
    Semaphore Uncut

    A podcast for developers about building great products. Join us in discussing engineering excellence with top experts and sharpening your coding skills with technical tips from the Semaphore team. Your host is Semaphore’s co-founder, Darko Fabijan.

    en-usSemaphore CI103 Episodes

    Episodes (103)

    Mapping the World and Testing Against Reality with Eric Bowman

    Mapping the World and Testing Against Reality with Eric Bowman

    Today we have Eric Bowman, CTO at TomTom, former VP Engineering at Zalando, and a developer behind the game "The Sims". In this episode, we discuss how mapping technology has changed the world and how CI/CD practices have made real-time mapping possible. 

    🎧 Key Takeaways

    • How long before self-driving cars are a reality?
    • How satellite and map technology changed the world?
    • The challenges of building and testing real-time maps.
    • How feedback loops add value to developers and customers.
    • Using DevOps and CI/CD to improve your products.

    Listen to our entire conversation above, and check out my favorite parts in the episode highlights!

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usAugust 31, 2021

    Brandon Bayer on creating Blitz.js, the fullstack framework for React.

    Brandon Bayer on creating Blitz.js, the fullstack framework for React.

    Brandon Bayer talks about his creation, Blitz.js, a Next.js fork and a fullstack, batteries-included framework for React. In this episode, we talk about the inspiration for the project, the challenges along the way and what's planned for this great framework's future. Listen to the episode now.

    🎧 Key Takeaways 

    • What is Blitz.js and how it relates to React.
    • JavaScript or TypeScript, which is best?
    • When is Blitz 1.0 coming out.
    • What features are planned for the future.

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usAugust 17, 2021

    Peter Cooper on Why Developers Should Create Content

    Peter Cooper on Why Developers Should Create Content

    Welcome to Semaphore Uncut, a podcast about developers building great products. In this episode, I talk with Peter Cooper, tech publisher, author, software engineer, and of the most successful newsletter curators. Press the play button and listen to us talking about content creation, the cycles in the tech business, and how developers learn.

    Key Takeaways

    • Using a email as the core driver for a business
    • Getting older in the technology industry
    • Why developers should be involved in content creation also
    • Is it fun to be the chair of a conference?
    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usAugust 03, 2021

    Kubernetes-native Java microservices with John Clingan

    Kubernetes-native Java microservices with John Clingan

    This episode features John Clingan, product manager at Red Hat, founder of MicroProfile, and co-author of "Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus, and MicroProfile". We'll talk about the challenges of developing microservices on Java, using Quarkus and MicroProfile to speed up start times and reduce memory footprints, and how to transition into a Kubernetes-native experience.

    Key takeaways:

    • How to bring Java applications into a cloud-native environment.
    • What are Quarkus and MicroProfile. And how it helps developers deploy on serverless and Kubernetes.
    • Speeding up development cycle on Java applications.
    • Making Java the preferred language for the cloud.

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usJuly 20, 2021

    DevOps-as-a-Service with Khash Sajadi

    DevOps-as-a-Service with Khash Sajadi

    Today's episode features Khash Sajadi, founder of Cloud 66 and hardy DevOps veteran. Listen to us talking about how DevOps evolved and shaped the industry, the importance of getting past the hype, and what to look for when deciding on a technology stack.

    Key takeaways:

    • How DevOps technologies evolved over the last 30 years.
    • What made Kubernetes win the container wars.
    • How to sell DevOps services to companies.
    • How technology choices impact business success.

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usJuly 06, 2021

    Jeff Smith on DevOps Antipatterns

    Jeff Smith on DevOps Antipatterns

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, Jeff Smith, DevOps advocate, director of Ops at Centro, and author of the book Operations Anti-patterns, DevOps Solutions, talks about adapting DevOps patterns and avoiding pitfalls as companies grow out from startup to full size. We talk about the types of engineers companies need as they evolve and how to achieve the right balance between letting your engineers experiment and keeping things sane.

    Key takeaways:

    • The usual way companies implement change management doesn't work.
    • There are three types of engineers. Companies need the right mix as they scale.
    • Self-contained teams make better decisions about DevOps patterns they adopt.
    • Engineers need the freedom to experiment and fail.
    • At the same time, adding new technologies has a cost. Companies need to balance innovation with standardization.
    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usJune 22, 2021

    Dave Thomas on Testing Past, Present, and Future

    Dave Thomas on Testing Past, Present, and Future

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I talk with Dave Thomas, author of The Pragmatic Programmer, and many other well-known software engineering books. We discuss how software engineering has changed over many decades and how Dave's experiences have informed his attitudes to testing.

