
    Serendipity from Zug

    Where will serendipity lead you to?
    en16 Episodes

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    Episodes (16)

    #4 Finding Your Passion and Reconnecting with Yourself: Natalya Tarasova's Transition Journey

    #4 Finding Your Passion and Reconnecting with Yourself: Natalya Tarasova's Transition Journey

    Hello Serendipity lovers! 💞

    I'm thrilled to share this special episode with you featuring Natalya Tarasova. 

    I met Natalya on a rainy day in November 2019, and her inspiring talk at Swiss Re left a lasting impression on me.

    Originally from Ukraine and now living in Engelberg, Switzerland, 

    Natalya has had a fascinating journey studying in Sweden and working in the tech industry.

    In this episode, we cover topics like parenting, maternity leave, and the place of women in Switzerland.

    Natalya's serendipitous stories and insights are sure to inspire you to take risks and pursue your dreams.

    I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did!


    Join us on LinkedIn  if you want to share your thoughts on the episode. Because sharing is caring. 

    Follow me on Instagram: it makes me like this: đŸ„°

    Leave me a review on Apple Podcast: it means you like the job :-)



    Career Workbook 

    Her Website


    #3 Ally Passion with Purpose: The Transformative Power of Dance with Larissa Gassman

    #3 Ally Passion with Purpose: The Transformative Power of Dance with Larissa Gassman

    It all started when I gave my daughter the book "My Ballerina Doll" by Junko Shibuya, seven years ago.

    She has been passionate about dance since she was four years old, and her love for it continues to grow.

    Inspired by my daughter's enthusiasm for dance, I decided to invite Larissa Gassman, her teacher, to share her personal experiences and stories.

    Larissa has been dancing since she was a child, and she shares with us how the art form has influenced her life in so many ways.

    During our conversation, she describes her journey to become a professional dancer, even though she did not have the perfect body type that many people believe is necessary.

    Larissa's passion for dance extends beyond her own career. She also talks about her mission in life, which is to inspire others to follow their own dreams and to help them find the joy that dance has brought to her life.

    We hope that you enjoy our talk. 




    Stephen Thomas 

    We mentionned the Dance Festival on the 6th of M ay in Metalli

    Where Larissa teaches   

    #2 Comment passe t-on du commerce Ă  l'insertion professionnelle?

    #2 Comment passe t-on du commerce Ă  l'insertion professionnelle?

    Hello les serendipity lovers,

    Steffie nous raconte son cheminement vers sa reconversion professionnelle semĂ©e d’embĂ»ches. 

    Car Ă  l’époque oĂč elle entame sa reconversion pro suite Ă  son licenciement elle est au chĂŽmage en Suisse.

    Et c’est vrai qu’en tant que demandeur d’emploi, on a des obligations:

    ✅ 10 candidatures par mois

    ✅ un rdv mensuel avec son conseiller

    ✅ obligation de chercher dans le mĂȘme domaine d’activitĂ©

    Quand on est enregistrĂ© Ă  l’Office RĂ©gional de Placement, on n’a pas le droit de:

    ⛔ faire des formations, mĂȘme auto-financĂ©es

    ⛔ faire du bĂ©nĂ©volat

    ⛔ apprendre une langue (dans mon cas, des cours d’allemand)

    Pirate dans l’ñme, Steffie, alors enceinte pendant sa pĂ©riode de chĂŽmage, entamera une formation pour valider son brevet fĂ©dĂ©ral de formatrice d’adultes. 

    Elle s’engagera Ă©galement dans du bĂ©nĂ©volat qui sera pour elle un dĂ©clic.

    GrĂące au PPE+, elle trouve un stage pour entamer sa reconversion professionnelle.

    C’est en comptant sur le soutien de sa famille, et son inĂ©puisable optimisme (sa mĂšre la surnomme Olaf!) qu’elle parvient aujourd’hui Ă  faire le mĂ©tier de ses rĂȘves.

    Dans l’épisode, Steffie donne aussi ses conseils aux femmes qui sont en recherche d’emploi, en reconversion professionnelle ou en mode solopreneur.

    On Ă©voque ce qu’est ĂȘtre au chĂŽmage en Suisse. L’importance d’ĂȘtre accompagnĂ©e. Les associations existantes qui aident les personnes en recherche d’emploi.

