
    Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life

    *Your business gets better when YOU get better*

    Welcome to Second Mix, the podcast that dares you to Reflect, Revise, and Remix Your Life. In a world that constantly changes, personal growth can be a comfortable constant. Hosted by Matt Bennett, a lifelong learner and serial entrepreneur, Second Mix is your go-to resource for actionable insights into goal-setting, self-development, and the entrepreneurial spirit. 

    With a new blend of expertise, from marketing to real estate to the intricacies of the human psyche, each episode is a fresh mix aimed at helping you become something new. Dive in and find your second mix!

    “Don’t wish things were easier, wish you were better.” - Jim Rohn

    en-usMatt Bennett105 Episodes

    Episodes (105)

    Unshakable Confidence with ex-49ers "Why Coach" Paul Epstein

    Unshakable Confidence with ex-49ers "Why Coach" Paul Epstein

    Ready to redefine success in your life and pivot towards a path of true significance? In this episode, host Matt Bennett sits down with Paul Epstein, an expert in building unshakable confidence and a purpose-driven leader, to share game-changing insights that you won't find in your usual self-help books.

    Find out more about Paul, and find the tools we spoke about in the episode, at paulepsteinspeaks.com.

    🌟 Why Listen?

    • Learn about Paul's revolutionary "Confidence Quiz" and how it can propel you towards your best self.
    • Discover the often-overlooked role of heart-centered leadership and how to implement it in your daily life.
    • Take the first steps to identifying and nurturing your core values through practical journaling exercises.
    • Gain insights into the "E.I.R Principle" that Paul swears by for a fulfilling life.

    If you've ever felt stuck, unmotivated, or just in need of a different perspective, this episode offers actionable tools and thought-provoking insights that could be your first step to a breakthrough. Tune in and take your confidence—and your life—to the next level.

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Focus: Lessons from Liam Neeson and Chess for your Entrepreneurial Journey

    Focus: Lessons from Liam Neeson and Chess for your Entrepreneurial Journey

    Imagine harnessing the singular focus of a character like Liam Neeson's Brian Mills in 'Taken', and applying it to your entrepreneurial journey. In the episode, we explore this concept, discussing the power of unwavering determination in achieving one's goals. Drawing from the film's narrative, we underscore the importance of cutting through the drama and distractions to get the job done, a mindset every entrepreneur and business owner can benefit from. 

    As the conversation evolves, we pivot to a personal anecdote about mastering the game of chess, another metaphorical exploration of strategic focus and planning. The essence of chess—concentrating on the ultimate objective of checkmate—parallels the approach of categorizing life goals into daily steps and habits. We dive into this transformational journey, how it's reshaped life over the last four years, and present practical insights to help you apply these principles. Reach out at matt@secondmixnet.com with your thoughts, struggles, or questions about goal setting or any other topic. Let's sculpt your life, one goal at a time.

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Why Should They Trust You?

    Why Should They Trust You?

    Ever wondered what it takes to become the person that a private money lender can't wait to lend money to? Get ready to redefine your journey to success with me as we traverse the enlightening world of real estate investing. I share how I used real estate investing as a stepping stone for personal development, transforming into a more reliable and dependable individual, and becoming something new. 

    We'll explore how the real estate community, coupled with a healthy thirst for knowledge in business, personal development, and social sciences, can open the floodgates to success. You'll hear about my experiences and how I managed to set myself for success by asking the right questions. 

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Evolving from Operator to Owner with Pete Mohr

    Evolving from Operator to Owner with Pete Mohr

    Prepare your mind to be enthralled as we sit down with the phenomenal Pete Mohr, a certified business-made-simple coach, owner of ShoeTopia and a seasoned business broker. With almost thirty years in the business world, Pete has a unique understanding of business dynamics and shares his philosophy that you shouldn’t be owned by your business but be its owner. We delve into the nitty-gritty of transitioning from being operator-bound to becoming an owner, discussing the alignment of products, processes, and people to your business's promise.

