
    She Sells Radio

    What if Grant Cardone and Abraham Hicks had a love child? Well, it would be this podcast. Each week, join Elyse Archer, mentor to female business owners and sales professionals, as she shares strategies and ideas on how to sell in a way that feels natural and aligned for you as a woman, break through the six or seven figure income mark, and use your money in a way that creates real, positive change in the world. Because when women make more money, everyone wins. If you’re looking for actionable advice on how to grow your business and sales while stepping into your true personal power, this is the show for you!
    enElyse Archer339 Episodes

    Episodes (339)

    339 - How to Maximize Your Productivity as a Working Mom with Mridu Parikh

    339 - How to Maximize Your Productivity as a Working Mom with Mridu Parikh

    If you are anything like me, you are constantly looking for ways to optimize your life and productivity both at work and at home. It’s the constant quest for balance and today’s guest is an absolute expert in productivity and organization.

    Mridu Parikh is the founder of Life is Organized, a bestselling author of Accomplish It, and the host of the Productivity on Purpose podcast. She also has two teen kiddos and understands mom life mixed with entrepreneur life.

    Overwhelmed women business owners work with Mridu to prioritize and systemize so they take control of their demands and distractions – at home and at work. She is passionate about getting the results they want, whether it's doubling their business revenue, losing weight, or creating stronger boundaries.

    In our conversation today, Mridu digs into the one thing that holds women back from reaching their goals even though they’re always working hard. She shares the single most impactful system to manage all the demands on your time. And when it inevitably goes awry, Mridu helps us understand how to get back on track.


    Show Notes:

    [2:47] - Before starting her own business, Mridu worked in the corporate world.

    [4:57] - Her goal as a coach is to help clients be in control of their intentions and their attention.

    [6:11] - Ever have the feeling of going to bed at night and feeling like you didn’t accomplish anything?

    [7:26] - Write out your top priorities. Are they a part of your daily routine? Are you letting things get in the way? Start with clarity.

    [9:47] - It’s okay for your priorities to change every week, but be intentional.

    [13:14] - Success is less about doing and more about planning.

    [14:30] - Ask yourself what are the things you can do today that will make you feel the most successful each day?

    [16:53] - There’s a marriage between the to-do list and the calendar. They come together.

    [18:16] - Everything makes sense when we see it on a list or a calendar.

    [21:22] - There’s a lot of pressure out there to do a million things.

    [24:31] - We procrastinate because we think it will make us feel better by avoiding the thing we don’t want to do. But the longer we wait, the heavier we feel.

    [25:54] - A major problem is a lack of boundaries.

    [28:40] - Mridu shares a little about her podcast and how you can connect with her.


    Connect with Mridu Parikh:

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    Accomplish It: 7 Simple Actions to Get the Right Things Done and Achieve Your Goals by Mridu Parikh

    Productivity on Purpose Podcast

    Life is Organized Website


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    She Sells Radio
    enMarch 05, 2024

    338 - Trusting Yourself as You Go for Big Goals

    338 - Trusting Yourself as You Go for Big Goals

    Today's episode is a recording of an impromptu live stream inspired by the vibrant community at She Sells, where the core message was really shining through: trust yourself. I invite you to open your mind and heart as we explore the power of trusting ourselves, especially when we’ve got leveling up to do.

    Trusting yourself isn't always comfortable, especially when the goals we have are big and lofty. It's about embracing uncertainty and taking that quantum leap, even when fear whispers doubts into your ear. As we navigate through the trials of decision-making and self-doubt, remember this: every time you bet on yourself and follow through, the results will be better than you ever could have imagined.

    In this episode, we peel back the layers of what it truly means to trust yourself. It's not just about studying or seeking external validation; it's about internalizing that knowledge and taking action. We challenge seeking advice from those around us and instead, encourage you to trust your own intuition. As you listen, consider the profound question: Who do you need to become to navigate this growth and success? Remember, growth is never logical or safe—it's about trusting yourself every step of the way and not making decisions out of fear.


    Show Notes:

    [3:26] - The core message that underlies everything in the She Sells community is all about trusting yourself.

    [4:41] - Trusting yourself can sometimes feel uncomfortable especially when it comes to big goals.

    [6:47] - What does decision-making from the end look like?

    [9:02] - Every time you bet on yourself and see it through, it will always turn out better than I could have imagined.

    [12:03] - Studying is a great first step, but if we don’t take what we learn into understanding deeply and taking action, it’s not useful.

    [14:17] - Trusting yourself is where the real work is.

    [16:30] - We tend to look to friends and family for advice, but if they do not have the results you want, they will not be able to give you feedback that matches what you want.

    [20:56] - To make the amount of money you want, to get the promotion or clients you want, to make a quantum leap, you need to trust yourself.

    [22:25] - Hear about upcoming opportunities to connect and learn with Elyse including a free online event and high level retreats.

    [25:04] - When you are growing and leveling up, it won’t always feel safe and logical.

    [26:14] - Who do you get to become to navigate this successfully?


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    She Sells Radio
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    337 - 7 Figure Style with Jessica Papineau

    337 - 7 Figure Style with Jessica Papineau

    Do you ever meet someone where you connect with them instantly and within a few minutes you feel like you’ve known that person your whole life? 

    A while back I was introduced to Jessica Papineau through a mutual connection, and we’ve actually been meaning to record this interview for you for SOME time because what she does is so aligned with the type of coaching I offer my clients. 

    Jessica is the founder of CSJ, a leading authentic fashion styling company for high-performing female entrepreneurs. Jessica has personally styled hundreds of women, spanning 7-figure entrepreneurs, executives for billion-dollar global brands, online influencers with millions of followers, and professionals in the entertainment, sports, music industries. 

    Here’s something else I love about her - she recognizes that the uplevel is all an inner game, and her approach to fashion is similar in a lot of ways to how I approach sales and business. 

    So if you love fashion, styling, inner transformation AND learning from pretty badass women who have grown successful companies - you’re going to love today’s episode. 


    Show Notes:

    [4:58] - Jessica shares her background and how growing up with the type of childhood she had impacted her adult life as an entrepreneur.

    [6:47] - Her imagination has always been her superpower.

    [7:48] - For a long time, Jessica felt a lot of shame about the things she loved.

