
    Shamangelic Healing Podcast with Anahata Ananda

    The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable insights and resources to support listeners in shining their most radiant authentic self, creating a thriving life they absolutely love, and to manifest their soul’s mission. Topics include: core healing, personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, elite performance, manifestation, conscious relationships, vibrant health and so much more. Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing, Anahata blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals across the globe through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and create the life of their dreams. Tune in to these episodes for an inspiring nourishing journey for the soul. For more about Anahata and her services and programs visit: https://shamangelichealing.com/ Shamangelic Healing Podcast Landing Page: https://shamangelichealing.com/podcast/
    enAnahata Ananda69 Episodes

    Episodes (69)

    The Amazing Race: Mindset & Strategies with Colin & Christie

    The Amazing Race: Mindset & Strategies with Colin & Christie

    The Amazing Race veterans Colin Guinn & Christie Woods return to the Reality TV show to test mindfulness, law of attraction, manifestation, intention, meditation and cooperation strategies within the high-intensity pressures of this global race for $1 million dollars. We explore how thoughts, beliefs, consciousness, vibrations and actions create realty. Strategies to handle life’s every day and unexpected challenges, stresses and emotional triggers and how to re-center yourself are shared. Discover self-care routines that build a strong conscious foundation and the value of meditation. We discuss the new paradigm of cooperation, collaborative sustainability and Win/Win vs the old paradigm of competition and Win/Lose or Lose/Lose outcome. Will these practices hold under the pressures of this intensely competitive global reality TV race? Tune in and find out!!!

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE Gift links found here: http://tiny.cc/Ep9theamazingrace

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hwZGPD9xO_Y

    Colin & Christie Website: https://www.ColinandChristie.com

    Colin Guinn Website: http://colinguinn.com/

    Colin Instagram: @colinguinn

    Christie Woods Website:  http://www.christiewoods.com/

    Christie Instragram: @christiewoods1

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Divine Masculine Awakening with Daniel Posney

    Divine Masculine Awakening with Daniel Posney

    Discover the process of healing, awakening and embodying the Divine Masculine. Explore how valuable the qualities of courage, honesty, loyalty and discernment are, in the process of transformation, personal empowerment and enlightenment. Understand why sedating, addiction, avoidance and blame are so common. Embrace the courage to be authentic, sensitive and feel emotions, especially when most men have experienced sensitivity shaming and been told that emotional expression is week. In this thought-provoking, tender and inspiring conversation, Anahata Ananda and Daniel Posney share personal experiences, empowerment tools and techniques to evolve the habits and fears of the unconscious masculine.  They address the various qualities of the Divine Masculine, what gets in the way and strategies that bring awareness to evolve one’s unconscious patterns. Learn how to meet yourself right where you are with awareness, humility, honesty and compassion. Discover the benefits of awakening the Divine Masculine and how that authentic power, integrity, ethics and strong gentle presence is embodied. Learn how to bring awareness, shift choices and practice developing new ways to express, heal, love and serve. They share examples of how the Divine Masculine leads in relationships and in community as well as role models for the Divine Masculine.

    The NEW PARADIGM of the Conscious Masculine Architype is Awakening!

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE Gift links found here: https://tiny.cc/Ep8divinemasculine

    Daniel Posney Website: www.DanielPosney.com

    Daniel Posney Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielOfSedona/

    Daniel Posney Instagram: @DanielofSedona

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Radical Courage: Hide or Be Seen with Robin Rorex

    Radical Courage: Hide or Be Seen with Robin Rorex

    Learn how authenticity and radical courage is the liberating path to empowerment and reclaiming your personal power. Anahata and Robin share a vulnerable inspiring discussion about their own paths, obstacles as well as fears and insecurities they faced along the way. They explore the benefits of healing the inner child and the courage to choose compassion and forgiveness for self and others. How essential it is to embrace the pain and heal the wounds from the past, instead of sedating, blaming, avoiding, running, ignoring and distracting. Discover the irony that our traumas, challenges and pains have been preparing us for our soul’s mission. They discuss the traps of seeking external validation for worthiness, acceptance, love and success and the costs associated with those choices. How to experience total liberation by radically unapologetically embracing oneself, one’s voice and one’s truth. How celebrating and embracing diversity is the path to understanding, healing the collective wounds of humanity and moving forward together with collaborative solutions for the new paradigm. This Shamangelic Healing podcast is packed with juicy pearls of truth and insight to help you rise up and shine your authentic power and share your unique gifts with humanity. The time is now, get off the bench and into the game and bring your authentic leadership, personal truth and radical courage with you!

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE Gift links found here: https://tiny.cc/Ep7authenticity

    Robin Rorex Website: https://www.i-am-grace.com

    Robin Rorex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robin.rorex

    Robin Rorex Instagram: @robinrorex

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Healing Through Mind Body Connection with Taylor Stone

    Healing Through Mind Body Connection with Taylor Stone

    Reclaim your health and wellness through mind body connection and mindfulness meditation. In a world filled with stress, disease, chronic pain and obsessed with body image, learn how to bring a deep sense of wellness, balance and peace back to your life. In this authentic discussion with former NFL cheerleader and current health & vitality coach Taylor Stone, and Anahata Ananda, Shamanic healer, soul guide and founder of Shamangelic Healing, simple strategies to heal anxiety, manage stress and reclaim health and vitality are shared. Learn how to interpret the body’s signals and honor the wisdom of the emotional body. Explore how mindfulness meditation and a positive mindset can accelerate your body’s natural healing potential. By breaking away from detrimental habits, limiting beliefs and addictions, we learn how WE are the most powerful Influence on our own health and wellbeing. This Shamangelic Healing podcast episode is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help you reclaim your vibrant physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE GIFT LINKS here: https://tiny.cc/Ep5TaylorStone

