
    Skilled Trades Playbook by At Your Best

    Skilled Trades Playbook presents the candid conversations between the host - Juan Carosso - and folks either successfully working in the Skilled Trades or working in some capacity to help those in the trades to build great careers or thriving small businesses in the Skilled Trades. In these conversations, folks offer their real-world advice, insights, and opinions on how others can succeed in the trades. The intention of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series is to bring together voices on all sides of the Skilled Trades/Skills Gap issues to create a broader dialogue about the local, actionable steps folks can take to help close the Skills Gap for themselves, for their families, and for their communities.
    en-usJuan Carosso32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    Ep. 032 - The 3rd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf on how to successfully differentiate yourself at the journey level

    Ep. 032 - The 3rd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf on how to successfully differentiate yourself at the journey level

    In this episode, you'll listen to the third session of my "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" - Donny Metcalf. He gives his opinions and insights on how differentiate yourself at the journey level in the electrician’s trade. He also discusses how to prepare for the inevitable economic downturns.

    As I noted in the last couple STP episodes, the overarching objective for these conversations with Donny to be directed by the feedback and questions that we get from you - the listener.

    Please send me your questions, comments and feedback for our "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician, as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series. 

    Here is a link to Donny's LinkedIn profile for your review.

    Also, if you have any suggestions on other guests I should invite to add their voices to an STP episode, please send them my way. You can post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com 

    Thanks a lot.

    All the best,

    Juan Carosso

    Ep. 031 - The 2nd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician discussing what it takes to succeed as an apprentice.

    Ep. 031 - The 2nd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician discussing what it takes to succeed as an apprentice.

    In this episode, you'll listen to the second session of my "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" - Donny Metcalf. He gives his opinions and insights on what it takes to succeed as an apprentice starting out in the electrician’s trade. 

    As I noted in the last STP episode, number 30, the overarching objective for these conversations with Donny to be directed by the feedback and questions that we get from you - the listener.

    Please send me your questions, comments and feedback for our "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician, as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series. 

    Here is a link to Donny's LinkedIn profile for your review.

    Also, if you have any suggestions on other guests I should invite to add their voices to an STP episode, please send them my way. You can post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com 

    Thanks a lot.

    All the best,

    Juan Carosso

    Ep. 030 - Our first "Conversation with the Tattooed Electrician" Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician, with intro to future planned conversations.

    Ep. 030 - Our first "Conversation with the Tattooed Electrician" Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician, with intro to future planned conversations.

    In this episode, you'll hear from Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician from Waco, TX. We'll be discussing our plans to have a number of future episodes called "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician." The overarching objective for these conversations will be to have Donny discuss - in increasing detail - the elements of becoming a successful electrician - as directed by the feedback and questions that we get from you - the listener.

    Here is a link to Donny's LinkedIn profile for your review.

    Please send me your questions, comments and feedback for our "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician, as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series. 

    Also, if you have any suggestions on other guests I should invite to add their voices to an STP episode, please send them my way. You can post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.

    All the best,

    Juan Carosso

    Ep. 029 - Recent FAME graduate talks about what it takes to be selected along with what it's like to go through and graduate from the FAME program.

    Ep. 029 - Recent FAME graduate talks about what it takes to be selected along with what it's like to go through and graduate from the FAME program.

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Paula Rodriguez who recently graduated from the FAME (Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education) program and currently employed as an Advanced Manufacturing Technician at Toyota. Paula talks about how she became associated with the FAME program and how her high school coursework in PLTW (Project Lead the Way) classes, helped her in being selected. Paula then goes on to describe the comprehensive education, training, and mentorship she and her fellow FAME students gained during the program.

    To hear more to a bit more background on Paula's story coming to the US as well as PLTW's great learning programs, listen to Paula's episode on PLTW's InspirED podcast series. Please click here and check out episode #7

    For more information on the broader, national FAME Program, please click here

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more info about the Skilled Trades Playbook and a full listing of episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.

    Juan Carosso

    Ep. 028 - The very real, economic impact on local and regional communities from launching a local FAME chapter to train Advanced Manufacturing Techs.

    Ep. 028 - The very real, economic impact on local and regional communities from launching a local FAME chapter to train Advanced Manufacturing Techs.

    In this episode you'll listen to my conversation with Tony Davis - Executive Director of the Natchitoches Community Alliance Foundation and member of the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Tony helped lead the effort to launch the local GeauxFAME chapter to start training Advanced Manufacturing Technicians in Natchitoches region.