    Ever wondered how to transform your frustrations in business into freedoms? Pete Mohr has got you covered! In this insightful conversation, he elaborates on his philosophy, demystifying how to turn business frustrations into freedoms and the importance of understanding the promise you make to yourself and your customers for a clear business structure. Pete's 'love it or leave it' philosophy is something every business owner should aspire to adopt, as it encourages working in what he calls a 'love zone', effectively making life and business more enjoyable.

    We round up this enlightening conversation exploring the significance of communication, process management, and accountability in freeing you and your team for growth. Using references from 'Traction' by Gina Wipman and the EOS Entrepreneurial Operating System, Pete illustrates how an accountability chart can be far more effective than an organizational chart. We also delve into how to create systems that can morph frustrations into freedoms, helping business owners identify areas of change, align systems with business promises, and create replicable processes tailored for business growth. Tune into this episode to discover how you can maximize business efficiency, achieve a better work-life balance, and transition from feeling overwhelmed and overworked to experiencing the freedoms you richly deserve as a business owner.

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Empowering Growth: Discovering Personal Purpose With Constantin Morun

    Empowering Growth: Discovering Personal Purpose With Constantin Morun

    Constantin's Podcast: Unleash Thyself

    In this thought-provoking episode, Matt and Constantin dive deep into personal growth, self-discovery, and the power of mindset. They explore the concept of having a clear vision while being open to iterations and adjustments along the way. Drawing inspiration from philosopher Albert Schweitzer, they discuss the importance of continually learning and growing as human beings.

    The conversation touches on the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, emphasizing the value of learning from past mistakes and practicing self-forgiveness. Constantin shares his approach of self-reflection and self-love, using techniques like meditation and journaling to gain clarity and release negative emotions. They discuss the significance of aligning goals with one's personal why and making choices that resonate with their mission.

    While Constantin's podcast primarily features interviews with guests who share their experiences and insights, this episode highlights key themes that foster personal development and empower listeners to embrace their own journeys. From forgiveness to intention-setting, this conversation offers valuable perspectives on cultivating a growth mindset, making conscious choices, and creating a fulfilling life aligned with one's values and purpose.

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Relax and Struggle: This is the Way

    Relax and Struggle: This is the Way

    Ever found yourself wondering why traditional meditation techniques don't seem to resonate with you? What if the key to effective meditation is simply finding your unique approach to staying present? I, your host, struggled to see the value in conventional meditation until I discovered my unorthodox methods that involve hiking and playing the piano. Just as a hiker navigates through the trails, I guide you through my journey, highlighting how essential it is to welcome the wandering mind and celebrate when it's caught, rather than reprimanding it.

    I introduce a mantra that I discovered: "When you catch yourself wandering, congratulate yourself for catching it and then get back to the task." This central theme resonates through the episode as I uncover the power of 'Relax and Struggle,' a concept prevalent in sports, arts, and trades. Understand how the mind and the body can both move freely when tension is released. I share how the mantra, my unconventional meditation techniques, and maintaining a relaxed state amidst struggles have helped me deal with negative thoughts and stay resilient during challenges. Come join me in this enlightening dialogue, and perhaps, you'll find a fresh perspective on how to manage your struggles with grace and ease.

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Master Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and Website Investing with Chris Myles: A Journey from 9-5 to Passive Income Streams

    Master Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and Website Investing with Chris Myles: A Journey from 9-5 to Passive Income Streams

    Find Chris at bloggerevolution.com. Master the ins and outs of blogging and affiliate marketing with our guest, Chris Myles. Buckle up as we journey through the digital domain of website investing, buying, and selling websites. Discover how you can create a lucrative stream of passive income by generating content that ranks high on Google, and positioning your products in front of a vast audience.

    Delve into Chris's personal journey from working a typical nine-to-five to becoming a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer. Absorb his insightful tips on crafting content that resonates with the audience and learn how to play the Google game like a pro. Gain wisdom on personal and business development, understanding the importance of specificity when communicating on platforms like podcasts and YouTube.

