
    Sabbath School with Branch Davidians

    We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website www.bdsda.com to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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    Episodes (100)

    The Lamb's Wife and Their Children

    The Lamb's Wife and Their Children

    Ellen White took note of the places in scripture that parallel the church with the bride of Christ, but she also expounded upon scriptures where the church obviously isn't the bride of Christ, but is instead depicted as the wedding guests.

    We know from Revelation 21 that the bride, the Lamb's wife, is the New Jerusalem. And as Ellen White said that "in the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end," (AA 585) we look to find more information about this city elsewhere in Scripture. And what we find reveals the person whom this Holy City represents, and the identity of the children born by her. 

    For deeper study:

    The Bride of Christ is...Who? https://youtu.be/YqhM723iDe8

    Is SHE The Angel of Mercy? https://youtu.be/0qmPLkwXes0

    Is the Holy Spirit Our Female Priest? https://youtu.be/y1gC4IlcnDk

    Holy Spirit Feminine Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8ykUZG-bwcHF7R6NS1bBT2DOeldsWAP

    Sabbath School Q1 2023: Managing for the Master - Week 1, "Part of God's Family"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.

    The Word "Spirit" and Its Range of Meanings

    The Word "Spirit" and Its Range of Meanings

    We are going to see in this study that the term "spirit" and its variants: "spiritual," "spiritualistic," "spiritualism," and "spiritualize," have multiple different uses. And this is of course not peculiar to the word "spirit," it's just the way that all words work. People use words in different ways and understanding an author's meaning is not always as simple as we might imagine. This is especially the case when dealing with a word with a long history and we're considering it's use in writings from different times. And what complicates things even more with the word "spirit" is that when we read it in the bible, it is actually a stand-in for a Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek word, and each of these words has its own range of meanings that isn't exactly the same as the range of meanings for the English word "spirit" nor are they the same as each other.

    When you see the word "spirit" in the New Testament, it's usually a translation of the Greek word "pneuma" and when you see it in the Old Testament, it's a translation of the Hebrew word "ruach." Spiritus, pneuma, and ruach, all originally referred to breath and wind. But this similarity in basic meaning shouldn't be confused for an equivalence of meaning in every respect. Words often acquire new meanings through metaphorical uses, and different cultures use different metaphors. So in Hebrew, one metaphorical usage of ruach had to do with life, while in Greek, a metaphorical usage of pneuma had to do with the mind. As we discus, the word "spirit" is sometimes used to mean "non-physical" or "immaterial," although this usage came about around the 14th century - way after the time of Jesus and the writings of the Apostles.

    We also take a look at the different ways the SDA pioneers used the word "spirit" and its variants, making special note that when they used the words "spiritualism" and "spiritualistic." to our knowledge, the early SDAs always used the word "spiritualism" to mean "immaterialism." And a "spiritualistic" idea to them was the same thing as an "immaterialistic" idea. They always used these terms to describe something they rejected. 

    This will hopefully be a great help, not only when it comes to understanding the biblical authors, but when it comes to understanding the writings of Ellen White and the early SDAs as well. Misunderstanding an author's writings, especially an inspired author's writings, can result in huge amounts of harm, as the history of the dark ages more than demonstrates. So, let's be careful and be attentive readers.


    For further study, see:

    "Materialism: Our Forgotten Foundation," by Trent Wilde - 


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 14, "A New Heaven and a New Earth"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    The Two Phases of the Pre-Advent Judgment

    The Two Phases of the Pre-Advent Judgment

    Today, we discuss the fact that there are two phases of the pre-Advent judgment, as both inspiration and reason attest to. The two phases are the judgment of the dead and the judgment of the living. Obviously, if when Christ returns his reward is with Him, to give every man according to his work (Revelation 22:12), the living necessarily have been judged by the time He comes. Ellen White also attests to this fact.