    We discuss the near-immediate economic benefits experienced by their region from instituting their unique, market-specific implementation of the FAME program. We also talk about the commitments made and challenges faced by students, employers, and educators - all against the backdrop of the tremendous opportunities afforded by working with FAME - the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education.

    For more information on the broader, national FAME Program, please click here
    For more information on the Natchitoches-region GeauxFAME Program, please click here

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more info about the Skilled Trades Playbook and a full listing of episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Ep. 027 - Insights and advice from three veterans on how to successfully transition from military service to the civilian workforce.

    Ep. 027 - Insights and advice from three veterans on how to successfully transition from military service to the civilian workforce.

    In this episode you'll listen to my conference call with Matt Franz & Chris Coker - both US Army veterans and with Ricardo Garcia, a veteran of the Air Force. We have a fantastic conversation where these guys offer their suggestions and recommendations to active duty military personnel and veterans on successfully transitioning into the civilian workforce after military service.

    They provide their insights on the timing, tactics, and mindset needed to translate military experience and training into an ideal position and career in the civilian workforce. These great guys also give their thoughts on the support and issues surrounding the families and loved ones of our military folks and veterans.

    To learn more about Matt, Chris, and Ricardo, the following are links to the LinkedIn profiles for:  Matt Franz, Chris Coker, and Ricardo Garcia.

    By the way, Chris Coker also hosts a podcast series - The Suit Soldier Podcast - which helps veterans leverage their military experience in the civilian workforce. Please click here to learn more.

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more info about the Skilled Trades Playbook and a full listing of episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso

    Ep. 026 - Continuing education for those who go through the FAME program (Federation for Advanced Mfg. Ed.) You can also earn a Bachelor's degree in Business Mgmt. or Lean Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt., while working, typically paid for by employers.

    Ep. 026 - Continuing education for those who go through the FAME program (Federation for Advanced Mfg. Ed.) You can also earn a Bachelor's degree in Business Mgmt. or Lean Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt., while working, typically paid for by employers.

    In this episode you'll listen to my conversation with Jimmy Croan, who on behalf of Northwood University, works with the FAME program to offer program graduates - who will already have earned an Associate's degree - the opportunity extend their education with a Bachelor's degree in on of two distinct tracks: Business Management or Lean Operations and Supply Chain Management.

    The FAME career and education pathway is designed to be flexible as a "hop-on, hop-off"  education tracks that even offer the opportunity to earn a Master's degree - all while working and where costs are typically covered with employers' tuition reimbursement funds.

    For more information on FAME Program, please click here

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more info about the Skilled Trades Playbook and a full listing of episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso

    Ep. 025 - American Diesel Training Centers has created an innovative training infrastructure that provides students with world-class training and employers with world-class, trained diesel technicians. Call with Tim Spurlock - President of ADTC.

    Ep. 025 - American Diesel Training Centers has created an innovative training infrastructure that provides students with world-class training and employers with world-class, trained diesel technicians. Call with Tim Spurlock - President of ADTC.

    In this episode, you'll hear from Tim Spurlock on how American Diesel Training Centers took a different approach in developing its training infrastructure and program. Tim describes how they are making a real difference in the lives of those who complete its training and for the businesses that depend on them to provide them with the trained, diesel technicians that they desperately need. Tim and his co-founder Chris Ellis have created an innovative, world-class training model and infrastructure that are delivering extraordinary, repeatable results. It is a model that should be considered by others in the Skilled Trades to see how it can be replicated and modified to meet the needs in their efforts to close the Skills Gap.

    For more information on American Diesel Training Centers, please click here

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more info about the Skilled Trades Playbook and a full listing of episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso

    Ep. 024 - Employment services agency delivering great results for job-seekers and employers plus a world-class employment research institute working with the community to help close the Skills Gap. Call with Ben Damerow of Michigan Works! Southwest

    Ep. 024 - Employment services agency delivering great results for job-seekers and employers plus a world-class employment research institute working with the community to help close the Skills Gap. Call with Ben Damerow of Michigan Works! Southwest

    In this episode, you'll hear my conversation with Ben Damerow, who's is the Director of Michigan Works! Southwest and the W.E. Upjohn Institute of Employment Research. Ben will discuss how Michigan Works! Southwest in conjunction with the Upjohn Institute work closely with the City of Kalamazoo and a number of committed organizations in the area to make a tremendous impact on closing the Skills Gap for the region.