    Last but not least, let's unravel the importance of specific branding. Chris discusses how to distill your brand into a few words and why a crystal clear understanding of your brand is a game-changer when marketing yourself. This episode promises to be a journey of discovery into the world of blogging, affiliate marketing, and making wise investments in the digital space. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, grow, and maybe even transform your income stream!

    Buy Me A Coffee!

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Personal Development for Third Graders and All Elementary Ages

    Personal Development for Third Graders and All Elementary Ages

    This is a special podcast I wrote as a follow-up after visiting Mrs. Webb's third-grade classroom to speak about what I do. 

    It was a wonderful experience, the children asked a lot of good questions, and had a lot of great insights already into what it takes to become better, stronger, and wiser. 

    It's my hope to do more events like this in my life!

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    How To Rescript Your Life with Guest Merit Kahn, Speaker, Comedian, and Coach.

    How To Rescript Your Life with Guest Merit Kahn, Speaker, Comedian, and Coach.

    Merit Kahn is...
    CEO of SELLect Sales Development.
    Sales & Business Development expert.
    Certified Emotional Intelligence expert.
    Certified Speaking Professional.
    Entrepreneur since 1998.
    Stand-up comedian.
    Writer, producer and performer of a one-woman inspiring comedy show.
    Single mom of a teen.

    Find out more at https://meritkahn.com/podcast/

    😃Personal Development for Entrepreneurs 📚
    📨 Email: matt@secondmix.net
    🌎 Website https://secondmix.net
    🚨 Subscribe to this YouTube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    Welcome to the Second Mix Podcast - get ready to reflect, revise, and remix your life with personal development ideas and concepts for entrepreneurs.  At the root of all business development is personal development - your business gets better as YOU get better!

    I want to share a ton of value with you about self-improvement, marketing, business development, reading, learning, and everything else you would ever need to know about improving your business as an entrepreneur. Subscribe ▶ and tap the bell 🛎 for notifications so you can be the first to know about the most recent videos to help you in your business journey. 😁   

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    How Can You Be Valuable To Others?

    How Can You Be Valuable To Others?

    Richard Friesen works with professionals and business leaders who want to increase their personal effectiveness with joy and grace. His neuroscience-based Mind Muscles™ model gives his clients the opportunity to reach their goals with online training, simulations, interactive exercises, group support, and real-time decision processes.

    Richard has been a futures broker for Merrill Lynch, a floor trader on the CME, CBOT, and the options floor of the Pacific Exchange where he built and sold a successful options trading firm where he served on the Exchange's board of directors. He also founded and built a financial software company and is the inventor of ten significant trading interface patents. This combined with his Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Neurolinguistics Programing Master’s certification, and neuroscience focus, brings a unique framework to business, investing, and career success.

    Rich is building a Money-Positive community with his book “A Private Conversation with Money” and his online course. This book observes the main character “Joe” who deals with all the conflicts, self-sabotage and belief systems around money and wealth.


    😃Personal Development for Entrepreneurs 📚
    📨 Email: matt@secondmix.net
    🌎 Website https://secondmix.net
    🚨 Subscribe to this YouTube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    Welcome to the Second Mix Podcast - get ready to reflect, revise, and remix your life with personal development ideas and concepts for entrepreneurs.  At the root of all business development is personal development - your business gets better as YOU get better!

    I want to share a ton of value with you about self-improvement, marketing, business development, reading, learning, and everything else you would ever need to know about improving your business as an entrepreneur. Subscribe ▶ and tap the bell 🛎 for notifications so you can be the first to know about the most recent videos to help you in your business journey. 😁   
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    #money #investor #personaldevelopment

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    The Wrong Kind of Hope - How To Put Your Faith Where It Counts!

    The Wrong Kind of Hope - How To Put Your Faith Where It Counts!

