
    SoTellUs Time

    SoTellUs Time is a podcast for business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to learn how to grow their business from the basics all the way to the advanced from the latest technics and technologies. Together the hosts of SoTellUs Time have over 40 years of marketing experience from start ups to $100,000,000 companies. They have started several successful 7 figure companies and advised thousands of companies in 19 countries generating hundreds of millions in revenue.
    enTrevor Howard100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Mastering Patience: How to Craft Thoughtful Responses in a World of Instant Reactions

    Mastering Patience: How to Craft Thoughtful Responses in a World of Instant Reactions

    In our fast-paced digital era, where immediacy often trumps thoughtfulness, it's increasingly common to find ourselves reacting impulsively to communications from clients or employees. This knee-jerk reaction, fueled by the instantaneity of emails, texts, and voicemails, can sometimes lead us astray, prompting responses we might later regret. The key to navigating these moments lies in a simple, yet powerful practice: taking a pause. This article delves into practical strategies for tempering immediate reactions, thereby fostering more considered and effective communications.

    The Pause Before The Email

    Imagine receiving that infuriating email from a client or hearing about an employee mistake that makes you see red. Your first instinct might be to respond immediately, driven by emotion. Here's a radical yet effective approach: go ahead and draft that heated email — but don't send it. Instead, give it 24 hours, then revisit your words. Still feeling heated? Wait another 24 hours. This exercise serves multiple purposes: it allows you to vent safely, provides the necessary time to cool off, and offers the space to gather all relevant facts. This delay is crucial for assessing the real impact of the situation, reconsidering the initial impulse, and formulating a more measured and strategic response.

    Why Delay?

    Writing without sending serves as an emotional release, a way to process your feelings without the repercussions of an immediate reaction. Waiting to send the email is not about procrastination; it's about giving yourself the opportunity to approach the situation with a clear head. This period of reflection can be the difference between a rash decision that escalates the issue and a thoughtful response that addresses the problem constructively. It's also a chance to consider the best communication medium; often, a phone call can resolve matters more amicably than a terse email, as voices convey nuances that text cannot, reducing the risk of misinterpretation.

    Handling Employee Issues

    When faced with employee issues that provoke a strong reaction, a similar approach of pausing is beneficial. Instead of immediate disciplinary action, consider sending the employee home for the day. This break gives both parties time to cool down and provides you, the employer, with the opportunity to assess the situation more objectively. Before deciding on any drastic measures like termination, evaluate how this decision will impact ongoing projects and your team's dynamics. Setting up a meeting to discuss the issue after this cooling-off period ensures that the matter is addressed seriously yet fairly, with a focus on constructive feedback and clear communication about next steps.

    The Importance of Preparation

    Going into any meeting to address issues, come prepared. Bring notes, outline the facts, and have a clear agenda of points to discuss. This preparation ensures a focused conversation that addresses the heart of the issue and lays out a path forward.

    Creating 'Rules for Responses'

    To institutionalize these practices, consider establishing your "Rules for Responses." These guidelines should outline the steps to take before responding to any provocative communication. Sharing these rules with a colleague or mentor and asking them to hold you accountable can reinforce your commitment to thoughtful communication, ensuring that when tensions run high, you stay cool and take that crucial minute to reflect. This practice not only prevents regrettable decisions but also models a level of professionalism and restraint that can inspire your entire team.

    Recognizing the Value: Embracing The New

    Recognizing the Value: Embracing The New

    In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind, focusing solely on the tasks at hand without pausing to consider the bigger picture. Yet, in doing so, we risk overlooking valuable opportunities that lie just beyond our routine activities. The story of a childcare center serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of recognizing the value of doing something different.

    At SoTellUs, we had the privilege of working with a childcare center struggling to attract new clients and talent. Despite offering exceptional services, they found themselves stuck in a rut, relying on traditional marketing methods with limited success. Recognizing their need for a fresh approach, we introduced them to SoTellUs Connect, a revolutionary platform designed to streamline customer feedback, automate tour scheduling, and facilitate employment applications.

    Initially hesitant to embrace change, the childcare center reluctantly agreed to give SoTellUs Connect a try. However, as days turned into weeks, they became disillusioned, convinced that the new platform was ineffective. In a moment of frustration, they contacted us to cancel their account, citing a lack of leads and engagement.

    Upon reviewing their account, we were surprised to discover that SoTellUs Connect had indeed generated tangible results. Despite their initial skepticism, the childcare center had accumulated eight leads worth an estimated $12,000 annually, translating to a potential revenue of $96,000 per year. Additionally, they had received a promising employment application through the platform.

