

    A podcast that strives to answer the age old question, “Is my dead grandma watching me?” We share true tales of unexplained happenings, serendipitous events, ghost stories, near death experiences, psychic phenomena, unsolved mysteries, family secrets, bizarre tales and everything in between. 

    enAlissa Williams and Britt Kilpatrick132 Episodes

    Episodes (132)

    Irish-ish Spirits

    Irish-ish Spirits

    In honor of St. Patrick's Day this week's episode brings tales of murder,  mystery, mayhem and hauntings from the on the Emerald Isle of Ireland. And may be one story from a nearby Isle. 

    There is nothing more Irish than a haunted pub and Cavanaugh's Pub in Dublin may be the most haunted of them all. Built adjacent to a cemetery, digging up dirt from the graveyard and throwing it against the side of the pub is a favorite pastime of customers. It may come as no surprise that this bar is haunted AF. 

    The ghosts of Northern Ireland are a bit more agressive and have been known to slap the bejesus out of people. At least that's the ghost that haunts 91 Beechmont Grove's favorite thing to do. She is described as a Victorian woman wearing a black dress and she does not mess around.

    The Maiden Tower isn't just a rad name for an 80s hair band, it's also the name of the brothel run by accused  witch Dorcus "Darkey"  Kelley, the focus of Britt's second story. According to legend, Darkey got mixed up with a a member of the Hellfire Club, a devil worshipping secret society for18th century playboys and it cost her her life. To this day she is seen quietly walking the streets of Dublin.

    And then for the last story, it's just a hop skip and a jump over the pond to the Irishish country of England and a pub with links to Jack the Ripper. Something unholy is happening in the basement and one bartender isn't sticking around to find out what the entity wants.

    Happy Saint Patricks Day and Top of the Evening to you!

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Haunted Portland

    Haunted Portland

    Alissa travels the globe to come to the land of Britt, aka Portland, so the team decides to share the haunts of the town that somehow involve a lot of strippers, prostitutes, and scary little girls.

    In this episode, you’ll hear a first person story about a strange encounter near an iconically creepy location, The Witch's Castle and the dark past that haunts the lands today.

    Another iconic haunted location is McMenamins White Eagle Saloon that is littered with ghosts and paranormal activity. One such story involves a lurking cowboy shadow that enters a couple’s room as they try to sleep.

    We hear of an evil farm boy who chases an unsuspecting Portland girl in her car only to discover this farm boy has been dead for over 100 years.

    The Lone Fir Cemetery in Portland is notoriously haunted with the living and the dead. We hear of a story about a possible ghost or man on PCP, a person dressed in goth attire berating cemetery guests, and apparitions of Emma Merlotin, a murdered prostitute who is seen carrying a hatchet, the weapon that was used to kill her.

    The evening is topped off with a story of a haunted aquarium store here in Portland with the EVP of a little girl to prove it.

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Long Lost Loves

    Long Lost Loves

    In honor of the month of love, Alissa and Britt share love stories that last long after this life is over.

    Alice Belin Flagg loves a lumberman but her awful older brother has other plans and refuses to let them be together. She searches the cemetery for the long lost ring her love gave her and her brother so awfully discarded.

    Don CeSar Hotel is based on a heartwarming and heartbreaking tale of two lovers unable to be together in this life so they meet in the next at this hotel built by Thomas Rowe for his love Lucinda.

    What starts as a perfect love story ends when a love is lost at sea and a woman searches for him on her widows walk.

    A strange tale of Barbara who is told by God her true love is Bill and her journey to find this dream man... spoiler, his name isn't really Bill.

    When a man loses his love in a hurricane, he makes it his deaths mission to safe future souls from the same fate by telling them to leave when a hurricane is coming near. The Gray Man is the ghost hero of the ages.

    A love story 75 years in the making. A solider meets the love of his life during WWII, then never sees her again... until they're both reunited in their 90's. A couple bonded by love and lard.

    Harry buried the love of his life in his backyard, then lost her, was arrested for her death, which we hope he didn't do, and now his ghostly self is destined to wander the lands searching for his wife's missing corpse. 

    Haunted Love by Chris Gonsalves
    Reader's Digest

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Hospital Hauntings

    Hospital Hauntings

    We take you now to the most horrifying, terrifying, bone chilling place... hospitals.