    J’espĂšre que cet Ă©pisode vous donnera l’élan pour vous rĂ©vĂ©ler!

    With love,

    Nathalie Pham


    Citations de Steffie:

    “Ne restez pas seule”

    “Il y a Ă©normĂ©ment de personnes aujourd’hui qui n’ont pas d’ordinateur pour chercher du travail”.

    “Elles n’ont plus conscience de la valeur qu’elles ont. On dĂ©pend trop de l’étiquette professionnelle qu’on se met”.

    “le mot chĂŽmage m’énerve! Il y a une connotation”.

    “Il y a des employeurs qui privilĂ©gient les personnes qui ont dĂ©jĂ  un emploi plutĂŽt que des personnes disponibles“.

    “Les mĂ©tiers d’aujourd’hui ne sont pas forcĂ©ment ceux de demain et les mĂ©tiers d’hier encore moins”

    “Le travail Ă  temps partiel c’est quelque chose que j’ai dĂ©couvert en Suisse”

    “En Ă©tant maman, on dĂ©veloppe pleins de compĂ©tences et des super pouvoirs”


    ORP: ll s'agit d'un organisme public chargé de soutenir les demandeurs d'emploi dans leur recherche de travail en leur fournissant des conseils, des formations et en les aidant à trouver des offres d'emploi correspondant à leur profil. Les demandeurs d'emploi doivent s'inscrire auprÚs de l'ORP pour bénéficier de ces services.

    PPE plus:   chambre économique, sociale et solidaire


    Association F 

    Camarada dédiée  aux migrantes 


    Boite Ă  outils

    test Motiva


    Bilan de compétences

    le podcast Job Revolution  

    Et les articles du podcast  pour celles qui préfÚrent lire 

    On parle de l’épisode JobRevolution avec Nelly Nekaoui  

    Son site internet aussi  


    Cet épisode vous a plu? 

    Alors foncez me donner de votre force pour ce premier Ă©pisode en partageant Ă  votre meilleur.e  ami.e et en laissant un avis sur Apple podcast ici!  💗

    #1 Intégration et engagement bénévole : l'histoire inspirante d'une expatriée belge en Suisse"

    #1 Intégration et engagement bénévole : l'histoire inspirante d'une expatriée belge en Suisse"

    Hello les serendipity lovers,

    Avec sa voix douce et sa force tranquille, laissez vous embarquer par Ombeline d'Hollander, expatriée belge en terre zugoise.

    Ombeline, maman de 4 enfants, partage ses astuces pour organiser son quotidien et trouver l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale. 

    Elle aborde également les différences et similitudes entre la Suisse et la Belgique sur la perception de la femme au foyer, l'autonomie financiÚre, les droits des femmes etc.

    A travers ses engagements bénévoles, elle raconte aussi comment elle s'intÚgre à la société suisse. 

    Cet épisode vous a plu? 

    Alors foncez me donner de votre force pour ce premier Ă©pisode en partageant Ă  votre meilleur.e ami.e et en laissant un avis sur Apple podcast ici!  💗


    Boite à outils 

    Hochdeutsch: allemand "haut" : Les suisses allemands préfÚrent parler de Schriftdeutsch :-)

    Spielplatz: l'aire de jeux

    On parle de l'association Zuki 

    On évoque Toastmaster de Zug 

    Citations d'Ombeline:

    “J’ai toujours eu cette attitude: on va faire en sorte”

    “Jai eu cettre frustration au tout dĂ©but
mais je me sens envahie par mon propre environnement” 

    “J’ai pas envie de faire du showoff 

    “Je suis forte de mes expĂ©riences; je l'ai dejĂ  fait 3 fois, j'ai limpression que cest du connu”

    “Je peux aussi apprĂ©cier d’autres façons d’ĂȘtre dans mon quotidien”

    “Je limite ma to do list Ă  deux ou trois prioritĂ©s pour la journĂ©e car je sais que je vais ĂȘtre interrompue (...) et je me satisfais de ce que j’ai fait de ma journĂ©e”.

    Teaser saison 2

    Teaser saison 2

    Le fil rouge de la saison 2, c’est la place des femmes en Suisse en tant qu'expatriĂ©e ou suisse.

    On va parler culture suisse, reconversion professionnelle, stratĂ©gie de retour Ă  l’emploi, et entrepreneuriat. Des sujets qui me tiennent particuliĂšrement Ă  coeur.