    [8:57] - Jessica remembers the time when she detached from the person she was born to be due to feeling the pressure of her family to be someone else.

    [11:08] - Jessica shares the story about getting her first fashion retail job.

    [13:09] - It all began in a plus-size fashion store. She learned how to highlight beauty.

    [16:22] - She found herself in leadership at a young age, leading women who were older than her.

    [18:11] - Learning about leadership was a lesson in listening.

    [19:45] - When she was home as a stay-at-home-mom and her husband lost his job, Jessica knew something had to change.

    [21:28] - While working in a boutique, she had a side-hustle styling women in their homes.

    [23:01] - If you are allowing fear to hold you back from doing what you know you are meant to do to serve others, you are actually being selfish.

    [26:03] - Once she made changes and started using her gifts to serve others, she wished she had done it sooner.

    [28:17] - Jessica shares how she learned how to visualize.

    [30:37] - Are you staying present in your intentions?

    [32:20] - Start your day and know how beautiful you can look. Put your intention into what you like.

    [34:40] - Jessica has a formula to use when you are styling yourself. The first part is to review and reflect.

    [38:19] - Jessica shares some of the things that the women she has worked with have loved about the services and community.

    [42:11] - Shift your mindset to focus on what is possible in the future.

    [43:14] - Head to Jessica’s website for free resources and opportunities to work with her: https://csjstyling.com/ 


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    She Sells Radio
    enFebruary 13, 2024

    336 - Retiring My Husband - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    336 - Retiring My Husband - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Welcome to a personal solo episode where we're diving into the dream of retiring your partner. Yep, that big vision that's a mix of financial freedom and relationship dynamics. I'm flying solo today, and I want us to really get into what it means to have this goal and how it plays out in real life.

    So, you're dreaming of retiring your partner, right? But let's get real—what does that look like? Sure, it's all about financial empowerment and seeing your partner thrive, but there's a lot more to it. I'm going to share my journey, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. From setting intentions to facing challenges, we're going to cover it all.

    Join me as we chat about the highs and lows of chasing this dream. We'll talk about the nitty-gritty—financial considerations, relationship dynamics, and the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it. And hey, I've been there, done that, so expect some candid reflections and a real honest conversation.


    Show Notes:

    [5:07] - Although amazing, your relationship has to be able to withstand this growth.

    [6:22] - If you allow yourself to expand financially, it could open doors for your partner as well who may be dreaming of leaving a job they don’t love or even going back to school.

    [8:59] - Have you felt that there is something more for your partner before they even realize it?

    [10:44] - Elyse explains the moment when her husband set the intention of going to medical school.

    [12:39] - In a nutshell, Elyse quit playing small in her life and in her business.

    [14:08] - The shifts came first inside herself before they manifested outward. See yourself as the person who can retire your partner. Feel worthy of your income.

    [16:50] - Overall, it’s incredible, but there were a lot of ups and downs.

    [19:17] - Elyse shares some of the early challenges when they decided this would happen.

    [20:51] - In spite of the bumps in the road, there have been valuable life improvements through this journey.

    [22:17] - When you invest in yourself, it is a double blessing. It elevates everyone in your family.

    [24:07] - You have to believe you can do it.

    [27:03] - Masculine and feminine energy has a huge impact.

    [29:58] - There’s so much to say about this topic.


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    Permission to be Powerful by Elyse Archer

    She Sells Radio
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    335 - Permission to be Powerful

    335 - Permission to be Powerful

    Welcome back to She Sells Radio for another solo episode. After so many amazing interview episodes with the best of the best, I really want to dive into themes close to my heart. Today, I'm particularly eager to chat about a powerful concept that recently took shape in a book titled Permission to be Powerful, co-authored by yours truly and members of the mastermind. This book, hot off the presses since January 17th, invites you to think about a profound question: What would it look like for you to give yourself permission to be in your full power in all aspects of your life?

    Power is a loaded term to a lot of people. And it can make us feel really uncomfortable. But it's not about defiance. It’s a conscious choice to be at the center of your life, steering your destiny with intention. I share my personal journey in this episode, and share the internal struggles to remain a lone wolf, as well as the reflection that led to embracing a path of increased leadership in my business. We explore the notion of surface-level safety in hiding and the transformative power of getting massively uncomfortable. Join me in this exploration of self-permission, questioning societal programming, and the beautiful journey of learning to trust yourself. 

    The book, Permission to be Powerful, features diverse perspectives on this topic, and I am so excited to share it with you.


    Show Notes:

    [2:44] - Elyse co-authored a book called Permission to be Powerful with members of her mastermind.

    [4:40] - Power is a loaded word to a lot of people. It means that you know you are in control of your destiny and your fate. You are at the center of your life.

    [6:50] - Personal power is not about defiance. It’s about you consciously choosing and operating out of the sense of controlling your destiny.

    [8:34] - We have to surrender to how big things can be for us.

    [10:12] - Elyse has taken on a lot more leadership and experienced a lot of internal struggle.

    [12:14] - The wounded part of her felt safer as a lone wolf.

    [14:03] - It took a lot of reflection to figure out which path to take. It’s understandable why people hide.

    [16:08] - There’s surface level safety in hiding.

    [17:30] - What’s the endgame for you?

    [19:19] - Elyse couldn’t stop seeing the vision of the next level for her business.

    [21:20] - Elyse had a dream about an office space years ago and shares the experience of seeing it in person.

    [25:01] - You have to be willing to get massively uncomfortable.

    [28:40] - We can hide behind a lot of things. It’s easy and convenient to hide because you don’t have to be responsible and powerful.

    [30:29] - Who are you waiting for to give you permission? No one can but you.

    [33:01] - We don’t always stop and think for ourselves. We’ve been taught not to question anything.

    [35:17] - If Elyse hadn’t learned how to trust herself, she never would have learned the best path for her.

    [37:05] - There are so many instances in your day-to-day that are programming.

    [38:44] - It is easy to stop trusting yourself. But it’s a beautiful journey to go on.

    [40:22] - When you learn to trust yourself and think for yourself, you start making choices based on expansion and your dreams rather than safety or restriction.

    [42:53] - In the book, Permission to be Powerful, there are multiple authors and perspectives on this topic.


