
    Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

    We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website www.bdsda.com to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
    enMary Zebrowski100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Are We Judged By Our Works If We Are Saved by Grace?

    Are We Judged By Our Works If We Are Saved by Grace?

    How is the concept of judgment linked to the “everlasting gospel” in the first angel’s message? Why must the gospel be central to the idea of judgment?

     Some might say that the gospel is central to the idea of judgment because it is thought that acceptance of the gospel equals salvation from judgment, and if we don't have to be judged, there is nothing to fear about the judgment.

     Another thing people might say concerning the gospel and its relation to the judgment is that the gospel makes it so that believers won't have to be judged by what they actually do.

    However, scripture is clear that all of us, including believers, are judged by our works, and each will receive according to what they have done, whether good or bad. Many passages say this. To name a few, there's Romans 2:6; Matthew 16:27, James 2:24 and 2 Corinthians 5:10.

     In this study, we look at this problem: on one hand, it is commonly thought that the gospel of being saved by grace makes it so that whether we go to heaven or not isn't determined by our works. On the other hand, Scripture plainly tells us that we are judged by our works, whether good or bad. These two ideas just don't jive.

     For deeper study, please see our study:

    “The Real Meaning of Jesus' Substitutionary Death,” 

    “The Truth of Sacrifice” - Oct. 1, 2015 - Trent Wilde (FOT'15 S3), https://youtu.be/0YOcg3kd74Q?feature=shared

    Sabbath School Q4 2023: God's Mission, My Mission - Week 2, "God's Mission to Us, Part 2"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 





    What God Has Revealed About What His Being Is

    What God Has Revealed About What His Being Is

    In this study, we focus on what scripture has to say about God's nature, and by "nature" we mean the essential qualities of God that make Him what He is. In other words, our focus in this study isn't on God's actions or His character but on his *being.*

    Now some might think it is unnecessary to know what God is, and some might think it is off limits to even study the topic, and some might think is just unknowable. If our intention were to search into the *mysteries* of God, then these objections would certainly be legitimate. But our goal here isn't to explain God or to invent means of answering questions we might have about the hidden aspects of His nature. Instead, our goal is simply to make sure we understand what God *has revealed* about Himself. To neglect His own explanations about Himself would be just as bad as inventing our own. Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us that the hidden things are for God, but what is revealed is for us and our children forever. So this is our question: What has God *revealed* about His nature? 

    The SDA pioneers considered knowledge of what God is to be supremely important and, interestingly, they encountered the objections we just mentioned and they answered them similarly to how we just did. And, as we'll see in a moment, early SDAs did have a view regarding what God is. In fact, their view is something Ellen White referred to as a pillar of our faith, and she said it is "everything to us as a people" (Lt300-1903).

    For deeper study, please see our series:

    The Personality of God: An SDA Pillar

    See also:

    “Materialism, Our Forgotten Foundation,” http://www.bdsda.com/materialism-our-forgotten-foundation-2/

    Sabbath School Q4 2023: God's Mission, My Mission - Week 1, "God's Mission to Us, Part 1"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 



    The "Every Wind of Doctrine" Problem

    The "Every Wind of Doctrine" Problem

    Ephesians 4:14 says that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by trickery of men. From this statement we know that obviously the early church struggled with internal struggles from the "trickery of men." How about the end-times remnant church? Does it face internal struggles from the "trickery of men?" It's doubtful any Seventh-day Adventist would say "no." But the problem is that everyone thinks those in the "other group" are the ones being tricked, being "carried about with every wind of doctrine." That being the case, how do we know for sure **we** are not the ones being tricked, and carried about by every wind of doctrine?

     For further study, see:

    "What Is the Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Edition," by Trent Wilde,


     Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 14, “Ephesians in the Heart."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.



    The Church Militant, The Church Triumphant, and the Armor of God

    The Church Militant, The Church Triumphant, and the Armor of God

    Ellen White wrote of a future state of the church in which its members are all clad in this armor – the armor of Christ's righteousness. She wrote, "Clad in the armor of Christ's righteousness, the church is to enter upon her final conflict. 'Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners' (Song of Solomon 6:10), she is to go forth into all the world, conquering and to conquer." Ellen White, Prophets and Kings, p. 725.23

    We want to be members of the church triumphant, the conquering church, and the way to do that is to array ourselves in the armor to fight against our true enemy – Satan and his angels. But before the church is in its triumphant stage, Ellen calls it the church militant - the church co-mingled with wheat and tares. Obviously, this is the stage the church is in at the moment, not only because the church has members that harbor sin in their hearts, but because it is a church that is fighting against itself - against its own members, with seemingly no means of truly settling any of our disagreements.