    J’espùre qu’à travers ces portraits de femme, vous aurez appris des choses sur la culture suisse, la vie en suisse et l'entrepreunariat suisse!

    Bienvenu(e) Ă  toi qui m’écoutes. 

    Prend le temps de me laisser un mot doux si tu as aimĂ© un Ă©pisode! 💗

    8. Talk with Caroline Mignaux, the Queen of Growth Marketing

    8. Talk with Caroline Mignaux, the Queen of Growth Marketing

    Well, how to introduce Caroline Mignaux  to you guys?

    She is the Queen of Growth Marketing. 👾

    She is generous in terms of content: she has more than 100 episodes on her podcast called Marketing Square while she just started less than one year. 

    She also hosts every 2 Thursdays on LinkedIn Live.

    She is also active on Clubhouse. She is in every social media.

    She transmits her knowledge relentlessly, with so much love. 

    She will make you love co-marketing, personal branding, and social media!

    In this episode, I invite you to explore her world, her mindset, her passion for marketing and her path that led her to entrepreneurship.

    Caroline is a great storyteller with her charming French accent. You won’t get bored!

    Enjoy and if you like our episode, reward me by leaving me a comment on Apple Podcast!

    It makes me like this: đŸ„° đŸ€©




    7. Mathieu Thomé, l'explorateur de l'humain

    7. Mathieu Thomé, l'explorateur de l'humain

    Hello les serendipity lovers,

    Avec Mathieu ThomĂ©, nous avons commencĂ© par une sĂ©ance de mĂ©ditation! Si vous ĂȘtes curieux, je vous l'envoie en bonus! Pour cela, envoyez un message sur LinkedIn!

    Mathieu est co-fondateur de deux entreprises: Kalima  et Corporate Chaman mais aussi directeur du programme de DĂ©veloppement personnel de l’école Iconoclass, et facilitateur de constellations systĂ©miques et familiales. Il anime aussi le podcast Le Lave linge avec sa sƓur Carole ThomĂ©. 

    Mathieu nous livre son exploration vers son Ă©cosystĂšme intĂ©rieur, son parcours qui l’a menĂ© Ă  fonder Kalima, sa rencontre avec Marie Taquet de l’école Iconoclass .

    Ne soyez pas surpris par le cri de l’ours dans l’épisode! C’est son animal totem :-)

    Les sujets abordés:

    Le burn-out

    Le Mankind project (organisation qui a pour but de révéler aux  hommes leur propre puissance)

    La genĂšse de Kalima, la plateforme de cercles de parole

    Sa gestion du stress au travail

    Le rÎle de la PNL dans la négociation...

    J’espĂšre que vous aurez aimĂ© cet Ă©pisode autant que j’ai aimĂ© Ă  le faire!

    With love,


    Ressources: đŸ•”ïžâ€â™€ïž



    6 - Mabrouka Ben Ameur, la résilience incarnée

    6 - Mabrouka Ben Ameur, la résilience incarnée

    Bonjour les Serendipity lovers, 😊

    📣 Premier Ă©pisode en français!

    Avec Mabrouka, je veux rendre hommage Ă  ceux ou celles qui entreprennent une reconversion professionnelle, ceux ou celles qui reprennent leurs Ă©tudes, ceux ou celles qui ont un coup de mou dans leur recherche d’emploi.

    Mabrouka est une personne qui incarne des valeurs fortes telles que humanisme, rĂ©silience, transparence, authenticitĂ©. VĂ©ritable camĂ©lĂ©on, elle s’adapte Ă  son interlocuteur. En perpĂ©tuel apprentissage, elle est capable d’apprendre rapidement de nouveaux outils. Elle a un mindset de warrior :-)

    Mabrouka partage son parcours professionnel atypique:

    traficant de stupéfiants, gérante de bar à champagne, bénévole dans l'humanitaire et le monde associatif.

    Le heureux hasard qui l'a mené à la Rocket School et au métier du Customer Sucess Management.

    On Ă©voque le groupe LinkedIn Ramen ta Fraise, Meet My Mama, AssessFirst, Dorith Naon, le pouvoir de LinkedIn dans la recherche d’emploi.

    LinkedIn, un réseau professionnel pour tout le monde!

    Partagez Ă  une personne qui est en reconversion professionnelle, Ă  qui l’épisode peut plaire!

