
    Robert Edward Grant Podcast

    Join Robert Edward Grant & Exclusive Guests as they explore time-worthy topics, from Current Issues, Science, Philosophy, and more, from a unique polymathic perspective. Robert continues to connect with incredible individuals throughout his successful career, relentless personal ambition, and passion for learning, helping shape who he is today. He believes that when we approach life’s most challenging questions, we can find the answers but must expand our perspectives, but to do so, we need to develop our perspectives. In continuing his journey of discovery, Robert is inviting thought leaders and experts from around the world to engage in fascinating conversations and wants to share this personal journey with you. Please tune in, become part of the community, and help us all develop new ways of thinking about the world, ourselves, and each other.
    enRobert Edward Grant23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    022 - Vylana Marcus

    022 - Vylana Marcus

    Vylana Marcus, celebrated for her profound work in sound healing, music, and spiritual guidance, recently joined Robert on the Think Tank podcast, marking a special episode. The session began with an impactful sound and meditation ceremony led by Vylana, setting a deep, intentional tone that visibly moved Robert. Their conversation traversed Vylana's personal trials and evolution from mainstream musical ambitions to a spiritually enriching path through sound. They delved into sound healing's transformative effects, Vylana's journey to reclaim her voice, the significance of belief, the transformative power of sound, and the essential connection with the divine and collective consciousness. Amidst this heartfelt dialogue, they briefly referenced their recent enlightening trip to Egypt, further enriching the episode's narrative with their shared experiences and insights gained from this journey.

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    021 - André Duqum

    021 - André Duqum

    Join Robert Grant and André Duqum on an intimate journey in this mesmerizing episode of the Robert Edward Grant Think Tank. Delve deep into their conversations spanning spirituality and the intricate art of podcasting. Relive the magic of their eye-opening expedition to Egypt, where the impact on their spiritual and personal growth became undeniable. André shares his personal evolution, transitioning from freelancing to crafting a thriving spiritual podcast. He emphasizes the power of attentive listening and engaging discussions as pillars of his success. The dialogue extends into the expansive realms of cosmology and fostering humility by recognizing our small place in the vast universe while feeling profoundly interconnected. André candidly discusses the hurdles of spiritual materialism and advocates for empathy in the face of global suffering, offering a holistic perspective on personal development, spiritual exploration, and social consciousness.

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    020 - Kaitlyn Kaerhart

    020 - Kaitlyn Kaerhart

    In this captivating episode of the Robert Edward Grant Think Tank, Robert is joined by Kaitlyn Kaerhart to dive into the captivating world of numerology. Together, they explore the mesmerizing intersection of numerology, astrology, and mathematics, delving deep into how these age-old practices intertwine to shape our personal destinies and unravel universal mysteries. Kaitlyn's expertise sheds light on the profound connections between the spiritual essence of numbers and the scientific principles that govern celestial bodies, providing a truly enriching perspective on the intricate blueprint of the cosmos. Through their lively conversation, Robert and Kaitlyn uncover the dual dimensions of numbers—both as spiritual symbols and scientific phenomena—expanding their understanding of the universe's intricate fabric and the significant role that numerology and astrology play in deciphering life's complex patterns.

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    019 - Zach Bush MD

    019 - Zach Bush MD

    In this episode, Robert and Zach Bush, MD, engage in a thought-provoking conversation, greatly influenced by their recent trip to Egypt. The initial part of their dialogue covers a wide range of topics, including spirituality, interconnectedness, the impact of consciousness and personal experiences on worldview, and the exploration of ancient and mythical sites like Atlantis. They also discuss self-discovery and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, emphasizing the deep connection between humans, nature, and the environment.

    Zach shares a significant moment from their journey in Egypt, elaborating on these themes, specifically in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This experience, notable for its blend of humor in a revered setting, underscored the value of finding joy in sacred moments. This was particularly meaningful for those in the group visiting Egypt for the first time.

    Further into the podcast, Zach reflects on his professional background as a hospice doctor. He talks about witnessing the human body's incredible ability to heal when freed from an overload of medications. These observations provide a critical perspective on the overuse of pharmaceuticals in modern healthcare, highlighting its limitations and adverse effects.

    Zach also discusses his extensive research in soil science. Over the past ten years, his lab has been investigating how nature can process and mitigate the accumulated human trauma of the last century. His findings reveal nature's remarkable resilience and capability to undergo significant genetic changes, indicating a profound potential for ecological and biological rebalancing under the right circumstances. 

