
    SETI Live

    SETI Live is a weekly production of the SETI Institute and is recorded live on stream with viewers on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Twitch. Guests include astronomers, planetary scientists, cosmologists, and more, working on current scientific research. Founded in 1984, the SETI Institute is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary research and education organization whose mission is to lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the Universe and to share that knowledge with the world.
    enSETI Institute47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    A Celestial Collaboration: Unistellar Citizen Scientists Track Comets

    A Celestial Collaboration: Unistellar Citizen Scientists Track Comets

    Throughout human history, comets have fascinated us. They have gone from signs and portents of bad things to come to well-studied and even visited "dirty snowballs". Every year, observers search the skies, hoping to discover the Next Big Comet - Halley, Hyakutake, Hale–Bopp, McNaught. From SOHO and LINEAR to ATLAS and IRAS, numerous observatories have continued to add to the count of discovered comets. But it doesn't require expensive hardware or spacecraft to make similar observations from your own backyard; telescopes and even binoculars will work - at least for the brightest objects. For members of Unistellar's Citizen Science Network, however, comets can be seen at faint magnitudes under a range of night sky conditions.

    Join Beth Johnson as she welcomes SETI Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Ariel Graykowski to this week's SETI Live to discuss the results of citizen scientist observations of comets 12P/Pons-Brooks and C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS).

    Unistellar's comet activity program: https://www.unistellar.com/citizen-science/comets/

    Under Alien Skies ft. Phil Plait, Ph.D.

    Under Alien Skies ft. Phil Plait, Ph.D.

    Phil Plait, aka the Bad Astronomer, has been communicating and correcting space science since the turn of the century (sorry, Phil!). His first book, "Bad Astronomy", tackled numerous misconceptions and myths about astronomy and space missions. His second book, "Death from the Skies!", took a look at a variety of ways the world will end. Now, in his latest book, "Under Alien Skies", Phil becomes a tour guide to the cosmos, taking us all on a trip through the universe to marvel at the wonders of other worlds, distant star systems, and mind-blowing phenomena.

    Communications specialist Beth Johnson chats with Dr. Plait about his latest book and just what wonders await us in our solar system and out amongst the stars.

    SETI Live
    enMarch 05, 2024

    From Earth to Mars: The Incredible Story of the Ingenuity Helicopter

    From Earth to Mars: The Incredible Story of the Ingenuity Helicopter

    With a first flight on April 19, 2021, NASA's Ingenuity helicopter broke ground on new capabilities for remote planetary missions. For nearly three years, the little drone far exceeded the originally planned technology demonstration of up to five flights, taking off and landing 72 times! Sadly, damage to the rotor blades has now left Ginny grounded, but the spacecraft has paved the way for future aerial explorers at Mars and, potentially, other space destinations.

    Join senior astronomer and Director of Unistellar Citizen Science Franck Marchis in this exciting SETI Live with Ingenuity Team Lead Teddy Tzanetos, as they look back at the stunning accomplishments of this small but mighty craft and discuss what’s next for the future of drones and planetary science. (Recorded 15 February 2024.)

    The Mysterious Ocean of Saturn’s Moon, Mimas

    The Mysterious Ocean of Saturn’s Moon, Mimas

    Join us for an exciting SETI Live where we’ll explore the wonders beyond Earth. We’re excited to have Valery Lainey, a renowned researcher from the Paris Observatory in France, as our guest. Franck Marchis, our Senior Astronomer, will be guiding the conversation, sharing insights from the universe. It’s set to be an engaging event, and we hope you’ll be part of it!

    In a groundbreaking study published in Nature Journal, Valery Lainey and his team have unveiled a remarkable discovery about Saturn’s moon Mimas. Once thought to be a cold, solid body of ice and rock, Mimas now appears to harbor a vast global ocean beneath its icy crust. This revelation comes after a meticulous analysis of Mimas’s orbit, as observed by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which showed unexpected wobbles that suggest the presence of an under-ice ocean.

    For years, the scientific community was skeptical about the possibility of an ocean within Mimas, mainly because the expected surface deformations were absent. However, Lainey’s research, based on recent simulations and precise orbital measurements, suggests that an ocean could exist without leaving visible marks on the moon’s surface. This finding not only reshapes our understanding of Mimas but also opens new avenues in the search for habitable environments beyond Earth. (Recorded 8 February 2024.)

