
    Six Figures In School Hours

    Six Figures in School Hours is all about helping you run a successful business and still be a good parent. Because in my experience most business-owning parents don’t want to build a global empire or make a gazillion dollars a year. I mean it would be nice but it’s not their top priority. They just want to earn a decent income and have time to read their kids a bedtime story without having a meltdown in the process. Yes, we know running a business can be rewarding. However, it can also seep into every life crack, eat up your energy and leave you exhausted, stressed and snapping at your small humans. In Six Figures in School Hours, me, Kate Toon award-winning digital marketing coach and business mentor will be sharing practical and doable tips for parents to run a successful business, make serious money and not burn themselves to a frazzle in the process. We’ll be chatting with real-life parents about their experiences of managing the juggle, as well as experts in parenting, finance, productivity, mindset, communication and more. I’ll show you how to turn that six-figure profit dial up or down depending on the compromises you’re willing to make. As well as that we’ll be sharing tools and tactics to manage your money, be more productive and focus on what matters, along with inspiring stories from other successful business parents who know exactly how it feels. Six Figures in School Hours is a smart, honest business self-help podcast that gives you the skills, the tools and the confidence to never again need to choose between a successful business and a happy family life. www.sixfiguresinschoolhours.com
    en-auKate Toon38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    How to stay productive, persistent and creative with Keneena Fanning (Chat)

    How to stay productive, persistent and creative with Keneena Fanning (Chat)

    Do you like creating fabulous new ideas, bringing them to life, and showing your new creations to the world? 


    Today’s guest has built her business on creativity. 


    But how do you keep those creative juices flowing, run the businessy side of things, and keep up with your family? 

     Let’s find out. 


    Tune in to learn: 

    • Why Keneena moved away from corporate management to start her own business

    • How Keneena’s parenting style shifted and changed over time

    • What her work-from-home setup looks like

    • What challenges she faced as a mum with young children trying to get work done

    • The importance of talking about your work with your partner and kids, and not reducing it to “I just did this”

    • How Keneena deals with parent guilt around missing school events

    • Keneena’s top productivity tip


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    How to feel less parent guilt when working from home (Agony Aunt)

    How to feel less parent guilt when working from home (Agony Aunt)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be.

    This week I want to address your woes in another Agony Aunt episode. I asked members of the Misfit Entrepreneurs Facebook group what their biggest challenges were as business parents. 

    And today I’ll answer one from Bec Slack from CleverStuff. Bec’s biggest challenge is:

    “When they were younger the feeling of guilt for using daycare when people thought working from home meant they should be with me (noone actually said it, but it was the feeling).

    Now they are older it's the guilt of being home and them asking to do something but I still have work to do.

    Mind you, their face when I can make an assembly to see them get an award or being able to attend book parade makes up for it.

    Juggling is tricky no matter what though. It's not just work Vs kids, it's work Vs kids Vs partner Vs mental health Vs social life Vs hobbies Vs sleep.”


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    Building business empires and raising six kids with Leanne Woff (Chat)

    Building business empires and raising six kids with Leanne Woff (Chat)

    And we’re back, starting the new year talking to one of my favourite humans.

    Now I know raising one child while you build your business empire is tough. But I know that in all honesty, I have it easy. 

    Imagine having a second, third and fourth child (and more).
    That’s so many more lunch boxes to pack, bottoms to wipe and arguments to resolve.

    I honestly don’t know how today’s guest does it. She has not one, not two, but SIX children (and no she does not live in a shoe).

    She has also been fundamental in building my business and has created her own Audacious empire.
    How does she manage her time, her mental health and her to-do list?
    Let’s find out.

    Tune in to learn: 

    • What Leanne’s family set-up looks like

    • How Leanne adjusts her parenting style for each of her kids.

    • How she has achieved an incredible sense of calm

    • How Leanne balances building her own empire and clients’ empires as well.

    • Leanne’s tips for time-blocking and outsourcing

    • The key differences between an Online Business Manager (OBM) and a Virtual Assistant (VA)

    • How Leanne deals with parent guilt

    • How to be more productive and the importance of understanding your bookkeeping


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    Setting realistic goals for 2024 (Tip)

    Setting realistic goals for 2024 (Tip)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day.