    Join us as we go through each piece of God's armor delineated in Ephesian 6 so you can be prepared to be part of His army in the church's triumphant stage.

    For more study:

    "God Gives Us the Armor He Uses Too!" https://youtu.be/JCoVw4-g4IQ?feature=shared

    "Love Walkers," https://youtu.be/IqV4XRPkJGI?feature=shared

    "Bodies in the Beyond: The Faith with a Physicalist Future," https://youtu.be/GpsBcWhVztM?feature=shared

    "A Palpable Paradise: Scripture Without a Spirit World," https://youtu.be/aL10U4Yt9ok?feature=shared

    "What is Truth? (1 of 2)," https://youtu.be/WNU5xzHIAzU?si=7OSQASO2DzGZ57Am

    "What is Truth? (2 of 2)," https://youtu.be/AeDNYW-wvqw?si=x3B54qZgG3B8DHer

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 13, "Waging Peace

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    God Gives Us the Armor He Uses Too!

    God Gives Us the Armor He Uses Too!

    The strength of the Lord is linked with the armor of God. The way we become strong in the Lord is by wearing 6 pieces of armor, and when each piece is put on and used correctly, we will be able to stand in the evil day. Having on the armor gives us the same strength God has. Not only does it personally equip us, but it identifies us as part of God's army and thus we have the protection offered by the rest of His army, including the angels. An important, yet often missed, aspect of this is that the armor is not only given by God, but He Himself uses it too.

    In this study we look at not only Ephesians 6, but also Isaiah 59:15-17, where we are told that Yahweh Himself put on righteousness as a breastplate in His war against injustice to protect Himself, and a helmet of salvation on His head for the same reason.

    We ask the question, why would God need a breastplate of righteousness and a helmet of salvation? Join us to learn the answer.

    For further study, see: "Are You Minding What Matters?" by Trent Wilde https://www.bdsda.com/are-you-minding-what-matters/?highlight=are%20you%20minding%20what%20matters

     Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 12, " A Call to Stand "

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    How the Jesus Movement Dealt With Slavery

    How the Jesus Movement Dealt With Slavery

    In this study, we talk about slavery in New Testament times, with a special focus on the principles promoted by Jesus and his early followers regarding how to deal with slavery, and examine the incredible wisdom involved in their approach.

    For further study, see: "Are You Minding What Matters?" by Trent Wilde


    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 11, "Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Headship Based on Gender?

    Headship Based on Gender?

    This week's study investigates the merits of arbitrary headship based on gender, or any other factor other than truth.

    The writings of Genesis 1 and Galatians convey the fact that God doesn't distinguish between men and women as far as having dominion over the earth or being Abraham’s offspring and heirs according to promise goes, but do we have any reason to think that God distinguishes between men and women in regard to church leadership? In other words, even though God gave both men and women dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth, and intended for both men and women to be heirs of promise, even in Abraham's day, did God intend for only men to have headship in the church?

    For further study, see:

    "God Ordains Women," by Doug Mitchell,

    And for deeper study on following the Lord because His ways are based on truth, see:
    "Love Walkers," https://youtu.be/IqV4XRPkJGI?feature=shared

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 10, "Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 









    Love Walkers

    Love Walkers

    According to Ephesians 5:1-2 we are to be imitators of God by walking in love. But what does that mean? How do we do that? 

    In this study, we look back at Ephesians 4, the chapter Paul was building on, to find the answer, and additionally discuss Ellen White's admonitions against "making flesh your arm," and the ad hominem fallacy.

    For further study, see:

    "How Does Faith Stop Us From Sinning?

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 9, " Living Wisely."  

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 


    Is the Holy Spirit a Person or an Influence?

    Is the Holy Spirit a Person or an Influence?

    What's up with the Holy Spirit? Is the Spirit a person? Or is the Spirit a power or influence? As you probably know, this is a hot debate right now at least among some Seventh-day Adventists.

    Many SDAs today assume that there was no diversity of views about the personhood of the Holy Spirit among the SDA pioneers. It is thought that since the pioneers were clearly and adamantly against Trinitarianism, they were clearly and adamantly against the personhood of the Holy Spirit. But this is not the case.

