
    Shoot The Darn Messenger

    The Libsyn home of Shoot The Darn Messenger. Hosted by The Darn Messenger, Shoot The Darn Messenger is a commentary, interview and opinion program that covers a wide array of topics from an Independent Conservative perspective. TDM discusses everything from politics to homesteading to religion to culture and often times features interesting guests like Pastor Bob Beeman, Damian Mason, survival expert Kenny Lewis, programmer Jeff Kelley , SSL family Dad and many more! Out philosophy is simple: You're going to get something useful out of each episode and if a guest is invited on, they get to speak! No ifs and or buts. It's an every day Joe's kind of show and goes great with a cup of coffee in the morning, on your ride to work or just to kill some time late at night with a beer. It may not be for everybody, but everybody is welcome to listen!
    en23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    Episode 23: "Alaska 101: Fishing, Planes, and Vodka" featuring "Alaska Man" George Davis

    Episode 23: "Alaska 101: Fishing, Planes, and Vodka" featuring "Alaska Man" George Davis

    What's up Night Shift Alumni?!

    Buckle your seat belts because we're heading for Alaska!

    This week I welcome "Alaska Man" George Davis from Alaska Wild Adventures. It's an action packed interview with George giving everyone a little bit of insight into the "Alaska Man" psyche and what it's like to live in the Alaska Bush.

    Join us for an unforgettable hour with one wild, wild, dude!


    - The Darn Messenger

    Episode 22: "The Green Elephant in The Room" Part 2 featuring Todd Deering aka SSL Family Dad

    Episode 22: "The Green Elephant in The Room" Part 2 featuring Todd Deering aka SSL Family Dad

    Hello Night Shift Alumni,


    Hope you're having a rocking labor day weekend!

    The Darn Messenger is having a hacking Labor Day weekend unfortunately as whatever is going around has decided to pay him a visit. But the show must go on and what a show it is this week!

    Because of that, I can safely say that this week's episode of Shoot The Darn Messenger is brought to you by DayQuil! Okay. . .well, store brand Day Time Cold and Flu Formula, technically, but who really cares?

    On this episode I sat down (over the phone) with Todd Deering aka SSL Family Dad from Youtube to discuss the importance of organic, local agriculture and give his take on homesteading, farming, gardening and much more (even a bit of football talk!).

    Give it a listen and if you like it, please share it far and wide on social media and give it a like on Facebook! Your support means a lot.

    Thanks and God bless,

    - The Darn Messenger


    Episode 21: "The Green Elephant In The Room" Part 1 featuring Damian Mason

    Episode 21: "The Green Elephant In The Room" Part 1 featuring Damian Mason

    Howdy, folks!

    This episode as heard on WBCQ "The Planet" shortwave 7490 is part one of a two part series devoted to the topic of agriculture.

    On this week's episode I sat down (on the phone, of course!) with Damian Mason, a professional speaker and agricultural expert. Damian is a strong proponent of promoting agriculture as a business and believes strongly in using technology to make America more food secure and prosperous. 

    It was an amazing interview and Damian was never lacking of words throughout.

    Be sure to join me for part 2 next week as I interview Todd, the SSL Family Dad from SSL Family Farms to get his local, organically minded views on the subject as well.

    Thanks and God bless,

    - The Darn Messenger

    Episode 20: "Live Free and Let Music Live" featuring Elinor Swanson and Sidney Coast

    Episode 20: "Live Free and Let Music Live" featuring Elinor Swanson and Sidney Coast

    What's going on party people?

    This week I interviewed Elinor Swanson, Libertarian Party candidate for congress from Billings, MT. She gave me a little information about her views on liberty and her platform.

    I also was joined in studio by my good buddy Sidney Coast, Atlanta area DJ/producer to discuss music.

    Definitely one of those shows that combines both the politics thing and the awesomeness thing!

    Hope you guys enjoy! If you do, please give it a like and share on your favorite social media platform.

    Thanks and God bless,

    - The Darn Messenger

    Episode 19: "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" Part 2 featuring Dustin Ussery and Ryan Martinez

    Episode 19: "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" Part 2 featuring Dustin Ussery and Ryan Martinez

    Why just have one episode on free speech when two is twice as nice?

