
    Sacred Source

    Ambient and electronic music and contemplative introspection about the Goddesses and Gods, divine mysteries, and our modern world.
    en26 Episodes

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    Episodes (26)

    Goddess of A.I.

    Goddess of A.I.

    Artificial Intelligence is taking over Goddess podcasts. Sacred Source gives ChatGPT 5 topics to make podcasts about - Goddess, Pagan Goddess, Dark Goddess, Fertility Goddess and Green Earth Goddess. Then your host records reactions to the A.I. narriated scripts. We analyse how A.I. creates and why it makes false information. Finally we have a special guest, Pete AI, an artificial voice clone of your host to discuss who is the Goddess of A.I.?

    Interviewing Christopher Orapello & Tara-Love Maguire

    Interviewing Christopher Orapello & Tara-Love Maguire

    Interviewing Christopher Orapello & Tara-Love Maguire

    Authors of Besom, Stang & Sword: A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft, the Six-Fold Path & the Hidden Landscape (Samual Weiser). Also designer of the Witch Lord and Witch Queen Statues.

    Christopher and Tara-Love discuss the genesis of their book. The design and symbolism of the Witch Lord and Witch Queen statues. Attending festivals. The hobby of sport shooting and more.

    You can find them at Infinite-Beyond.com


    Dark Mother Goddess

    Dark Mother Goddess

    The Dark Mother Goddess, a powerful archetype. For the dark of the year, we explore and honor her throughout time and space. She embodies both nurturing and destructive forces and is connected with the cycles of death and the mysteries of life.

    We discuss Kali Ma, Hindu Goddess of Death and Destruction. The Calleach, Celtic hag of winter. Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Hecate the liminal Goddess. Lilith, the first wife of Adam. Sekmet, the Morrigan and more.

    Features music Epsilon Cygni and The Veil Nebula.

    Gods of War

    Gods of War

    Gods of War. A topical subject given the news over the last couple of years. These Gods are responsible for war, tactics, strategy, combat, soldiering but sometimes just bloodshead and death. There are many Hero stories and great warriors who were responsible for protecting their tribe or clan, city or nation. Many people think of Pagans as peaceful and earth loving, and they can be. But, have you met the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Celts or Vikings. There are many Pagans in the military who are looking for a patron deity and we thank you for your service. And so for a November's Veteran's Day salute, we offer a discussion of these Gods. Includes Ares, Mars, Tyr, Kartikeya, Athena, Svetovit and Sarutahiko. Music Tail of Deneb and Beak of Albiereo.

    Ghost Story

    Ghost Story

    For Halloween, The Peony Lantern or Boton Doro, a traditional Japanese ghost story adapted for modern Western listerns. Also a discussion of Buddhism in Japan and the Amitabha Buddha of the Pure Land.

    Sacred Smoke

    Sacred Smoke

    Sacred Smoke

    How long ago did mankind first burn herbs and inhale their vapors as part of healing and ceremony? Perhaps first as incense offerings or sweat lodge type ceremony. Some say the sacred herbs were brought to us by the gods and goddesses and are to be used in their worship and as gifts to heal humanity – and by the ancient spirit world traveling shamans. 

    How did we get to our commercialized consumption habits today and how do we recapture and return the spiritual element to use of sacred smoke.

      We will discuss the sacred herbs and their historical use and propogation. We will discuss goddesses and gods such as the White Buffalo Woman and Pachamama, Lord Shiva and Durga ma, Freya, Cybele and Aphrodite. Music : Space Cakes.

    Season 2 Episode 9

    Sacred Source
    enOctober 02, 2023

    Interviewing Our Founder - Part 2

    Interviewing Our Founder - Part 2

    Part 2 of our interview with Richard "Freeman" Allan, the founder of Sacred Source as he discusses the early statue designs and their meanings. Near eastern images of Inanna, Astarte, Asherah and Lilith. Ancient Greek images like Medusa, Artemis and Athena. Celtic images of Brigid, the Morrigan, Lugh, Cernunnos and the Gundestrup Cauldron. Orisias like Oya, Shango, Oshun and Yemaya. Introducing the Black Madonnas, the Greenman. Also his adventures with protesting fossil fuel pipelines, Slavery and Black history, recognizing Native American rights and Gay and Trans issues.