    Today I want to talk about setting realistic goals in 2024. 

    Many business coaches talk about setting SMART goals, but what's more interesting to me is writing down whatever thoughts you have, then looking at your list and asking 'why'.


    Listen to all tip episodes here.


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    How to be happier with Penny Locaso (Chat)

    How to be happier with Penny Locaso (Chat)

    When you’re a busy working parent, your own happiness can feel like it’s at the bottom of a long list.

    This stage of life doesn’t feel like it’s about being happy.
    It feels like it’s about survival.

    Furthermore, any attempts to seek happiness bring out a rash of parent guilt. Self-care feels selfish when you have small humans.

    And in business often what we think makes us happy, doesn’t.
    We’re driven by ego, peer pressure and a bag full of ‘shoulds’.
    And we find, or I did, that the pursuit of happiness is in fact making us miserable.

    So in today's episode, we’re going to chat about happiness, what it means and how to find it both as a parent and a business owner.


    Tune in to learn: 

    • What Penny’s family dynamic is like

    • How Penny divides her time between co-parenting and working

    • Penny’s relationship with her child and how that’s changed as they’ve gotten older.

    • How to find happiness through micro-moments and contentment

    • How to stop making yourself miserable by comparing yourself to other people

    • Penny’s top tips to get started on the process towards a happier life


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    Six Figures In School Hours
    en-auJanuary 10, 2024

    What to do when you have too many plates spinning (Agony Aunt)

    What to do when you have too many plates spinning (Agony Aunt)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day.

    This week I want to address your woes in another Agony Aunt episode. I asked members of the Misfit Entrepreneurs Facebook group what their biggest challenges were as business parents. 

    And today I’ll answer one from Donelle Dewar. Donelle’s biggest challenge is:

    Constantly being pulled in multiple directions - trying to keep all the plates spinning, occasionally giving up and just letting one smash to the ground, then feeling like I'm being judged for it.


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    Setting up strong financial foundations with Justine McLean (Chat)

    Setting up strong financial foundations with Justine McLean (Chat)

    As you’ll know from the book, I think understanding our money is one of the biggest factors in winning this whole Parenting and business battle.

    Second only to managing your time.


    Because even the most highly productive humans can find themselves struggling financially. Put simply, if you’re not able to overcome your money mindset issues and your financial illiteracy, you’ll find it’s amazingly easy to make no money at all.


    So in this episode, I want to give you some practical advice on how to understand your finances, get clear on your budget and work out how much money you actually have.


    As well as providing some invaluable tips on how to increase your profit and charge more for your products and services.


    Sticking to a budget can be hard, especially if you’re overestimating how much money you actually have, and if you’re undercharging for your products and services. 


    Our guest today is an expert in money management who knows how to plug money leaks while juggling a family - and don’t worry, I’ll for sure ask if she’s making six figures in school hours.


    Tune in to learn: 

    • Justine’s family set-up and how it works with her business

    • What led Justine to train as a BAS agent

    • Why Justine moved from retail stores to coaching

    • How Justine’s parenting style has changed over the years

    •  Why setting boundaries is so important, for both your family and your business

    • The three biggest mistakes small business owners and ecommerce store owners make with their finances

    • What the actual essential first purchases in your business are

    • How to realistically manage your finances and change your mindset


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    How to be productive during school holidays (Agony Aunt)

    How to be productive during school holidays (Agony Aunt)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be.

    This week I want to address your woes in another Agony Aunt episode. I asked members of the Misfit Entrepreneurs Facebook group what their biggest challenges were as business parents. 

    And today I’ll answer one from Nirelle Bennett, from Gippsland Hypnotherapy all about managing productivity during school holidays.


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    Building a legacy for your family with Mim Jenkinson (Chat)

    Building a legacy for your family with Mim Jenkinson (Chat)

    So as many of you know I started my business life as a copywriter, before niching into SEO. Then I got tired of clients and dreamt of being a big rich beast.
    I began my passive income journey and was woken each morning by the sweet trill of a dozen PayPal pings.
    Since then I’ve launched courses, memberships and so forth.

    And I’m not alone, there are other business owners out there turning their services-based skills, their creative talents and their secret passions into successful online businesses.