    For more information about Michigan Works! Southwest please go to: http://www.michiganworkssouthwest.org 

    For more information about W.E. Upjohn Institute of Employment Research please go to: https://www.upjohn.org 

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 023 - Success in training Advanced Manufacturing Techs through the FAME program with proven, repeatable results. Conversation with Robbie Heinrich of KYFAME

    Ep. 023 - Success in training Advanced Manufacturing Techs through the FAME program with proven, repeatable results. Conversation with Robbie Heinrich of KYFAME

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Robbie Heinrich, who is Engineering Manager at the Louisville, KY plant of Dana Corp. as well as the president of the Greater Louisville Chapter of KYFAME. He talks to us about the incredible results being experienced those attending as well as those sponsoring FAME (Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education.

    For more information about FAME please go to: http://fame-usa.com

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 022 - Up to 100% FREE post-high school education for graduates of local public schools. The Kalamazoo Promise led the way showing how concerned folks can change lives and their community. Conversation with Von Washington of the Kalamazoo Promise

    Ep. 022 - Up to 100% FREE post-high school education for graduates of local public schools. The Kalamazoo Promise led the way showing how concerned folks can change lives and their community. Conversation with Von Washington of the Kalamazoo Promise

    In this episode, we'll be hearing from Von Washington, who is the Executive Director of Community Relations at the Kalamazoo Promise. The Kalamazoo Promise is a pledge by a group of anonymous donors to pay up to 100 percent of tuition at any of Michigan's state vocational schools, colleges, and universities for graduates from Kalamazoo's public schools.

    For more information about The Kalamazoo Promise please go to: https://www.kalamazoopromise.com

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 021 - Dynamic programs and opportunities available to SkillsUSA members so they can gain real-world experience in the Skilled Trades. Call with Tim Lawrence - Executive Director of SkillsUSA

    Ep. 021 - Dynamic programs and opportunities available to SkillsUSA members so they can gain real-world experience in the Skilled Trades. Call with Tim Lawrence - Executive Director of SkillsUSA

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Tim Lawrence, who outlines the many great programs and opportunities SkillsUSA offers its more than 400,000 members to help them learn about the Skilled Trades by working with over 6000 schools across the country.

    For more information about SkillsUSA please go to: www.skillsusa.org

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 20 - A short episode with advice from a successful plumber to anyone wanting to enter and be successful in the Skilled Trades. Excerpt from Ep. 013 conversation with Spence Rogers.

    Ep. 20 - A short episode with advice from a successful plumber to anyone wanting to enter and be successful in the Skilled Trades. Excerpt from Ep. 013 conversation with Spence Rogers.

    In this episode, you'll listen to a quick bit of advice from Spence Rogers on how to be successful entering one of the Skilled Trades.

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 019 - How Lowe's and its 60+ partners are leveraging the Generation T movement to change perceptions concerning careers in the Skilled Trades. A conversation with Mike Mitchell - Sr. Director of Trade Skills & Learning Development at Lowe's

    Ep. 019 - How Lowe's and its 60+ partners are leveraging the Generation T movement to change perceptions concerning careers in the Skilled Trades. A conversation with Mike Mitchell - Sr. Director of Trade Skills & Learning Development at Lowe's

    In this episode, you'll hear from Mike Mitchell, who leads the Lowe's initiative, Generation T, which aims to change the negative perceptions surrounding the construction trades, while connecting students and potential workers to training programs and apprenticeship opportunities.

    To learn more about Generation T, please click here

    Please send me your comments and feedback, as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series. Also, if you have any suggestions on other guests I should invite to add their voices to an STP episode, please send them my way. You can post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Ep. 018 - Helping hundreds of folks dealing with homelessness, substance abuse, and/or criminal pasts to turn around their situations to find great jobs in the Skilled Trades. Conversation with Luke Kujacznski - Executive Director of Urban Alliance

    Ep. 018 - Helping hundreds of folks dealing with homelessness, substance abuse, and/or criminal pasts to turn around their situations to find great jobs in the Skilled Trades. Conversation with Luke Kujacznski - Executive Director of Urban Alliance

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Luke Kujacznski, who outlines how the Momentum Employment program offered through the Urban Alliance in Kalamazoo, Michigan. To date, Momentum has helped more than 200 folks rise above their issues with criminal pasts, homelessness, substance abuse and extreme poverty to train them with the skills to help them find great jobs in the Skilled Trades.

    The proven results of the Momentum program are clearly measurable and repeatable. As such, this program needs to be showcased broadly and replicated across the US.