    Interviewing Our Founder

    Interviewing Our Founder

    Part 1 Interview with Richard "Freeman" Allan - Founder of Sacred Source. Hear the exciting adventures of Freeman as he travels to India as a young man to serve with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and ends up founding one of the most influential sacred image companies in the West. Hear about meeting the artisans, the early years of Hindu and Buddhist statues, the fateful decision to try western goddess images and the early influence of the feminist movement and the environmental movement - All told in Freeman's inimitable style.

    Season 2 episode 7 

    Love Goddesses

    Love Goddesses

    For June, in honor of Juno, Goddess of Marriage, let's talk about Love. Love Goddesses who invoke heart pounding, head spinning love, excitement and head over heels attachment. Goddesses who bring wealth and luxuries and desire in us mortals to drive procreation and pregnancy. We discuss 9 types of love according to the Ancient Greeks. Also Oshun and her gifts, Venus and Aphrodite and their little helpers and Freya the magical Norse Goddess.  Also will chart the similarities with Hindu Goddess Laxshmi and more. So it's all about love, lust, sex, beauty, romance, sexuality, jealousy, abundance, luck and prosperity here on the sacred source podcast.

    Includes music Compassionate Heart and Noso Dia.

    Season 2 Episode 6.

    The Triple Goddess

    The Triple Goddess

    Three is a magic number! 

    In The White Goddess, Robert Graves proposes the existance of a Triple Goddess behind all Celtic mythology and religion derived from the ancient Greeks derived from the Sumarians. Wiccan and Pagan reconstructionists develop this idea along with her consort, The Horned God. Called the Maiden, Mother, Crone, she represents the changing woman's roles. Her symbol is the triple moon - waxing, waining and full tying the lunar months with the woman's cycles.

    In this episode we explore ancient influences of the White Goddess. We look at Triple Goddesses such as Brigid, Hecate, the Fates and Allat. We dive into influences from ancient cultures in Crete and India, and her meaning in the modern day. Here on the Sacred Source Podcast.

    Season 2 Episode 5. Music includes Tara Suite and Al Uzzah.

    See our new website Sacred Source Home




    Beltane, Bright Fire, May Day, Beltaine, Beltyne, Walpurgis Night - It's the marriage of the Goddess and the God - a fertile topic. It's a time of celebrating fertility of the land and the people and sex will be a big recurring theme. Spring is in full swing, trees and flowers ore blooming and the sap is rising - if you will.

    So hurray hurray for the 1st of May. Outdoor...romancing begins today. It's time for bonfires and maypoles, dancing and feasting and drinking. But while gallivanting around in the woods, take care - Witches and Faeries roam freely casting enchantments tonight. So grab your blankets and head off for the fields. The celebration of Beltane is upon us.

    Sacred Source Podcast Season 2 Episode 4. Featuring the music Tanz in den Mai and Witch's Rune.

    Thunder Gods

    Thunder Gods

    The mighty Thunderers, often the kings of the Gods, the Sky Fathers, heroic protectors, law givers and Indo-European archetypes of the gods of thunder. Not always the smartest by usually the strongest and the bravest, they wield the mighty weapons of the hammer, axe, mace or club striking down giants, demons, titans and serpents with his thunderbolts. They bring us rain, storms and fertility of the earth and use symbols of bulls, oak trees and Eagles. So grab your thunder vest and let's dive in. 

    Discuss gods Thor, Jupiter, Indra, Taranis, Shango, Perun, Marduk, Thunder Hag and Raijin. Music includes Raven Shaman and Perperuna Perperuna.