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    Permission to be Powerful by Elyse Archer


    She Sells Radio
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    334 - How I Manage My Time as a CEO, Wife, and Mom

    334 - How I Manage My Time as a CEO, Wife, and Mom

    Let’s get cozy and have our first solo episode of 2024! The topic of today’s episode has evolved a bit as I have thought about what I’d like to share about. But the new year always brings the energy of a fresh start and new perspective, so let’s chat about time management. Or rather, how you manage yourself during the time you have.

    I am a mom of two little boys under the age of 4. I am a business owner, a wife, and a woman who cares about her own self-care and well-being. All of this to say, fitting it all in can sometimes feel like an impossible feat. But you can do it. Listen to this episode to find out how I’ve learned to manage myself in this season of my life and how you, too, can find the things that work for you.

    Be sure to also register for Elevate 2024! Elevate is a 2 Day FREE Live Workshop for Female Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs ready to drop anything holding them back from their biggest dreams, and level up their 2024. Register here: http://www.elysearcher.com/elevate2024 


    Show Notes:

    [3:11] - You can’t manage time. You can only manage yourself.

    [5:01] - Everything is playing out for you.

    [7:52] - The things you do in your day and how much you do is not as important as how you feel while doing them.

    [9:22] - Your feeling state determines how effective your actions are.

    [10:27] - When you feel like you’re not doing enough, pause and recalibrate.

    [12:59] - You can get a lot done in one minute.

    [15:39] - When we’re in the energy of eagerness, not only do we get results from the actions we take, but we also attract other things.

    [17:12] - Elyse describes her upcoming childcare schedule and how this will impact her work.

    [20:29] - Give yourself permission to make your own rules.

    [23:24] - If you are craving self-care time, you need to make it happen.

    [24:57] - What used to work for you might not work anymore. It evolves.

    [27:28] - Remove things off your calendar that don’t move the needle forward.

    [30:33] - Be flexible with your hours.

    [33:13] - Do less. Do the things that move the needle forward and then be present.

    [36:58] - Ask yourself a series of questions when you are feeling like you haven’t done enough.


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    Elevate 2024


    She Sells Radio
    enJanuary 18, 2024

    333 - The Non-Negotiable You with Angie Wisdom

    333 - The Non-Negotiable You with Angie Wisdom

    It’s the new year and it is one of those times when we really start to reexamine ourselves, reexamine our values, set goals, look at what we want to create and who we want to be. I think I’m probably not alone in saying that I spent a good chunk of my life looking externally for validation, feedback of what success looked like, who I should be, how I should show up, and it wasn’t until I made the decision to start experiencing the fullness of who I was that life started to really unfold in a big way.

    Our guest today is an absolute expert in helping you connect with that truth of who you are and then using that to help you build a life and a business that you absolutely love and feel at home in. Angie Wisdom is a Master Certified Coach with the ICF and 25+ years of business experience. She helps burned-out business owners stop running in place and start elevating their companies by putting themselves first and carving out the time to master their own leadership skills. As the professional coach behind the scenes for many of the most successful people you know, she is a mentor and confidante that navigates her clients from that place of searching for success to achieving more than they ever thought possible. Only 4% of the coaches in the country have an MCC designation and Angie uses this distinction along with her experience and knowledge to guide her clients professionally and personally.


    Show Notes:

    [3:39] - Angie shares her background in finance and what the transition into thought leadership looked like for her.

    [4:53] - What she thought money and success looked like was not true and learning she had been misled motivated her for a change.

    [6:25] - What does it mean to “choose your seat”?

    [9:11] - Think about what you want your business to look like and write down the things that are holding you back from that.

    [11:19] - The number one limiting belief in this new vision is the need to continue doing things the way they’ve done things before. Separate the facts from your story.

    [15:14] - Society as a whole seems to be moving from all grit performance to performance through inner work and values.

    [17:07] - Angie explains how she views values and what is truly important to her.

    [20:17] - Figure out your values and then determine what it looks like.

    [21:16] - Define your values in your own way. Time freedom might mean something different to you than to someone else.

    [22:29] - What we are really looking for is a feeling.

    [24:04] - Whatever you are looking for, there is something underneath it all.

    [26:22] - Money comes from having a strong purpose behind it.

    [28:06] - It takes courage. But Angie believes that people just don’t know how capable they are.

    [30:26] - If we are unwilling to see what’s holding you back, there’s no way to address it.

    [34:58] - Look inside and trust yourself.

    [37:07] - Think about the things you say about the person you trust the most. Do you think those same things about yourself?


    Connect with Angie Wisdom:


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    She Sells Radio
    enJanuary 10, 2024

    332 - What to Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

    332 - What to Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

    After an accidental cruise I took with my two little ones last week, I am feeling called to talk about what to do when things don’t go according to plan. Needless to say, I never planned to take a seven day cruise with a 3 year old and a 9 month old by myself, but it happened and I definitely learned a lot.

    This episode is a straight from the heart solo episode about this experience: the struggles and challenges, but the amazing memories as well. When things don’t go according to the plans we make, we can resist them or we can look for blessings and opportunities to expand. Which perspective will you have?

    It's time to experience how good life can get. The $50K Club Mastermind is accepting applications for the female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve the next level. Apply at https://elysearcher.com/50kclub/


    Show Notes:

    [1:26] - After a comical and accidental vacation, Elyse experienced the challenge of not having a plan and not being in control.

    [3:21] - Every single challenging experience is an opportunity to learn a lesson.

    [4:59] - 2023 was a challenging year for Elyse with lots of positive changes but a lot of uncertainty.

    [7:11] - Elyse manifested this cruise experience, but some unexpected plot twists changed the plans.

    [10:30] - Elyse shares some of the challenges experienced on the cruise that were completely out of her control.

    [12:42] - She realizes that she will not make the decision to take a solo vacation with her children at this young age.

    [15:05] - Towards the end of the vacation, Elyse had gotten better at managing her energy.

    [17:13] - If things are really hard for you right now, remember the context. 

    [18:41] - It’s all relative. Compare down and not up.

    [20:19] - When things don’t go according to plan, there’s always something there that will help you expand.

    [22:07] - We can look at these scenarios in one of two ways.

    [23:16] - Elyse faced challenges this year that made her feel like she just couldn’t do it. These pushed her edges and made her stronger.