    Alissa and Britt share a variety and wealth of stories that will have you gasping in fright and laughing with delight.

    There is a story of a patient who asks a doctor for directions and the doctor discovers moments later that that very patient lay dead in their room.

    There is a hospital ghost that likes to take out the trash in patient's rooms and is caught on video coming into the corridor.

    A doctor making his rounds on the children's unit is then discovered not to exist at all and is apparently a doctor who passed years before.

    A dad makes a poor decision to let his 5yr old into the morgue to see cadavers. Instead she sees a ghost that only she can see, scaring the heck out of her dad.

    That story transitions to a tale of terrifying knocks that come out of the fridge in the morgue and the wise advice to never open the fridge while it's knocking.

    Room #1 is the most haunted place in this one hotel. A nurse thinks someone is pranking them as they see someone behind the privacy curtain. As they soon discover, it is only the resident ghost scaring the living daylights out of everyone.

    This ICU has seen some crazy things but the craziest has been a ghostly cat that visits the rooms of those about to die. He's not a friendly cat though and will hiss as a final farewell.

    This medical student sees a person vanish in midair in front of a white door only to discover they're not the only ones to have witness this same thing in front of the same door... the morgue door.

    This patient coded and the only way to be brought back was to have his wife yell at him. This happens 3 times before they finally keep the wife near him as he's transported for his organ transplant. Spoiler, he lives!

    A nurse who dies suddenly remains at the hospital where she died. She's seen sitting by the window of every patient who stays in that room.

    Lastly, we hear of a patient who is moments away from death who rallies, gets up, gets dressed, asks for dinner, then promptly dies. She just wanted that last meal!

    Don't forget to visit our friend Jason at hihellothere.art and use coupon code 
    "shadowpeople" for 15% off your order.

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Hypnosis Horrors

    Hypnosis Horrors

    You are getting sleepy... very sleepy...when I count to three you will be enthralled with all the stories told in this episode. 1...2...3...

    You may have heard of hypnotists being able to help you remember your past life, but what about a story of your future planning? Alissa shares one planning session that involves microfiche, a room of professors, and a man who's dream is life is to be a hypnotist.

    Britt goes back in time and shares the story of Everton in 1909, a hypnotist who hypnotizes an audience member, jumps on his abdomen, then is shocked when the man never become conscience again.

    Alissa and Britt then share little biddy horror stories involving a girl who thinks she's drowning, a woman who think she's won the lottery, a man who orgasms on stage, a girl who loses her boyfriend because of what she does under hypnosis, a film maker who shares what it's like to be hypnotized, a kid who looks for his asshole, and lastly while on a cruise, a poor guy who is put under and begins pleasuring himself in front of the entire audience.

    Don't let these stories deter you from hypnosis though, in fact, if you are looking for a very positive hypnosis experience, head over to our friend of the podcast Lara Lenore's podcast "Good Enough and Getting Better" for a very healing experience.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    We Put The Fun In Funerals

    We Put The Fun In Funerals

    In honor of Britt not dying last week, we celebrate with some fun fun funerals.

    After listening to this episode you will likely drive a bit more slowly past those cemeteries, look a little closer in those funeral home windows, and think twice when you see a butterfly.

    Alissa starts the episode off with a tale of the deceased taking the guesswork out of which coffin they want by choosing it from the afterlife.

    Britt shares a story about a little girl calling out for her daddy when she got left behind at the funeral home. What she didn’t realize is that it was her own funeral. 

    Alissa shares a horrific story about how she doesn’t own a travel mug so she sloshes coffee all over her car…and also a ghost who hangs out in a cemetery carrying around a mug of coffee too.

    Obsessing over little girls dying, Britt shares another story about a little girl who likes to hang out at a local funeral home and tease the hearse drivers backing out of the driveway.

    Get ready for an end of life story about not one but two family members who witness someone or something come to bring them to the afterlife.

    Britt tells us all a bit of history regarding the Georgetown Morgue in Seattle. A tale of dismembered bodies, freak accidents, and a gruesome murder of all 9 employees.

    Alissa finishes off the episode with a heartwarming tale of a cemetery ghost who has been waiting for his love. When she’s finally buried, they end up together, laughing and happy.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Light People, Shadow Boners and Other Tales of the Unexplained

    Light People, Shadow Boners and Other Tales of the Unexplained

    You'll want to sleep with the lights on tonight after listening to this week's episode.