    For almost 30 years I had the wrong kind of hope and faith - and it wasted a major portion of my life. Make sure your hope and faith are based on the right things, or you may find yourself in the same position as I was. Follow this journey of time-wasting, goal-setting, and honest-to-goodness personal development - and find out about THE RIGHT KIND OF HOPE! (WARNING: THIS EPISODE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!!!)

    😃Personal Development for Real Estate Agents, 
    Real Estate Investors, and Other Entrepreneurs 📚
    📨 Email: matt@secondmix.net
    🌎 Website https://secondmix.net
    🚨 Subscribe to this YouTube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    ✅ https://bit.ly/3RPAkUG
    Welcome to the Second Mix Podcast - get ready to reflect, revise, and remix your life with personal development ideas and concepts for real estate investors, real estate agents, and other entrepreneurs.  At the root of all business development is personal development - your business gets better as YOU get better!

    I want to share a ton of value with you about self-improvement, marketing, business development, reading, learning, and everything else you would ever need to know about improving your business as a real estate agent, as a real estate investor, or as an entrepreneur. Subscribe ▶ and tap the bell 🛎 for notifications so you can be the first to know about the most recent videos to help you in your business journey. 😁   
    🛠️⚙️Get my #1 Favorite Tool on the internet!!!
    Limited-time offer - FREE LIFETIME ACCOUNT! Get it HERE https://bit.ly/3iSTXQr
    🔗Free websites and site designer, free funnels, course creator, e-commerce platform, and more - save 💰💰💰hundreds 💵💵💵 a month!

    Joe Herbert Realty
    Office: 814-217-1900
    Equal Housing Opportunity
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    #realestateagent #realestateinvestor #personaldevelopment

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    What Is An Authentic Life? Reflection, Mindfulness, and Self-Kindness with Coach Eric Teplitz

    What Is An Authentic Life? Reflection, Mindfulness, and Self-Kindness with Coach Eric Teplitz

    Eric is an enthusiastic and engaging storyteller who genuinely loves deep conversations about human beings: especially in regard to topics like motivation, happiness, and self-actualization. He has an abundance of life experiences to draw upon including things as varied as pursuing a music career in Nashville, backpacking over 500 miles of the Appalachian Trail, volunteering in a hospital, completing an Ironman triathlon (after three attempts), and finally meeting and marrying the love of his life, Samantha.


    Eric offers one-on-one coaching for those wishing to get "unstuck" in some area of their lives, or who simply want to experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    Brand new: Eric's online course "Opening to Greater Possibilities" is now available! For info: ericteplitz.thinkific.com

    (Second Mix Podcast Episode 83)
    🚨 Subscribe to the YouTube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    Special opportunity for my YouTube friends... my #1 Favorite Tool on the internet!!!
    Limited time offer… Groove.cm Is now FREE FOR LIFE! Get it HERE

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    THE SECOND MIX PODCAST: https://secondmix.net
    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement and successful entrepreneurs. I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple years, I've 5Xed my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my entire network - and so much more! I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are.

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn

    #reflection #mindfulness #kindness

    #meaningoflife #purposeoflife #manssearchformeaning

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Book Summary vs. Reading - Is It Better To Read Books Or Summaries? My Take on Summaries

    Book Summary vs. Reading - Is It Better To Read Books Or Summaries? My Take on Summaries

    This is my personal take on book summaries - Is it better to read books or summaries? When is it okay to read the summary? When should I read the whole book? What kind of value can I get out of a summary? I dig into why sometimes it's better to read the whole book, and sometimes summaries can be immensely helpful!

    (Second Mix Podcast Episode 82)
    🚨 Subscribe to this channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    ✅ https://bit.ly/3RPAkUG
    Special opportunity for my YouTube friends... my #1 Favorite Tool on the internet!!!
    Limited time offer… Groove.cm Is now FREE FOR LIFE!

    Forget all the complicated, expensive and mediocre website creators and funnel builders.

    Get the BEST software tools in the industry for FREE!