    [25:38] - It’s all about your perspective and the lens you are looking through.

    [27:26] - Loving yourself unlocks another whole level.

    [29:01] - Elyse is looking for the people she is meant to serve in 2024. 

    [30:50] - Elyse describes the $50K Club and what to look forward to in the coming year.


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    She Sells Radio
    enDecember 27, 2023

    331 - Mastering B2B Sales: Expert Strategies for Landing and Expanding Deals with Christina Brady

    331 - Mastering B2B Sales: Expert Strategies for Landing and Expanding Deals with Christina Brady

    Today’s guest is a seasoned revenue leader in the SaaS sales space with over 16 years overall experience and 10 years of executive leadership. She has a unique background as a musician and artist that I’m excited to dive into and see how that has impacted her approach to sales. Christina Brady is my guest, in addition to being a seasoned revenue leader she's the host of the Taking the Lead Podcast and the Head of Development for Women in Sales.

    As a former artist, musician, and improv performer, she has a genuine passion for building culture, coaching & developing leaders, and producing top-performing Sales and CS teams across small to enterprise organizations. Christina uses her experience, data driven approach, and people first mentality to impact and support SaaS organizations across the US. On a daily basis, she is energized by the opportunity to help companies of all sizes grow and make a worldly impact.


    Show Notes:

    [2:49] - Christina’s unique background has helped her in unexpected ways in B2B sales. She shares her arts background and the similarities between art and sales.

    [5:57] - Even though she went through unsuccessful sales while working in insurance, Christina learned that she loved sales.

    [7:56] - She learned that you can have the intent on helping somebody and your intent is pure, sales will be successful.

    [10:19] - Infuse your intention into every part of your sales process.

    [11:48] - Your intent will be very clear to prospects.

    [15:06] - It’s not the pressure to perform that is the problem. It’s the pressure of what will happen if you don’t. Fear shuts the brain down.

    [17:34] - If you are in a high pressure situation, Christina gives the suggestion to bring it to the attention of leadership.

    [19:50] - The most critical thing you can do to build a relationship is to listen and understand.

    [21:28] - Show the physical cues that you are listening.

    [23:27] - Christina gives examples of ways to prove that you were really listening.

    [26:22] - Decisions are made in one of four ways.

    [27:50] - Kinder prospects are actually harder to sell to. You can give people the opportunity to say no and that it is okay to do so.

    [31:19] - That landscape is evolving. Christina says to seek balance.


    Connect with Christina:

    Taking the Lead Podcast

    Women in Sales Website

    Christina Brady on LinkedIn


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    She Sells Radio
    enDecember 19, 2023

    330 - Creating Lasting Legacy with Rita Hausken

    330 - Creating Lasting Legacy with Rita Hausken

    I have one of my favorite humans on the planet here for an interview today, and in fact as of today the only guest who has now been on the show three times. Rita Hausken is an original member of the She Sells community, one of the OG’s of our $10K Club and $50K Club. She’s the founder and CEO of Shestainability, an Executive Coach and a trusted advisor to women leaders who are changing the world. 

    Rita is a strategist and leadership coach who has supported hundreds of women to take their seat at the table and speak confidently so their ideas and visions are heard. She comes from a male-dominated industry and through her experiences has realized that the biggest challenge wasn’t the industry, but rather the masculine culture. Rita has since left the energy industry and is the founder of Shestainability through which she coaches other women to truly go after what they want, balance their energies, and work in a healthy and meaningful way that ignites their sense of purpose.

    Today we’re going to be talking about legacy. I know a lot has changed in Rita’s world since she was on the show a little over a year ago. Listen on to find out how her son Benjamin has inspired her passion for the work she does now in the space of creating lasting legacy.


    Show Notes:

    [2:56] - Rita’s son was diagnosed with a condition that changed the way she believed in the opportunity to make a difference.

    [4:38] - Through her focus on finding happiness, medication for his condition was approved and lives have been saved.

    [6:21] - Benjamin could not speak, but he learned the ability to hear what was unspoken.

    [7:13] - How do you create a legacy? Every single day we receive an opportunity to create a legacy.

    [10:12] - Through referrals, people come to work Rita with the feeling of restlessness.

    [13:04] - Rita reminds individuals just how powerful they really are.

    [14:30] - Women need to get out of their own way.

    [18:31] - When Benjamin passed, RIta had to surrender to the fact that she could not control things.

    [21:40] - We are brought up to think that pleasing people is a good thing. But it holds us back.

    [24:08] - Rita explains the possibility of a level of following your intuition and inner knowing.

    [27:28] - When we step out of doing things to please other people and step into the things that are a “must”, we are powerful.

    [28:49] - By trying to control, we play things small.

    [30:29] - You can create the community that you need most.

    [32:58] - We can go fast on our own, but we can go farther with a tribe of like-minded people who are working on their own legacy.

    [35:46] - This year, Rita experienced a lot of illness. But she got curious and learned that even this problem was something that could be solved.

    [39:00] - When we focus on “how,” we are limiting ourselves.

    [40:58] - So much comes from releasing the “how.”

    [44:00] - Learning to say no and learning the willingness to say no is hard.


    Connect with Rita:


    Shestainability Website

    RIta Hausken on LinkedIn


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    She Sells Radio
    enDecember 12, 2023

    329 - Create Permanent Freedom from Limiting Beliefs with Joel Bein

    329 - Create Permanent Freedom from Limiting Beliefs with Joel Bein

    If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you know my own personal sales and business transformation and going from stuck at the same level for over a decade to 10X’ing my income within 6 weeks did not come from working harder. It came from diving deep into my subconscious programs that were hindering me and keeping me stuck, and developing a new belief system that empowered me to quantum leap. 

    As I now teach and believe - your results will never supersede your identity. 

    So today we get to go deep with an expert in reprogramming the subconscious mind and removing limiting beliefs that may have persisted for most of our lives. My guest today is Joel Bein, the founder of Human Liberation, where he shares a revolutionary approach to removing negative beliefs from the subconscious mind, freeing people from their unwanted thoughts and emotions. 