    Alissa starts us off with a story about chicken, cornbread, mashed potatoes and a blossoming friendship with a mysterious car salesman.

    Think you’re safe from ghosts while at work? Think again. Britt tells of a ghost who hangs out in the stock room of a business causing all kinds of mischief.

    We’ve all heard of shadow people or dark figured beings who like to hang out in doorways and corners but Alissa shocks us all with a story about a light person. A glowing being who just might be interdimensional. 

    Britt then shares a heartwarming story about a very helpful ghost who cooks, cleans, and feeds the children. The story warms our hearts even more when we discover it is grandma who is doing all of the helping.

    Keeping with the grandma theme. Alissa tells us about a grandma who likes to prank drivers by hanging out in the median of the highway, then jump into oncoming traffic. Only to disappear moments later.

    Have you ever had an electronic act so bizarre that you think it might be something supernatural? Well Britt’s story is just that. A boy and a puppy have their life saved by a loud beeping refrigerator. Thanks fridge!

    Remember that light figure from before? Well Alissa has another compelling story about 3 small light figures that peace out when told to leave a very haunted apartment.

    Britt finishes off the night with a story of a newly engaged couple who see the exact same shadow person on the same night but at different times.

    Don’t forget to checkout @hihellothere on all the socials and head over to hihellothere.art to see all of Jason’s amazing work.

    Ghost stories, paranormal stories, work ghost, true story, ghost friend, mischievous ghost, light ghost, light man, shadow person, grandma ghost, helper ghost, electronic ghost, haunted house, haunted apartment, nashville ghost, shadow man, paranormal podcast, female podcast, pnw podcast

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Top Paranormal News of 2023

    Top Paranormal News of 2023

    Let’s wrap up this year with the top paranormal news stories of 2023.

    Britt shares a story about not one but TWO security guards at a senior facility who love to talk to the residences of the building. The only problem is that the people who they are talking to have already died.

    Alissa remembers some headlines that are truly head scratchers starting with the billionaire sub that went missing whilst on a visit to see the Titanic wreckage. 

    Also, that really strange coincidence involving the terrible movie White Noise and an actual toxic train wreckage that takes place right after the movie was released.

    Did you hear about those two real life dead alien bodies displayed for Mexico’s Congressional hearing this year? Well buckle up, Britt has a story for you!

    Alissa then dives into a delightful news report about our girl Nessy and new photo documentation of her existence.

    We all love a good story about dead zombie babies. Well, Britt shares a story about the coffin of one that is pretty horrifying.

    Alissa then creeps us all out with a news story about a woman who captured actual video proof of the ghost living in her house. 

    Britt wraps up the night about a news story from Mexico where a woman named Juanita is tragically trapped at the bottom of the well. Only, once firefighters get down there to rescue her…she’s nowhere to be found.

    Don’t forget to get your very own “Shadow People are People Too” t-shirt in the SkeleTales merch shop and see more of Jason’s illustrations at hihellothere.art

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Time Keeps On Slippin'

    Time Keeps On Slippin'

    Lost time, lost buildings, or just losing it, Alissa and Britt dive into the world of time slips this week.

    Alissa starts us off with a story about a girl whose friend came to visit her in Australia. Months later this girl experiences time and space in strange ways only to then discover a true tragedy.

    Britt, who may or may not know what a time slip is, then shares a story of an American in England who experiences the world’s most perfect kebab only to realize the shop vanishes in the daytime.

    When a college student decides to change the volume on her TV, she reaches to do so only to discover herself back in time and miles away. 

    A UPS driver working the night shift, goes in for his morning pack of cigarettes only to discover not a soul is in sight in this massive convenience store. No cars. No people. Nothing.

    Britt also realizes this is more of a people slip, less of a time slip.

    Alissa then shares a famous time slip location on Bold Street in Liverpool. A couple goes for a shopping trip, the wife in one store, the husband in the other. The husband then experiences a time slip back to the 1950’s and is struck by how bizarre everything is. What’s interesting is that there was someone from the future experiencing the same thing as him at the same time.

    Alissa noted that a lot of stories she found involved electricity and happened around the year 2010. Strange.

    Don’t forget to go check out Jason over at Hi, Hello There.