    Key takeaways:

    • Software is both abstract and changes the real world
    • Computer science undergrads need more industrial experience
    • Treat software testing as a tool, not a religion
    • Use experience and judgement to choose when not to write tests
    • Test maintenance is part of the ebb and flow of development
    • Modern software is loosely coupled and ephemeral
    • The Internet of Things is transforming software architecture
    • The IoT opens a new frontier for integration testing

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Monorepo and Micro-Frontends with Jonathan Creamer

    Monorepo and Micro-Frontends with Jonathan Creamer

    This episode of Semaphore Uncut features Jonathan Creamer, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. We hear his monorepo experiences and about his work in the field of 'DivOps' - the term he coined to describe the engineering of front-end tooling.

    Key takeaways:

    • DivOps is DevOps for the front-end
    • Monorepo's power is having all dependencies at your fingertips
    • Make and test sweeping changes across the whole monorepo in seconds
    • Embrace monorepo early to keep options open
    • Monorepo tooling enables micro-frontend architectures
    • Workspaces and Webpack module federation are ones to watch in future

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Multi-platform Development with Co-creator of Flutter, Eric Seidel

    Multi-platform Development with Co-creator of Flutter, Eric Seidel

    In this Semaphore Uncut episode, I meet Eric Seidel, co-creator of Flutter and Director of Engineering for the Flutter team at Google. We chat about the Flutter developer experience, the Dart language that powers it, and the transition Flutter is making from mobile to desktop.

    Key takeaways:

    • Flutter allows one codebase for mobile, web and desktop
    • Dart is designed for developer experience
    • AOT or JIT compile for performance or .js transpile for iterating
    • An active Dart community fuels growth
    • Flutter integration can start with a single button
    • Flutter architecture supports many test styles
    • For mobile developers, Flutter is a must-try

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Nader Dabit on How Managed Services Turbo-Charge Startups

    Nader Dabit on How Managed Services Turbo-Charge Startups

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, we meet Nader Dabit, Senior Developer Advocate at AWS. He gives us his perspective on managed services in cloud development, tells us about AWS Amplify, and gives his predictions on the future of cloud computing. 

    Key takeaways:

    • As the front-end ecosystem matures, more challenging products are possible
    • Managed services give power to builders
    • Prepackaged managed service collections help startups get going
    • The 80-20 rule of cloud apps: 80% managed services, 20% differentiating value
    • AWS Amplify users test apps on a local backend
    • Infrastructure as Code allows incremental design of your production environment
    • Startup costs reducing as serverless, pay-per-compute model takes over
    • Nader's future in decentralized finance

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usApril 27, 2021

    Monorepo and Building at Scale with Benjy Weinberger

    Monorepo and Building at Scale with Benjy Weinberger

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I talk to Benjy Weinberger, co-founder of Toolchain. We discuss the open-source build tool, 'Pants', and hear Benjy's views on the monorepo strategy for managing your codebase.

    Key takeaways:

    • Pants: a fast, scalable build system
    • Explicit modelling of dependencies is key to Pants performance
    • Monorepo gives visibility and ownership of the effects of your changes
    • Monorepo helps avoid dependency hell
    • How Pants works: a concrete example
    • Tools to make adopting Pants easy
    • How to contribute to Pants V2

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usApril 13, 2021

    Crossing the Enterprise Chasm with Michael Grinich

    Crossing the Enterprise Chasm with Michael Grinich

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I talk to Michael Grinich, founder and CEO for WorkOS. We chat about how software companies fall foul of the 'Enterprise Chasm', and how WorkOS helps them cross it. We also learn about the engineering approach that the WorkOS team takes to maintain the reliability of their service, which is critical to their users.

    Key takeaways:

    • How to cross the 'Enterprise Chasm'
    • WorkOS enables focus on core product experience
    • WorkOS unifies a fragmented space
    • Building an infrastructure SaaS takes rigour
    • Dependency on 'black box' APIs requires constant health monitoring
    • Build personal connections as well as data connections
    • CI/CD enables a fast bug response loop
    • Maintenance of critical infrastructure needs a special approach
    • What's next for WorkOS

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Automated Microservice Networking with Traefik CEO Emile Vauge

    Automated Microservice Networking with Traefik CEO Emile Vauge

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I chat with Emile Vauge, founder and CEO of Traefik Labs. We talk about the origins of Traefik and the Traefik Labs products that have stemmed from it. We also discuss getting started in the complex Kubernetes world and look into the future of cloud-native.

    Key takeaways:

    • Automated microservice container networking with Traefik
    • Like Istio, but simplified: Traefik Mesh
    • Traefik Pilot is a unified dashboard for your infrastructure
    • Traefik Enterprise brings everything together for companies
    • Keep things simple when starting your Kubernetes journey
    • Simplicity will win in the cloud-native ecosystem

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Open Source Business Models with Alex Ellis

    Open Source Business Models with Alex Ellis

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I chat with Alex Ellis, creator of OpenFaaS, Inlets, and Arkade. He shares his experience of following his open-source passion while also making his work pay.