    On this week's episode I sat down with Dustin Ussery of the Constitution Party of Texas and Libertarian Party congressional candidate Ryan Martinez to talk about freedom of speech, digital media, third parties and a variety of other topics. 

    Each interview compliments the other quite well and both influencers make great cases on which the said topics are important as well as provide a lot of food for thought for those who are uninitiated on their respective party platforms.

    Be sure to give it a listen and if you like it, please share it on Twitter, Facebook, Gab or your favorite social media platform because your support makes a huge differences and helps the show in many ways.

    Thanks and God bless,

    - The Darn Messenger

    Episode 18: "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" Part 1

    Episode 18: "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" Part 1

    What's cracking?

    Besides my back as of late. . .I'm getting old and probably need a better mattress.

    On this episode of Shoot the Darn Messenger we discuss freedom of speech, the importance of accessible media, the how-to's of podcasting and chat with author Thomas Epperson about his experience in public access TV and his thoughts on accessible media/censorship.

    This episode originally aired on WBCQ shortwave 7490 on August 5th, 2018 at 8PM EST.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it and help spread the word. Your support means a lot.


    - The Darn Messenger

    P.S. CORRECTION: On the show I accidently called Homer's work "Homer" instead of "The Iliad" by mistake. No one is perfect, definitely not me!

    Episode 17: "I will survive!" feat. Survival Expert Kenny Lewis

    Episode 17: "I will survive!" feat. Survival Expert Kenny Lewis

    How's it going? 

    Well, I'm finally getting around to posting this interview. Sorry for the delay. . .I was out of town and sometimes that can be a bit of a hassle! 

    In this episode I interview survival expert Kenny Lewis. Kenny Lewis has over 20 years of experience working with such groups as the US Navy, NASA and police departments all over the country. Kenny runs seminars named "In Plain View" where he teaches people how to survive with things that literally are in plain view. . .aka anything! 

    I had a great time interviewing Kenny and without a doubt, this is one of the most informative interviews I've given to date.

    Special thanks to all of you who listened to me on Sunday EST 8-9pm on WBCQ "The Planet" shortwave 7490. I'll be right back this coming Sunday at the same time so please listen if you can!

    If you enjoy this video, please share it as that goes a long way.

    Thanks and God bless,

    The Darn Messenger

    P.S. you can find Kenny online at www.youcanbeprepared.com


    Episode 16: "Surfin' the Shortwaves and Growin' Your Own (VEGETABLES!)"

    Episode 16: "Surfin' the Shortwaves and Growin' Your Own (VEGETABLES!)"

    Greetings Earthlings,

    I come from the vast recesses of radio space. . .

    Well, not yet. But starting this Sunday I will be on WBCQ The Planet from 8-9 PM. I'm going to test the waters for a month before deciding whether to make it permanent and in this podcast I discuss a little bit about my decision and why I chose to do it.

    This episode is a bit of a laid back, less frills kind of episode as it is a bit shorter and I took it as an opportunity to test out some new equipment to use for the show (and yes, I decided to scrap the pop filter just in case you were about to mention that!). Don't let its brevity fool you though, it's still packed with lots of great gardening advice for you n00bs out there and I think you'll enjoy it if you enjoy shortwave radio and homesteading talk.

    Thank you so much for listening and God bless,

    - TDM

    Episode 15: "I'm Not a Sniper, I Just Play One In The Ring"

    Episode 15: "I'm Not a Sniper, I Just Play One In The Ring"

    Hello Night Shift Alumni!

    Finally. . .the Darn Messenger. . .HAS COME BACK. . .to Liiiiibssssyyynnn. . . .

    I find it only appropriate to steal from The Rock in this description because on this episode of Shoot The Darn Messenger I sat down and had a bit of a pow wow with my ol' friend Radu Bulat - professional wrestler from the UK.

    We talked a great deal about wrestling, current events and politics and even tied in all three together at one point. 

    Radu gives great insight into pro wrestling and even shares a few stories that he's heard a long the way. He's not all brawn though, as you will find out, because he's just as clever and as cheeky as anyone else you'll ever meet and that shows with this very thorough, diverse discussion.

    Hope you enjoy it! Be sure to follow me on Twitter if you haven't already @ShootTDM or on Facebook - Facebook.