    Joel Bein helps people become whole, curious, creative, and empowered to live a life that makes them come alive. He has created hundreds of articles and podcasts to support an empowered, 21st-century creative mindset, and has shared the microphone and collaborated with thought leaders and entrepreneurs such as Ryan Nicodemus, Madeline Mann, John Barrows, and Scott Leese. As a passionate seeker of personal growth and mental well-being, he is Founder of Human Liberation, which shares a revolutionary approach to remove negative beliefs from the subconscious mind, freeing people from their unwanted thoughts and emotions.


    Show Notes:

    [3:17] - Joel’s personal development story started early, at only age 18. He was drawn to learning more about creating a healthy world.

    [5:19] - As children, we create stories to make sense of these. But they become baggage and get in the way as we become adults.

    [7:23] - Amazing things are unlocked when we learn how to be our authentic selves again.

    [9:02] - You have needs that money simply cannot meet.

    [11:00] - We tend to hold back and sit on our needs.

    [12:09] - What is the belief that is holding you back?

    [15:19] - Affirmations are valuable, but it is the hardest thing for people to find value in.

    [17:02] - Until we deal with the part of us that truly believes something limiting, affirmations will not be as impactful.

    [19:33] - Money is a common taboo topic and an area of contention for a lot of people who don’t feel worthy of having it.

    [21:33] - Joel explains how to do a gut check on a limiting belief.

    [25:34] - Integrate the body and the mind. Your body will feel the limiting belief.

    [29:27] - The hustle mindset is something that needs to be dismantled. Joel is a fan of something called High Performing Loafing.

    [31:10] - Rest and relaxation is key to your brain’s performance.

    [32:49] - It is hard to let go of the instilled belief that we are not doing enough.

    [34:21] - Self care can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. For some people, this can swing the pendulum in the other direction.

    [36:45] - The methods Joel teaches eliminates the limiting beliefs.

    [40:18] - The emotional impact of this work can be very fast if you are open to it.

    [41:09] - Joel has put together a guide for listeners of She Sells Radio. Check it out here: https://thehumanliberation.co/elyse/ 


    Connect with Joel:

    Joel Bien on LinkedIn

    Human Liberation Website

    Get the guide, Get To the Root – The Keys to Permanently End Negative Self-Talk


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    She Sells Radio
    enDecember 05, 2023

    328 - From Homeless to 7 Figure Entrepreneur with Marie-Claire: Best of She Sells Radio

    328 - From Homeless to 7 Figure Entrepreneur with Marie-Claire: Best of She Sells Radio

    In a rare but very special “Best of She Sells Radio” episode, you’ll hear from one of the most inspiring guests we’ve ever had on the show. This is an episode that I have gone back to listen to time and time again myself, and now that it has been so long since we’ve had Marie-Claire on the show, we need to revisit this conversation. It’s THAT good.

    This interview is an emotional journey as we hear a story that will blow your mind. Our guest, Marie-Claire is a highly sought-after beauty and lifestyle expert on social media, an entrepreneur, and an absolute inspiration for single mothers and women in business.

    Marie-Claire immigrated from Haiti as a teen mother and while raising her son Dominique who is autistic and epileptic, made the journey from welfare, homelessness, bankruptcy, and constantly feeling unworthy and ashamed, to now topping over $167,000 monthly! Today she shares her journey and how she was able to keep her vibrant energy throughout it all. Her secret? Listen to your heart. It always knows.


    Show Notes:

    [3:20] - Marie-Claire immigrated to the United States from Haiti at 16 years old and pregnant.

    [4:25] - She describes her background in going to night school, being on welfare, and raising her son with Autism alone as a teenage mom.

    [6:30] - Through it all, Marie-Claire remained confident and attributes her strength to her faith and upbringing.

    [8:55] - Marie-Claire is not afraid to walk into a room and radiate her vibrant energy.

    [10:28] - Her son’s epilepsy became a challenge with her work schedule when she started working in corporate America.

    [11:40] - Marie-Claire shares the moment she knew what was next for her: owning her own business.

    [13:00] - When she realized she needed to own her own business, she jumped into make-up because of her love of cosmetics and skin care.

    [17:01] - Continuing on her journey, Marie-Claire then worked for MAC Cosmetics and returned to corporate America.

    [18:52] - Marie-Claire shares how she learned what she was meant to do. It was something she had heard before but this time her soul was ready to hear it.

    [22:50] - When she didn’t have a good first month, she made a change and knew the universe sent her there.

    [23:16] - It is hard to listen to your heart when society is telling you to follow your head.

    [24:31] - Marie-Claire was ready to hire a coach and when she did, she changed her life.

    [26:16] - Finding her niche as an acne expert instead of offering everything created a booming business.

    [30:58] - Marie-Claire reflects on the painful decision to place her son in a group home because she could not give him 24 hour care yet.

    [33:43] - Living in the receptive mode is what changed Marie-Claire’s life. She explains how and from whom she learned this.

    [33:42] - Marie-Claire explains her routines and gratitude practice.

    [37:11] - How did Marie-Claire embody the 7 figure entrepreneur she wanted to be?

    [39:33] - Feeling good is what you are supposed to feel. You are not meant to be here to suffer. The goal to increase profits doesn’t end. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

    [42:51] - Let go of saving a dollar and focus on the things that make you happy.

    [46:17] - Listen to your heart. It always knows.


    Connect with Marie-Claire:

    Acne Expert Skincare Home Page

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    Marie-Claire on Instagram 


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    She Sells Radio
    enNovember 28, 2023

    327 - Cultivate Unapologetic Confidence with Kate Taylor, Personal Stylist

    327 - Cultivate Unapologetic Confidence with Kate Taylor, Personal Stylist

    In the 50K Club Mastermind, we are visited by some absolutely stellar guests, specifically high level mentors. Kate Taylor was one of those guests who’s energy was just too good not to share. So today’s episode is a behind the scenes listen on what it’s like to be in on one of the 50K Mastermind coaching calls.

    Kate Taylor is a celebrity entrepreneur stylist who is absolutely unapologetic. But she hasn’t always been that way. You’ll learn her personal ups and downs through her journey developing a business and her continuous upleveling. 

    If you are interested in joining the 50K Club Mastermind for more like today’s conversation, be sure you apply at https://elysearcher.com/50kclub/


    Show Notes:

    [4:35] - Kate is a phenomenal stylist, but she’s also a fantastic entrepreneur.

