
    SAGE Criminology

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    Episodes (98)

    FC: The Equalizer? Crime, Vulnerability, and Gender in Pro-Gun Discourse

    FC: The Equalizer? Crime, Vulnerability, and Gender in Pro-Gun Discourse

    Author Jennifer Carlson discusses her article, "The Equalizer? Crime, Vulnerability, and Gender in Pro-Gun Discourse" which was published in the January 2014 issue of Feminist Criminology and was awarded the journal's 2014 Best Article of the Year Award.

    Alongside literature on how crime and crime control reproduce racial inequality, less attention has been paid to how the social construction of crime reproduces masculine priviledge. To address this gap, I examine 71 interviews with gun carriers. While gun carries actively promote guns to women, they tend to assume a masculine perspective on crime by emphasizing fast, warlike violence perpetrated by strangers - the kinds of crime men, as opposed to women, are likely to face. Extending theories of vulnerability to gun politics, I argue that the social construction of crime is a key vehicle through which gender is reproduced.

    Read the article here.

    FC: Meaning-Making and Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy: An Examination of Feminist Identities, Ideologies, and Practices

    FC: Meaning-Making and Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy: An Examination of Feminist Identities, Ideologies, and Practices

    Author Andrea Nichols discusses her article, "Meaning-Making and Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy: An Examination of Feminist Identities, Ideologies, and Practices" which was published in the July 2013 issue of Feminist Criminology and was awarded the journal's 2013 Best Article of the Year Award. Abstract: Early domestic violence victim advocacy included survivor-defined, intersectional, and social change practices rooted in feminism. Yet, research specifically examining the ways that advocates identify with and make meaning of feminism, and the relationship of such meanings to advocates’ practices, is limited. Drawing from interviews with 26 domestic violence victim advocates, the interaction between feminist identity, ideology, and practices is examined. Findings indicated that advocates with feminist identities and ideologies held survivor-defined, social change, and intersectional approaches to advocacy. Nonfeminist advocates practiced survivor-defined advocacy, but did not maintain social change or intersectional practices. Implications for advocacy are provided.

    Read the article here.

    FC: How Women Engage Homegrown Terrorism

    FC: How Women Engage Homegrown Terrorism

    Author Alessandra González discusses her recent article in Feminist Criminology, “How Women Engage Homegrown Terrorism.” The article, co-authored by Joshua Freilich and Steven Chermak, appears in the special November issue of the journal, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime.

    AbstractU.S. Extremist Crime Database (ECDB) Study data of homicides by far-right extremists and arsons and bombings by environmental and animal rights extremists suggest that compared with men, relationships are catalysts for women’s involvement in domestic terrorism; recruitment and opportunity differ by ideology and are not always effective in victimizing their intended hate group. We suggest an inter-disciplinary approach that considers criminological principles of strain theory along with sociological emphasis on gendered social networks and the strength of weak ties.


    The article is currently available OnlineFirst.

    For more information on the DWC’s 30th Anniversary, read about their Thirty Dollars for Thirty Years campaign here. Or, check out the DWC 30th Anniversary Issue: Growth & Diversity in Feminist Criminology, which will soon be available here.


    Posted September 2014.

    SAJRT: Paraphilic Interests

    SAJRT: Paraphilic Interests

    Dr. James Cantor, your host and Editor of Sexual Absue: A Journal of Research and Treatment (SAJRT), interviews Dr. Martin Lalumière and Dr. Qazi Rahman in this new SAJRT podcast on the study of paraphilic interests.

    His first guest, Dr. Lalumière, is senior author of a new SAJRT study coauthored by Samantha Dawson and Brittany Bannerman, entitled, "Paraphilic Interests: An Examination of Sex Differences in a Nonclinical Sample." 


    (Available OnlineFirst, here.)

    Later in the podcast, Dr. Cantor is joined by Dr. Rahman, senior lecturer in the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London and a lead researcher in development of sexual interests, including paraphilia and notably, the biological basis of sexual orientation.


    Posted August 28, 2014.