    It is clear that at some point, the judgment of the cases of the dead would be "all caught up" so to speak, and then the only ones left to judge would be the cases of those living. Obviously if probation closes when there are still people alive on the earth, then there is a point prior to the close of probation when the cases of the living are being judged.

    Now, it is clear from Ellen's statements that although she was shown that at some point the judgment of the living would commence, she was not shown *when* it would. And considering that when the judgment of the dead commenced, God informed his people who were alive on earth at the time about this fact even though their own cases weren't under review and even though those who were being judged couldn't do anything about it since they had already died, wouldn't it be unreasonable if, at the commencement of the judgment of the living, God leaves the living uninformed? After all, their own cases will be under examination and they will be alive to actually make choices that could affect their eternal destiny and could thus benefit from knowing about their own judgment. This is not to diminish the importance of the message of the judgment of the dead, but it is just to show by reason how important the message concerning the judgment of the living is to those being judged while living.

    We also discuss the parallels between Daniel 7 and Revelation 4-22, showing that both are a vision of the investigative judgment. We get into the statements by Ellen White that reveal the content of the scroll sealed with seven seals, and the symbolic key that unlocks the meaning of the first horse and rider of Revelation 6.

    We believe the messages for the judgment of the living has already come. We invite you to investigate this claim for yourselves using the links provided. See:

    "Do You Know About the Judgment of the Living?" https://youtu.be/ZHfjOCjnMm0

    "To the Seven Churches, the Breaking of the Seven Seals," by Victor Houteff: https://www.bdsda.com/to-the-seven-churches/?highlight=to%20the%20seven%20churches

    "What is the Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Edition," by Trent Wilde: http://www.bdsda.com/what-is-the-spirit-of-prophecy-sda-edition-2/

    "The Idea of Present Truth," by Trent Wilde: https://youtu.be/Kone4bDjUOg

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 13, "The Judging Process"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.





    Did Ellen Understand the Plan of Redemption Like Jesus and Paul Did?

    Did Ellen Understand the Plan of Redemption Like Jesus and Paul Did?

    Ellen says that the *purpose* of redemption is to restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the *perfection* in which he was created. This sure sounds like we are to fully expect, and are fully expected to be equal to the moral character of Jesus, as it is the very purpose of redemption.

    It's common for Christians to think we can't be morally perfect in this life - that we can't really have Jesus' character - and Christians also tend to believe that having a perfect character simply isn't necessary.

    But in this study we look at the statements by Jesus and Paul that call for moral perfection, and the logical implication that it is therefore necessary for

    redemption, and not just a vain request. Christians often overlook these admonitions because they see moral perfection as impossible and unnecessary, and this stems from a misunderstanding of the plan of redemption. So we also take a look at the plan of redemption as it is commonly misunderstood verses the way Ellen, Jesus and Paul understood it.

    To say we can't embody the same moral character as Jesus is to limit ourselves by focusing on our own capabilities. But if we're in the business of looking to ourselves and what we can and cannot do, shouldn't we admit we can't do any of it? But let's not look to ourselves. When we look to God and His ability, the word of faith says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

    For further study:

    The Lost Gospel of Christ, by Trent Wilde:


    Justification by Faith - A Sinless Life? by Trent Wilde:


    Justification - Being Made Righteous, by Trent Wilde:


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 12, "The Biblical Worldview"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.




    Putting the Kibosh on the Idea of Reincarnation

    Putting the Kibosh on the Idea of Reincarnation

    The Sabbath School lesson this week looks at bible verses that conflict with the idea of reincarnation. This is great if your audience is made up of people professing to believe in the teachings of the bible, but what if you have an audience that doesn't share that belief, as would most likely be the case if you were witnessing to someone who actually did hold a belief in reincarnation, such as a Hindu?

    Peter, in 1 Peter 3:15, admonishes us to be able to give a reason to **everyone** who asks. And as Hindus have different writings they consider sacred, "the bible says so" is just not going to cut it as a defensible reason against the idea of reincarnation.