    Instagram, TikTok & YouTube @hihellothere and go support his shop at hihellothere.art

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Premonition Party

    Premonition Party

    You know how your gut is telling you to listen to this week’s episode or something bad will happen? Well, we predict it’s right and you better do as it says!

    Alissa and Britt prepare a party of premonition stories for your ears this episode so buckle up!

    Britt starts off with a story of an antsy grandma who just has to leave 12 hours early for her flight and thank God she did otherwise the whole family would have died.

    Alissa shares a story of a recurring dream that predicted a terrifying car crash.

    Britt follows the theme of car premonitions and tells a story about a newlywed couple who is about to start a long car trip only to get a call moments before they leave telling them to check the car, something bad is going to happen. Spoiler, she was right.

    Alissa dives into a touching tale of a girl who was about to jump in front of a train but before she could, was kissed by a complete stranger. This rouge random act made her change her mind.

    Britt then regales a story of a man who goes into a trance like state to witness a death happen mere minutes before the death actually happens…we blame his girlfriend.

    Alissa keeps with her heartwarming tales, and tells one about an actual heart, a broken one that has a happy ending and a mysterious friend.

    The party keeps going when Britt shares a story about a kid who has a nightmare of his brother being killed. His premonition ended up saving his brother’s life the very next morning.

    Alissa tells us a story of a girl who had a vision of an unbelievable, tragic sight she just couldn’t shake. Hours later, sadly, her vision came true.

    Britt tops off the night with a story about a boy, a fan, and a criminal named David David David.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Psychic Splainin'

    Psychic Splainin'

    In this week's episode of SkeleTales, Psychic Alexander Dixon of Third Eye Alley Cat is back for the inaugural installment of Psychic Splainin', where Alissa and Britt read paranormal stories to Alex, and he 'splains what's going on.

    Alex gives advice to a woman who is concerned about post-mortem haunting preferences and whether ghosts can choose their haunting location. He picks sides in a Catholic mom's group scuffle involving an Ouija board purchased from Satan's favorite online marketplace - Craigslist.

    Premonitions become the next topic to be 'splained as Alex reacts to a tale involving a stolen street sign and a moment of precognition. A potential love potion raises questions about spell-making, and Alex gives some tips on what to be on the lookout for if you receive a potion of unknown intentions.

    Closing out the episode, the group discusses several Ghost Rules involving mirrors, whistling, women sitting on their doorways, and Poltergeist 3.

    As always, a big Thank You to Alex for coming on the podcast, please be sure to follow him on Instagram @thirdeyealleycat and check out his website to book a session.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Forgotten Tales

    Forgotten Tales

    Alissa and Britt have unearthed stories thought to be long forgotten but be very glad they’ve been found.

    Britt begins with a tale of a girl who witnesses a woman doing laundry who came to peek in on her soap opera only to discover the woman was not real.

    Alissa freaks us out by sharing a story of a kid who keeps seeing a hand on his window only to discover there is no one there. Whose hand is it?!

    Britt jumps in with a story about a little boy who has so many friends in the home that once was a funeral parlor. As expected, none of them are actually alive.

    Alissa then slips back into time when Thanksgiving was here and shares a story about a haunted train where people hear screaming every turkey day. Story has it, the conductor of the train fell to his death and died by quicksand.

    But the train stories don’t stop there! Alissa explains how glowing orbs on train tracks can be something much more ominous that we realize. Spoiler alert, it’s dead bodies.

    Britt then takes us to a haunted house with some history and a freaked out ghost girl.

    Alissa wraps up the night with a time slip story that will leave you perplexed and ready to go on a run.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Not So Imaginary Shadows : A SkeleTales Favorite from Aug 2022

    Not So Imaginary Shadows : A SkeleTales Favorite from Aug 2022

    Enjoy this Oldie but Goodie from August 2022.

    Beware, by the end of this episode you may have a 90s one hit wonder stuck in your head. Please address all complaints to Britt. But perhaps the soothing voices of an 90s boy band will be just the thing you need to counteract the terror this week’s tales will evoke.

    Britt kicks off the episode with a story of spooky slumber involving shadow people, sleep paralysis or possibly an interdimensional being. And, of course, a darling toddler named Penelope Gerard. She also shares a chilling tale of ghostly grandfather who has apparently never heard of ghost boundaries as well a heart warming tale of loved ones appearing to a hospice patient.