    In this study, we take a look at the early history of this issue within Seventh-day Adventism, and the light God eventually gave to Ellen G. White to settle the matter 

    For further study, see:

    "The Personality of God – An SDA Pillar Doctrine"


    "Materialism: Our Forgotten Foundation"

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 8, "Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech."  

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 


    Uriah Smith's Story of the Ship, the Pilot, and the Rebellion

    Uriah Smith's Story of the Ship, the Pilot, and the Rebellion

    Does the Bible validate the functioning of the gift of prophecy in the church only during the time of the apostles? Or does the gift continue until the return of Christ? The early Adventists found their answer in Ephesians 4:13 and shared it through a story by Uriah Smith about the captain of a ship who was bound to follow the instructions provided for a voyage. Does this pioneer's perspective apply still today? Are we part of the rebellion Uriah Smith speaks of? Or are we consistent with the pioneer's understanding of the scriptures on these points?

     For further study, see:

    "What Is the Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Edition," by Trent Wilde,


    "Are We Satisfied to Have All Our Prophets Dead Prophets?"

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 7, "The Unified Body of Christ."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Are We Satisfied to Have All Our Prophets Dead Prophets?

    Are We Satisfied to Have All Our Prophets Dead Prophets?

    This week's Sabbath School lesson notes that in Ephesians 3:1-6, Paul receives new light on the mystery of the gospel, that is – that it is to go to the Gentiles.

    Paul tells us that this mystery was made known to him, and also to the other apostles and prophets, and that this mystery was something that was not known to previous generations. In other words, this mystery revealed to Paul and the other apostles and prophets was radically new light for the people of their day, but, as the lesson said, not much of a surprise to us in our day. Basically, this mystery was "present truth" to the people of Paul's day, but not for us in our day. For us, this is a past truth.

     As we know from John, Jesus did not give all the light that could have been given to His disciples, as they could not yet bear it. So, Jesus told them that He would continue to communicate with them through the Holy Spirit, who would guide them into all truth.

     As SDAs, we know that all the light that could be given was not given to the first century apostles and prophets. In this study, we look at the introduction to Ellen White's book, Spiritual Gifts Volume 1, written by pioneer Roswell Cottrell, who was commissioned by Ellen to address the question of the continuance of revelation of new light for the church in the last days.

     Do Cottrell's arguments that show we should expect more prophets after John the Revelator also show we should expect more prophets after Ellen White?

    For further study, see:

    "What Is the Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Edition," by Trent Wilde,


     Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 6, The Mystery of the Gospel."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.



    Enmity - The Cause of Party Lines

    Enmity - The Cause of Party Lines

    People sometimes say that in order to have reconciliation, one of the two parties must decide to just let go of their position solely for the sake of unity – one party needs to suck it up. But all of us know that this method really doesn’t bring true reconciliation or true peace. How could it? We would just be saying, "'Peace! Peace!' when there is no peace," right? Furthermore, Ephesians 2 says nothing about achieving peace and reconciliation this way. It says that what brings about reconciliation between two parties is the cross. It says that by the cross Jesus abolished the enmity, that is, the law of commandments in ordinances.

    In this study, we look into what the enmity, the law contained in ordinances, refers to, and how the cross of Christ abolished it.

    For further study, see:

    Who May Travel Into Yahweh’s Tent?


    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 5, " Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    How Does Faith Stop Us From Sinning?

    How Does Faith Stop Us From Sinning?

    Many know Ephesians 2:8-9 by heart: "“for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, that no one would boast." (WEB)

    Saved from what? The very next verse (10) tells us, saved from bad works, or wrong-doing. So, we are saved from sinning through faith. 

    People often assume that what we are saved from is the *penalty* of sin, even while we continue to commit sin in our actual experience. But as we show from Scripture, the salvation offered in the Gospel is salvation from sin. And only by abandoning sin can we be saved from its penalty. God offers us, not a cloak for sin, but deliverance from sin.

    And we learn from Ellen White that genuine faith is more than belief that Jesus is not an impostor. It is more than believing that the name of Jesus is the only name under heaven whereby man may be saved. Just knowing what the truth is about Jesus, and believing that it is true, is not what genuine faith is. Genuine faith is something that enables us to keep His commandments.

    So today, we take a look at faith, since it is the means by which we are saved from sinning, the means by which we can become righteous – which is to walk in good works.


    For further study, see:

    "If We Are Never Able to Keep the Law, Wouldn't Satan Be Right?"