    In this study, we take a look at some arguments from the early SDAs that would work equally well for putting the kibosh on any hope of life after death, excepting resurrection, for a Hindu, Atheist, Christian, and, well, anyone, as long as they had an honest desire to know what is truth. They give defensible reasons from material reality that should be able to persuade anyone, because everyone shares the same material reality upon which their arguments are based. 

    For deeper study, see:

    The Idea of Truth - Jan. 22, 2016 - Trent Wilde: https://youtu.be/aekBZ5AvE8c

    What is Truth? (1 of 2): https://youtu.be/WNU5xzHIAzU

    What is Truth? (2 of 2): https://youtu.be/AeDNYW-wvqw

    Sticking a Stake and Refusing to Pull It Up If Evidence Demands? https://youtu.be/ZsxWi41nHPQ


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 11,

    "End-time Deceptions"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Is God Personally Omnipresent? Kellogg Said Yes, Ellen Said No

    Is God Personally Omnipresent? Kellogg Said Yes, Ellen Said No

    The Sabbath School lesson for this week reads, "Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) wrote his famous work, The Divine Comedy, about a fictional journey of the soul after death. The soul went either to the inferno (hell) within the earth; or to purgatory, where the human spirit can purge itself and become worthy of ascending to heaven; or to Paradise, to the presence of God Himself. Though only a poem, fiction, Dante’s words ended up having a great deal of influence on Christian theology, especially Roman Catholic theology." Sabbath School Quarterly Lesson, Saturday, November 26, 2022

    In this study we discuss a similar scenario in regard to how the theology of mainstream Seventh-day Adventism became influenced by a book, the Living Temple, authored by John Harvey Kellogg.

    Now, it is commonly understood that John Harvey Kellogg ended up becoming a pantheist, and most SDAs don't imagine that modern SDA doctrine has been influenced by his ideas. We compare some of Kellogg's teachings on the person of God with Ellen White's teachings on the same subject. 

    We note of the following facts. Prior to Kellogg promoting the idea that God is literally and personally everywhere, no Seventh-day Adventist believed in such a doctrine. When Kellogg started promoting this idea, many accepted it and started to promote the same. As the church grew, fewer and fewer people understood the old doctrine of the personality of God and more and more took it for granted that God is literally everywhere. We are now at the point where modern SDAs can read Kellogg's statements about God being literally and personally everywhere present and not think there is anything strange or incorrect about it, while it is a great surprise to read Ellen White and other pioneers explain the pillar doctrine of our very own faith that God is a material person with body and parts and that he isn't personally and literally everywhere.

    Ellen wrote, "The new theories in regard to God and Christ, as brought out in The Living Temple, are not in harmony with the teaching of Christ. The Lord Jesus came to this world to represent the Father. He did not represent God as an essence pervading nature, but as a personal Being. Christians should bear in mind that God has a personality [or physical form] as verily as has Christ." Ellen White, 18 Lt Ms, Lt 212, 1903, par. 23.

    For further study:

    To read about the various forms of pantheism in Britannica's article on the subject, see:  https://www.britannica.com/.../God-as-absolute-or-relative

    The Personality of God: An SDA Pillar Doctrine (Playlist):  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbPVtTaj0MXEsuRokPxciM7PjCTveaTi1

    Omnipresence and Angels:   https://youtu.be/ItkJxyDtlwo

    For more studies on the SDA teaching that human don't have a non-physical aspect at all (from our other SS studies this quarter), see:

    On Death, Dying and the Future Hope: Sabbath School With Branch Davidains (Playlist):  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbPVtTaj0MXGbMtWwT0ljtwb6WdwH672b


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 10,

    "The Fires of Hell"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Sticking a Stake and Refusing to Pull It Up If Evidence Demands?

    Sticking a Stake and Refusing to Pull It Up If Evidence Demands?