    Save hundreds a month and earn thousands more… but for a limited time only:

    Sign up for your free account now: https://groovepages.groovesell.com/a/WyCWNKHvu1Se
    THE SECOND MIX PODCAST: https://secondmix.net
    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement and successful entrepreneurs. I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple years, I've 5Xed my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my network - and so much more! I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are. 

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn

    #booksummary #books #reading 

    #meaningoflife #purposeoflife #manssearchformeaning 
    ✅ https://secondmix.net

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Book Jam - The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson - A short book summary about goals and habits

    Book Jam - The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson - A short book summary about goals and habits

    A Second Mix Book Jam on The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson! Do you have goals that you really want to accomplish, but your habits aren't taking you there? You might need a tiny shift in your philosophy. This book will help you get it. Listen to the summary and review, and decide for yourself if you should read this. I would encourage you to do so. 

    🚨 Subscribe to this channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    ✅ https://bit.ly/3RPAkUG
    Special opportunity for my YouTube friends... my #1 Favorite Tool on the internet!!!

    Limited time offer… Groove.cm Is now FREE FOR LIFE!

    Forget all the complicated, expensive and mediocre website creators and funnel builders.

    Get the BEST software tools in the industry for FREE!

    Save hundreds a month and earn thousands more… but for a limited time only:

    Sign up for your free account now: https://groovepages.groovesell.com/a/WyCWNKHvu1Se
    THE SECOND MIX PODCAST: https://secondmix.net
    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement. I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple years, I've 5X my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my entire network - and so much more! I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are. 

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn

    #booksummary #bookreview #personaldevelopment 

    #meaningoflife #purposeoflife #manssearchformeaning 
    ✅ https://secondmix.net

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    4 Thoughts For Dealing With The UPS and DOWNS Of Your Life

    4 Thoughts For Dealing With The UPS and DOWNS Of Your Life

    The ups and downs of life can be frustrating. The down times seem long, and the up times are sometimes dampened by the fact that you know it won't last. How can you handle these "winters" of your life? Here are four thoughts and strategies that have been incredibly helpful to me for the past few years, allowing me to grow faster than I imagined was possible.

    🚨 Subscribe to the YouTube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    Special opportunity for my YouTube friends... my #1 Favorite Tool on the internet!!!

    Limited time offer… Groove.cm Is now FREE FOR LIFE!

    Forget all the complicated, expensive, and mediocre website creators and funnel builders.

    Get the BEST software tools in the industry for FREE!

    Save hundreds a month and earn thousands more… but for a limited time only:

    Sign up for your free account now: https://groovepages.groovesell.com/a/WyCWNKHvu1Se
    THE SECOND MIX PODCAST: https://secondmix.net
    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement. I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple years, I've 5X my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my entire network - and so much more! I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are.

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn

    #mindset #motivation #inspiration

    #meaningoflife #purposeoflife #manssearchformeaning

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    The Career Toolikit - Why don't they teach this in school??? - Interview with author Mark Herschberg

    The Career Toolikit - Why don't they teach this in school??? - Interview with author Mark Herschberg

    Some personal development and career development advice from author (and so much more) Mark Herschberg. Creator of the Brain Bump App, we talk about how to get a little bit better every day, as well as working on expanding your "short side" and how that helps change your life.

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    Mark Herschberg is the author of The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You and creator of the Brain Bump app. From tracking criminals and terrorists on the dark web to creating marketplaces and new authentication systems, Mark has spent his career launching and developing new ventures at startups and Fortune 500s and in academia, with over a dozen patents to his name.


    He helped to start the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program, dubbed MIT’s “career success accelerator,” where he teaches annually. At MIT, he received a B.S. in physics, a B.S. in electrical engineering & computer science, and a M.Eng. in electrical engineering & computer science, focusing on cryptography.

    At Harvard Business School, Mark helped create a platform used to teach finance at prominent business schools. He also works with many non-profits, currently serving on the board of Plant A Million Corals.