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    018 - Teal Swan

    018 - Teal Swan

    In this episode of the Robert Edward Grant Think Tank, Robert and spiritual teacher Teal Swan explore the topics of human consciousness, Teal's personal experiences within the FLDS sect of Mormonism, and the dynamics of male and female relationships.

    Teal Swan opens up about her journey, focusing on her experiences within the FLDS sect, the cultural and psychological impacts of these experiences, and the contradictions and challenges within FLDS culture, particularly regarding money and sexuality. The conversation also touches on the growing number of individuals reassessing their involvement with the FLDS.

    Robert and Teal delve into the complexities of male and female relationships. Teal Swan emphasizes the importance of women making space for men in their lives while also highlighting the critical role of men in understanding and addressing women's fears and providing security and reassurance. She discusses the paradox effect in relationships, where a secure bond leads to greater autonomy for both partners. The conversation also addresses how changes in one partner often mirror shifts in the other and stresses the need for mutual understanding and respect in communicating across gender lines, underscoring the importance of acknowledging each other's emotional and psychological needs.

     This episode offers a mix of personal stories, psychological insights, and spiritual wisdom, providing listeners with a more profound understanding of themselves and their relationships. It's a thought-provoking discussion that challenges conventional beliefs and offers insights into the journey toward self-awareness and personal growth.

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    017 - Matias De Stefano

    017 - Matias De Stefano

    This episode of The Robert Edward Grant Think Tank features Matías De Stefano, known for his remarkable ability to recall past lives, various documentaries on Gaia TV, and his involvement in spearheading gatherings and conferences dedicated to pursuing higher consciousness.

    Throughout this captivating conversation, the interconnectedness of history, spirituality, geometry, and symbolism is evident. The discussion underscores the profound mysteries surrounding ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramids, emphasizing that these ancient structures may hold the answers to unraveling the nature of reality and humanity's place within it.

    Matías shares a personal experience of profound transformation that took place while sitting in a ceremony. He shares how he felt like a black hole where everything in the universe was being projected through him, akin to a state of enlightenment or profound realization.

    Robert and Matías further explore the Nile River's symbolism, the Giza Plateau's surprising maps, and the potential symbolism of the Garden of Eden or New Jerusalem inherent within the pyramids, along with sacred geometry, mathematics, and the musical intervals embodied by the pyramids' proportions.

    Additionally, Matías recalls a significant experience from his recent visit to Israel, where he encountered Melchizedek, one of the first priests of Jerusalem, and the twofold message he received.

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    016 - Emily Fletcher

    016 - Emily Fletcher

    Emily Fletcher is this episode's special guest on The Robert Edward Grant Think Tank, and together, they delve deep into the realms of sex magic, meditation, and enlightenment. Formerly lighting up the Broadway stage, Emily has become a beacon in the world of spiritual growth. With a remarkable feat of having taught over 350,000 people meditation, she shines as the founder of Ziva Meditation and the magnetic voice behind the "Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?" podcast. Our conversation explores the vibrant intersections of art, sensuality, spiritual awakening, and the profound power of sacred sexuality—an area of expertise for Emily, guiding souls in their quest for clarity and expansive understanding.

    As the discourse unfolds, Robert and Emily navigate the intriguing idea that each of us embodies a fragment of a grand cosmic tapestry. Our existence is deeply interconnected, and the world serves as a kaleidoscope of reflections, allowing us unique perspectives to observe and comprehend our essence.

    Emily, with her rich expertise, emphasizes the transformative nature of sacred sexuality, detailing its deep ties with our spiritual core and its influential role in personal evolution. She offers glimpses into her spiritual odyssey, accentuating the significance of meditation, pleasure, and medicine. Drawing from the venerable Vedas, a resonating sentiment emerges: "There's only one thing, we're all it, and that one thing is consciousness."

    The experience of the Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreats is also spotlighted, offering a space for listeners to ponder the profound depth of silence, inner shadows, and self-discovery. Immerse yourself in this dance of duality, polarity, enlightenment, and the evocative realms of sacred sexuality.

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    015 - Richard Rudd & Alan Green

    015 - Richard Rudd & Alan Green

    Renowned author Richard Rudd returns to the Think Tank in response to popular demand to continue and expand on the topics they had left off on. To open the discussion into new areas, they are joined by Alan Green, a celebrated pianist, composer, author, and Shakespeare scholar.

    This captivating episode delves into the hidden secrets of the Freemasons intertwined with Cleopatra's Needle, shedding light on the mysterious inspirations behind Shakespeare's timeless works. Alan discloses his discovery of encryptions within the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution's preamble. Exploring profound concepts like spiritual nihilism, the hero's journey, and infinite beginnings, they unlock the limitless potential within each individual.