    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 4, "How God Rescues Us."

     A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    If We Never Are Able to Keep the Law, Wouldn't Satan Be Right?

    If We Never Are Able to Keep the Law, Wouldn't Satan Be Right?

    This week’s Sabbath School study is called, “The Power of the Exalted Jesus.” One of the things it considers is the “now” and “not yet” statements in scripture in relation to the scope of the reign of Jesus. Fridays first discussion question reads, 

    “Ponder the ‘now’ and ‘not yet’ of the exaltation of Jesus. In what sense is Jesus already the Lord of ‘all things,’ with the demonic powers subservient to Him—that is, the ‘now’? And in what sense does His full reign over all things look toward the future—the ‘not yet’? (See 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.)” Sabbath School Quarterly Lesson, Friday, July 14, 2023

    So, what about the time between now and then? Are we to just wait for that time to come? I mean, after all, Jesus’ enemies are ultimately our enemies too. Can we hasten the coming of Christ and the end of death?

    Yes. And to hasten His coming and the end of death, we have to stop sinning in the power of God’s might, being clad in His armor. Then we can go into all the world, conquering and to conquer. And when you think about it, doesn’t this just make sense? How could the great controversy between Jesus and His angels and Satan and his angels end with, well, no practical victory on the earth over sin this side of the second coming?

    Remember that Satan’s contention was that the law of God was too difficult, and that humans would never be able to keep it?  Well, if we never **are** able to keep it, wouldn’t Satan’s contention have been accurate? Wouldn’t Satan therefore have had actually won the great controversy?

    In this study, we look at the practical way we can hasten the coming of Christ.

    For further study, see:

    "Is It Possible for Us in Our Human Nature to be Moral All of the Time?"

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 2, " God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan."  

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 





    The Shekinah and the Glorious Star

    The Shekinah and the Glorious Star

    Wednesday's Sabbath School study is entitled, "The Holy Spirit: Seal and Down Payment." 

    First, we look at what it means to be sealed with the Holy Spirit. Then, we take a look at something Ellen White said about being sealed. She wrote, “The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united. On their foreheads was written, God, New Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus’ new name.” Ellen White, Early Writings, p. 15.1.

    In particular, we study the chain of truth concerning "the glorious star containing Jesus' new name" through the gospel of John, the Old Testament, and Ellen White's writings.

    For further study, see:

    Is There More to the Seal than the Sabbath? https://youtu.be/BV4VkQkyKHw]

    Do You Know the Mystery in Ephesians? https://youtu.be/TCMiQRlMSRg

    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 2, " God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan." 

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 














    Do You Know the Mystery In Ephesians?

    Do You Know the Mystery In Ephesians?

    The memory text for this week is Ephesians 1:9-10. It speaks of a mystery that has been revealed by Jesus before He went to the cross. When we understand what the mystery is by comparing Ephesians with John 14 and 17, we will recognize that Satan has done everything he can to shroud it again in mystery, and thereby frustrate God's plan for all of us in heaven and on earth.


    For further study:


    "The King of Crises in the Seventh-day Adventist Church," by Trent Wilde,



    Sabbath School Q3 2023: Ephesians - Week 1, "Paul and Ephesians."


    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.








    The Loud Cry - Expect Something Unexpected

    The Loud Cry - Expect Something Unexpected

    Ellen says that the message from the Revelation 18:1 angel is an *addition* to the third message, joining it as the Midnight Cry joined the second angel's message.

    The Midnight Cry was a message that came in the summer of 1844. It built upon the 1st and 2nd angel's message, but it was distinct from them and had content of its own. It was a new message teaching them something they didn't already know. So, in light of this, we can know that the Loud Cry is its own distinct message. It must have content that builds on and yet is distinct from the third angel's message. Furthermore, its content isn't known until God sends it. In other words, it is a new message telling us what we didn't know before.

    And Ellen said it might come in an unexpected way, in a way that would not agree with the ideas that many have conceived. 

    What are you expecting? Ellen said to expect something unexpected. 


    For further study:

    "Are You Minding What Matters?"


    Sabbath School Q2 2023: Three Cosmic Messages - Week 13, " Ablaze With God's Glory." 

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.  