    Taylor Website: https://www.innergoddesshealth.com

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    The Spiritual Path: Challenges & Benefits with Bridget Nielsen

    The Spiritual Path: Challenges & Benefits with Bridget Nielsen

    Explore honest experiences, challenges and breakthroughs on the spiritual path. Shine a light on the spiritual path, the sticky places and the importance of doing our shadow work, humanity's spiritual awakening and how spirituality looks different for everyone. How meditation is a valuable tool for connection and to get through what we call the dark night of the Soul. Discover how to leverage forgiveness and compassion when healing the inner child and dealing with judgement. Explore the benefits, challenges and opportunities for self-improvement and personal development. This Shamangelic Healing podcast conversation with YouTube video personality Bridget Nielsen, and Anahata Ananda, founder of Shamangelic Healing is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help navigate spiritual awakening with compassion, self-love and presence. 

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE GIFT LINKS here:  https://tiny.cc/Ep2BridgetNielsen

    Bridget Website: https://www.bridgetnielsen.com/

    Bridget YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHybridChildren

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/


    Aubrey Marcus on Self Esteem & Reclaiming Authentic Power

    Aubrey Marcus on Self Esteem & Reclaiming Authentic Power

    Explore healing the solar plexus chakra, traps of external validation and how to cultivate authentic power and self-esteem with best-selling author Aubrey Marcus. Learn how to expand consciousness by activating the witness and awakening the third eye for a higher perspective of yourself, relationships and life experiences. Become aware of how to overcome the pitfalls of insecurity, guilt, shame and codependency. Explore chakra healing and the connections between the chakras. Understand how adrenal stress and adrenal fatigue, is the price paid for trying to control other people and external circumstances. This Shamangelic Healing podcast conversation between Aubrey Marcus, CEO of Onnit, fortune 500 company and Anahata Ananda, founder of Shamangelic Healing is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help navigate the path of self-esteem, spirituality and self-love. 

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE Gift links found here:  https://tiny.cc/Ep1AubreyMarcus

    Aubrey Marcus Website: www.AubreyMarcus.com

    Aubrey Instagram: @AubreyMarcus

    Aubrey’s Optimal Performance Website: https://www.onnit.com/

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Ayahuasca: Medicine or Poison?

    Ayahuasca: Medicine or Poison?

    Is ayahuasca a medicine or poison? Join this deep revealing discussion with Anahata Ananda on the potential benefits and possible drawbacks of a Shamanic Journey with ayahuasca, the ancient sacred plant medicine from the Amazon. Shamanic Healer Anahata Ananda along with Ryin Cornett share real authentic advice on the pros & cons of ayahuasca. Learn how to be selective with who, why, where, when and whether to choose ayahuasca. Discover the value of shadow work in a clear, safe space guided by an experienced professional with integrity. Understand how vital preparation, intention and integration are in the process of a beneficial experience. Explore alternatives to ayahuasca for core healing, spiritual growth and awakening consciousness.

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE GIFT LINKS here: https://tiny.cc/Ep6Ayahuasca

    Ryin Cornett Website: www.dietorliveit.com

    Ryin Cornett Instagram: @ryinwithani

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Whitney Miller on Self Confidence & Being a Badass

    Whitney Miller on Self Confidence & Being a Badass

    Explore what contributes to self-confidence, empowerment and a winning mindset for a thriving life with former Miss United States Whitney Miller. Learn about the costs of conformity and the rewards of authenticity. Discover how to embrace failures as lessons and opportunities to learn about life and make improvements. Learn strategies of how to deal with haters, critics and judgement. Explore the power of visualization, positive mindset and law of attraction as winning success strategies. Understand how to have healthier intimate relationships with less attachment and codependency. This radically revealing Shamangelic Healing podcast discussion between Whitney Miller, sports anchor and relationship coach, and Anahata Ananda, founder of Shamangelic Healing is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help you embrace your authenic power with courage, self-confidence and a healthy sense of adventure.

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE GIFT LINKS here:  https://tiny.cc/Ep4WhitneyMiller

    Whitney Miller Instagram: @whitnlove

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/

    Tommy Baker on Doing the Inner Work

    Tommy Baker on Doing the Inner Work

    Explore healing the inner child, the courage to do the shadow work and the benefits of personal growth and awakening consciousness. Learn the costs of ignoring, sedating and distraction along with the benefits of compassion and radical accountability. Understand how to embrace core healing and receive valuable insights and lessons that accelerate personal development and spiritual awakening. Discover strategies on how to navigate judgement, the inner critic and haters. This Shamangelic Healing podcast conversation between podcaster Tommy Baker and author of The 1% Rule and Anahata Ananda, founder of Shamangelic Healing is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help navigate the path of core healing, personal empowerment and self-love. 

    PODCAST Landing Page & FREE Gift links found here:  https://tiny.cc/Ep3TommyBaker

    Tommy Baker Website: https://resistaverageacademy.com/

    Tommy Baker Podcast: https://resistaverageacademy.com/podcast/

    Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/