    Merci pour votre Ă©coute!

    PS: Youyou Mabrouka a trouvé son apprentissage chez ZestMeUp!

    5. Jared Bibler, author of the Iceland's secret

    5. Jared Bibler, author of the Iceland's secret

    📱  Join the conversation on LinkedIn

    All this story started with a sailor in Iceland.  😊

    This episode is rich of serendipitious stories.

    Listen to Jared Bibler , author of an incredible investigation of the excesses and massive fraud commited in Iceland.

    Our conversation is like Jared’s book:  compelling, straightforward and appealing.

    You will feel the Iceland’s ambiance and its culture.

    You will also discover an incredible story that led to a major financial collapse in Iceland that might happen again in Europe or even in Switzerland. đŸ˜±

    You will feel the impact it had and still has today in our economy.

    • How will you survive in that situation where the major banks collapse?
    • How can we keep another Iceland from happening where we live?
    • What could we do as an individual to prevent it?
    • How is it to live in a country where inflation is the norm?

    Grab your coffee and tea now and enjoy this talk with Jared and me.



    Jared mentionned the Tether: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tether_(cryptocurrency)

    To reach out to Jared on Twitter 

    Support Serendipity from Zug by leaving a comment and 5 stars.  😀

    With love, 

    Nathalie đŸČ

    4. Rosemary Lokhorst: writer, game designer and tech entrepreneur

    4.  Rosemary Lokhorst: writer, game designer and tech entrepreneur

    📱  Join the conversation on LinkedIn 

    With Rosemary Lokhorst, let's travel from LA to Basel through gaming and writing.

    I am very honored to offer our enlightening talk to you. It’s about resilience, giving passion and lived creativity. 

    Listen to Rosemary, aka the Marie Kondo of To-Do lists, might trigger something in you to achieve something big in 2022!

    Discover her serendipity stories, how she sets up her mindset for creativity and for being a successful entrepreneur in the gaming industry.

    Grab your coffee and tea now and enjoy this episode with Rosemary and me.

    Special thanks goes out to Myrto Joannidis  for working her audio magic and to Christine Winkler  for her impactful writing :)

    To support Serendipity from Zug, leave a comment and 5 stars.  😀

    With love, 

    Nathalie đŸČ

    3. Talk with Evelin from ReturnersWork

    3. Talk with Evelin from ReturnersWork

    Dear Serendipity lovers,

    As you may know, after a break in your career, it can be difficult to get back to work. Indeed, most returners fail to pass common recruiting procedures. Luckily, Evelin Bermudez has founded ReturnersWork (RW)  and Companies & Returnships Network (CRN) to bring employers and returners together. 

    Through RW, a social enterprise, she aims at offering a community of professionals where one can find support through job matching opportunities, coaching, professional networking and career advice. 

    Let’s meet Evelin Bermudez:

    You will learn the inspirational story of founding CRM and RW. You will learn the outcome of that kind of platform for returners.  

    We have also talked about some of the hurdles on a returners path: the lack of flexibility from certain employers, companies structural barriers, high cost of the childcare...

    That is why dialogue is needed to raise awareness and to share innovative initiatives, best practices to politics and to employers.

    To our audience, there is a special price for the Re-entry career fair on the 15th &16th of November 2021 with the code Serendipity. There are still some slots open

    Reach out to her for any questions on LinkedIn!  

    Once again: Please recommend this episode if you have found it interesting!

    If you want to comment on this episode, feel free to do so in comment section of this LinkedIn post: 

    With love, 

    Nathalie đŸČ

    2. Talk with Eylem from the Women on Stage

    2. Talk with Eylem from the Women on Stage

    Hi Serendipity lovers!

    Eylem Demir SentĂŒrk is the founder of Women On Stage. She gives herself the mission to advance men and women in their career and raise awareness around the topic of bullying workplace to prevent it. 

    To get there, she had to go through a very long and challenging journey. 

    🍒 I hope this talk with Eylem will provoke a reaction, make you think about this taboo topic that is bullying, harassment, toxic working environment. 

    🍎 She also shares, like Philippe Gerwil, (pilot episode) the power of networking. She was able to host an event “from zero to hero” in Basel with the support of her network on LinkedIn during the pandemic in 2020!  Eylem was not able to study in Switzerland because of her refugee background. Thus, she found an alternative for an education in England. 

