
    Secrets for an Awesome Life

    Have you ever seen someone completely enjoying life? Living to their fullest, not brought down by anyone or anything, totally having their stuff together? It's almost like they know secrets you don't. This show is about those secrets. Don't worry. Not very many people know these secrets. Or if they do, they don't apply them. These secrets are skills and mindsets not taught in any college or high school course. We may have heard of them, but no one taught us how to actually apply them to our lives. Which is a shame, because when you apply them, your life becomes more awesome. That's why I created this podcast, for teens who are looking to up the awesome level in their lives. I am Joey Mascio and I’m a Teen & Young Adult Life Coach. I was certified at the Life Coach School where I was trained by Master Life Coach Brooke Castillo. I've also gone through Jody Moore's Advanced Certification. I take the strategies and tools I’ve learned from these two powerful women, and lots of my own, and adapt them for teenagers and young adults. I am also a middle school teacher and counselor, a proud father of three, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
    enJoey Mascio149 Episodes

    Episodes (149)

    Creating Talent

    Creating Talent

    You don't have to be born with talent. You can create it. I summarize some key concepts from Daniel Coyle's book, The Talent Code, and talk about how teens can use "science and faith" to develop habits of deep practice to increase their talent in any area of their life.
    Get my FREE Live Your Own Life Challenge, a short, high-energy video designed to motivate teens to put down their screens and get into the real world. www.joeymascio.com/challenge
    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    The Superman Elixir (Encore Episode)

    The Superman Elixir (Encore Episode)

    This was one of my favorite episodes from a few years ago. The idea that there is an elixir, or formula, that teens can use to become a type of "Super" man has always fascinated me. About 100 years ago someone figured out what it was. Spoiler alert: it's owning your own mind. If a teen can do that, then they will be unstoppable, a Super Man or Woman.
    Want affordable, private coaching for your teen? Then check out my new coaching format, Drop-In Coaching. Teens get casual, quick coaching with me up to 12 times this semester. Go to www.joeymascio.com to register today. Spots are limited.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Using AI to Terminate Homework

    Using AI to Terminate Homework

    Teens can use artificial intelligence to help them rock their homework. AI shouldn't be something parents and teachers are afraid of, and I have a great conversation with Transformative Principal Jethro Jones on how teens to can use AI to TERMINATE their homework! And by terminate, I mean complete it. Obviously.
    See what Jethro is up to at www.jethrojones.com
    Register for my new Drop-In Coaching offer for this fall semester by going to www.joeymascio.com/drop-in-coaching

    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Executive Functioning with Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan

    Executive Functioning with Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan

    I have a special guest on today, so the episode is longer than usual. But it's all so good! Starting with a great story about a teen who is nervous about a big speech coming up. Then, Dr. Dudek-Brannan and I talk about what executive functioning is and tools you can use to perform better in your life.
    Adults and educators! Listen to Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan's podcast, De Facto Leaders https://drkarendudekbrannan.com/blog
    Get her free Executive Functioning Implementation guide here: https://drkarendudekbrannan.com/efschools

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Freedom & Responsibility

    Freedom & Responsibility

    Summer is coming to an end and teens across the country are all mourning the loss of their "free time." But, teens might have said goodbye to their freedom long ago if they were missing responsibility. Free time isn't freedom FROM responsibility, it's actually freedom BECAUSE OF responsibility. I talk about two type of responsibility that teens need to have in order to truly be free. Without them, you're just in a different kind of prison.
    Check out my free Live Your Own Live Challenge, designed to inspire teens to put down their screens and start living their own life. Available now at www.joeymascio.com/challenge

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    The Infinite Game and How to Play It

    The Infinite Game and How to Play It

    If you don't know what type of game you're playing, you can get discouraged and lose your faith and focus in your goals. But the truth is, most everything we want in life is part of an infinite game. A game that never ends. You don't just win the trophy for being happy. Or cross the finish line of confidence. Congrats, you've made it! The game of success, relationships, achievements, just doesn't end. So learn how to enjoy the game.
    My Live Your Own Life Challenge is next week! Teens gets $25 for completing the whole thing. Register now at www.joeymascio.com/challenge

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    When Things Suck

    When Things Suck

    Sometimes things just suck. No amount of changing your thoughts is going to help it not to suck. So, what do you do? You suck it up! No, I'm not saying to "get over it," that's not helpful. I'm saying to suck up the suck, or in other words, choose an empowering attitude toward your unavoidable sufferings that will allow you to choose who this trials makes you become.
    I'll pay teens $25 to attend and complete my upcoming Live Your Own Life Challenge! For registration and details, go to www.joeymascio.com/challenge

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Connecting with Important People

    Connecting with Important People

    Want to connect with important people? We all do! That's why we spend time following social media influencers, watching YouTube stars, and playing video games where the main character is the most important person in the story. But there is just one problem... we're connecting with the wrong people!! The real important people are the real life people right around us. Family, friends, peers, and others who need us to notice them. Let's stop spending so much time building fake connections and start spending more time building real, meaningful ones.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available on desktop now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a laptop or computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Doing Something Worthwhile

    Doing Something Worthwhile

    Doing something worthwhile is key to living a happy, successful, and fulfilled life. But teens often spend their time doing something worth-less. Something that wastes time. Wasting time isn't always bad, but when done too much it can lead teens to feeling down, disconnected, and always looking for distractions. Doing something worthwhile first can help avoid that.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a desktop computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    When People Poop on Your Purpose

    When People Poop on Your Purpose

    Finding meaning in our lives is awesome! It helps us avoid loneliness, depression, lack of motivation, procrastination, and more. It gives us purpose. But, what do we do when someone poops on our purpose? It can ruin everything!! But it doesn't have to.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available now! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com on a desktop computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Order Out of Chaos with ADD Coach Leslie Josel

    Order Out of Chaos with ADD Coach Leslie Josel

    I have a conversation with Leslie Josel who coaches families of children and teens with ADD and we talk about how to create some order out of the chaos that ADD/ADHD brings.

    Check out Leslie's company at https://www.orderoochaos.com/
    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available now! Go to app.sidekicktohero.com on a desktop computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Helping Your Teen Succeed, Interview with Heather Frazier

    Helping Your Teen Succeed, Interview with Heather Frazier

    A cross-posting of a guest appearance I did on Pivot Parenting with Heather Frazier.

    "In today's episode, I chat with teen coach, Joey Mascio about how we can help our teens succeed. We talk about apathy, encouraging our kids, and heros vs. villains when it comes to our parental approach. Joey shares the four distinct arenas that our kids can conquer in their lives, headspace, emotions, relationships, objectives, and how we can best support them while they do it."
    Heather is an amazing parent coach! Check her out at the following places:


    Listen to her podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pivot-parenting/id1509267338

    Feeling Empty

    Feeling Empty

    Sometimes we feel empty. We're not motivated or excited for things. When this happens, there is nothing wrong with us. We have just entered a vacuum where we can't answer the question, "What is the point?" There's three things you can do to get yourself out of that vacuum of emptiness.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is available now! Go to app.sidekicktohero.com on a desktop computer to sign up now (it’s not live on mobile yet)


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Meaning, Purpose, and Reason

    Meaning, Purpose, and Reason

    Why do we do what we do?? Sometimes it's for pleasure, sometimes it's for power, but the best times are when it's for something meaningful. Knowing this allows us to choose to find meaningful meaning and purpose and reason in the things that we do. It helps us get motivated, get through tough times, and enjoy life more.


    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is launching to the public soon. Get on the interest list for discounts and updates at www.sidekicktohero.com


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Handling Rejection

    Handling Rejection

    Getting rejected is a part of life. But it really sucks sometimes and it would be awesome if everyone knew how to handle it better. In today's episode, I help teens understand why rejection hurts so bad and how to make it hurt a little less.

    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is launching to the public soon. Get on the interest list for discounts and updates at www.sidekicktohero.com


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero

    Body Image and Social Media with Stephanie Valdez

    Body Image and Social Media with Stephanie Valdez

    Social media is a circus. Teens are expected to jump through hoops and look a certain way to get the applaus and admiration from others. That's crap! In this episode Stephanie Valdez from Empowerful Girls and I talk about how influencers and brands are making us jump through hoops so they can make money and how that needs to stop. And it can stop with you.

    Listen to Stephanie's podcast Ten for Teens & Tweens https://empowerfulgirls.com/blog/

    Check out her website for more from her! https://empowerfulgirls.com/


    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is launching to the public soon. Get on the interest list for discounts and updates at www.sidekicktohero.com


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/sidekicktohero




    Interview with Teen Entrepreneur Evan Paventy

    Interview with Teen Entrepreneur Evan Paventy

    This month I am talking about how teens can make money. I've mentioned how you can make money as a teen entrepreneur so I figured I might as well bring one on the show to talk about how he did it and how you can do it, too. Evan Paventy joins me on this episode to talk about how he started his own business as a teen.


    My new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero, is launching to the public soon. Get on the interest list for discounts and updates at www.sidekicktohero.com


    I have a YouTube channel now! Subscribe for shorter, video versions of my podcast episodes https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Follow me on Instagram! instagram.com/sidekicktohero


    There is Money Out There For You

    There is Money Out There For You

    Teens, there is PLENTY of money out there for you to get. You just have to believe it's there for you to find. This is called having an abundant mindset. Most teens have a scarcity mindset, which is the opposite. Money is hard. It's not easy to get. That mindset will keep you from finding the stacks of cash that are out there for you to earn.


    My app for teens is coming out soon! Go to www.sidekicktohero.com to get on the interest list today for announcements and a special discount at launch!


    Thanks for the orchestral and inspirational composition by Savfk

    Being a Teen Entrepreneur

    Being a Teen Entrepreneur

    Teen Entrepreneurs make more money than teen employees. That's a fact. Why? Because entrepreneur's get a bigger slice of the pie! Creating your own business is totally doable as a teen, it's also more fun and builds resilience and experience that will help you run your own business one day as an adult.


    Check out my new gamified mindset training app for teens, Sidekick to Hero! It's launching to the public soon. Get on the interest list for discounts and announcements at www.sidekicktohero.com



    Procrastination is the WORST! And don't give me that "I work better under pressure" nonsense, I use that excuse to avoid doing stuff, too. Once teens understand WHY you procrastinate, you can take counter measurements to help you stop.


    Check out my new YouTube channel with my Message 4 Monday, series. It's a useful message four teens in four minutes or less! It covers all the same topics I cover in this podcast, including confidence, anxiety, social skills, mindset, and more!


    Watch at https://www.youtube.com/@sidekicktohero


    Also, don't forget to get on my interest list for my upcoming new gamified mindset training app for teens! Visit www.sidekicktohero.com to sign up.