
    S.O.F.T. and Strong: Midlife Women On A Mission

    Midlife. The in-between years when you're no longer young but you're not old yet either. It's that time in your story when you're crying all the way home from leaving your kid at college. Or crumpling up your high school reunion invite because life has not turned out at all in the way you said it would. You're waking up in the middle of the night wracked with financial worry. You're going through a divorce or grieving your spouse or wondering who that man is across the table as you haven't really connected for years. It's exhausted caregiving and a waistline you don't recognize. It's staring out the window blankly and asking "NOW WHAT?" Hey - this is a transition when life doesn't give us the choice about whether we go through it or not. But...there are choices that are in our control. Life doesn't stop here. YOU are meant for so much more. And that's what this podcast is about. Instead of being known as a woman who is "menopausal", WHAT IF you could be seen as a beautiful Woman on a Mission? Someone who is taking all life by storm? Who doesn't back down? Who never gives up? Someone who knows what she wants and isn't settling for less. People know you as confident, intelligent, sensitive and intuitive. You get things done. You can be trusted to follow through. You're a woman with a vision. The antidote for sinking into all the inevitable midlife mindsets our culture trains us to believe is PURPOSE. I'm Bernice McDonald, Midlife Coach, and I'm here to guide you as you get your feet back on solid ground. Life shifts. Like winter to spring. So shift with it! Leave your past missions behind as they're done. Open up your heart and your mind to what's next. Your Next Great Mission. We all have one. And you do, too. Let's answer the Midlife Call. Find our next great mission. Live with purpose. Please come and join us!
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    Episodes (81)

    How To Be Resilient & Courageous (+Proud of Your Midlife Self)

    How To Be Resilient & Courageous (+Proud of Your Midlife Self)

    It’s now, in midlife, that the last thought on your mind is to be “resilient and courageous”.

    Ever feel like you're teetering on a high wire, blindfolded, with the world watching below? One minute, you're conquering life's great balancing act, and the next - whoosh - you're in free fall.

     I get it. 

    The midlife rollercoaster is not for the faint of heart. Fear, uncertainty, and change are the nasty gremlins that come along for the ride, uninvited.

    Yeah, you've been shoved into the deep end. The kids are off, career's taking a twist, body's playing mischief, and all you've got is a lousy life preserver called 'courage.' 

    Really, universe?

    But hold up! WHAT IF this courage could be your life raft, your North Star navigating you through this seemingly impossible stage? 

    How about we unravel the magic of what it takes to get through all of it…the fear, the uncertainty and the change?  Like a boss. Like a Beautiful Warrior.

    Are you up for it? It all starts right here.

    This is where you train as a "Beautiful Warrior". This week's training? How to be Resilient and Courageous and PROUD of your Midlife Self.

    1.  What does it mean to be reslient and courageous?
    2.  How you can build resilience and courage.
    3.  How to live life as a resilient and courageous woman.

    See in you inside!

    Here is the link to the transcript, if you prefer to read it rather than listen.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    3 Ways To Master Your Inner Strength in Midlife

    3 Ways To Master Your Inner Strength in Midlife

    Midlife is a time when you start to ask, "Who am I now? What's next?"

    Change is, for women, inevitable. It's easy to lose your courage and stop believing in yourself.

    Challenges are everywhere and you wonder if you have what it takes to actually make it through in one piece. 

    The answer is YES YOU CAN! Enter the "Beautiful Warrior".

    Who is she?

     A beautiful warrior is a woman. A woman just like you and me, who turns her midlife experiences into powerful tools for transformation, growth and empowerment. 

    She's a beacon of courage, of resilience, of strength, who navigates life's challenges with the grace of a swan.

    In this episode, Life Coach Bernice McDonald shows you 3 Ways to Master Your Inner Strength:

    1. Recognize the Power of Experience
    2. Embrace Your Courage
    3. Radiate Your Beauty

    There is no one like you and that means there's no one like you who can live your life with as much mastery as you can.

    Come on in and be transformed!

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Mission Midlife: 5 Steps To Finding Your Passion

    Mission Midlife: 5 Steps To Finding Your Passion

    Are you wondering what the secret is to finding your passion - it seems that everyone expects you to know but maybe you're confused about the whole idea and wondering if it's something that is really going to matter?

    Discovering your personal mission, your life's purpose is like finding your compass in the forest. It doesn't eliminate the trees, but it does show you the direction. 

    It illuminates your path, adds meaning to each step you take, and brings a sense of fulfillment and joy.

    Think about who you want to be - what you want to contribute to this world. 