    Press release: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2416084-saturns-moon-mimas-may-be-hiding-a-vast-global-ocean-under-its-ice/ 

    SETI Live
    enFebruary 20, 2024

    The COSMIC Project at the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

    The COSMIC Project at the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

    In a groundbreaking cosmic quest, the SETI Institute’s Commensal Open-Source Multimode Interferometer Cluster (COSMIC) at the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is expanding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). This cutting-edge technology is not a distinct telescope; it’s a detector. COSMIC searches for extraterrestrial signals and paves the way for future science using a copy of the raw data from the telescope’s observations. At the heart of COSMIC’s mission is pursuing the age-old question: Are we alone in the universe? Project scientist Dr. Chenoa Tremblay and the team detailed the project in a paper published in The Astronomical Journal.

    At the American Astronomical Society's winter 2024 conference in New Orleans, Simon Steel, Deputy Director of the Carl Sagan Center, interviewed Dr. Tremblay about the project and its mission.

    SETI Live
    enFebruary 13, 2024

    Ganymede's Alien Landscape: Salt, Organics, and Extraterrestrial Clues

    Ganymede's Alien Landscape: Salt, Organics, and Extraterrestrial Clues

    NASA’s Juno mission has observed mineral salts and organic compounds on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. Data for this discovery was collected by the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) spectrometer aboard the spacecraft during a close flyby of the icy moon. The findings, which could help scientists better understand the origin of Ganymede and the composition of its deep ocean, were published on Oct. 30 in the journal Nature Astronomy.

    Federico Tosi, a Juno co-investigator from Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome and lead author of the paper, speaks with senior astronomer Franck Marchis about this discovery and what it could mean for Ganymede's subsurface oceans and possibly life. (Recorded 25 January 2024.)

    Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-02107-5

    SETI Live
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    "A City on Mars" with Kelly and Zach Weinersmith

    "A City on Mars" with Kelly and Zach Weinersmith

    Critically acclaimed, bestselling authors Kelly and Zach Weinersmith (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal) set out to write the essential guide to a glorious future of space settlements, but after years of research, they aren’t so sure it’s a good idea. Space technologies and space business are progressing fast, but we lack the knowledge needed to have space kids, build space farms, and create space nations in a way that doesn’t spark conflict back home. In a world hurtling toward human expansion into space, A City on Mars investigates whether the dream of new worlds won’t create nightmares, both for settlers and the people they leave behind.

    With deep expertise and a winning sense of humor, the Weinersmiths investigate perhaps the biggest questions humanity will ever ask itself—whether and how to become multiplanetary. Join them in a special conversation with SETI Institute's Beth Johnson.

    SETI Live
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Unveiling the Future of Amateur Astronomy: Unistellar’s ODYSSEY Telescope

    Unveiling the Future of Amateur Astronomy: Unistellar’s ODYSSEY Telescope

    Join us for an exclusive SETI Live event, as we take a first look at the next-generation telescope from Unistellar - the ODYSSEY.

    First introduced in 2017 with their eVscope, Unistellar has been a prominent collaborator with the SETI Institute since 2019. eVscopes have been used by schools, colleges, and the public to observe exoplanets, supernovae, and asteroids in a truly global network that continues to grow.

    Simon Steel, Deputy Director of the Carl Sagan Center, and Franck Marchis, Co-founder of Unistellar and citizen science director at the SETI Institute, will talk about the technology of the new telescope, insights on how such a telescope is beta tested, and how the ODYSSEY will dramatically impact citizen and amateur astronomer’s contribution to cutting edge scientific research. We’ll take a tour of this beautiful instrument, inside and out, and look at some early results and images. (Recorded 10 January 2024.)

    What to Expect in 2024 in Space

    What to Expect in 2024 in Space

    The new year has begun, and it's time for your favorite hosts - Franck Marchis and Beth Johnson - to run down some of the space science to look forward to in 2024. We will talk about launches, missions, celestial events (including a certain solar eclipse), and even SETI Institute's 40th anniversary. So come watch live and bring your questions!

    SETI Live
    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Tracking Santa - Around the World in a Night

    Tracking Santa - Around the World in a Night

    For our last SETI Live of 2023, senior astronomer Seth Shostak and communications specialist Beth Johnson have fun chatting about the "science" behind Santa's overnight journey. How can he deliver presents so quickly? How do the reindeer fly? And just how did NORAD's Santa Tracker come about? Join the holiday shenanigans and watch live! (Recorded 21 December 2023.)

    SETI Live
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Drifting Signals: New Boundaries for Radio Technosignatures

    Drifting Signals: New Boundaries for Radio Technosignatures

    In a new study published in the Astronomical Journal, researchers used the known population of exoplanets to set better thresholds for planetary effects on signals from ETIs (extraterrestrial intelligences). Megan Grace Li, a Ph.D. student at UCLA in UCLA SETI, conducted this research as a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates intern in the Breakthrough Listen project at the Berkeley SETI Research Center.