    Thanks and God Bless,

    - The Darn Messenger

    Episode 14: Prosperity Preachers, Rap and Hellboy

    Episode 14: Prosperity Preachers, Rap and Hellboy


    How's it going guys? It's been awhile since I've posted a new episode because it's been hectic as of late but I hope you enjoy this one. Recently I interviewed and had a conversation with a new friend, a young protestant theologian about a few differences and commonalities in the way we see the world. We talked a lot about mega churches, the prosperity gospel, and other topics.

    We had a good time and it was a great example of what this podcast is about: real people, real opinions.

    Thanks and God bless,

    - TDM

    Episode 13: "Beauty Will Save The World"

    Episode 13: "Beauty Will Save The World"

    What's up Night Shift Alumni?!

    This week's podcast is a bit of mixed bag as I touch on numerous subjects from elaborating on Dostoevsky's quote in "The Idiot" about how "Beauty Will Save The World" and how we must embrace innocence and beauty especially right now in what I like to call the "age of cynicism".

    In addition I also answer a fan question what we must do when our kids become indoctrinated by SJW universities and rant a bit about the mainstream media and go into a bit of detail about the whys and whats surrounding what we conservatives/libertarians/centrists must do while we reform the media landscape.

    I like to call shows like this "podcast potpourri" as you'll never know what you're going to find when you dig in the bag!

    Like always if you enjoy today's podcast

    Thanks and God bless!

    - TDM

    Episode 12: Laughing My Ossoff at #ComeyDay and Reading The Bible

    Episode 12: Laughing My Ossoff at #ComeyDay and Reading The Bible

    What's up Night Shift Alumni?

    Been a crazy past few weeks since my last show, hasn't it? 

    On this week's podcast, I touch only a smidge on politics and get slip into theology a bit like on some of my previous podcasts - I talk about the Book Of Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus/Wisdom of Sirach as it is also called).

    I realize that most of my listeners are not Catholic, but I believe that everyone could apply the lessons of Sirach to their day to day lives and so I'm passing on some of the wisdom to you. I was not able to do the book its complete justice, as you could not fit all of the golden nuggets found in the book into one podcast, but I think that you will find it insightful. Who knows, if enough of you request it, you might twist my arm into elaborating more on it or other digging into other books of the "apocrypha" (I used quotes because in Apostolic tradition they are scripture).

    Enjoy and God Bless y'all!

    - TDM

    Episode 11: "It Is Dressed In Overalls and It's Called Work

    Episode 11: "It Is Dressed In Overalls and It's Called Work

    What's up Night Shift Alumni?!


    I've been thinking a lot about homesteading and prepping lately and with the overall uncertainty and unrest occurring in the world, I think learning self-reliance is becoming more and more important.

    Homesteading,  prepping, gardening, or even just a half-stead is something that all of us should look into, not out of paranoia but out of common sense. No one can ever predict danger but having a little more breathing room in a crisis situation definitely helps. 

    I must preface by saying that I'm by no means an expert on the aforementioned subjects, just an enthusiast. I am just trying to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can and pass on what I've learned to you. Consider this episode part of my learning journey as well, so leave some feedback on great resources for gardeners, homesteaders and preppers if there is anything that I missed!


    Hope you enjoy the show!


    Thanks and God bless,


    - TDM

    Episode 10: Tacos, Tequila, Trump and Fatima

    Episode 10: Tacos, Tequila, Trump and Fatima


    Did ya miss me Night Shift Alumni?!

    I missed you guys too and I'm glad to be back. 

    On this special TUESDAY upload of Shoot The Damn Messenger I catch you guys up on what I've been doing the last few weeks on my hiatus including my trip to Mexico where I became Trump's (unofficial) and (impromptu) ambassador, talk on the current shape of the independent conservative/patriot world and discuss Our Lady of Fatima.

    Don't miss this week's episode!

    Thanks and God Bless,


    Episode 9: Honesty Is The Best Policy. . .Just Not Public Policy

    Episode 9: Honesty Is The Best Policy. . .Just Not Public Policy

    Hey Night Shift Alumni!

    This week is a bit of a rant no lie, but I think you'll ultimately get a lot out of it. On today's show I discuss the subject of media and how they generates news to stay afloat, even if it means destroying the lives of others in the process. I also talk about honesty in general and give my take on the current conservative culture.