    The problem wasn't with the tool itself but with the center's failure to recognize the value it offered. Amidst their busy schedules and ingrained routines, they had overlooked the potential of SoTellUs Connect to transform their business. It was a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees—so focused on the day-to-day operations that they failed to grasp the bigger picture.

    This story underscores a crucial lesson for business owners: don't be afraid to do something different in your marketing strategy. Innovation is the lifeblood of success in today's competitive landscape. By embracing new technologies and approaches, businesses can unlock untapped potential and gain a competitive edge.

    Moreover, when venturing into uncharted territory, it's essential to fully commit to the endeavor. Merely dipping a toe in the water won't yield meaningful results. Dedicate the time and resources necessary to implement and execute the new strategy effectively. Whether it's adopting a new marketing tool, exploring a different advertising channel, or revamping your branding, commit wholeheartedly to the endeavor.

    Equally important is the need to persevere in the face of setbacks. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are successful marketing campaigns. It's easy to become discouraged at the first sign of resistance or underwhelming results. However, it's often those who persist through adversity that ultimately reap the greatest rewards.

    As homework, I challenge you to take a critical look at your marketing efforts. Is there something you've started but haven't fully committed to? If so, devise a plan to dedicate the necessary time and resources to see it through. Alternatively, is there a marketing strategy you've been eager to implement but haven't yet pursued? Set aside time this week to research it and take the first steps toward making it a reality.

    In conclusion, recognizing the value of innovation and embracing new approaches is paramount for business success. By stepping outside of your comfort zone, fully committing to new endeavors, and persevering through challenges, you can unlock untapped potential and propel your business to new heights.

    Effective vs. Efficient: Understanding the Crucial Difference for Business Owners

    Effective vs. Efficient: Understanding the Crucial Difference for Business Owners

    As business owners, we often find ourselves juggling multiple tasks, striving to make the most of our resources and time. In this quest for productivity, two terms frequently come into play: effective and efficient. While they may seem interchangeable at first glance, understanding the disparity between them is crucial for optimizing business operations and achieving long-term success.

    Efficiency, in essence, refers to the ability to accomplish a task or reach a goal with minimal waste, effort, or energy expenditure. It entails streamlining processes, eliminating redundancies, and maximizing output while conserving resources. An efficient operation ensures that every action contributes directly to the desired outcome, leaving little room for inefficiencies or unnecessary expenses.

    On the other hand, effectiveness delves deeper into the realm of results. It pertains to the extent to which something, be it a strategy, approach, or action, succeeds in producing the desired outcome. While efficiency focuses on the how of accomplishing tasks, effectiveness hones in on the why and whether those tasks are worth pursuing in the first place.

    The distinction between these two concepts is perhaps best encapsulated by the words of management guru Peter Drucker: "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." In other words, efficiency alone does not guarantee value if the actions being optimized fail to contribute meaningfully to the overarching goals of the business.

    To illustrate this disparity, consider the following examples:

    Efficient: A business owner efficiently cleans and tunes up their equipment, ensuring that every step is executed with precision and minimal downtime. Effective: Another business owner invests time in conducting thorough market research and devising a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to their target audience's preferences and needs. While both scenarios demonstrate a commitment to productivity, the latter holds greater potential for driving business growth and profitability. Despite the efficiency of the equipment maintenance process, its impact on the bottom line pales in comparison to the strategic marketing efforts aimed at attracting and retaining customers.

    So, which should business owners prioritize: efficiency or effectiveness?

    The answer lies in striking a balance between the two. While efficiency is undeniably valuable for optimizing resource utilization and streamlining operations, it must always serve the broader goal of effectiveness. In other words, it's not just about doing things right; it's about doing the right things.

    When faced with competing demands on your time and resources, it's essential to prioritize tasks and initiatives based on their potential to yield significant outcomes. Instead of focusing solely on completing tasks quickly or with minimal effort, ask yourself: "What is actually moving the dial?" Identify the activities that have the greatest impact on your business's success and allocate your resources accordingly.

    As homework, I encourage you to conduct a thorough assessment of your business's operations and identify the most effective and productive initiatives. These are the activities that contribute most directly to your overarching goals and objectives. By prioritizing these key drivers of success, you can steer your business toward sustained growth and profitability.

    In conclusion, while efficiency and effectiveness are both essential elements of business success, they serve distinct purposes and must be balanced accordingly. By understanding the crucial difference between the two and prioritizing effectiveness over mere efficiency, business owners can make informed decisions that propel their ventures forward in the competitive landscape.

    Harnessing Automation: A Smart Investment for Business Growth

    Harnessing Automation: A Smart Investment for Business Growth

    In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just innovative products or services—it demands efficient and streamlined operations. One avenue of innovation that businesses can invest in to achieve this is automation. Let's delve into why automation is crucial and how it can significantly benefit your business.