    Join Megan as she chats with Beth Johnson about her work and what it means for the future of SETI searches. (Recorded 30 November 2023.)

    SETI Live
    enJanuary 07, 2024

    “The Big One”: The Most Powerful Marsquake Ever Detected

    “The Big One”: The Most Powerful Marsquake Ever Detected

    On Earth, we understand how and where earthquakes happen due to the discovery of plate tectonics – the continental crust’s creation, movement, and destruction. However, when astronauts placed seismometers on the lunar surface during NASA’s Apollo mission era, those instruments recorded quakes on the Moon. In the 1970s, the Viking landers also recorded quakes on the surface of Mars. Since neither of these worlds has plate tectonics, scientists set about collecting more data to understand the phenomena, which led to the recent NASA InSight lander. Now, a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters explains how the largest recorded seismic event on Mars provided evidence for a different sort of tectonic origin — the release of stress within the Martian crust.

    Join communications specialist Beth Johnson as she talks to lead author Benjamin Fernando about the results of an amazing international collaboration that led to this new discovery. (Recorded 16 November 2023.)

    SETI Live
    enJanuary 06, 2024

    Defending the Planet - DART and Future Missions

    Defending the Planet - DART and Future Missions

    The Universe is trying to kill us. We know an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, which was great for the rise of mammals, but how do we prevent a similar fate for humanity? Enter the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, NASA's first attempt at planetary defense by redirecting the orbit of an asteroid's moon. DART launched in November 2021, impacted Dimorphos in September 2022, and successfully changed the moonlet's orbit by 32 minutes. Since that successful test mission, the data from the impact and subsequent debris has been analyzed by countless teams worldwide. So what is next for planetary defense?

    Join communications specialist Beth Johnson as she chats with scientist Dawn Graninger from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory about DART, follow-up mission Hera, and the future of saving the planet from near-Earth objects. (Recorded 2 November 2023.)

    SETI Live
    enDecember 19, 2023

    Women With Impact, a conversation with SETI AIR Director Bettina Forget

    Women With Impact, a conversation with SETI AIR Director Bettina Forget

    Look at a Moon atlas, and you’ll see a land populated with the names of philosophers, mathematicians, and astronomers. Great men like Plato, Aristarchus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and Planck have been immortalized by naming Moon craters after them, cementing their names in the firmament. But – what about the women? Out of the 1,578 cataloged and named craters on the lunar surface, 32 are named after women – that is barely 2%. SETI Artist in Residence Program Director Bettina Forget found this percentage to be "disappointingly low", so she decided to highlight the issue through her artwork.

    After researching the locations of the lunar craters named after women using data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Bettina created a series of 32 drawings on paper, using acrylic paint and graphite. Each drawing is a portrait of a crater, accentuating topographical features, textures, and shadowing. That project became even larger when Bettina began working on portraits of each crater using acrylic paint in vibrant shades of red and pink.

    Now, three of those paintings are part of The Life Cycle of Celestial Objects exhibit at the McIntosh Gallery in London, Ontario. Join communications specialist Beth Johnson in a one-on-one discussion with Bettina about this visually stunning project in our monthly SETI AIR episode of SETI Live. (Recorded 26 October 2023.)

    Evidence of (16) Psyche’s Metallic Nature Found with SOFIA

    Evidence of (16) Psyche’s Metallic Nature Found with SOFIA

    Led by Anicia Arredondo, researchers used the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to investigate the metallic nature of the asteroid Psyche, believed to be rich in metals. SOFIA observed the entire surface of Psyche, using mid-infrared instruments to analyze its emissivity and porosity. The results confirmed that Psyche is a metallic body with some differences between the northern and southern poles. This study paves the way for NASA's mission to Psyche, launching in October 2023, promising insights into planetary cores and planet formation. Psyche's size and potential for differentiation make it a significant subject for understanding Earth-like planets. Join Anicia and SETI Institute senior astronomer Franck Marchis to learn more! (Recorded live19 October 2023.)

    An Abundance of Space Rocks - The OSIRIS-REx Sample Revealed

    An Abundance of Space Rocks - The OSIRIS-REx Sample Revealed

    Launched on Sept. 8, 2016, the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, spacecraft traveled to a near-Earth asteroid named Bennu (formerly 1999 RQ36) and collected a sample of rocks and dust from the surface. The spacecraft flew by Earth on Sept. 24, 2023, delivering the capsule containing the sample, which landed at the Department of Defense's Utah Test and Training Range. Yesterday, NASA revealed the contents of the capsule live, and preliminary analysis revealed not only an abundance of space rocks in and around the capsule but also evidence of high-carbon content and water. Those findings and ones to come will help scientists investigate how planets formed and perhaps how life began, as well as improve our understanding of asteroids that could impact Earth.