    [6:13] - In addition to running her business, Kate also helps other entrepreneurs with theirs.

    [8:16] - Part of her work in styling entrepreneurs is that they also have impact.

    [10:53] - Kate shares the journey she’s been on building multiple businesses and moving across the country.

    [13:11] - “Unapologetic” is the key word.

    [15:32] - Style is not just a superficial thing.

    [16:43] - You deserve to walk around and feel as confident as you want to feel. Your style is your message.

    [18:29] - With Kate, the look is co-created.

    [20:42] - You have to already be the person who has the things you want. Sometimes being that person now, means showing up confidently as that person.

    [24:15] - Kate felt very aligned, but she had to overcome a lot when it came to visibility online.

    [26:08] - After a health crisis, Kate went through another phase of being very uncomfortable online.

    [28:31] - Once you experience something, your ability to relate on a different level improves.

    [31:05] - Being visible isn’t about you. It’s about impacting others.

    [32:08] - Create the space first. Land on a couple pieces that make you feel like a total badass.

    [34:00] - Pair something you haven’t worn before or in a long time with something that you know and love.

    [34:59] - Release the things that don’t serve you anymore. They may serve someone else.

    [36:09] - Kate has a recently released podcast called The Kate Taylor Show and has a lot to offer on her website.


    Connect with Kate:

    Kate Taylor Stylist Website

    Kate Taylor - Professional Stylist on LinkedIn


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    She Sells Radio
    enNovember 21, 2023

    326 - How to Stop Making Clients Source

    326 - How to Stop Making Clients Source

    This episode is all about how to stop making your customers source. I know the pressure that is put on you, especially if you are working in the corporate world. But there is a way to sell that gets you past the anxiety of worrying about closing a sale. This new relationship with money stops you from putting pressure on clients to buy. This pressure only makes you both uncomfortable and it is a losing battle.

    So listen on to this unscripted episode straight from my heart about how you can sell in a way that is authentic to you and doesn’t feel “icky.”


    Show Notes:

    [2:49] - Recently, we’ve only done interview episodes which have been amazing.

    [4:23] - Having incredible guests lined up has been a blessing for Elyse.

    [5:12] - Now that she is settled and has a book that was just released, the podcast will be going through a reimagining.

    [6:45] - Making clients source is a losing battle. It puts too much pressure on clients and yourself.

    [8:21] - Don’t be locked into the belief that the only way to make money is to close a sale.

    [10:20] - The way to shift this for Elyse was through spiritual connection.

    [11:20] - Substance is the energy that makes up the universe.

    [13:59] - Divine substance is the foundation of all wealth.

    [15:27] - Elyse studied the energy of money and it completely changed the way she viewed wealth.

    [17:36] - Other people are here to love and serve, not provide.

    [19:09] - When we have things in the right relationship, you will no longer need to rely on putting pressure on clients and customers.

    [21:47] - What do you love about She Sells Radio? Let Elyse know!


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    She Sells Radio
    enNovember 14, 2023

    325 - Discover and Monetize Your #CoreBrandIdentity with Mark Drager

    325 - Discover and Monetize Your #CoreBrandIdentity with Mark Drager

    If you’re here, I know you want to sell more. And whether you are an entrepreneur or sales professional, you care about growing your client base and the brand and reputation you’re building in your space. 

    Today I’m going to introduce you to someone who has recently become a great friend of mine and someone I have tons of respect for in the business space. Mark Drager was introduced to me a while back by our mutual friend Bo Hawkins, and I was honored to go on his show “How to Sell More”. 

    In getting to know him, Mark has this concept he calls #CoreBrandIdentity that I thought was brilliant and can be applied to help you amplify your brand and sales whether you’re in corporate or an entrepreneur. 

    Mark Drager is the Founder and CEO of SalesLoop, which has won 32 industry awards and produced $14 million in content. He’s also a father of four who has had offbeat adventures including having a Boeing 737-800 for the day (twice!), a heated encounter with a billionaire, and even shedding 70 lbs in his late 30s.


    Show Notes:

    [4:13] - Mark shares the reason behind jumping into entrepreneurship.

    [6:50] - When his daughter was born, Mark was a young risk-taker and quit his job.

    [8:14] - Mark describes the successes in a short time, including 2 million dollars in revenue.

    [9:52] - When he started, he wasn’t considered an entrepreneur. He was called a small business owner and the stakes were really high.

    [11:08] - When Mark realized the mindset shift he needed to make, sales became easier.

    [12:12] - In the beginning, he felt that he was not a good people manager. Now he knows how important it is.

    [14:56] - When it comes to enneagrams, Mark is surprisingly the least likely to be an entrepreneur.

    [16:30] - When you strip down what you are for everyone else, you should be left with who you really are.

    [18:25] - Aren’t sales and marketing overwhelming?

    [20:45] - We need to show up a certain way to earn the right to network in a beneficial way.

    [22:53] - What works for one client might not work for another. Mark couldn’t figure this out until he noticed a particular pattern.

    [25:57] - The more lead generation you do, the more dud calls you’re going to get. The goal is to find the diamond in the rough.

    [28:26] - There are three different types of business owners. Everyone has their Core Brand Identity.

    [30:03] - We have to start with what comes truly to us first.

    [31:39] - Mark describes the three types of business owners.

    [35:37] - Mark considers himself as “a farmer” but that isn’t what resonates with Elyse.

    [37:15] - Network marketing businesses rely on the assumption that everyone will be a fantastic tribe leader, but that isn’t the case.

    [38:57] - What is the lowest hanging fruit? What is the thing you should go all in on for the fastest results?

    [41:54] - You don’t have to fit into a box to sell successfully.

    [43:45] - Listen here to learn about what Mark can help your business with


    Connect with Mark Drager:

    How to Sell More Podcast

    Website  |  Instagram  |  LinkedIn


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    She Sells Radio
    enNovember 07, 2023

    324 - Building a Powerhouse Personal Brand on LinkedIn with Matthew Rolnick

    324 - Building a Powerhouse Personal Brand on LinkedIn with Matthew Rolnick

    If you want to grow your brand and visibility on social media, especially LinkedIn, you are going to want to listen to today’s episode with my guest Matthew Rolnick, who literally wrote the book on finding your voice and building your brand online.  