    Alissa shares a tale of a not-so-imaginary friend named Rice who disappears for many years only to reemerge at a pivotal point in a family’s life and a story sent in by friend of the podcast, Lori who details an unusual entity she encountered in her kitchen.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!



    If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, wearing clothes you don’t recognize, not knowing what day it is, you’ve probably just finished listening to this episode.

    Alissa and Britt dive into the fascinating world of amnesia. 

    Alissa starts us off with the different types of amnesia, then Britt jumps into her first tale of a fella named WO who went in for a standard root canal dental visit and now lives in a perpetual groundhog day scenario, reliving the day of his dental visit again and again.

    Alissa captures our attention with a first person story of a woman who has amnesia she got from slipping on some black ice. She’s able to describe what it’s like to have this bizarre memory loss.

    Britt then shares the story of Naomi Jacobs, a woman who wakes up one morning to discover that she is not in fact a 15 year old girl like she thought, but a 32 year old woman. Somehow she mysteriously lost 17 years of her life in a flash. 

    Alissa wraps up the episode with a story about a Canadian skier Jeffrey Alan Ingram who went missing from the ski slopes. A search went out for him for hours and he’s nowhere to be found. Several days later he’s found in California, wandering around still wearing his ski clothes.

    The ladies discuss other strange amnesia cases and how fascinating it all is.

    Oh and if you’re interested in trying MagicMind, go here for up to 56% off: https://www.magicmind.com/skeletales

    Coupon Code: SKELETALES20

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Tarot-fying Tales

    Tarot-fying Tales

    This week Alissa looks into the cards to read our future and it’s TAROT-FYING! 

    Well, not for Britt, her future is bright and full of wealth. Alissa’s cards say something a little different. 

    Britt then dives into her first experience with tarot and how her reading 22 years ago blew the psychic’s mind and how the psychic kind of nailed her future.

    Alissa then shares a tale of a tarot reader who predicted a client’s future murder just in time to stop him from going to the spot where he’d be killed.

    Britt tells of a tarot deck that had some kind of evil attachment on it. We learn how to properly dispose of evil tarot cards. Fun fact, don’t burn them.

    Alissa then knocks our socks off with a story of a tarot reading psychic who, while giving a reading, discovers her client is a hit man. Not only did she see his previous wrong doings, she saw how his future ended as well. 

    Not to leave us on a downer, Alissa brings us back up with a tale of missing glasses and how someone’s tarot cards helped them find their missing item.

    Britt wraps up the night with a story essentially from Alissa’s past from Worcester, Massachusetts. This story teller shares their encounter with an old woman who asks for a ride and gives a psychic reading in exchange. Her predictions are eerily accurate but the spooky part is when she vanishes once they reach their destination.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Mi Casa Es Boo Casa

    Mi Casa Es Boo Casa

    Let’s celebrate this Halloween with stories that will make you afraid to be in your home, or at the very least, make you afraid to have the lights off at night.

    Alissa starts off strong with a story of a haunted house that nearly kills its tenant, has mysterious black birds stuck between windows, and forks that mysteriously become bent.

    As your goosebumps recover  from that story, Britt comes at you with a tale from Australia of a woman who has a demon take over her home so forcefully every door in her home bursts open. Alissa finds her long lost skepticism and lets us know her theory.

    If you think attics are scary now, wait til you hear the story Alissa shares about a house that is haunted by a little girl who just wants to play. 

    Britt then bums us all out with a tale of a mom with two young kids and a house that is haunted by the spirit of child and father who both tragically lost their lives in the home.

    Alissa brings us back up with a story of a child who plays with a friend in the house only to discover that their friend is really the spirit of their grandfather.

    Keeping with this haunted house theme, Britt shares a story about an old Victorian home that has haunted hidden cubby holes, finger snapping trunks, and balls that roll by some mysterious force.

    The episode is wrapped up with a tale about an old house under construction that awakens the spirit of a young girl who lets its owners know when she really doesn’t like their house guests.

