
    Sincerely HER Podcast | Bite-Sized Motivation

    What’s stopping you from being the person you want to be, doing the things you want to do, and having everything you desire? Each day, Tam shares daily bite-sized motivational notes, mindset tips, positive affirmations, and helpful knowledge she has learned from years of studying world-renowned authors and motivational speakers to help you improve your life. A strategist and mentor, Tam has helped award-winning artists and creatives manage their brands, achieve their goals, and build profitable businesses for over a decade. If you want to improve your mindset and become a better version of yourself without spending hours consuming inspirational talks, this podcast is perfect for your daily routine. The Sincerely HER Podcast will help you find clarity, get sh*t done, and win. Find out more at SincerelyTam.com.
    enSincerely Tam583 Episodes

    Episodes (583)

    New Year: 5 Pitfalls To Avoid | Note 578

    New Year: 5 Pitfalls To Avoid | Note 578

    Are you planning to fail next year? Perhaps it's time to ditch the fluffy resolutions and embrace the messy journey. The new year is coming in hot, and I don't know about you, but I want to be well-positioned for success.


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    New Year: Asking Questions and Saying Bye | Note 577

    New Year: Asking Questions and Saying Bye | Note 577

    How did we get here so fast? The beginning of a new year is always when we reflect on what is, what was, and what could be. It’s that time of the year when we ask ourselves some tough questions. Many people plan to start 2023 with the “new year, new me” attitude. But the reality is unless you break through the limitations holding you back and learn how to set and conquer your goals, you won’t be able to create the life you want.


    Check out these 18 questions to ask yourself.


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    Connect With Your Future Self | Note 576

    Connect With Your Future Self | Note 576

    You’ll get the same results if you keep doing the same things. Becoming static, stuck, and possibly even declining is guaranteed if you don’t get serious about your future.


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    Write Your Own Book | Note 573

    Write Your Own Book | Note 573

    What’s stopping you from making your own rules and living on your terms? The only one that can write your book is you. You control the chapters.


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    Your Life Is Now. Your Happiness Is Now. | Note 572

    Your Life Is Now. Your Happiness Is Now. | Note 572

    Why do we waste so much time worrying about yesterday? Instead of trying to go back and edit the past, be present in the now. Fall in love with what you are experiencing right now.


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    You’re Worth It | Note 571

    You’re Worth It | Note 571

    How much is it costing you to do things that aren’t worth your time and energy? Sure, you can do a lot — anything is possible. But the reality is you’re only going to move forward and make progress on things that matter.


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    How To Change Your Mindset | Self Development | Note 569

    How To Change Your Mindset | Self Development | Note 569

    Are you paying attention to your attitude toward who you are and what you want? Your mindset can dramatically alter your odds of being successful. And changing your mindset isn’t easy. However, it’s not impossible, either.


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    Give Up Some of Your Old Beliefs and Become You2 | Personal Development | Note 567

    Give Up Some of Your Old Beliefs and Become You2 | Personal Development | Note 567

    Can you overcome the addiction to your old methodologies? Once you focus on possibilities rather than on limits or obstacles, making a quantum leap and moving outside your mental boundaries will help you double and even triple your level of success.


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    You Can Do Anything | Self Improvement | Note 566

    You Can Do Anything | Self Improvement | Note 566

    Are you aware of your current thinking? The outcomes you seek in life are contingent on how you think. You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are. And what you are is what you think.


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    I Know Change Is Not Impossible | Note 560

    I Know Change Is Not Impossible | Note 560

    Can people change? What we know is that change is difficult but not impossible. Internationally acclaimed author Dr. John C. Maxwell believes people change in four different seasons.


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    Get Your Sh*t Together | Note 559

    Get Your Sh*t Together | Note 559

    Are you afraid of the future, or is it you can’t let go of the past? Your best days are in your future, not your past if you’re willing to step into the unknown and stop letting doubt dominate your life.


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