    Peter, in 1 Pet. 3:15, admonishes us to be ready to defend our position, our hope, with a reason. And we should have these reasons at the ready. In other words, we ourselves should know the reason we believe something. And these should not be any old reason, but one that would actually serve to defend our belief.

    The word "reason" in the Greek is "apologia," where we get the word "apologetics" from. An "apologia" is a "reasoned statement or argument." Unfortunately, many Christians do not have defensible reasons for their beliefs. Their reasons for believing things do not make for sound arguments.

    The lesson this week asks us how we can protect ourselves from a hardness to the truth - to avoid the pitfall some fell into in the days after Jesus rose from the dead. Some believed the evidence that was fairly presented, some didn't believe after having the exact same evidence presented to them. 

    In this study, we look at admonishments and counsel from Ellen White that assures us that dealing fairly with evidence is always the right thing to do. It is imperative for our salvation that we do not hesitate to pull up that steak in our old beliefs and advance when irrefutable evidence is presented that demands acknowledgment - of course only upon scriptures that Ellen White did not have light on in her lifetime, so did not expound upon. (No prophet of God ever had all the light on everything). There were many beliefs that the early SDAs held to be true in common with the other Churches. They were part of the common Christian understanding of their day. God hadn't corrected them on everything, and we shouldn't think we are in no need of correction even now. 

    When presented with evidence, we must either acknowledge the truthfulness of the evidence or address the problems with it. This, as Ellen counseled, is the only fair way to interact with people and with reality. And if we acknowledge Ellen White's writings to have come from inspiration of the Holy Spirit, then we must be consistent and abide by the principles of dealing with evidence. And abiding by these principles is critical to our salvation - critical to our finally being able to land with the rest of the remnant "without fault" on the heavenly Mount Zion.

    For deeper study on new light for the SDA people, please see:

    "The Spirit of Prophecy" tag cloud,


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 9, "Contrary Passages?"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.

    Materialism: The Implication of the Resurrection

    Materialism: The Implication of the Resurrection

    According to 1 Corinthians 15:16-19, 32; 1 Thessalonians 14:13-18; John 6:39-40; Genesis 3:19, among others, our hope is in the resurrection. Without it we can have no hope for those who have fallen asleep. If humanity possessed an immaterial spirit that continued to exist after death, these words would make no sense, as a resurrection would not be necessary in order to be with the Lord, because they would already be with the Lord, albeit without their physical bodies. And yet, that is what most of the professed Christian world believes.

    The Hebrew perspective that Jesus and the apostles plainly promoted is thatreality is purely materialistic - not including any belief in immateriality, which is the same as non-physicality. With all that said, it's easy to affirm certain truths while not fully understanding their implications. This often leads to holding two contrary views at the same time without even realizing it.

    Case in  point, the lesson from week 6 took a position against the idea that all reality is **only** material. That lesson said that materialism means there is no God and no supernatural realm of existence, which means that from the lesson's perspective, God is obviously not material, but instead is an immaterial spirit, and by the same line of reasoning holds that the lesson believes in an immaterial realm of existence as well.

    But think about how strange this idea is, especially in light of the resurrection being our only hope of a future existence. Like, where is the physical Jesus going to take us, his purely physical, bodily, redeemed followers? To an immaterial realm of existence? And where is that? Everywhere? Nowhere? Where are we going to stand? Are we just going to float around for eternity? And then we're supposedly going to worship an immaterial God in this immaterial realm? Will we be the only material things in this immaterial realm besides Jesus?

    In this study, we go through many statements from the early SDAs, to show that spoke very plainly in their writings against the idea of an immaterial God and an immaterial realm of existence.

    For further study: 

    "Materialism: Our Forgotten Foundation," by Trent Wilde:



    See also the studies on our "Resurrection" tag cloud at this link:



    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 8, "The New Testament Hope"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.