    You’re amazing in your own unique way, and it's more than okay to acknowledge that. In fact, it's necessary. 

    In this podcast I'm going to show you how to:

    • How to recognize your true passions
    • 5 Steps to actually defining how YOUR passion, along with your core values, merge into a combination that creates purpose.
      • Step 1: Reflect on your passions and values.
      • Step 2: Visualize your ideal self.
      • Step 3: Identify your unique strengths.
      • Step 4: Make your mission statement. (with lots of examples)
      • Step 5: Take action. (with lots of examples)

    To live this life fully without feeling it's a tedious, tiresome journey filled with potholes and plots, you need to have something to focus on that fills your heart with joy.

    This is one of the key qualities of a Beautiful Warrior.

    Come in for a listen and be inspired to think creatively about a life you'll love.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    3 Ways Life Has Prepared You To ROCK Midlife

    3 Ways Life Has Prepared You To ROCK Midlife

    Many of us by midlife are afraid to make decisions because we’re afraid the past equals the future.

    The amazing news about life is this: the past does NOT equal the future. Every phase is a new canvas. And you hold the paintbrush in your hand.

    THIS is when decide: Beautiful Warrior of Shrinking Violet? 

    Your Beautiful Warrior is YOU taking charge. 

    YOU becoming the boss of your brain and not listening to all the stories it tells you. 

    Truth is, your brain is just trying to protect you. That’s its job. And it just wants to keep you safe.

    In this podcast we talk about 3 Thoughts of a Beauiful Warrior. Thoughts that create passion and purpose. Thoughts that train you to live through your midlife crisis as a woman and beat the fear of aging.

    • Learn and practice the 3 thoughts that transform the fear of not being good enough to believing in yourself
    • Discover the incredible gifts the past has given you that are your key to the promise that the past does not have to equal the future.
    • Embrace the qualities of a Beautiful Warrior rather than living in the fear of losing control of your life in the second half.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Taking Life On As A Beautful Warrior

    Taking Life On As A Beautful Warrior

    Someone calls you 'fat'.

    Someone says your work isn't up the standards of the company and to do it again.

    Someone says your work is wonderful and to be sure that same level of quality shows up on the next project.

    Someone tells you that your son may have cancer.

    Someone tells you that your mom is going to need extra care and you're the only sibling near her.

    Challenges. Something new and difficult that is going to require great effort and determination to get to the other side.


    This is when it's time to call in your midlife-self's Beautiful Warrior. What does she look like? You'll find out her distinct (and very life-saving) qualities in this episode.

    6 Qualities to embrace. You'll discover:

    • Is she invincible?
    • What does she believe?
    • How risk will strengthen her.
    • How she treats others.
    • What's she thinking?
    • Where is her power?

    See you inside.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    So Am I Enough? 3 Ways To Truly Believe You Are

    So Am I Enough? 3 Ways To Truly Believe You Are

    Have you ever downplayed your own work because it wasn't as good as someone else's?

    Or changed your mind about submitting something, cooking something, doing something because you believed what you could give wasn't very good?

    These are symptoms of the "I am not enough" way of life. And it's this thinking that will cause you to become smaller and smaller as you get older.

    Midlife is the time to take a good hard look at this because you don't want to spend the rest of your life withdrawing, feeling 'less than'.

    Needing to know that you're competent is a key component to having good self-esteem. In this podcast we talk about 3 ways you can build your belief in yourself.

    Wisdom from the podcast:

    "So step back. Be the friend, the mom, the boss you wish you could have had. Say the same things to yourself that you wished you would have heard from them."

    Bernice McDonald

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    The Power of Heart: Why Following Your Passion Can Transform Your Midlife

    The Power of Heart: Why Following Your Passion Can Transform Your Midlife

    WHAT IF Midlife were actually a Call To Adventure?

    The only way you hear that Call is to connect to that very quiet place deep inside of you. That's where you'll find your heart.

    This is a powerful place. A place from which you can learn to be yourself...shut out the noise of what everyone else thinks you should be, tells you to be.

    The Call challenges us to look deeper into how life has been molding us, preparing us for this time just ahead. A new phase. Midlife.

    Find the answers to that calling and everything else will fall into place. 

    Purpose becomes the reason for our lives and the foundation we can use to make all our decisions and choices for the rest of our lives.

    You have so much to offer, and the world needs what you have to give.

    It's never too late to find a new purpose. A new reason for living.

    Let's look at how that can be done. Come on in or download the transcript.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    How To Feel Like You Belong No Matter What

    How To Feel Like You Belong No Matter What

    Ever walk into a crowded room and feel all alone?