    For more information about the Urban Alliance and the Momentum program please go to: https://uainc.org/momentum-urban-employment-initiative/

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 017 - 44 yr. old single Mom who went back for her GED and is now on track to become an Advanced Mfg. Tech. Call with ShuJuanna Hayes in the FAME program

    Ep. 017 - 44 yr. old single Mom who went back for her GED and is now on track to become an Advanced Mfg. Tech. Call with ShuJuanna Hayes in the FAME program

    In this episode, you're going to hear my conversation with ShuJuanna Hayes. At 44 years old, she'll be going into her second year of the Federation of Advanced Mfg. Education (FAME) work-based learning program after having gotten her GED and her Associates degree at a local community college. After years of working at minimum wage jobs, ShuJuanna will soon become a highly-paid Advanced Manufacturing Tech. You'll be absolutely taken over by her energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to the FAME program and her sponsor/employer in the program - Georgia Pacific.

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more information about the FAME program, please click here

    For a complete listing of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso

    Ep. 016 - Further discussion of the programs and support offered by National Association of Women in Construction to its members. Call with Jennifer Sproul - Northeast Region Director & NAWIC National Board Member

    Ep. 016 - Further discussion of the programs and support offered by National Association of Women in Construction to its members. Call with Jennifer Sproul - Northeast Region Director & NAWIC National Board Member

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Jennifer Sproul. She is the second NAWIC official that I spoke with regarding the opportunities, programs, and support NAWIC offers its members. After my call with Erin Adkins-Oury, I realized that I had neglected to ask some follow up questions so rather than bother Erin again, Jennifer was kind enough to speak with me. NAWIC is a tremendous organization doing great work to support the careers and futures of women in the construction industry.

    For more information about NAWIC please go to: http://www.nawic.org

    If you'd like a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    Also, please send me your comments or any ideas you may have to improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook. Post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 015 - Career support and networking opportunities for women working in all sectors of the Construction Industry. Call with Erin Adkins-Oury - President-elect of NW AR chapter of National Association of Women in Construction

    Ep. 015 - Career support and networking opportunities for women working in all sectors of the Construction Industry. Call with Erin Adkins-Oury - President-elect of NW AR chapter of National Association of Women in Construction

    In this episode, you'll listen to my conversation with Erin Adkins-Oury, who outlines the networking opportunities for women in all areas of the construction industry. She speaks to the mentoring and career enhancing relationships women have access to as members of the National Association of Women in Construction or NAWIC.

    For more information about NAWIC please go to: http://www.nawic.org

    If you'd like a complete list of all Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    If you have any comments or you have any ideas on how I can improve the value proposition of the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series, please post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot.


    Ep. 014 - Conversation about the programs, support and tangible opportunities available through the Associated Builders and Contractors. Call with John Morris - President of the Ohio Valley ABC

    Ep. 014 - Conversation about the programs, support and tangible opportunities available through the Associated Builders and Contractors. Call with John Morris - President of the Ohio Valley ABC

    In this episode, you'll hear my conversation with John Morris. He's the president of the Ohio Valley Associated Builders and Contractors as well as president of the Ohio Valley Construction Education Foundation. John speaks to the opportunities available in the construction trades along with the programs, services, networking opportunities that local ABC chapters make available to its members.

    Please feel free to send me you comments as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series on Twitter to @aybcareers or you can email me at jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For more information about the Ohio Valley chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors, please click here

    For a complete listing of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com

    Thanks a lot, Juan Carosso

    Ep. 013 - College drop-out who knew college wasn't for him. Instead, he became a plumber and a very successful business owner. Call with Spence Rogers of Rain City Plumbing in Seattle

    Ep. 013 - College drop-out who knew college wasn't for him. Instead, he became a plumber and a very successful business owner. Call with Spence Rogers of Rain City Plumbing in Seattle

    In this episode, you'll hear from Spence Rogers. He dropped out of college after realizing that it wasn't for him. Through a friend discovered that his real passion was being a plumber. In a few short years, he has gone on to build a very successful plumbing contracting business in Seattle - Rain City Plumbing. Spence is a savvy businessman - wise beyond his years, in my humble opinion. He offers excellent insights on hiring and working with Millennials as well as some absolutely on-target advice for anyone thinking of becoming a plumber.

    Please send me your comments and feedback, as well as any ideas on how I can improve the Skilled Trades Playbook podcast series. Also, if you have any suggestions on other guests I should invite to add their voices to an STP episode, please send them my way. You can post a note on Twitter to @aybcareers or send me an email to jcarosso@AtYourBest.com

    For a full list of Skilled Trades Playbook episodes categorized by topic, please click here

    Please follow us on Facebook at @SkilledTradesPlaybook

    To learn more about the At Your Best Playbook series, please go to www.AtYourBest.com