    The Furry Feet Fallacy Vs. the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

    The Furry Feet Fallacy Vs. the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

    Why doesn't modern sentiment allow for something like the resurrection of Jesus? Clearly, as the lesson says, the historical evidence is strong enough that even those who don't believe Jesus rose from the dead tend to at least acknowledge that many people believed that they had seen the resurrected Jesus. We look at the arguments made by anti-resurrection apologists in an attempt to explain what caused all these different people to believe they had seen the risen Christ just aren't sound.

    Also, many believe that a resurrection is a supernatural event, and as such, is beyond the bounds of historical investigation. But do the earliest accounts of the resurrection paint it as a supernatural event?

    Another argument against the resurrection we address is that Jesus's resurrection is statistically improbable.

    Some say it is improbable and therefore can't be accepted as historical since history is about establishing what probably happened in the past. This version of the argument doesn't say people shouldn't believe in the resurrection; it just says one can't establish it using historical methods. Another version of the argument says the resurrection is statistically improbable and therefore it probably isn't true and people simply shouldn't believe it.

    To answer both of these contentions, we look at the difference between history and statistics, and the importance of actually doing the work of testing a hypothesis by considering the relevant evidence, and we also look at the flawed way of using statistical probability for an individual as if they were a randomly selected member of a group.

    Enter: The Furry Feet Fallacy example of poor reasoning.

    For deeper study on materialistic theism:

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 7, "Christ's Victory Over Death"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Why Were the Early SDAs Called Atheists by Their Opponents?

    Why Were the Early SDAs Called Atheists by Their Opponents?

    The lesson this week correctly defines "materialism" as "the idea that all reality is only material. It also says that materialism is part of the wisdom of the world, which is clearly a bad thing. Next, it also says that materialism means there is no God or supernatural realm. So clearly, for the lesson to say that materialism means there is no God shows that the lesson is taking the position that God is not material - in other words, that God is immaterial. The same applies for all the things the lesson places in the "supernatural realm of existence."

    Now, this may come as a surprise, but this stance against materialism would be completely shocking to the early SDAs. The reason why is that the early SDAs actually were materialists and they were accused of being atheists by members of the fallen churches for the very reason that they promoted materialism. The ideas advocated by the Sabbath School Lesson in what we just quoted are the same ideas expressed by early opponents of Seventh-day Adventism as anti-SDA arguments. So, on one hand, the SDA pioneers wouldn't be shocked by the statement itself, since they had seen these sorts of statements many times. If they read it, they would assume that it is from something written against Seventh-day Adventism. What would have shocked them about it is the fact that it is written by Seventh-day Adventists and is passing for the SDA position. In this study, we'll be showing you that early SDAs were materialists and that their opponents charged them with atheism for that very reason.



    "The Personality of God: An SDA Pillar Doctrine"


    "Matter and Spirit," by D.M. Canright,


    "Immateriality," an article published in "The Personality of God," by James White,

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 6, "He Died for Us"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.



    Do We Have an Unconscious Spirit That Sleeps When We Die?

    Do We Have an Unconscious Spirit That Sleeps When We Die?

    In this Sabbath School lesson it is pointed out that Jesus uses the metaphor for sleep in talking about death. But in what way is death like sleeping? Well, the main thing is inactivity and unconsciousness. But at least for death prior to the second death, there is also the fact that sleep is usually followed by awakening, a fitting parallel to resurrection. Of course this is all metaphor – it is just an analogy from an experience we understand to explain something we have not experienced ourselves.

    But where do you draw the line with the metaphorical similarities? Some SDAs tend to think that in death there is some part of us that is still out there, albeit unconscious and with God, waiting to be revitalized. Now I'm not saying every SDA or even most SDAs think this way, but I did and I know others do.

    In this study we look at quotes from Martin Luther, and see that his philosophy holds that in man there is a soul that at death simply becomes unconscious. We also look at a quote from SDA pioneer R.F. Cottrell, who summarizes the SDA position on the matter.