    He was one of the top-ranked ballroom dancers in the country and now lives in New York City, where he is known for his social gatherings, including his annual Halloween party, as well as his diverse cufflink collection.


    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement.

    I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple years, I've 5X my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my entire network - and so much more!

    I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are.

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn


    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Growing on Purpose - Business Development and Business Strategy with Author & Coach Dave Molenda

    Growing on Purpose - Business Development and Business Strategy with Author & Coach Dave Molenda

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    Dave is the founder of Positive Polarity and grew his start-up business into a $10 Million company before selling it. He now passes the principles of his success onto his clients so that they too can succeed and grow.

    Dave is also a #1 Amazon Best Seller of the book, Growing On Purpose: The Formula to Strengthen Your Team AND Improve Your Customer Experience. In his book, Dave brings together extensive business experience to show readers how to combine team strength (achieved through intentional communication) and positive, individualized customer experiences to achieve a fully engaged business. Dave is an expert at business development skills.



    This is the Second Mix Podcast - a dose of personal development leading to personal growth. My philosophy is that personal development is business development and that mindset, especially a success mindset, is the primary factor that leads to self-improvement. I like to talk about things that matter with people who care as well as bring you some old-school motivation and valuable information from the original masters of inspiration Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and more. These guys helped me turn my life around in just a couple of years, I've 5X my income, improved my relationships with my wife and kids, and I've completely changed my entire network - and so much more! I use this podcast to tell you how I did it, the thinking behind it, and as a way to get to meet great new people who are all moving forward by helping people become more than they are.

    Don't wish things were easier, wish you were better - Jim Rohn


    #personaldevelopment #podcast #mindset

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Guest Nate Rifkin: The Standing Meditation, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, and Taoism

    Guest Nate Rifkin: The Standing Meditation, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, and Taoism

    In this fascinating interview, we talk about personal development, self-sabotage, Yoda, and so much more. Learn how to meditate without being totally bored, and especially learn how to not connect so much personal meaning to things out of your control. Take control of your life, and use the advantage of your thoughts to put true meaning into your life with inspiration.

    🚨 Subscribe to the Youtube channel here: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

    We dig into personal growth and mindset - with the surprising news that these don't always work if you don't take care of your mental wellness as you work on your success.

    From our guest:
    "Hi, my name’s Nate Rifkin. Over a decade ago, I battled suicidal thoughts. My financial life was a mess, I felt alone, and I drank a mix of vodka and an energy drink in the mornings to get me through the day. Worst of all, my mind was my enemy, constantly tearing me down.

    This, by the way, was after I dedicated myself to the most common self-help practices you’ll find today. I did the visualizing, made the vision boards, set the goals, and my life still disintegrated into a disgusting dumpster fire.

    I’m grateful it happened because my inner pain pushed me into a spiritual path. This path, mostly derived from the Daoist tradition, saved my life. It helped me revive my career. Best of all, it transformed my mind from an enemy into an ally.

    I’ve written a book about my journey, called The Standing Meditation. It gives step-by-step directions for performing the Daoist meditation that changed my life. Within days of publishing my book, it became a #1 New Release on Amazon in multiple categories."

    You can read the first chapter for free, right here: https://bit.ly/3RMk0Ei"

    Get the book here: www.thestandingmeditation.com



    #podcast #interview #journal

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    How To Make Effective Decisions & How To Communicate Wisely. Tips From Leadership Coach Emily Sander

    How To Make Effective Decisions & How To Communicate Wisely. Tips From Leadership Coach Emily Sander

    Join me in a conversation with leadership coach and author Emily Sander as we dive into effective decision-making, communicating, and more. An enlightening conversation with an enlightening guest. Comment below and be sure to get an answer from me!

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    Emily Sander is a C-Suite Executive and Founder of Next Level Coaching. As an ICF-Certified Coach, she guides clients toward new perspectives that enable them to adapt and evolve as leaders. She is the author of the book, Hacking Executive Leadership.

    EMILY's PAGE https://www.nextlevel.coach/



    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now