    The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

    The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

    Last week, we focused on the "faith of Jesus," since this is an imperative distinction for the saints who are allowed to proclaim the third angel's message. We learned that Jesus' faith was ultimately in truth - that Jesus had faith in His Father, not merely because He was His Father, but because of the way His father lives – the way His father conducts Himself. He knew His Father was just, merciful and loving. If His Father wasn't these things, then no, He probably wouldn't have trusted Him, nor should He have. But Jesus had evidence that His Father was just (a right-doer), so, when on the cross, Jesus determined to put his feelings of despair aside and focus on what he had already tested and knew to be true. He had to rely on faith, not feeling (See Desire of Ages, p. 753.2 and 756.3). Check out last week's study, "The Patience of the Saints – Having the Faith of Jesus, Part 1," for evidence on this point.

    We continue in today's study, "The Patience of the Saints – Having the Faith of Jesus, Part 2," where we left off. Why did Ellen say that justification (or righteousness) by faith is the third angel's message in verity? (See Review and Herald, April 1, 1890.)

    In this study, we look at how "righteousness by faith" is the third angel's message in verity, and we look at how we can keep the commandments of God (righteousness) by means of having the faith of Jesus (having the same faith that Jesus had).

    For further study:

     "Understanding the 1888 Message, Rejected Then, Accept It Now,"


    "The Patience of the Saints – Having the Faith of Jesus, Part 1," https://traffic.libsyn.com/branchsabbathschool/SS2023Q2W11_faith_of_Jesus.mp3

    Sabbath School Q2 2023: Three Cosmic Messages - Week 12, "The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast Part 2." 

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 



    The Patience of the Saints - Having the Faith of Jesus, Part 1

    The Patience of the Saints - Having the Faith of Jesus, Part 1

    Having the "faith of Jesus" is an imperative distinction for the saints who are allowed to proclaim the third angel's message (see Revelation 14:12).

    In Desire of Ages, Ellen White writes about the extreme feelings Jesus experienced while on the cross of despair, that He had no hope of ever being resurrected, and thought that He would never see His Father ever again. Jesus, while on the cross, thought that the Father did not favor Him anymore.  

    But Ellen tells us that Jesus finally did overcome these feelings of despair, and the "sense of the loss of His Father's favor was withdrawn." How? Ellen tells us, it was by Jesus' faith.

    Faith in what? We might be quick to answer, faith in God. And yes, this would be true, but why did Jesus have faith in His Father? Because He was His Father? Actually, that is not one of the reasons Ellen gave.

    It's become common to think that we're supposed trust God purely based on the fact that He is God, or that we should believe Scripture purely based on the fact that it is Scripture. But really, that would just be another way of saying that we believe just because we believe. In other words... It wouldn't actually be providing a reason at all - it's only making an assertion of belief.

    Scripture doesn't support the idea that we should "just believe." Instead, it gives *reasons* to believe God. And Ellen gave these same reasons that Jesus had faith in God in His darkest hour. 

    Join us as we take a closer look at what it means to have "the faith of Jesus."

    For further study:  

    "Spiritual But Not Spiritualistic: Matter in Motion with Morals and Meaning" https://youtu.be/KGcp88ILAww

    "Should We Believe the Bible with Blind Faith?" https://youtu.be/BxUMl7JY_tE

    "Is Your 'Faith' Actually Presumption?" https://youtu.be/a2lvGLcF98k

    Sabbath School Q2 2023: Three Cosmic Messages - Week 11, "The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast Part 1" 

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. 


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.





    Do Living People Have Immaterial "Souls"?

    Do Living People Have Immaterial "Souls"?

    It is true that "The belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is . . . nowhere expressly taught in Holy Scripture." But, even though scripture does not teach that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body, does scripture teach that there is a separate entity in the body called a "soul" that exists while the body is alive? In other words, does scripture teach that the living human is made of two substances: a material body and an immaterial soul – the immaterial soul being ultimately responsible for human consciousness? Do living humans have a "thinking part" that is separate from the physical body?

    To answer this, we look at how the scripture authors used the word often translated as "soul" in order to learn what they meant by it. Did they use the word in any way that is similar to our definition of the word "soul" today - which is that it is an immaterial part of man that is responsible for human consciousness? Or did the Hebrew word usually translated "soul" (nefesh) have a different range of meanings than it is typically used to mean today?

    For further study:

    "Supposed Spiritualisms: What Scripture Really Says About Souls and Spirits,"

    "What Does it Mean to 'Keep the Sabbath Holy'?"


    Sabbath School Q2 2023: Three Cosmic Messages - Week 10, "Satan's Final Deceptions" 

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.