    There is nothing like feeling as if you are in the wrong place. Don't belong. Are not wanted somewhere.

    WE ALL FEEL IT. And, for women, midlife can magnify this because so many places where they felt at home and needed are shifting. Changing. 

    So how do we handle this? How do we make that vital decision to stay engaged with our lives by building up the crucial connections that our hearts need so badly?

    That's what we're talking about here. How to become a Beautiful Warrior and face this midlife challenge.

    In this podcast you are going to learn:

    • What to do when you feel all alone
    • A Secret skill you can learn when you walk into a room of strangers
    • How changing on thought can help you relax and connect
    • How you can believe in yourself and what you have to bring to the table

    Come in and join us as we become Midlife Women on a Mission!

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Significance...Who Tells You Who You Are?

    Significance...Who Tells You Who You Are?

    Your heart is the most beautiful thing about you. And in that beautiful heart, you'll find every need that shows you how to find your passion and purpose.

    The 2nd need of your heart is SIGNIFICANCE. To know and value who I am.

    In this podcast I'm talking about YOU, a potential Woman on a Mission.  And, because of that, you are a potential Beautiful Warrior.

    YOU who have walked through life with all of its hills and valleys, challenges and disasters.

    It's not the bombs that go off in your life or the boulders that flatten you when they drop out of the sky unexpectedly...it's the meaning you give to every event that happens.

    It's all dependent on how you see what's happened in your life and how it shapes how you see yourself. Midlife creates a crisis of identity.

    You are discovering who you are all over again. Who will you allow to tell you who you are?

    Come on in and I'll help you answer that question.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    With the Heart of a Warrior

    With the Heart of a Warrior

    "I'm good with life as long as it never changes and doesn't give me any surprises."

    Don't you wish you could have this level of control? Sometimes we think that, if we did, we would feel safe and certain.

    Wait a minute! Is that really how we want to live our lives? We're talking about that question in this podcast.

    Is safe and careful over-rated? Even boring?

    You're going to find out the secret to feeling ALIVE here. The secret that is the basis for growing a Warrior Heart.

    And all Midlife Women On A Mission need a Warrior Heart.

    Come in for a listen. 

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    5 Burning Questions That Will Tell You How You See Yourself...Really

    5 Burning Questions That Will Tell You How You See Yourself...Really

    CARTOON: A midlife woman was telling her doctor - “I need a big belly. You can’t fit this much charm and personality into a small package.” 

    There you go - the positive spin on it. However, it also kind of makes me want to crawl under my blankets and never come out because I don’t want a big belly and I don’t want to rationalize it away.

    Do you think maybe God made midlife - all these big changes - so that you would realize that you need to pay attention to something?

    Like a big red flag waving that says, “Hey - it’s time to take you to the next level.”

    I know it feels more as if we’re being “demoted” as humans rather than promoted as we age and get to feel all those hot flashes, the saggy baggies and the up and down emotions…

    As bleak as this may seem, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can take all of this life, simplify what it is and let it be the fire that refines you like the gold we talked about in the last podcast.

    I want you to know above all things: Nothing has gone wrong here.

    Just let that sit for a minute. Breathe.

    It’s true. This is life. It’s normal. 

    It’s the path with all its twists and turns, hills and valleys. 

    The story. Your story. My story.

    And you can get through this without drama, without panic and, in fact, as if you were BORN to handle this stuff.

    Bernice McDonald, Midlife Coach, tells you how right here, inside this Podcast. Come for a listen!

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Be A Diamond

    Be A Diamond

    Two choices when you come to the crossroads called "Midlife".

    We all go through it. No one escapes it because, well, Midlife is simply the 'middle' of your life. I totally feel your desire to escape it.

    And we all get two choices:

    1. Sit down. Stare at the closed door behind us for the rest of your life. 

    • Imagine all the things you had back there and wish that your kids had stayed young forever,
    •  your face wasn't wrinkled and 
    • your job was as exciting as you felt on your first day there.


    2. Turn toward the future. The rest of your Path. 

    • Even if it's foggy or vague.
    • Look at your strengths you have despite the weaknesses.
    • Look at the courage you have created by all the stuff you've walked through.
    • Look at the difference you'd like to make in the world.
    • Choose your Next Adventure. Make it a Mission.

    In this episode, we're talking about you being compared to a piece of igneous rock (Ok, I know that doesn't sound great - read on. It's pretty amazing.)

    And life is like 2 walls of enormously strong inner earth pressing on you and producing a heat that is unbearable.