    Today we’re meeting one, an outland-loving online empire creative wonder beast.
    We’ll find out how she did it, how she managed the juggle with her small humans and whether she’s making six figures in school hours.


    Tune in to learn:

    • Mim’s family and business set-up

    • From helicopter-parenting to lawnmower-parenting: how Mim sees her parenting style, and how it relates to her business

    • Why Mim ‘eats the frog’ first in her day

    • How Mim’s health crisis helped her put her parent guilt and priorities into perspective.

    • Mim’s number one productivity tip

    • What self care looks like for Mim

    • HowProfit First changed her life, and how she handles her finances


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    How to talk to clients about being a parent (Agony Aunt)

    How to talk to clients about being a parent (Agony Aunt)

    New podcast out today: How to talk to clients about being a parent (Agony Aunt).

    So I posted in the Misfit Entrepreneur group and I asked people what their challenges were about being a parent and a business owner.

    Today’s advice is for Jessica Harder. Her biggest challenge is: 

    “For me it's judging how much to share with clients. I obviously have to mention to clients that I work in the evenings, so they know I can't always respond during the day. But I had one prospective client turn me down because I mentioned I had kids, and they made it clear they felt I had too much on my plate to be able to dedicate time to their project.”


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    Travelling and business: How to make it work with Emma Lovell (Chat)

    Travelling and business: How to make it work with Emma Lovell (Chat)

    Imagine waking up in Acapulco with the sun streaming through the window.

    Then a month or later, wandering through the spicy streets of New Delhi, and after that, who knows, maybe exotic Coffs Harbour or Wollongong.

    Emma Lovell leads a travel life that would make others (well me) green with enviousness, She’s forever appearing on Instagram in sparkly outfits at conferences, or leading a touchy retreat in some country location.

    But with a small human, a male human and a business, how does she do it all? And does she earn six figures in school hours?

    Tune in to learn:

    • How Emma’s family and business work

    • Why Emma feels more like a free-range parent and business owner 

    • Working on the go: how Emma prioritises travel time and what that looks like for her business

    • How to run a profitable retreat and cut back on unnecessary costs

    • How Emma navigates parent guilt

    • The difference between networking and actually pursuing opportunities

    • What self-care looks like to Emma

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    Why do I work so much, and is it a bad thing? (Agony Aunt)

    Why do I work so much, and is it a bad thing? (Agony Aunt)

    This is a new type of episode. I wanted to do some kind of ‘Agony Aunt’ style podcast. So I posted in the Misfit Entrepreneur group and I asked people what their challenges were about being a parent and a business owner. 

    Today’s answer is for Amy Treacy from Bush Biz Boost, her question is:

    “Being so passionate about the work I’m doing that I spend way too much time ‘working’…but it’s also my creative outlet and connection with people. So how do I manage the balance?”


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    Running an international business and managing the mum guilt with Chris Edwards (Chat)

    Running an international business and managing the mum guilt with Chris Edwards (Chat)

    One of the biggest struggles for business parents is an extreme lack of patience: we want it all now. 

    We’re fed a barrage of ‘hustle culture’ messages, seeing successful business types on social media promoting how you too can start earning millions today. 

    But the reality rarely compares with the cold, hard truth: building success takes time.

    In my book, I go further into this, but today I wanted to talk to a successful business parent who began one that went into growing one business into five across four countries, and still finding time for their 3 kids.

    • How Chris’s partner is now mostly looking after the kids

    • The biggest challenges Chris has faced in her business

    • How Chris stays super productive

    • How Chris manages her large team in different countries

    • What is Chris’s biggest success driver

    • Chris’s biggest money lessons.

    To buy your copy of the Six Figures in School hours Google SIX FIGURES IN SCHOOL HOURS.

    Also available on Audible!

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    How to build a remote team (Tip)

    How to build a remote team (Tip)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day.

    Today’s episode is all about how to build a remote team.


    Listen to all tip episodes here.

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    Cuddling up to your inner critic with Katrina Alilovic (Chat)

    Cuddling up to your inner critic with Katrina Alilovic (Chat)

    Let’s be honest, we’re all frightened of being judged.

    But in truth, no one judges you more than you do.  

    It gets tiring hearing that inner voice constantly nagging that you’ve done something wrong.
    Or that you’re going to fail.