    Efficiency lies at the heart of automation. By implementing automated systems for communication processes, businesses can streamline their operations, saving both time and resources. Whether it's reaching out to leads, following up with customers, or managing internal communication, automation ensures these tasks are performed swiftly and effectively. This, in turn, frees up valuable staff time, allowing them to focus on other mission-critical tasks that require human intervention and creativity.

    Consistency is another key advantage of automation. Automated communication systems ensure that messages, emails, and calls are delivered consistently and promptly. This consistency helps build trust and credibility with customers, as they receive timely responses and updates, enhancing their overall experience with the business.

    Scalability is essential for businesses aiming to grow sustainably. Automation enables businesses to handle increased volumes of communication and workload without the need for proportional increases in manpower. As the business expands, automated systems can seamlessly accommodate the growing demand, ensuring operations remain efficient and effective.

    Personalization adds a layer of sophistication to automated communication. Businesses can set up custom messages, emails, and pre-recorded voicemails tailored to individual customers or target segments. This personal touch enhances engagement and fosters stronger relationships with customers, leading to increased loyalty and satisfaction.

    Timeliness is critical in today's competitive market. Automated communication ensures that messages are delivered promptly, minimizing the risk of important communications slipping through the cracks. Whether it's responding to inquiries, sending out reminders, or following up with leads, automation guarantees timely and proactive communication, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.

    Effective lead management is facilitated by automation. By promptly connecting leads to the right personnel through automated calls or messages, businesses can ensure that potential opportunities are capitalized on without delay. This proactive approach to lead management increases the likelihood of conversion and revenue generation.

    Data-driven insights are a valuable byproduct of automation. Automated systems often come with analytics capabilities that provide valuable insights into customer behavior, engagement patterns, and the effectiveness of communication strategies. By analyzing these metrics, businesses can make informed decisions and refine their automation processes for optimal results.

    In conclusion, investing in automation is a strategic move that can significantly improve and expand your business operations in a cost-effective manner. By leveraging automation, businesses can enhance efficiency, consistency, scalability, personalization, timeliness, lead management, and gain valuable data-driven insights. As you consider ways to innovate and grow your business, automation should undoubtedly be at the top of your list.

    Homework: Take a closer look at your business operations and identify areas where automation can be implemented to improve efficiency and effectiveness. If you're unsure about how or where to start, don't hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance and support.


    Expectations in Marketing: The Road to Realistic Returns

    Expectations in Marketing: The Road to Realistic Returns

    In the realm of marketing, setting the right expectations isn't just beneficial; it's essential. Understanding and realistically anticipating your returns is akin to navigating a ship with a reliable compass—you're much less likely to find yourself adrift, waiting for a windfall that will never arrive. This article delves into the critical importance of aligning expectations with actual marketing performance, illustrated through a compelling narrative.

    The Journey Begins: A Tale of Investment and Aspiration

    Imagine a scenario where a business is spending $3,500 a month on marketing, which leads to generating an impressive monthly new business range of $45,000 to $65,000. Encouraged by this success, the business sets a bold objective: to double the return on investment (ROI) without increasing the marketing budget. A challenging goal, no doubt, but not unattainable with the right strategy and understanding of the marketing dynamics at play.

    Step 1: Know Your Numbers

    The foundation of any successful marketing strategy lies in understanding your numbers, which requires at least a year of consistent marketing effort to accurately gauge. Throughout this period, a business will experience fluctuations—some months will yield high returns, while others may dip. The critical questions to ask are: Are you profitable during your peak months? What about the leaner periods? Calculating the average return over the entire year offers a clearer picture of the overall profitability and sets the stage for informed decision-making.

    Step 2: Optimize Your Spend

    The age-old adage by Dan Kennedy, "the person that can spend the most money for a customer wins," rings especially true in the competitive landscape of marketing. However, there's a fine line between increasing spend and optimizing it. Our journey from investing $2,000 a month to an eye-watering $40,000, before finding our optimal expenditure at $25,000, serves as a testament to the importance of finding your marketing "sweet spot." It's not always about spending more, but rather spending wisely.

    Step 3: Maximize Your Profits

    Once you've dialed in on your optimal spend, the next step is to look for avenues to maximize profits. This could involve strategies to close more sales, streamline your sales pipeline, automate processes for efficiency, and ensure rigorous follow-up practices. Every incremental improvement in these areas can significantly impact your bottom line, turning a good marketing strategy into a great one.

    Homework: Setting the Stage for Success

    This week, take a moment to evaluate all your marketing strategies. Are they meeting your expectations? If not, it's time to apply the three steps discussed. Understanding your numbers provides the foundation, optimizing your spend ensures you're investing in growth efficiently, and maximizing your profits turns potential into performance.