    Then a great earthquake happens and voila! You pop out as...you have to listen to the podcast to find out.

    Anyway, this is how I see you and how you need to decide to let yourself see you if you are ever going to make it to the end of your life - through this middle stage - feeling passionate and beautiful and as if your life matters.

    Come for a listen.

    If you want help with discovering what's passionate and beautiful inside of the Midlife woman you are... come for a consultation. www.bernicemcdonald.com

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Instead of Menopausal...A Beautiful Woman on a Mission

    Instead of Menopausal...A Beautiful Woman on a Mission

    From a post on Pinterest talking about midlife women:  "You know you're getting old when you get butt jiggle, bingo wing flap and boob wobble when you brush your teeth"...

    It made me laugh right out loud because I had just been noticing my bingo wing flaps in the mirror when I was brushing my teeth. It's just like, "Oh my goodness, that skin just looks like crepe paper under my arms".

    Midlife! You gotta laugh or you'll just sit down and stop trying. What's the antidote to this kind of thinking? The "I'm going through menopause" thinking and I'm going to die if I have another hot flash!

    We're talking about the antidote right here in this podcast today. And it will transform you from someone who describes herself as "menopausal" to being a "MIDLIFE WOMAN ON A MISSION".

    Doesn't that sound SO MUCH better? And bring up a "Wonder Woman" kind of feeling inside? A feeling that says, "I can do anything I set my mind to."

    That's what we're going for. Because we are women. 

    And we have so much life left to live. A Mission to accomplish.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    A Midlife Woman On A Mission Knows Her Own Heart

    A Midlife Woman On A Mission Knows Her Own Heart

    There you stand. On the edge of a chasm. You're somewhere in your 40's and there's not much left for you here on this side.

    Below you see a whole river of loss running between two rocky walls. You feel that loss. 

    Loss of a house filled with noisy kids and schedules to keep running.

    Loss of your energy and muscle tone because midlife changes are catching up with your body.

    Loss of love from so many directions. Uncertainty. Fear. 

    "Who am I now?" you ask. "Who am I going to be?"

     I know. Been there. Actually, been thinking about the solution since I was about 19 years old. YOU are not done yet. I know it seems weird that I would say that but you need to hear it.

    You have 2 choices when it comes to crossing that chasm... midlife. And none of us escape making these 2 choices because we ALL end up here.

    This is what we're talking about in this podcast today. Those 2 choices. Both involve something important you still have to do and finding that something right there inside you where you live. In your heart.

    Come on in, grab a coffee, put your feet up and...be inspired.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Do a Life Re-Design When Life Lets You Down

    Brave Enough To Do a Life Re-Design When Life Lets You Down

    The BOMBS are the big things that happen that absolutely blow up your life. They happened in the past and they will keep happening... it's impossible to predict.

    Literally, it's as if you were walking down a sidewalk and a bomb went off just a few feet away from you.

    The shock wave leaves you reeling - "Wait a minute, this is not what I was expecting. My life was not supposed to turn out like this. This was never supposed to happen."

    • Bombs can be things like Prince Charming saying he doesn't love you any more or turning on you because his expectations of you are so huge.
    • Or it can be Prince charming passing away, leaving you behind because of death.
    • It can be when your child passes away. That's a huge bomb.
    • Or when your child has some sort of illness, physical illness, a mental illness that requires all of you to be there with them or to be affected by them.
    • Things like menopause or retirement or bankruptcy can also be BOMBS.

    After the shock wears off...you have to decide what you do - who you will be now.

    The loss of the dream life can cause you to lose who you are.
    And really the word 'loss' is a keyword here. We fall into this place, as Tony Robbins describes,  of "loss, less than and never will have again". 

    In this week's podcast, we talk about the decisions you have to make and how to stop letting your brain threaten to keep you trapped in the fallout of whatever BOMB has happened or is happening in your life right now.

    The good news? There's a way to come out the other side feeling as if you still have a future worth walking toward. Courage. It just takes courage.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Love Who I Was In the Past

    Brave Enough To Love Who I Was In the Past

    The woman you "were" - the one in the past - comes with you everywhere all the time.

    You hear her voice, you feel her touch, you regret a lot of how she was. And wish she would have made different decisions.

    But what about the strength she brings you?

    YES! She brings you strength. This aging gracefully thing has to include making peace with the woman you have been all along your Path. 

    Want to know why she is vitally valuable to you right here, right now where you are today? 

    And how to embrace her? That's what I'm talking about here in this podcast.