    Enjoy the show! Like me on facebook.com/shoottdm or twitter @shootTDM!

    Thanks and God bless,

    - TDM

    Episode 8: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

    Episode 8: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

    What's up Night Shift Alumni?!


    The CIA and WikiLeaks Vault 7 seem to be dominating the news nowadays and it associated with it are concerns over internet privacy and government surveillance. Being no stranger to controversial subjects, I decided to get in contact with my old buddy Jeff Kelley, one of the best programmers in the nation, to discuss the situation as well as tech trends and what people can do in regard to their privacy concerns. I was blessed to have the opportunity to interview him and really intrigued by all of his knowledge surrounding the situation. 

    It was also amazing because neither Jeff or I have no real partisan concerns in regards to the information, as we come from different political leanings yet agree that it is an issue that everyone should take seriously and put into context. I think you'll find our chat to be extremely impartial and that it hits the issue and we don't skew it to any particular persuasion. 

    You can find Jeff on Twitter @Slauncha man or www.jeffkelley.org

    DISCLAIMER: This particular episode contains discussion on sensitive and disturbing subject matter. Please be aware before listening. 

    Episode 7: Shhhh. . . I've Gotta Secret!

    Episode 7: Shhhh. . . I've Gotta Secret!

    Hey Night Alumni!

    Hope your week is going well.

    This week's podcast is more rant than show, but given the nature of media lately I thought it was only appropriate. On today's show I rant about the media, the war on comedy, academia and secrecy. Hope you enjoy this *short* but fun episode! 

    Fair warning, I'm a bit cynical in this one, but it fits the mood.

    Thanks and God bless,


    Shoot The Darn Messenger
    enMarch 03, 2017

    Episode 6: . . .Then Comes Bob!

    Episode 6: . . .Then Comes Bob!

    Hello Night Shift Alumni,

    Like what I did with the titles? First comes Rob and Then Comes Bob.

    Joining me today on Shoot The Damn Messenger is none other than the original Heavy Metal Pastor, Pastor Bob Beeman! This interview was an absolute pleasure! When I say that I'm really stoked about this one, it's an understatement. 

    On this podcast we talk a ton about music, especially rock and metal and how it all ties in with faith. Pastor Bob shares some amazing stories and shares incredible wisdom from his 50 years of being in the Christian Rock scene!

    It was an incredible experience and I hope you guys get a lot out of it!




    P.S. If you're a follower of Pastor Bob and are listening to this podcast I do want to say upfront that it is not necessarily a religious podcast but is one that mixes a variety of topics both secular and religious. With that given any of my views, views from my sponsor, etc. do not necessarily reflect those of Pastor Bob or anyone from Sanctuary International Matrix.

    Episode 5: First Comes Rob. . .

    Episode 5: First Comes Rob. . .

    Hey Night Shift Alumni,

    Wow! This episode was a blast to record and a headache to edit!

    Ibuprofen por favor!

    But it was great to have a nice sit down discussion with an old friend who is about as complex of a being as one could imagine. He's not only a history teacher and a minister. . .he's also a huge horror movie buff!

    Today's show is a hodgepodge of all of those topics with a good bit of the interview surrounding the UC- Berkeley/Milo Yiannopolous issue as well as the dynamic of Left vs. Right sentiment and the importance of being civil in our disagreements.

    Enjoy the show!

    Check Rob out on YouTube here and you can also catch him frequently calling into the "22 Shots of Moodz and Horror Podcast"  as well. Give both channels a watch if horror is your thing but fair warning, some of it may not be the for the faint of heart.

    God bless y'all,



    Episode 4: Hope Begins With Hope

    Episode 4: Hope Begins With Hope

    Hello Night Shift Alumni!

    HOPE you enjoy today's episode where I talk about Hope and why it is important to have hope. I thought hope would be an important subject to talk about because it is not only the perfectly compliment to last week's episode (fear) but because with the changing administration and underdogs like The Falcons heading to championships, hope seems to be very contagious now adays.

    Bit of a short episode but I think you'll get a lot out of it.


    Love y'all and God Bless,

    The Damn Messenger

    Shoot The Darn Messenger
    enFebruary 03, 2017