
    Simplifying Life Taking Back Your Power

    Are you fed up with feeling like life is controlling you instead of the other way around? Are you stuck in relationships that no longer serve you or living a life of quiet desperation? Perhaps you find yourself living to please others, rather than following your own values. Life was never meant to be overly complicated. It's time to have a raw conversation with yourself and increase your self-worth to take on any challenge that comes your way. By being more self-aware, you can break free from the constraints that hold you back and start living life on your own terms. Together, let's explore the possibilities of a fulfilling life filled with purpose and happiness.
    enRon Simplified Myers100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #6 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Bad Sex" Episode 6 of 12

    #6 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Bad Sex" Episode 6 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #6 of 12

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #badsex #sex #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #sexbeforemarriage #sixhumanneeds #intimacy #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #12relationshipproblems #love #makinglove #asimplerlife

    #5 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Clinginess" Episode 5 of 12

    #5 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Clinginess" Episode 5 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #5 of 12

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

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    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #clinginess #clingy #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #pest #sixhumanneeds #lovelanguage #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #12relationshipproblems #cuddle #relationshipproblems #asimplerlife  

    A Conversation With The Voice In Your Head

    A Conversation With The Voice In Your Head

    The voice in our head is always communicating. It refuses to stop. Is it an enemy, designed to destroy us and keep us from our desires? Is it actually an ally? In this episode, we will identify who the voice is and more importantly, who it is not. We will share how to address the voice so that it is placed in its correct position in our life.

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #aconversationwiththevoiceinyourhead #aconversationwiththevoice #toprelationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #conversationwiththevoice #theroleofthevoiceinyourhead #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #asimplerlife #theroleofthevoice #thevoice #voiceinyourhead

    #4 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Character Issues" Episode 4 of 12

    #4 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Character Issues" Episode 4 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #4 of 12

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #characterissues #charactertraits #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #greatcharacter #sixhumanneeds #character #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #badcharacter #goodcharacter


    #3 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Lack Of Personal Time And Space" Episode 3 of 12

    #3 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Lack Of Personal Time And Space" Episode 3 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #3 of 12  

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #personaltimeandspace #lackofpersonaltimeandspace #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #personaltime #sixhumanneeds #tonyrobbins #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #lifebalance #personalspace #relationshipproblems #timeforself


    #2 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Long Work Hours" Episode 2 of 12

    #2 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Long Work Hours" Episode 2 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #2 of 12

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #longworkhours #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #workaholics #sixhumanneeds #tonyrobbins #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #lifebalance #balancedlife #relationshipproblems

    #1 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Fading Enthusiasm" Episode 1 of 12

    #1 Top 12 Relationship Problems According To Experts - "Fading Enthusiasm" Episode 1 of 12

    The Top 12 Relationship Problems According To The Experts This series is 12 episodes and is based on an article by Mark Travers (Psychologist) written for Psychology Today.  I took each of the 12 topics and shared my perspective. This is #1 of 12

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #fadingenthusiasm #top12relationshipproblems #relationshipproblems #enthusiasm #sixhumanneeds #tonyrobbins #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #certainty #uncertainty #relationshipproblems

    New Year Resolution

    New Year Resolution

    In this conversation, the topic of "New Year Resolution." Is there a secret to making them work? By the way, what is a resolution?

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #newyearresolution #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolutions #happynewyear #newyear #resolution #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu

    Caught Girlfriend Cheating

    Caught Girlfriend Cheating

    In this conversation, the topic of "Caught Girlfriend Cheating: Afraid To Say Something." Is this a position of strength or weakness? Should anyone have that much control over your life where you are afraid to talk with them?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #caughtgirlfriendcheatingafraidtosaysomething #caughtgirlfriendcheating #girlfriendcheating #cheating #afraidtosaysomething #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #solvinglifeproblems #solvingrelationshipproblems #relationshipsproblems

    I Am Always Ready For Better Options

    I Am Always Ready For Better Options

    In this conversation, the topic of "I am always ready for better options. I love me more than any man." Is this a strategy that encourages commitment? Doubt? Are you a temporary fixture in this type of relationship?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #iamalwaysreadyforbetteroptions #betteroptions #opentobetteroptions #lovememorethananyman #ilovememorethananyman #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #solvinglifeproblems #solvingrelationshipproblems #relationshipsproblems

    Be Grateful For Your Parents

    Be Grateful For Your Parents

    In this conversation, the topic of "Be Grateful For Your Parents." If we conclude that people do the best with what they have, we can appreciate the fact that others' actions may not line up with our desires or beliefs on how things should play out. 