    Matthew Rolnick is the VP of Strategy & Innovation at Yaymaker, an Amazon Best Selling Author of the book Find Your Yay, Speaker, a Udemy Instructor w/130k+ students enrolled, a Forbes contributing writer, and partners with his wife Sabine Rolnick with Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Chicago in Real Estate.

    The strategies that Matthew talks about in today’s episode are the ones that helped his company get to 60 new corporate clients from LinkedIn content.


    Show Notes:

    [2:45] - Matthew was furloughed at his job during Covid-19. He took to LinkedIn and really leaned into it.

    [4:46] - Leaders should encourage employees to share and make posts.

    [5:54] - Your natural strengths and interests are potentially the indicators of your voice.

    [7:41] - Your hobbies and interests can be tied into what you’re doing in business.

    [9:27] - Everyone has a different and unique voice.

    [10:58] - There’s a balance that needs to be established on types of posts, but they should all provide value to the person who reads or sees them.

    [13:05] - Interviewing others is a great way to connect with other people, gain insight, and create valuable content for others.

    [15:16] - You may need to seek leadership buy-in from the company that employs you.

    [18:50] - Voice notes on LinkedIn are a great way to make more personalized content.

    [21:53] - Matthew’s success can be attributed to a combination of factors, including consistent and valuable content, accessibility, and client testimonials.

    [25:08] - How are you forwarding the message? How can you build a name and change the thinking in a space as a thought leader?

    [27:19] - Compare it to working out. You won’t see the progress right away, but over time, you’ll see the fruits of your labor.

    [28:49] - Many more people are seeing your content than are engaging with it.

    [30:11] - Matthew shares the number one lesson he has learned from his wife.


    Connect with Matthew Rolnick:

    Find Your Yay: Find Your Voice and Grow Your Brand on Social Media by

    Matthew Rolnick

    Matthew Rolnick on LinkedIn


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    She Sells Radio
    enOctober 31, 2023

    323 - Turning Scars Into Superpowers with Amberly Lago

    323 - Turning Scars Into Superpowers with Amberly Lago

    At age 38, Amberly Lago’s life was turned upside down. Hit by a SUV while riding her motorcycle, 34 surgeries to save her leg from amputation and diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome dubbed “the suicide disease,” she knows about how to strengthen resilience because she has lived it. 

    She is a leading expert in the transformation and health and wellness and has been a certified personal trainer, NSCA-CPT and health coach for 24 years. 

    She shares her passion for turning tragedies into triumphs at exclusive workshops, public events, corporate summits, and schools. She offers a carefully curated set of practical tools to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any of life’s challenges. 

    She’s a 2X bestselling author and speaks on stages with people like Lewis Howes, Ed Mylett, Glennon Doyle, Brendon Burchard, Trent Shelton, Mel Robbins and more. 

    She offers hope and solutions for anyone feeling stuck or living in chronic pain and has been featured on NBC’s TODAY Show, Hallmark Channel, TEDx, The Doctors, Good Morning Lalaland, and featured in magazines such as Health, Fit Pregnancy, Shape, and Disability Magazine. She is a true Texan through and through, living with her husband and two children and is out to change the world.

    And today, she joins the She Sells Radio Podcast for an emotional and transformational conversation.


    Show Notes:

    [4:51] - Welcome to the show, Amberly! This episode is an emotional conversation about how hard overcoming physical scars can be.

    [7:21] - All of us can relate, no matter how big or small the scar or pain is.

    [9:48] - The journey to acceptance was incredibly challenging.

    [10:59] - Amberly didn’t want anyone to know how much pain she was in and she didn’t want anyone to see her scars.

    [12:43] - She was determined but realized that pushing through the pain was not going to get her anywhere.

    [13:53] - Sometimes we need people to love us and believe in us until we can do it for ourselves.

    [16:30] - The truth will set you free. It may kick your butt a little bit, but it will set you free.

    [17:58] - Amberly’s scars remind her of her strength.

    [19:52] - God doesn’t waste pain.

    [21:49] - We can turn something terrible into something beautiful.

    [22:54] - Healing comes from sharing from a scar and not from an open wound.

    [24:09] - Resilience will ensure you rise up, but bad days will still happen. Even now, Amberly continues therapy and community groups.

    [26:02] - If Amberly had begun posting and sharing content before she had done the healing work, the comments and negativity would have harmed her.

    [28:03] - There will always be times when confidence can be knocked down. But the healing work is necessary to “snap out of it”. It’s okay. We’re human.

    [30:59] - Amberly initially felt a lot of shame about alcoholism, but since she opened up, she has impacted others.

    [32:18] - Amberly shares the experiences that made it impossible for her to cry.

    [34:30] - We heal what we reveal.

    [35:21] - If you think the price of winning is too high, just wait till you get the bill for regret.

    [36:19] - Fear will always pop up. Sometimes you have to do things scared.

    [38:21] - Think about the things you have already overcome that were so hard. Thinking back to those experiences will put your current fears into perspective.

    [42:07] - Amberly describes some of the things she is doing now including speaking, hosting a podcast, and teaching through a mastermind.


    Connect with Amberly Lago:

    Amberly Lago’s Website


    True Grit and Grace Podcast


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    She Sells Radio
    enOctober 24, 2023

    322 - How to Land Lucrative Government Contracts with Susanne Mariga

    322 - How to Land Lucrative Government Contracts with Susanne Mariga

    If you’ve been a listener for any amount of time, you know I’m obsessed with you not just making more money, but becoming more profitable and prosperous as you do. 

    Today I’m bringing you a guest who is an expert in both making money in the 7-8 figure range, as well as how to generate more profit out of that money.  My guest is Susanne Mariga, who is a CPA and fractional CFO specializing in high net worth strategies for 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs using the Profit First System.  

    Susanne is the CEO of the Mariga Group, the 2021 Profit first professional firm of the year, as well as the author of Profit First for Minority Business Enterprises.  

    In today’s episode we’re talking about how the top 1% maximize their profits as well as how to expand into landing lucrative government contracts, which we’ve never discussed on the show before, so I’m excited to dive in because I know I’m going to learn a ton along with you. 