    For further study:

    "Matter and Spirit," by D.M. Canright,


    "Dirt You Are: Israelite Anthropology," by Trent Wilde, https://trentwildeblog.libsyn.com/dirt-you-are-israelite-anthropology

    "Are Thoughts Immaterial?," Sabbath School with Branch Davidians, https://youtu.be/_KfoBoMwJZo

    "Resurrection: Our Only Hope," by Trent Wilde, https://trentwildeblog.libsyn.com/resurrection-the-only-hope-of-future-life

    "The Materialist Foundation: A Forgotten Foundation of Adventism," by Melissa DiLernia, https://youtu.be/YzVorvLuVFw

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 5, "Resurrections Before the Cross"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.

    What's the Purpose of the Special Resurrection of Daniel 12?

    What's the Purpose of the Special Resurrection of Daniel 12?

    When does the special mixed resurrection of the wicked and righteous as prophesied in Daniel 12 occur? Many SDAs have the idea that it occurs right before the return of Christ, even the same day. 

    What would be the point of having a distinct resurrection of those who died in the faith of the third angel's message together with some vile and wicked opposers of truth just hours before Christ's return and the resurrection of the rest of the righteous?

    If the purpose of this resurrection is just so they could see Christ, you'd think they could all just be raised as part of the general resurrection at Christ's coming. But the fact that this is described as a distinct resurrection shows that there must be more going on here.

    So, what is the point of the special resurrection? And do we have any information that helps us better know when the special resurrection takes place in the itinerary of last day events? In today's study, we  will break down Daniel 12:1-3 and look at what Ellen White said about this event in order to try to understand all of this a little better.

    For a deeper study on this, please see "The Two Deliverances: The Two Atonements of Leviticus 16; The Enrapturing and Rapture of the Church," by Doug Mitchell:

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 4,  "Old Testament Hope"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.

    Are Thoughts Immaterial?

    Are Thoughts Immaterial?

    The Sabbath School lesson wonders about the mysterious is the nature of consciousness. It asks, "How does the few pounds of material tissue (cells and chemicals) in our heads, the brain, hold and create immaterial things, such as thoughts and emotions?"

    So what about thoughts? Are they immaterial? We may be inclined to think so, because a thought is not a concrete object.

    The word "thought" is not describing an object, but is describing a process of the physical brain. It isn't like a thought is literally floating around in the air or anything.

    In this study we take a look at the official position of the SDA church back in 1882 as published by the Review and Herald Publishing House in the pamphlet, "Matter and Spirit," by D. M. Canright, on the nature of thought.

    For deeper study:

    "Our SDA Pioneers Were Materialists!"



    "The SDA Forgotten Foundation: Materialism"


    "Matter and Spirit: The Problem of Human Thought" by D. M. Canright, with Introduction by Trent Wilde,


    Upcoming Zoom Meetings: The Personality of God, An SDA Pillar Doctrine


    Here’s the link for the upcoming Zoom Meetings (the same link will work for each meeting): https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83687957644?pwd=Y0crL3U2b3RBK1NLbHA1d25TbVRMdz09

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope -

    Week 3 "Understanding Human Nature"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Eve's Problem: She Wasn't Being Scientific

    Eve's Problem: She Wasn't Being Scientific

    Eve's poor choices are a classic example of relying on personal experience. After Eve ate the forbidden fruit, she felt no ill effects, she didn't immediately die , and actually felt a euphoria come over her. Seemingly, she made a good decision. Her personal experience seemed to be a positive one. But was her personal experience reliable? No. 

    Ellen White had a lot to say about this. In this study we look at a testimony given to a "Sister N." who decided, based on her feelings, governed by her personal experience, that her own judgment was correct in regard to her health protocol. But, Sister N.'s judgments were based on her personal experience, not the reliable judgment of the doctors at the Health Institute who based their judgments on the findings of scientific experiments. Ellen goes on to compare this scenario to that of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden.

    For more studies on this topic, see:

    "How and Why Did Sin Arise?"