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #begratefulforyourparents #grateful #gratitude #beinggrateful #gratefulforparents #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #solvinglifeproblems #solvingrelationshipproblems #parents

    The Benefits of Problems in Your Relationships and Life

    The Benefits of Problems in Your Relationships and Life

    In this conversation, the topic of "The Benefits of Problems in Your Relationships and Life." Are problems a bad thing? Are problems necessary for growth? Do problems create desired results in the future?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #thebenefitsofproblemsinyourrelationshipsandlife #thebenefitsofproblemsinyourrelationships #thebenefitsofproblemsinyourlife #problemsinrelationships #problemsinlife #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #solvinglifeproblems #solvingrelationshipproblems

    That's None of My Business

    That's None of My Business

    In this conversation, the topic of "That's None of My Business: Learn To Relieve Stress." If you catch yourself around or are involved in a negative conversation, it is time to remove yourself from the situation (your health and life desires are counting on you).

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #thatsnoneofmybusinesslearntorelievestress #thatsnoneofmybusiness #thatsnoneofyourbusiness #mindyourbusiness #negativeconversations #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #stayinyourlane

    How Men Think

    How Men Think

    In this conversation, the topic of "How Men Think Who Cares." Is there a certain way that men or women think? If they think the same, why do we date?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #howmenthinkwhocares #howdomenthink #howdowomenthink #howwomenthink #howmenthink #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu



    In this conversation, the topic of "ThanksGiving." Is it a holiday or a lifestyle? We have to be grateful and give thanks for the things that are given to us and we can return the favor by giving to others.

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #thanksgiving #givingthanks #selflove #selfworth #selftalk #selflovemonday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu

    Outgoing Personality A Born Trait

    Outgoing Personality A Born Trait

    In this conversation, the topic of "Outgoing Personality A Born Trait: Can It Be Taught?" Is introverted a way that people are just born? Is it in their DNA? Can a person override that trait and become outgoing?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #outgoingpersonalityaborntrait #introvert #extrovert #relationships #relationshipadvice #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #friendly #outgoingperson #outgoingpersonality

    Is It Something I Said or Did

    Is It Something I Said or Did

    In this conversation, the topic of "Is It Something I Said or Did That Caused The Break-up." Is it good for you to take responsibility for the break-up? How about blaming yourself?

    But what if I can help them? Is that a plan that will create stress?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #isitsomethingisaidordid #didisaysomethingwrong #somethingisaid #relationships #relationshipadvice #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #overachieve #whatcausedbreakup #takingresponsibilityforbreakup

    Overachiever or Expectations

    Overachiever or Expectations

    In this conversation, the topic of "Overachiever or Expectation." When you accomplish things that you didn't know you were capable of or believe you could do, does that make you an "Overachiever" or is it based on an unfair pre-judging of yourself or others?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

    1) Podcast

    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #overachieverorexpectation #overachiever #expectation #relationships #relationshipadvice #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #overachieve #overachieveexpectations

    Everyone Doesn't Have Winning In Them

    Everyone Doesn't Have Winning In Them

    In this conversation, the topic of "Everyone Doesn't Have Winning In Them: Don't Listen To The Naysayers." A Dad was having a hard time getting across to his kids the drive and hunger he has. "They are not like me." Is that thought process detrimental to the growth of his kids?

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #everyonedoesnthavewinninginthem #bornwinner #winner #relationshiptips #relationshipadvice #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #winningiswithin #naturalbornwinner #borntowin

    Laughter In Relationships

    Laughter In Relationships

    In this conversation, the topic of “Laughter In Relationships: A Lost Emotion.” When was the last time you laughed so hard, your sides hurt or you fell on the floor? Laughter is actually a key to improving your health. 

    Download the new app "Simplified U" in the Apple Store or Google Play

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    2) Clothing store

    3) Online Lessons (Self Love, Why We Do What We Do, Making Relationships Work and Financial Basics)

    #laughterinrelationships #laughter #laughteralostemotion #relationshiptips #relationshipadvice #relationshipthursday #ronsimplifiedmyers #simplifieducommunity #simplifiedu #relationshiplaugher