    Show Notes:

    [2:57] - Susanne never thought or planned she would be an entrepreneur.

    [5:02] - The initial reason Susanne created her accounting firm was because of the birth of her daughter.

    [7:12] - Launching a new business with a newborn isn’t easy, but Susanne realized that since she didn’t have any clients yet, she could do it.

    [8:45] - Don’t discount your ability by discounting your price.

    [12:01] - Profit is intentional. It is not a random byproduct.

    [15:21] - You are the MVP of your business. It is crucial to make sure you are getting paid fairly.

    [16:54] - Another differentiator between 7-8 figure entrepreneurs is their tax strategy.

    [20:15] - How does the top 1% think?

    [22:27] - Create systems that make it easy to be successful.

    [24:16] - The top 1% don’t run their business randomly. They are very intentional.

    [27:06] - Susanne explains what government contracts are and what is unique about them.

    [29:13] - Be aware of all the costs that it will take to provide a service through a government contract.

    [31:04] - Network with people who provide your service.

    [33:20] - If traveling is difficult, networking online is a great start.

    [36:37] - Consulting is a very broad umbrella. Susanne gives some examples of what this type of contract could mean.

    [38:46] - Susanne doesn’t see herself as a salesperson. She sees herself as someone who changes the lives of others.

    [40:34] - Susanne shares about her book and how to become Profit First.


    Connect with Susanne Mariga:

    Susanne Mariga’s Website

    The Profit Talk Podcast


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    She Sells Radio
    enOctober 17, 2023

    321 - Mastering Value Creation: Business and Beyond with 9 Figure Entrepreneur Lee Benson

    321 - Mastering Value Creation: Business and Beyond with 9 Figure Entrepreneur Lee Benson

    Whether you want to grow and scale a successful organization, or you want to empower your kids with money, I know you’re going to get a ton of value from learning from today’s guest, Lee Benson.

    Lee started his first business when he was $600k in debt, and scaled it to a 9 figure exit. He is now passionate about teaching entrepreneurs and kids about financial literacy as well as scaling and growing successful businesses. Lee is also a bestselling author and business scaling master who has founded and sold 7 successful businesses.

    Today, we’re diving in. How did he start when he was so deep in debt and wind up with the wealth and success he has now?


    Show Notes:

    [3:04] - Lee describes the experience of starting his business and how he wound up so deep in debt.

    [4:51] - How were they able to achieve a 9 figure exit? Through creating real value.

    [6:19] - The three areas that transformed Elyse’s life are shifting her relationship with money, learning how to sell that is in alignment, and her belief systems.

    [7:51] - Lee explains the Value Creation Cycle. 

    [8:54] - Learn to trust the struggle. No matter how hard it gets, there’s a way out the other side.

    [9:51] - Positive emotional energy is the scarcest commodity.

    [12:24] - Foundationally, struggle does not automatically equal trauma.

    [14:39] - Where do you need to be at every point in your business?

    [17:19] - You can eat and dream at the same time.

    [20:18] - The goal is to accelerate at the same rate that you create value.

    [22:11] - Be passionate about the ways to get there.

    [24:33] - Kids discover over time how to create value. Our job as parents is to create an environment where kids will be allowed to discover this.

    [26:50] - We need to teach kids the concept of healthy struggles.

    [29:05] - There are problems with the way kids come out of high school and college that are not at all prepared for adulthood and thinking critically.

    [31:08] - In his book, Value Creation Kid, Lee provides activities and practices for kids to learn this concept.


    Connect with Lee Benson:

    Execute to Win (ETW) Website


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    She Sells Radio
    enOctober 11, 2023

    320 - Why They Buy with Cheri Tree

    320 - Why They Buy with Cheri Tree

    We have a phenomenal guest, Cheri Tree, for you today who took her annual income from $8000 a month to $261,000 a month in 28 days with what she’s going to teach you today.

    If that didn’t get your attention, what about this? I will be hosting a webinar with Cheri on October 16th from 1:00-2:30pm EST! Head to elysearcher.com/bank to register!

    I personally have learned so much from her in a short amount of time. I met Cheri just a few months ago when I shared the stage with her at an event, and I’ve been reading her book Why They Buy. I am already telling my clients that they have to use this system in selling - it is just too good.

    As founder and CEO of CODEBREAKER Technologies and creator of the game-changing personality-based sales system BANK, Cheri Tree is the world’s leading expert on personality based sales. Cheri has become one of the most in demand speakers worldwide, invited to share stages with icons like Tony Robbins and lecture at prestigious universities like Harvard.  

    Cheri’s system is the world’s #1 personality sales training system for high achievers, and I am thrilled to have her as a guest on today’s podcast episode.


    Show Notes:

    [2:54] - Cheri shares a challenging experience where she resigned from her job and found herself in a lawsuit.

    [5:18] - Through it all, Cheri was determined to not lose her spirit. She lived in a storage unit for 18 months.

    [7:14] - She became passionate about driving her mission.

    [10:02] - How did Cheri realize her sales system BANK?

    [11:27] - Although outwardly appearing successful, Cheri didn’t feel it.

    [12:45] - Don’t take advice from people more “messed up” than you. Cheri wasn’t sure if she was broken or if it was the system.

    [14:19] - Have you ever been told that sales is a numbers game?

    [15:24] - “Go for no” is a big fat lie. 

    [17:30] - Cheri made a deal with God that if she could become a millionaire, she would teach others.

    [19:10] - Is selling an art, or a science? It’s only an art, if you know the science.

    [21:48] - The concept of personality science is the simple fact that there are different types of people.

    [23:47] - Cheri realized that the things that make one type of person say yes is what will make another type of person say no.

    [26:19] - What is the opposite of an innovator?

    [29:35] - BANK is the art and science of influence.

    [31:35] - BANK stands for blueprint, action, nurturing, and knowledge.

    [33:56] - Cheri’s BANK personality types actually prevented a suicide.

    [37:07] - If you can slow down enough and find a person’s code, you will access a real relationship.

    [42:10] - You can get a copy of Cheri’s book for free and crack your own BANK code for free when you register for the upcoming webinar with Cheri and Elyse.

    [43:20] - Head over to elysearcher.com/bank to register.


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    She Sells Radio
    enOctober 04, 2023