    And the stories we tell ourselves are so so powerful.
    Our thoughts become our feelings, and our feelings our actions.

    And all of a sudden we’re believing all those negative thoughts and they’re stopping us from being our best selves.

    It’s time we said ‘no more’!
    So today we’ll discuss how to make peace with yourself, silence that negative voice and learn how to tell ourselves better stories.

    Tune in to learn:

    • What kind of challenges Katrina has faced over the years as a busy business parent

    • What your ‘inner critic’ is

    • The purpose your inner critic serves

    • How parenting stress can influence your inner voice

    • The importance of recognising where your thoughts come from, and finding a way forward.

    • Why you should practice self-compassion with your inner voice rather than trying to silence it

    Head to the episode notes.

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    Are you a good parent? (Tip)

    Are you a good parent? (Tip)

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day.

    Today’s episode is all about asking the big question: are you a good parent? 

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    Getting in your business groove with a new baby with Emily Osmond (Chat)

    Getting in your business groove with a new baby with Emily Osmond (Chat)

    Now I’ve always had my business and my baby.

    I started my business at 5 months pregnant, so the two are inextricably linked.

    I can’t imagine how hard it would be to have a ‘normal life’ and time to spend on your business and then suddenly a baby comes along.

    Today we’re talking to a new mum about how having a baby changed her schedule, her goals and her mindset.

    Tune in to learn:

    • How Emily moved from her full-time job to freelance work

    • Emily’s journey to becoming a mum

    • The best-laid plans: what Emily thought balancing baby and business would be like, and how it changed

    • What her schedule looks like now with more support

    • How being a parent has made Emily reexamine her work priorities

    • Why Emily hired an Office Business Manager (OBM)

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    Mindset: How to banish parent guilt (Tip)

    Mindset: How to banish parent guilt (Tip)

    Hello, my name is Kate Toon, a business mentor, digital marketing coach, and an okayish parent. 

    As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some short tips I've picked up along the way to help give you quick wins in the day. 

    And today I want to talk about parent guilt.

    All right, so we talk about how to banish parent guilt in the book, you've got your copy hopefully, it's chapter five, and a line I love and I put this in the chapter is, there's no way to be a perfect parent, and a million ways to be a good one.


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    Being fully present for your kids with Nick Gale (Chat)

    Being fully present for your kids with Nick Gale (Chat)

    Many of us start our own businesses for the same reasons. 

    We want to escape the nine-to-five.

    Our boss is a shitgibbon and we’re sick of working for them.

    We’d love to spend more time with our family. 

    There’s a whole section in my book on this. 

    But often you’ll find yourself working MORE hours, instead of less, putting up with difficult customers, and struggling to balance family time as you work out where home starts and work stops.

    Our guest today has only been running his own business for the last couple years and knows these struggles all too well.

    In today's episode, we'll be diving into the joys and challenges of parenting while running a business, exploring how he and his partner balance their roles and maintain flexibility. 

    So, join us as we uncover the realities of being a tech-savvy parent in today's digital world.

    Tune in to learn:

    • How Nick and his wife divided up the work week and childcare

    • What boundaries he has in place for working from home

    • The biggest challenges Nick has faced transitioning from being a full-time technician, to running a business from home

    • Why melding work and home life doesn’t always work out

    • How Nick deals with parent guilt

    • Why heuses colour coding to stay productive

    • How he manages his money

    • Nick’s top tip for parents

    • What self-care looks like for Nick


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    The REAL reason I wrote Six Figures in School Hours

    The REAL reason I wrote Six Figures in School Hours

    An interview with Erin Huckle

    So this week on the podcast, I wanted to do something a little bit different. 


    Some of you have been coming to my book launches around Australia, but obviously, some of you can't get to them. 


    We are having a virtual launch coming up, check my Facebook page, but I thought I would get someone to interview me and ask me some questions about the book, why I wrote it the process and just some top tips. 


    So I chose Erin Huckle from Chuckle Communications, who is my PR and profile-building human to do a little interview with me. 

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Tune in to learn: 

    • Why I wanted to write a book

    • The importance of building your village

    • Why being in business for yourself works for parents

    • My advice for newbie business owners

    • My process of writing Six Figures in School Hours

    • The challenges around interviewing experts

    • The importance of having your big ‘why’


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