    "If Lucifer Fell in Paradise, Could We?"

    "Experience Not Reliable - 3T 67," Playlist on Branch Davidian SDA YouTube Channel:


    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 2

    "Death in a Sinful World"

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    If Lucifer Fell In Paradise, Could We?

    If Lucifer Fell In Paradise, Could We?

    What can we learn from Lucifer's fall? One thing is that it is not that there will ever be a situation, even in perfect paradise, where it will be technically **impossible** for free will beings to sin. 

    Here is where the sacrifice of Christ comes in. The Savior's cross revealed in no uncertain terms that Lucifer was wrong in his perception of Jesus and the Father. Jesus' sacrifice also showed us that it is possible, as Ellen said, to keep the law, even under the most trying circumstances. Jesus showed us that it is possible for a human (Romans 8:3; Hebrews 2:14,17), to never give into temptation, even in the midst of extreme torture. He showed that there is never a reason to sin. Jesus' life, including the closing scenes of his life, should arouse us to forsake sin. The Great Controversy was settled at the cross for all the unfallen worlds. 

    But the controversy continues on earth in the hearts and minds of fallen humanity, who are still on probation which is soon to close. If any of us still harbor sin in our hearts, the controversy is not settled for us. There is still a work to do to receive the mind of Christ.

    For deeper study, please see:

    "How and Why Did Sin Arise?" 

    "Accusations of Favoritism and Self-exaltation - Why Jesus is the Perfect Sacrifice," https://youtu.be/MDfbR10w4wk

    Sabbath School Q4 2022: On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope - Week 1

    "Rebellion in a Perfect Paradisee."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    How and Why Did Sin Arise?

    How and Why Did Sin Arise?

    Lucifer and the angels who sympathized with him did abuse the freedom God had given them (Patriarchs and Prophets 35.1). But how was this freedom abused? We know that freedom wasn't the problem. What went wrong?

    How and why did sin arise?

    How and why are two different questions of course. "How" asks, "by what means?" or "by what conditions?" or "under what circumstances?" "Why" asks, "for what reason?"

    We can know there will never be a satisfactory answer to the "why" question. There simply is no reason for sin to have come into existence. It is actually due to lack of reason. The best we can do to grasp the origin of sin is to understand the circumstances in which it arose. The "how," if you will.

    Today we wanted to look deeper into how sin arose and why sin arose.

    For deeper study:

    "Does God Determine What is Moral?"

    The Idea of Truth - Jan. 22, 2016 - Trent Wilde https://youtu.be/aekBZ5AvE8c

    Sabbath School Q3 2022: In the Crucible with Christ - Week 13 "Christ in the Crucible."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.



    Jesus: Our Apples to Apples Example

    Jesus: Our Apples to Apples Example

    This week's lesson is entitled, "Dying Like a Seed." In the week at a glance section, we read, "What example of submission has Christ left for us?"

    Today we wanted to talk about an essential lesson we can glean from the example of submission Christ left for us, which is this: There is never a reason to submit to temptation to sin.

    Jesus gave us the example of submission to the truth, which is the basis for righteousness. He did this by cooperating with divine power. We are to follow his example and do the same. Through grace, just like Jesus, we can conquer temptation to speak wrong and do wrong.

    Even though many of us have heard this precept before, the profound truth of it hasn't really sunk in, as evidenced by the fact that most Christians deny the possibility of being like Christ, and consider the notion when stated this way heretical. We are inclined to believe that we are not capable of or not expected to **actually** overcome **every** temptation to sin like Jesus did. We think of Christ's example as an ideal, but not something we could ever live up to.

    But Jesus' example is only beneficial if there is a possibility we can actually follow it. 

    For more studies on this, see:

    "The Lost Gospel of Christ," by Trent Wilde


    "Free from Sin - Actually Free!"