    Key takeaways:

    • When an open-source project has traction and community, but no business model
    • The sponsored app business model
    • The Freemium business model
    • Entrepreneurs have to take blows and get up again
    • Your own open source path is possible

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Discovering Next.js with Guillermo Rauch

    Discovering Next.js with Guillermo Rauch

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, we talk to Guillermo Rauch. Guillermo is CEO and co-founder of Vercel. We talk about how React has emerged as a de-facto standard for the front-end. Guillermo describes Vercel's Next.js framework that is built around React. And we also discuss front-end testing and microservices engineering trends.

    Key takeaways:

    • Next.js improves React development and deployment
    • Next.js is a powerful framework around de-facto standard React
    • Front-ends are globally distributed - Next.js supports CDN from the start
    • Front-end engineers need short feedback loops
    • Fast feedback drives front-end quality
    • Adopt new front-end tech one page at a time
    • Test in production-like preview builds
    • Use headless, visual regression tests for GUI components
    • Testing benefits from React being functional and declarative
    • The risks and rewards of microservices
    • Emerging patterns and systems mitigate microservices risk

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Adopting Cloud-Native at Deutsche Telekom with Vuk Gojnic

    Adopting Cloud-Native at Deutsche Telekom with Vuk Gojnic

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, we talk to Vuk Gojnic. Vuk is Squad Lead for container and cloud-native engine at Deutsche Telekom Technik. Vuk describes how his internal engineering team is bringing Cloud Native infrastructure to the 200,000 person telecom giant. We discuss a number of technical challenges. We also address the issue of measuring the success of an internal engineering team. And we discuss the difficulty of hiring and training cloud-native specialists. 

    Key takeaways:

    • Cloud-native in telcos - not straightforward
    • Key principles for cluster management: declarative, immutable
    • Leveraging existing IaaS using Cluster API
    • Using Flux/GitOps Toolkit
    • How to succeed with internal engineering
    • Large scale, small team using GitOps
    • Partnerships and education to access cloud-native talent
    • The road ahead

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Maximizing Software Product Value with Gojko Adzic

    Maximizing Software Product Value with Gojko Adzic

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, we talk to Gojko Adzic, specialist in agile and lean quality improvement. We talk about how to make truly valuable software products: addressing real needs rather than all requests and establishing quick feedback loops by observing behavior change. Gojko also shares how he has kept his passion for software alive. We hear how he made space to learn and experiment and how he guards his autonomy.

    Gojko is a frequent speaker at software development conferences. He is also the author of Specification by Example and other books.

    Key takeaways:

    • A developer-customer communication anti-pattern
    • Solve for needs, not features
    • Behavior change: a rapid feedback loop
    • Data over opinion
    • Books for budding product designers
    • Keeping the passion alive
    • The joy of autonomy
    • Even 'failed' experiments produce learning

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Exploring Test-Driven iOS Development with Jon Reid

    Exploring Test-Driven iOS Development with Jon Reid

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, Jon Reid, leading expert in unit testing and test-driven development (TDD) for iOS, talks about the importance of shaping production code in response to tests.

    Jon is a Technical Agile Coach and the author of iOS Unit Testing by Example, XCTest Tips and Techniques Using Swift book.

    Key takeaways:

    • From Objective C to Swift
    • Rapid test-driven development in iOS
    • Fewer end-to-end, more unit-tests in iOS
    • The real meaning behind the Testing Pyramid
    • F-I-R-E: Understanding unit testing dependencies
    • Test-Driven Development as a practice
    • Bringing yourself to your code

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Elixir's Creator José Valim on the Development of a New Language

    Elixir's Creator José Valim on the Development of a New Language

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, José Valim, the creator of the Elixir programming language shares with us insights on developing Elixir, from its inception to the road ahead.

    José is the Chief Adoption Officer at Dashbit, speaker, and the author of three technical books.

    We talked about:

    • How Elixir was born
    • Elixir's functional roots
    • The role of Erlang VM
    • Modeling concurrency in Elixir
    • The milestones of creating a new programming language
    • Extensibility as a must
    • Elixir macros enable the ecosystem
    • Tips to stay focused

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

    Semaphore Uncut
    en-usDecember 21, 2020

    John-Daniel Trask on Shortening Feedback Loops for Agile Development

    John-Daniel Trask on Shortening Feedback Loops for Agile Development

    In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, John-Daniel Trask, the co-founder, and CEO of Raygun explains how a short feedback loop enables teams to rapidly develop high-quality products.

    JD Trask is a technology leader with almost 30 years of software development experience.

    Key takeaways:

    • The shorter the loops are, the happier the customer gets
    • Putting the customers at the heart of what you do
    • Understanding the landscape of error tracking and crash reporting tools
    • Taking the mission to the next level
    • A good tool is like an extra team member

    About Semaphore Uncut
    In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.