tests out there, and does free 30 minute genetic consultations over zoom

    Find him on Facebook or check out his website


    Instagram: @wholesystemshealth


    04 | Addiction, Ibogaine, Psychedelics, and Vitamin F'in C with Trevor Millar

    04 | Addiction, Ibogaine, Psychedelics, and Vitamin F'in C with Trevor Millar

    Trevor Millar joins me for this episode.

    Trevor Millar is the co-founder of the now closed Liberty Root Therapy Ltd that specialized in Ibogaine for the treatment of addiction, especially opioids. With this he's been engaged in helping the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver for sometime. He is the Chair of Board for MAPS Canada, Director of the Canadian Psychedelic Association and the former Executive Director of the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance.

    We talk much about Ibogaine and it's use for addiction, some around traditional Bwiti practices, other psychedelics, Vitamin C, saunas, and more.


    Trevor's "Why Psychedelics Are Not The Next Cannabis" Article:


    Vancouver Plant Medicine Decriminalization Campaign: www.decriminalizenature.ca

    DOSED Movie: https://www.dosedmovie.com/

    Psychedelic Association: www.psychedelicassociation.net

    Liberty Root Therapy: http://libertyroot.net/

    MAPS Canada: https://mapscanada.org/

    Iboga Soul: http://ibogasoul.com/

    03 | Searching for Authenticity with Bob Semeniuk

    03 | Searching for Authenticity with Bob Semeniuk

    Bob Semeniuk joins me on the show this episode.

    Bob is writing a book of his life called the Search for Authenticity. He’s been a full-time freelance writer, environmental and human rights activist and photojournalist for about 30 years.

    He lived with the Inuit for 2 years, been to over 80 countries and many war zones. He also knew Bill Reid for a time and carves masks in his spare time. 


    Instragram: @bobsemeniuk


    02 | People Are Living Shadows with Howard Blott

    02 | People Are Living Shadows with Howard Blott

    So many people seem to living off of past scripts of their lives. Howard and I talk around this idea in this episode, and look at how expectations can really hold someone in a life they're not wanting. Expectations from others, from society, from yourself. We also talk about decentralization and the future of technology. Check out Howard's podcast The Ascention Cafe once it's released! 

    This is the image that came to me with 'People are living shadows' I describe in the episode. 

    | \\\\ . //// |

    Look here for a picture of the John Lilly's passage on Expectations I read in this episode

    Here is Onyx Ashanti

    David Foster Wallace's This Is Water speech

    01 | Somatic Experiencing with Caleb

    01 | Somatic Experiencing with Caleb

    Caleb joins me for the first episode of the show. We talk a lot around a therapy modality called Somatic Experiencing that he's been incorporating into his therapy practice over the last 2 years. I've been interested in this for awhile and more so after I had heard of his transformative experiences using it.

    We touch a bit on the use of psychedelics in combination with a method like this, so this kind of method is worth keeping an eye out for if you were looking to engage in psychedelic therapy as that becomes more accessible in your area.

    Caleb mentions a few books in the episode as good intros if you want a deeper look into these kinds of methods

    - My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem

    - Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine

    - Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine