
    Secrets for an Awesome Life

    Have you ever seen someone completely enjoying life? Living to their fullest, not brought down by anyone or anything, totally having their stuff together? It's almost like they know secrets you don't. This show is about those secrets. Don't worry. Not very many people know these secrets. Or if they do, they don't apply them. These secrets are skills and mindsets not taught in any college or high school course. We may have heard of them, but no one taught us how to actually apply them to our lives. Which is a shame, because when you apply them, your life becomes more awesome. That's why I created this podcast, for teens who are looking to up the awesome level in their lives. I am Joey Mascio and I’m a Teen & Young Adult Life Coach. I was certified at the Life Coach School where I was trained by Master Life Coach Brooke Castillo. I've also gone through Jody Moore's Advanced Certification. I take the strategies and tools I’ve learned from these two powerful women, and lots of my own, and adapt them for teenagers and young adults. I am also a middle school teacher and counselor, a proud father of three, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
    enJoey Mascio149 Episodes

    Episodes (149)

    The Greatest Tragedy Ever Told

    The Greatest Tragedy Ever Told
    The greatest tragedy ever told isn't about someone who had it all and lost it all, or someone who tried hard to get the thing they wanted and never did, and it's not even about two star-crossed lovers. The greatest tragedy ever told is much, much more tragic...

    The Noise of Negative Thoughts

    The Noise of Negative Thoughts
    The ability to separate out signals from noise is uber useful. Take your thoughts for example, there are a lot of them bouncing around in there. All negative thoughts are noise and we shouldn't give any attention to them. Some thoughts are signals, things we could address and focus on to help us become who we want to be. Are you spending too much energy on the noise of negative thoughts?

    The Boredom Challenge

    The Boredom Challenge
    We can't stand to be bored!! But, what if we could? What if awesome things like creation, inspiration, and connection were all achieved by being able to be bored. Today, fellow Firmly Founded coach Ali Terry and I talk about tips and the benefits of being good at being bored. I also start the Boredom Challenge!! Listen to the episode for the instructions on how to complete the boredom challenge, then send me an email at joey@firmlyfounded.com or message me on Instagram at @firmlyfoundedcoaching to let me know how the challenge went for you and you will be entered in for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. The Challenge ends July 15th, 2022!

    Social Media is NOT Real Life

    Social Media is NOT Real Life

    I know you know that social media isn't real life... but how often do you forget that? How often to do make decisions or choose thoughts based on something you saw on social media? Special guest Sami Halvorsen of the Teen Life Coach Podcast is on today and we talk about how to not be duped by pictures and likes on social media.


    Join Sami's summer classes that start next week:


    Connected and In Control- Social Media Program: Starts June 23rd



    Self Confidence Program: Starts June 22nd


    We Make (the Worst) Villains

    We Make (the Worst) Villains
    Have any villains in your life? You know, people who are just the worst and make your day miserable? Or maybe just people who you dislike a lot? Well, that person isn't actually a villain, you're just labeling them as one. You created them. And I'd wager a guess that the villain you created is probably one dimensional. If you've seen any bad movies you'd know that one dimensional villains are the WORST!

    Falling Through the Cracks

    Falling Through the Cracks

    Working more and working harder is not always the recipe for doing well in school. There are tricks we can do to be more efficient when it comes to being successful, not just in school, but in life in general. This means making the choice to know your goals are available to you to achieve. You can decide that your goals are possible, just like you can decide that they are not possible. In this episode, Camille Roney joins the show to talk about this secret. She explains how we can make the decision that will help make our goals become more attainable, and also how we can find the most efficient path - so we aren’t working harder and working more, which ultimately can lead to burnout. 

    Joey Mascio - Firmly Founded Coaching: website | instagram |facebook | tiktok

    Camille Roney - website | twitter | instagram

    Escaping the Pressure Prison

    Escaping the Pressure Prison

    Feeling pressure can often feel like you’re in an invisible prison. Pressures from other people, or sometimes even from your own expectations can cause us to freeze up. But it’s important to take a step back and ask “does the source of this pressure actually matter?”. In many cases, you’ll realize that no, it does not matter. Escaping this invisible prison called pressure will help us succeed and focus on the things that matter in life, the things we need to achieve our goals and to make ourselves happy!

    Joey Mascio - Firmly Founded Coaching:  website | instagram | facebook | tiktok

    A Kid's Guide to Divorce (and Life After)

    A Kid's Guide to Divorce (and Life After)
    Divorce can be tough for everyone involved, especially the kids. Today I have on a special guest, author and 11-year-old Daisy Freestone who wrote a book called "A Kid's Guide to Divorce and Life After." We talk about her book and today's secret for an awesome life: your parent's divorce is NOT YOUR FAULT. Also, I will be giving away three copies of her book that comes out today! To enter, find my post on Instagram (@firmlyfoundedcoaching) featuring today's episode and share or tag people in the comments who could benefit from this book! For every share and person you tag, you will get an entry into the drawing to get a hardcopy of Daisy's book. Three winners will be selected. Contest ends Monday, May 2nd. Winners will be notified Monday, May 9th.

    All Successful People Have This in Common

    All Successful People Have This in Common

    Social media, and media in general often portray some of the people we look up to as living a “perfect life”. We see the highlights of their life that often show an unrealistic lifestyle that that person is living. This is not quite the case, everybody is imperfect. That’s what today’s secret is, everyone is imperfect and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, to be human is to be imperfect. So something to remember when you see someone living their best life, they are living an imperfect life. 

    Joey Mascio - Firmly Founded Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | tiktok