    Communications specialist Beth Johnson is joined by OSIRIS-Rex's principal investigator, Dante Lauretta. Join them in this special conversation about an amazing mission and what those space rocks have revealed and could further reveal. (Recorded 12 October 2020.)

    SETI Live
    enNovember 28, 2023

    Volcanism on Exoplanets - New Insights from JWST and Beyond

    Volcanism on Exoplanets - New Insights from JWST and Beyond

    Up until now, the quest to find evidence of active volcanism on other worlds has been limited to our own solar system. We've definitively seen volcanoes erupting on Jupiter's moon, Io; we've possibly found evidence of geologically recent volcanism on Venus; and Mars has the largest volcano, although dormant, in Olympus Mons. With the advent of the JWST era, however, more possibilities have opened up. Colby Ostberg is an astronomer at UC Riverside and the lead author of an intriguing recent study on terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres and their potential volcanic activities, focusing on the direct imaging of such exoplanets.

    Dr. Franck Marchis and Colby discuss the results of the article, including the implication of volcanic activity on the color of an exoplanet and its atmospheric composition. Discover the future of exoplanetary science, where we're heading in our quest to understand these distant worlds, and how advances in technology and telescopic observations are bringing us closer to answers. (Recorded live on 5 October 2023.)

    Preprint of the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.15972

    Hot Spot on the Moon - Granite Batholith Found Below Surface

    Hot Spot on the Moon - Granite Batholith Found Below Surface

    The Apollo missions showed scientists that the craters on the Moon were from impacts rather than volcanoes, overturning previously held hypotheses. Now, new research using data collected by China's Chinese Chang’E 1 and 2 orbiters has discovered a hot spot under the surface. Using an instrument that made observations at microwave wavelengths, the team mapped out temperatures and found one particular suspected volcano, known as Compton-Belkovich, glowed in the microwave. However, surface evidence shows the volcano last erupted about 3.5 billion years ago, and the heat is coming from radioactive elements in the solid rock. That radioactivity led scientists to conclude that under the surface lies a large chunk of granite - magma that cooled underground - providing evidence for the most Earth-like volcanism found on the Moon to date.

    Join planetary astronomer Franck Marchis as he discusses these interesting new findings with lead author Matt Siegler, Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. (Recorded live on 28 September 2023.)

    Press release: https://www.psi.edu/blog/evidence-of-new-volcanic-process-on-moon-discovered-pr/

    SETI Live
    enNovember 14, 2023

    Atmospheric Results from JWST: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and More?

    Atmospheric Results from JWST: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and More?

    Exoplanet discoveries have been piling up faster and faster over the last decade, limiting announcements of new discoveries to the strange, unusual, and unexpected. One unexpected type of planet is the possible Hycean world -- hot, water-covered worlds with hydrogen atmospheres larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune with sizable habitable zones. With the addition of JWST's capabilities, previously discovered exoplanets are now being analyzed for their atmospheric composition, and the results are intriguing. In a new paper accepted for The Astrophysical Journal Letters, the atmosphere of an exoplanet known as K2-18 b was found to contain carbon dioxide and methane, adding the world to the list of possible Hycean planets. Additionally, a molecule called dimethyl sulfide, which on Earth is only produced by life, was possibly detected.

    Join communications specialist Beth Johnson as she speaks with lead author Nikku Madhusudhan, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge, in a SETI Live at a special time. (Recorded live on 21 September 2023.)

    Preprint of the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.05566.pdf

    Out There: The Science Behind Sci-Fi Film and TV with Ariel Waldman

    Out There: The Science Behind Sci-Fi Film and TV with Ariel Waldman

    Ask anyone interested in space science, and you will likely also find a person influenced in some way by science fiction, whether they grew up watching Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, watching movies, or reading books. The genre has grown and expanded over the centuries, reflecting and inspiring changes in the world, our technology, and even our dreams of exploration. Now, Ariel Waldman - filmmaker, explorer, and former NASA advisor - has written an accessible book featuring dozens of interviews that "takes readers on a journey to the farthest depths of space".

    Join communications specialist Beth Johnson in conversation with Ariel as they discuss her new book, Out There: The Science Behind Sci-Fi Film and TV. (Recorded live on 24 September 2023.)