    "We Must Walk in the Light, Just as God Walks in the Light,"


    "Jesus Came to 'Bear With' Our Sins, Not Take Responsibility for Them,"


    Sabbath School Q3 2022: In the Crucible with Christ - Week 12

    "Dying Like a Seed."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson.


    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Are We Waiting on Jesus or is Jesus Waiting on Us?

    Are We Waiting on Jesus or is Jesus Waiting on Us?

    The lesson this week asks why Jesus is waiting so long to come a second time. Thankfully, Ellen White had a fair amount to say about this.

    In this week's study, we look into the writings of Ellen White, a parable of Jesus, and other bible verses to find the reason why Jesus is waiting so long to return! 

    For a study on the foreknowledge of God, please see:
    "If God Exhaustively Knows the Future, Then Free Will Is an Illusion," 

    See also:

    "God and Time," parts 1 and 2,



    For more links to Ellen White's writings on the delay of the return of Christ, see:








    Sabbath School Q3 2022: In the Crucible with Christ - Week 11,

    "Waiting in the Crucible."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. www.bdsda.com

    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.



    What Caused the Laodicean Condition?

    What Caused the Laodicean Condition?

    The SDA people were not always in the Laodicean condition. But unfortunately, very early in our history - in 1852 - Ellen wrote, "As I have of late looked around to find the humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, my mind has been much exercised. Many who profess to be looking for the speedy coming of Christ, are becoming conformed to this world, and seek more earnestly the applause of those around them, than the approbation of God. They are cold and formal, like the nominal church, that they but a short time since separated from. The words addressed to the Laodicean Church, describe their present condition perfectly." RH June 10, 1852, par. 1,2

    This week we look at what caused, and continues to cause, the Laodicean condition.

    For further study:

    "Justification is to be Made Right Through Correction"

    "The Nature and Influence of the Testimonies" Youtube Playlist:

    Sabbath School Q3 2022: In the Crucible with Christ - Week 10, "Meekness in the Crucible."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. www.bdsda.com

    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.


    Communion at Every Meal?

    Communion at Every Meal?

    Ellen White admonished us to spend an hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ, especially the closing scenes. (See Desire of Ages, p. 83) Now, we know that God has instituted rituals and symbols to remind us of His crucifixion and death so the truth about Him does not slip from our minds. One such ritual that almost all SDAs partake in is the communion service. But only coming once a quarter, it hardly fulfills the purpose of keeping the truth of Jesus from slipping our minds between services.

    Ellen also said, "The light shining from that Communion service in the upper chamber makes sacred the provisions for our daily life. The family board becomes as the table of the Lord, and every meal a sacrament." The Desire of Ages, p. 660. We know from the New Testament that the early disciples of Christ broke bread daily from house to house. They ate their food and praised God at these home meals (Acts 2:46-47).

    Ellen White wrote, "The Scriptural Ordinance of The Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass." The Story of Redemption, p. 334

    Mass took the Lord's supper from the family board, or table, where every home meal is to be a sacrament, to the church altar instead. The emblems became part of a "mock meal" so to speak. Again, this is certainly not the scene we see in scripture, with Jesus, at the Passover meal, reclining with his disciples around a table, and taking his bread and sopping it in a dish, probably of oil, to give to his friends. (See John 13:21-30).

    In this study, we look closely at the admonition of Christ as recorded in the gospels and 1 Corintians to see if we are following his words in the way that he intended. Was the communion service ever intended to be a church service as a mock meal? Or did Jesus intend the daily bread and drink from the home table to be the perfect symbol of his body and blood - representing his nourishing words of life - to be taken frequently to keep his sacrifice fresh in our memory?

    For further study:
    The Lord's Supper, From the Table to the Altar, and Back, by Doug Mitchell



    YouTube Playlist: "The Lord's Supper Daily"


    Sabbath School Q3 2022: In the Crucible with Christ - Week 9, "A Life of Praise."

    A Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist perspective on the Sabbath School lesson. www.bdsda.com

    Email us at bdsdalit@gmail.com for comments and literature requests.