    🍍 Her motto: “ rejection is only a redirection”. “There is always a way, a path to achieve your averall goal”

    Enjoy this episode and leave a comment to share your feelings or your work experience with the bullying on this LinkedIn post:


    You can follow or reach out to Eylem on LinkedIn 👇



    It was Nathalie Pham for Serendipity from Zug!

    1. Talk with Yasi Zhang from the Fast Track podcast

    1. Talk with Yasi Zhang from the Fast Track podcast

    Hi Serendipity lovers!

    Wanna learn about how to become financially independant? Then start to listen to Fast track podcast. Yasi runs, with Matthias Richter, a course to shift your mindset to achieve your freedom based on the life you designed. Get aligned with your partner, gain clarity through this course.

    With Fast track course, you will learn the fundamentals of how money works.

    🍎 understand the right mindset

    🍎 how to increase your earnings

    🍎 how to start to invest.

    Yasi shares her story that led her to create her own podcast and her startup.  Be ready to listen a sparkling, ambitious and talented woman. This episode is full of anecdoctes based on serendipity.

    20% voucher on the Fast Track course with the code: serendipity 


    🍒 I hope you will get inspired by our talk about money through Yasi’s story. If you like this episode, please comment and give me your feedback on what you have done so far to achieve your financial independance. 

    đŸ„‘ I will be glad to read your comments on Apple podcast or on LinkedIn. You can also follow me on Instagram and on Facebook!

    🍍 Please share this episode if you like it and stay tuned for the next episode.

    Have a great day,

    It was Nathalie Pham for Serendipity from Zug!

    Pilot - Philippe Gerwill

    Pilot - Philippe Gerwill

    Hi everyone! Welcome to the pilot episode of Serendipity from Zug.

    Introducing my guest: Philippe Gerwil.
    How did I meet Philippe? I came across his profile on LinkedIn since his name was also written in Mandarin and he seemed to be deep in the digital world.
    As you may have guessed, Philippe has roamed the world over the years, mostly China but also switzerland and the US.
    His natural curiosity and adaptability lead him from the shop floor to being now an advisor in many of the most innovative venture in China.
    We've talked industrial revolution, chinese culture and happiness in what is your first encounter with serendipity :)

    NB: as the great podcast curse predicts, we've had  many acoustic issues during what was. a "field recording". Please excuse the from time to time mediocre sound quality :)

    Serendipity from Zug
    enSeptember 28, 2021

    Teaser - Serendipity from Zug - English

    Teaser - Serendipity from Zug - English


    I am Nathalie Pham and this is your first encounter with Serendipity from Zug.

    Through this podcast I want you to get inspired, you to think that it is possible to succeed if you give yourself the right means and build confidence. 

    So, your intuition is right: there will be a plenty of people with a variety of backgrounds. 

    Serendipity is powerful in the creative process. It is “an ability to discover, to invent, to create or to imagine something new without looking for it, by means of an extraordinary observation and a correct interpretation of it”. 

    Who knows what Serendipity will lead you to? 

    And please stay tuned! 

    Serendipity from Zug
    enSeptember 14, 2021

    Teaser - Serendipity from Zug - Francais

    Teaser - Serendipity from Zug - Francais

    Je suis Nathalie Pham et Ă  travers mon podcast Serendipity from Zug j’ai envie de vous partager des experiences authentiques, des projets entrepreunariaux, humanitaires ou culturelles, en esperant vous inspirer Ă  votre tour, vous donner du courage Ă  croire en vos idĂ©es, vous donner des pistes. 


    Pourquoi appeler mon podcast Serendipity from Zug? Car, ce mot a trouvĂ© une rĂ©sonnance en moi: la serendipitĂ© est la facultĂ© de dĂ©couvrir, d’inventer, de crĂ©er ou d’imaginer quelque chose sans l’avoir cherchĂ©, mais par une observation extraordinaire et une interpretation pertinente. 
    Mais aussi car je veux montrer que Zug, connue principalement pour ĂȘtre un paradis fiscal, est aussi un endroit oĂč la solidaritĂ© et l’entraide existent. 

    Alors soyez prets à laisser vos préjugés, votre petite voix qui risque de vous saboter. 

    Et qui sait ou la serendipite vous menera?

    Serendipity from Zug
    enSeptember 09, 2021

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