    Season 2 Episode 2

    Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid

    Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid

                                                                                                                                                      Brigid, the exalted one, Celtic Goddess of fertility, motherhood, poetry, smithing, wisdom, healing, domesticated animal, fire, sacred wells, the dawn, crafts, trades and brewing. Imbolc is the early February Celtic fire festival of Spring, increasing livestock, weather divination, and seeking the blessings of Brigid. Also known as Candlemas and Groundhog's Day. We follow Brigid through time as she inspires St, Brigit and Maman Brigitte. And also discuss similarities with the Goddesses Athena, Vesta and Saraswati.

    Season 2 Episode 1. Includes the music Brighid's Lament and Dawning Awareness.

    Incense Offerings

    Incense Offerings

    Episode 12 - Incense Offerings. Sacred Scents to carry your prayers to the Gods. From the Frankincense and Myrrh of the Bible to the Patchouli of the Hippies, precious woods, resins and flowers have been more valuable than gold, guarded like silk and trafficed like spice. The multi-billion perfume "by smoke" industry is based on these amazing ingredients. Indian Ghandi "perfumers", Arabic Bakhoor merchants, Buddhist Monks and native shamans all have their secret and sacred recipies. We discuss the harvest, use and components of Agarwood, Sandalwood, Palo Santo, Amber, Musk, Nag Champa, Benzoin, Copal, Dragon's Blood, Camphor, Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, and many others. We discuss the Goddesses Kali and Hathor, how to protect yourself against flying snakes and find a million dollars on the beach! Music includes the world premier of Universe Becoming Aware and Seperation.

    Sacred Marriage

    Sacred Marriage

    Episode 11. When the Gods and Goddesses make love - The union of the active and the passive principles. Lovemaking as a civilizing art in the Kama Sutra, Perfumed Garden and for the Enkidu. Sacred prostitutes or Temple Priestesses. The Festival of Renewal or how sex created the universe. The Goddess Inanna, her erotic poetry and her shephard lover. Hathor and her 14 days of sacred lovemaking each New Year. The meaning of Lord Shiva and Shakti in Tantric union. Lord Krishna, the god of Love and divine longing. And the Wiccan pagan rite of the Chalice and the Blade. Includes music, Festival of Reunion and Pleasure Dome

    Drumming Goddess

    Drumming Goddess
    Episode 10. Drumming Goddess. A look at frame drums, sistrums and tambourines and their trance inducing beats. Cybele, Dionysus and their outragous priests and priestesses. Hathor and Inanna's Sacred Marriage rites. Basic drumming examples. And a tribute to frame drummer Layne Redmond and her book, When the Drummers were Women.

    Mabon Fall Equinox

    Mabon Fall Equinox

    Episode 9 Mabon the Fall Equinox. Discuss story of Mabon ab Modron, shining son of the great mother. The Norse god Frey or Freyr, god of wealth, sunshine and rain. Phallic images, The movie, the Norseman. Perform an eclectic Pagan ritual for wealth and abundance. Discuss the Fall equinox and the balance of the dark and the light. Story of Demeter and Persephone. Music includes Wealth, Sunshine and Rain, Inner Sanctum and Sacred Space.

    Making Mead

    Making Mead

    Episode 8. Making Mead. The magical mysterous mead - beverage of the gods. What's in it? How do you make it? We discuss types of mead and myths and mythology of the world's oldest fermented beverage, types of honey, and deadly perils of beekeeping. Goddesses Queen Maeve, the Melissa, the God Odin and biblical figures such as Judith and Deborah.

    Lughnasadh Fall Harvest

    Lughnasadh Fall Harvest

    Epsode 7. Lughnasadh and the Fall Harvest Festivals. Traditions surrounding the Celtic Fire festival and how they carry over to today. Discuss the Gods Lugh, the Greenman, Dionysus and Bacchus and the Goddesses Demeter, Ceres and Pomona. Also the sacred mysteries of the harvest - Life, Death and Rebirth. Includes songs Greenman, Fountains and Impermanence.