    Prepare for a mind-expanding experience as they unravel Shakespeare's enigmatic identity and decode the veiled symbolism across languages. Together, they unveil covert codes concealed within Shakespeare's masterpieces, illuminating a deep understanding of the human experience and tapping into the depths of collective consciousness.

    Don't miss this extraordinary conversation, where ancient mysteries converge with modern wisdom, forever altering your perception of the world.

    Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny https://amzn.to/3J3bv6g

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    014 - Kelly Brogan, MD

    014 - Kelly Brogan, MD

    Robert welcomes special guest, Kelly Brogan, M.D. In this captivating episode, Kelly shares her journey of self-discovery and her decision to break away from mainstream medical treatments, vowing never to prescribe medication again.

    Together, they delve into the philosophy of becoming a better individual and fostering stronger relationships between men and women by understanding their fundamental needs. Kelly illuminates the detrimental effects of adopting a victimhood mentality and reveals how she liberated herself from such thinking. 

    The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as they delve into less desirable practices of big pharmaceutical companies and how they influence doctors to endorse these ideas and methods. Kelly fearlessly exposes these practices while discussing her hidden enjoyment of the challenges she faces from mainstream critics.

    Through this engaging discussion, listeners gain valuable insights into Kelly's journey, discovering who she truly is and how she arrived at her current position. Prepare to be inspired and enlightened as Robert Edward Grant and Kelly Brogan explore various topics that will leave you questioning the status quo and aspiring for a better future. 

    Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny https://amzn.to/3J3bv6g

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    013 - Billy Carson

    013 - Billy Carson

    Join us for an episode of Robert Edward Grant's Think Tank with guest Billy Carson as they delve into Robert's fascinating new discoveries about pyramids worldwide and their alignment with his geometric grid. They discuss how these findings confirm the presence of additional pyramids on the Giza Plateau, as depicted in ancient maps. The conversation also explores confessional hearings, the governmental interest in extraterrestrial activities, and the potential motivations behind sudden disclosure.

    Billy, the creative force behind the Consciousness Awards, shares wisdom on acknowledging influential thinkers and expresses delight in witnessing Robert's recent award at the Miami event. The discussion touches upon the ascension process and its parallels to unlocking levels of consciousness.

    Combined with Robert's ongoing pyramid discoveries, the musical relationship between pyramids, and his national treasure hunt research, this thought-provoking episode aims to inspire community engagement and foster a collective shift in consciousness.

    Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny https://amzn.to/3J3bv6g

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    012 - Blu of Earth

    012 - Blu of Earth

    In this episode, Robert welcomes the inspiring Blu of Earth, who shares her extraordinary journey into enlightenment, delving into her experience of diminishing hearing and how she has transformed it into a positive and transformative chapter of her life. Discover how Blu's unique perspective has opened up new opportunities and enabled her to engage with the world in profound and unexpected ways.

    During the conversation, they explore the powerful concept of breaking free from the need for external validation as Blu shares her insights on finding true fulfillment within oneself. We also delve into the transformative power of non-judgment and its role in attaining a higher perspective. Prepare to be inspired as Blu's story reminds us of the boundless potential for growth and self-discovery that lies within each of us.

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    011 - Richard Rudd

    011 - Richard Rudd

    Robert welcomes Richard Rudd, author of The Gene Keys, to expand on the concept of his book, which takes them into a thought-provoking discussion of enlightenment. There was so much to discuss that this episode is but part one of a much larger discussion. During the conversation, they discuss the idea that only suffering can lead to true bliss; Richard shares his journey to enlightenment and the insights he has gained along the way. Robert also invites Richard to join him on his next expedition to Egypt, where they plan to spend a night alone inside The Great Pyramid. As they discuss the gene keys, listeners are taken on a thought-provoking journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. Tune in to this episode to gain a deeper understanding of the gene keys and their potential to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

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    010 - Donald Hoffman

    010 - Donald Hoffman

    Robert sits down with cognitive psychologist and author Donald Hoffman to discuss some mind-boggling concepts. They delve into the idea that we may be living in a simulation, how mathematics and emotion are linked, and the role of geometry in understanding the universe. They also explore the dogma of Scientism, its limitations, the concept of entropy, and how it relates to the universe and our own lives. They also consider that humans could be AI, shedding light on some fascinating questions about our existence and place in the world. Tune in to this thought-provoking conversation, which will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality.  

    Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny 

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    009 - Michael Ashley

    009 - Michael Ashley

    Michael Ashley, who co-authored the book "Nuromined," with Robert, joins him to discuss the future of humanity in the age of AI and politics. In this thought-provoking conversation, they explore the potential impact on society if governments were to use the power of AI to control narrative, movement, and our ability to speak freely. Using recent examples of Western governments moving in that direction, they highlight the disturbing actions of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he created a false narrative around the Canadian trucker convoy and subsequently froze the bank accounts of anyone involved or seen to support it. They also discuss the implications of CBDC (programmable money) and how it would make it easier for governments to enact similar actions. The conversation then takes a fascinating turn toward the "15-minute cities" concept and how it might end up restricting the movement of people instead of providing convenience. They also talk about the rise of conspiracy theories and how they have been proven correct far too often in recent times. Furthermore, they delve into big tech, working with the government to control the "narrative" and influence how people vote and the looming threat of deep fakes and foreign governments using them to manipulate public trust. In summary, this podcast provides a valuable perspective on the future of humanity and the potential consequences of AI and political control.

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    008 - Chervin Jafarieh

    008 - Chervin Jafarieh

    Robert engages in an insightful conversation with Chervin -- a renowned health expert, mentor, and founder of Cymbiotika, a groundbreaking wellness brand. Robert and Chervin delve into the issues and distractions that are placed upon us in society and the importance of focusing on what matters most. They explore the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner, Walter Russel, and Davinci and their long-term impact on the world. Chervin also graciously shares a personal moment with Robert about his beloved father and the legacy he left that has made Chervin the man he is today.

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    007 - Kelly Rutherford

    007 - Kelly Rutherford

    Join us as we sit down with acclaimed actress, Kelly Rutherford, to discuss the incredible journey of her life and career. From her humble beginnings to her current success, Kelly shines through with humble confidence and a balanced outlook on life. Listen in as Kelly shares her unique philosophies on life and how they have helped her work through challenging times.

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    006 - Dr. Eric Cole

    006 - Dr. Eric Cole

    In this episode, Robert sits down with Eric Cole, one of the world's top experts in cyber security. Eric shares his personal journey to success, including his time as a professional hacker in the CIA. But it's not all espionage and intrigue - Eric will also reveal some truly alarming facts about just how vulnerable we are in the digital age with the current encryption standard.

    Eric shines a spotlight on the growing threat of sophisticated ransomware criminal enterprises responsible for extracting a jaw-dropping $23BN from American companies and private citizens. Not to worry, though, as he also unveils some groundbreaking technological advancements from companies like Crown Sterling and Theon, paving the way for the next generation of security protocols.

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    005 - Craig Wright

    005 - Craig Wright

    Dr. Craig S Wright is an Australian/Antiguan computer scientist, businessman, and inventor, who challenges the world with visionary ideas. Dr. Wright asserts he is the creator of Bitcoin and author of the Bitcoin white paper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. He is one of the earliest minds behind what we now know as blockchain technology and established nChain to unleash the technology and its intended purpose—now preserved in the form of the Bitcoin SV Node reference implementation and Bitcoin SV.

    In this episode, Robert and Craig cover numerous interesting topics, including Greek philosophy and Japanese history, discussing if the modern world could be repeating some of the mistakes from the past. They also talk about Craig's life journey and some of the things he has gone through to get to where he is today, including one surprising career choice. Craig also tells us the story of what inspired him to come up with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and how his knowledge of computer science, law, statistics, and economics gave him the tools to create Bitcoin.

    Craig recently returned to Twitter and regularly engages with his followers on various topics, including, as you'd expect, blockchain, CBDCs, and the politics surrounding it. Craig has a low tolerance for trolls and time wasters and doesn't hesitate to block them. Despite Craig's formidable public reputation, this interview exposes a softer underbelly showing Craig to be highly personable under the right circumstances with his broad range of knowledge, making for a fascinating conversation.

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    004 - Aubrey Marcus

    004 - Aubrey Marcus

    Aubrey Marcus, the founder of Onnit, has a podcast with 50 million listens, is the author of the NYT Bestselling book, Own The Day, and has produced several documentaries, including Awake In The Darkness, Dragon of the Jungle, Ayahuasca, and Huachuma.

    Aubrey reveals some personal stories about his childhood and relationships in this episode. Aubrey also talks about his business career, failures, and determination never to give up, leading him to be the enormous success he is today.

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    003 - Danica Patrick

    003 - Danica Patrick

    Danica Patrick is a former professional race car driver who broke barriers and set records with her on-track performance. Now retired from racing, Danica looks to the next chapter, focusing on her passion projects and businesses, furthering entrepreneurial pursuits, and exploring her spiritual side. Danica has a curious mind and an exciting personality, making for a fascinating conversation.

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