    Find the beautiful part of who you were and you'll find the incredible parts of who you are today.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Love Who I Am

    Brave Enough To Love Who I Am

    How Do I Love Myself??

    We get to this place a lot of times in our life where we are focusing so much on how to live a good life. How do we do this?

    How do we get love?

    How do we get the body we want?

    How do I become a person who is happy?

    How do I be a good mom?

    How do I be a good wife?

    How? How? How?

    "How" is not the question - "Who" is the question.

    Who am I? Because that answers everything about how I should be in the world.

    I think this is the most amazing thing that I've discovered in many, many years. You don't have to figure out how to do it In order to be it.

    You actually have to be who you are in order to figure out how to do anything, how to love, how to build a business, how to become the best person that you can be, how to reach your dreams. 

    Live in that place where you feel as if you're moving forward toward goals.

    All of that is not about how to do it. That's secondary. 

    The first thing is, who are you and do you love that person? 

    Are you brave enough to really just embrace and love the person that you are? Warts and all. Flaws and all. Failures and all.

    You CAN do this. Hey, I'm a woman who works as a women's Life Coach and I got you! This is the Podcast that will show you how to start loving yourself.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Embrace The Magic

    Brave Enough To Embrace The Magic

    Remember the giggling? As a little girl, remember breathing in the fun in life in whatever moment you were living? Life was an adventure every minute, right?

    Princesses, Knights... imagining doing whatever came into yours and your friend's heads. Then something happened.

    As we grew, older, life took place, right?

    Bombs went off scaring you to death.

    Shock boulders landed on you creating stories that weren't so fun. They told you why you shouldn't be happy. Why you should be cautious. Fearful.

    Rocks from other people on their paths as they walked beside you got thrown. Words that hurt. Actions that left you alone and doubting who you are. It's been a long path you've walked, right?

    But let me ask you a question today. Where did the magic go? Did it just disappear? Poof! Gone? Because we really don't live in that place of magic much as we get older. 

    And especially when we reach that place in our fifties where we get really sober about what life is and about what's to come. Are you recognizing yourself in any of that?

    The fear of aging is REAL. How do we age gracefully? Beautifully?  That's what we're talkin' about here... how to start loving yourself. How to reinvent yourself at 50...or 60 and beyond!

    if I could, I would tap you with a Magic Wand and whisk all the cobwebs from your eyes. BUT...I don't need to. Because you've got this, Gorgeous. Come listen to this episode and I'll show you HOW to start feeling the magic in life again.

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Be Strong on the Inside

    Brave Enough To Be Strong on the Inside

    Bombs drop on you.

    Boulders flatten you, dropping out of nowhere.

    Someone throws a rock at you - fast! Ouch! It stings. It leaves a mark.


    Who will you be?

    Will you crumble, give up, shrink away because it's all just too hard?

    Or will you stand up again. Refuse to be defeated. And become a woman who looks fear in the face and declares, "I will not run. I will become stronger."

    S.O.F.T. & Strong is being proud of who you are. It's knowing that you will stand again and again and again.

    The 'S' is for Strong on the Inside (so you can be Soft on the outside) which is "a deep, unstoppable belief in yourself. It doesn't depend on the actions of anyone else. And it doesn't depend on your circumstance."

    In this episode, here's what we're talking about:

    (00:09) Beauty from the inside out – a 70 year old vibrant woman

    (02:49)  How Inner Strength looks on you

    (06:15) 6 ways to grow that Inner Strength

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.

    Brave Enough To Master My Emotions

    Brave Enough To Master My Emotions

    You laugh. You cry. You shout. You encourage. You love. You hate.

    You are a woman and you feel. That's natural. And beautiful!

    Mastering your emotions means you start to understand them. Is that even possible?

    THE KEY to Aging Beautifully is to master these things we call "emotions".

    Yes - it's all part discovering how to love yourself. And everything about who you are.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    1. Your 'Emotional Home' and why you live there.

    2.  How to step back and see what your emotions are really telling you.

    3. The #1 Key to living in a place of adventure, freedom and love (forever).

    Links mentioned in this Episode:
    Our star example who stepped out of her comfort zone and shows us how to leap into a life you love: Rebecca Crespo @ Minimalism Made Easy

    How to Create your own Personal Aging Beautifully Vision

    Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

    Are you in the struggle of navigating midlife with grace and power? I hear ya!

    How about a daily injection of "Beautiful Warrior wisdom" injected into your day?

    "The Way of the Beautiful Warrior." Our brief daily emails provide insights and inspiration, turning the challenge of midlife into an empowering adventure.

    Click this link and embrace your journey as a Beautiful Warrior today.