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    SkeleTalk with Hypnosis Sorcerer Nickolas Ely

    SkeleTalk with Hypnosis Sorcerer Nickolas Ely

    Goosebumps will go flying off the walls when you hear the stories Nik has to share in his velvety voice this episode.
    Nickolas Ely is a hypnotist, reverend, sorcerer, medium, and personal trainer and owner of Liberation Hypnosis.
    Since a very young age Nik has encountered spirits, demons, and energies of all kind.
    Join us on this journey as we hear about the house with a mysterious crying baby, an encounter with a closet spirit, an encounter with a napkin stealing demon, why "remember Marigold" is so important, what not to do when your friend encounters a ghost, and so so much more.
    Nik is starting a new personal training program working with both the mind and body called Witch Fitt. He'll also be starting a hypnosis training session soon so follow his socials for more information on everything Nik!


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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Halloween Haunts

    Halloween Haunts

    Tis’ the spooky season and Alissa and Britt are comin’ at ya with tales of mystery and horror.

    Alissa starts the show off with a Halloween story from a kid and his friend who enter an abandoned house filled with bats, wolves, crows, and a mysterious interdimensional twist. 

    Another haunted house makes its way to the show when Britt shares a story of a guy who breaks into an old abandoned slave house only to find himself tormented by a demon afterwards.

    Alissa shares a story about some Halloween decorations that move on their own and of a trick or treater who experiences a truly terrifying Halloween encounter.

    Britt wraps up the night with some Halloween lore where she talks about how Halloween started, some fun tips on how to tell the future, and where trick or treating actually originated.

    Support the show

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    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Haunted Highways

    Haunted Highways

    If you thought you were safe in your car from all things paranormal and spooky, well think again.

    The spooky duo share several tales of haunted highways and the strangeness that can occur while on the road out there.

    Alissa starts off the episode with a perplexing tale of a young man who first finds himself lost on some back roads in the forest and then somehow mysteriously transported to another dimension or strange timeline.

    Britt then shares an Oregon story about a mysterious ghost car who tailgates an unsuspecting driver only to vanish minutes later. 

    Alissa horrifies us when she tells us about a Texas trucker who comes upon some roadkill. The horror is not the roadkill but what happens to be eating the roadkill.

    Britt keeps with the trucker theme here and shares two stories about lorry drivers in the UK who both have mysterious individuals dive in front of their truck only to discover no one is there.

    Alissa tells a heartwarming tale of a trucker who has some mysterious force drive him through some windy mountain roads after he accidentally falls asleep.

    Britt wraps up the night with a story of a woman who just needs a cigarette break and ends up witnessing herself formed into an evil spirit or demon. She thinks she’s escaped it by driving away only to discover it may very well have come home with her.

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

    Subscribe to our YouTube here: www.youtube.com/@skeletalespod

    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!

    Cryptid Corner

    Cryptid Corner

    In this week's episode of SkeleTales, we venture into the Cryptid Corner, where all the cool Cryptids congregate. Before delving into the stories, the ladies must first complete the vital task of determining which Cryptid they are by taking what we'll assume was a personality quiz from Seventeen Magazine. The results are truly astounding.

    After sorting that out, Alissa moves on to more pressing matters, like discussing the Fresno Nightcrawlers, mysterious creatures that bear a striking resemblance to a tiny pair of marching skinny jeans. Where did they come from, and where are they going? Nobody knows.

    Britt then regales Alissa with the tale of the Aboriginal Yara-ma-yha-who, a red frog-like cryptid that slurps up little children who linger too long near fig trees. If caught, the child is forced to engage in a vomit-inducing game of reincarnation. So, it's best to stay away from the fig trees if you know what's good for you.

    Alissa then describes an incident in which a group of Indonesian hunters seemingly stumbles into another dimension and encounters a herd of mysterious creatures that adore direct eye contact so much that they watch you as you walk away.

    And of course, no episode would be complete without a tale of a giant wife-eating Irish otter. Britt details the unfortunate fate that befalls Irish folks who happen upon Dobhar-chú, the Otter King. You will never look at an otter the same way after hearing these horrors.

    As always, thanks for listening and Haunt Ya Later!

    Support the show

    Remember to share the podcast with friends and we want to hear your stories!

    Please e-mail them to us at Skeletalespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message at 302-689-DEAD (3323).

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    Join our SkeleTeam over at Patreon here: www.patreon.com/Skeletalespodcast

    Buy some haunted shit over at www.skeletalespodcast.etsy.com

    As always thanks for listening and Haunt Y’all Later!