    In conclusion, setting realistic expectations in marketing is not about tempering ambition but about grounding your strategies in data-driven realities. By knowing your numbers, optimizing your spend, and maximizing your profits, you can set your ship on a course not just for hopeful horizons but for tangible success.


    Strategically Scaling Your Business: The Importance of Maximizing Before Expanding

    Strategically Scaling Your Business: The Importance of Maximizing Before Expanding

    In the relentless pursuit of growth, businesses often leap into expansion without fully maximizing their existing operations. Today, we'll explore why it's crucial to optimize what you currently have before branching out. This approach not only solidifies your foundation but also ensures sustainable growth.

    Story 1: Expanding Territories Prematurely

    Imagine a scenario where a business, eager to capture more market share, expands its service area before it's logistically and financially ready. A classic example is a business that opens a new location while their first location is still underutilized, operating just three days a week. They haven't fully exploited their marketing budget for the first location, nor do they have the staff or budget to effectively manage the new area. The result is often stretched resources, diluted service quality, and financial strain.

    The Correct Plan:

    The smarter strategy is to maximize the first location. This means fully utilizing the marketing budget to ensure the initial location operates at full capacity, ideally five days a week. Such optimization generates sufficient revenue and insights, laying a stronger foundation for any future expansion. It's about making sure the expansion is funded by the success of the existing operations, rather than stretching resources too thin.

    Story 2: Overextending with New Services

    Another common pitfall is hastily expanding services in response to customer inquiries. For instance, a business may venture into a new service area without proper research, attracted by the immediate opportunity for more work. This can lead to significant investment in equipment, materials, and labor. However, they may soon discover that the profit margins for the new service are lower than expected, or that it comes with greater liabilities. Such expansion can divert focus from their core services, potentially undermining the overall business health.

    The Correct Plan:

    Before adding a new service, it's vital to conduct thorough research. This includes talking to others already offering the service, understanding the real costs and margins, assessing market demand, and evaluating competition. It's also important to consider the marketing costs and to establish a realistic budget for growing the new service. Sometimes, referring business to others in exchange for a fee can be more profitable than stretching your business too thin.

    Homework: Assess Before You Expand

    If you're considering expanding your territory or services, take a moment this week to scrutinize the numbers and potential impact on your business. It's not just about the possibility of more revenue; it's also about managing risk and ensuring sustainable growth. Develop a detailed plan and budget before you decide to expand. Consider the following:

    • Analyze Current Capacity: Is your current business operating at its maximum potential?
    • Market Research: Have you thoroughly researched the new territory or service area?
    • Financial Planning: Do you have a solid financial plan to support the expansion without jeopardizing your current operations?
    • Risk Assessment: Have you evaluated the risks and potential impact on your current business model?

    Remember, expansion should be a calculated step, not a hurried leap. It should come from a position of strength, not desperation or mere opportunity. By maximizing your current business operations first, you create a stable platform from which to explore new horizons with confidence and clarity.

    Pulling the Plug: Knowing When to Let Go in Business

    Pulling the Plug: Knowing When to Let Go in Business

    In the bustling business world, we often find ourselves entrenched in routines and relationships that have long lost their purpose or value. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing things just because they've always been done that way, even when they no longer make sense. Today, we delve into the critical decision-making process of when to pull the plug on aspects of business like marketing, habits, or relationships.

    Examples of Pulling the Plug

    Sales: Consider a scenario where you've sold a service or product to a client, but deep down, you know it wasn't the right fit. Why do we continue to sell even when our intuition screams otherwise? The drive to win and the reluctance to see our invested time go to waste are powerful motivators. However, they can lead us down a path of unfulfilling and even detrimental business engagements.

    Business Relationships: Then there's the client who makes you dread work – the one you've thought of parting ways with numerous times. Despite the negative impact on your peace of mind and productivity, a misplaced sense of loyalty or fear of losing revenue keeps you tethered. It's crucial to evaluate what maintaining such a relationship costs you, not just in terms of happiness but also the bandwidth and potential opportunities with other, more rewarding clients.

    Marketing: Marketing is another domain where inertia often holds sway. Have you ever persisted with a marketing strategy without really knowing its effectiveness? Many businesses continue down a familiar path out of hope, fear of change, or adherence to the sunk cost fallacy – the belief that because you've invested so much into a strategy, abandoning it would be wasteful. Yet, clinging to ineffective marketing can prevent you from exploring more profitable avenues.

    Homework: Assessing Your Business Practices

    This week, take a step back and objectively assess various aspects of your business. Examine your relationships with clients, your habitual ways of working, and your marketing strategies. Ask yourself tough questions:

    • Are these relationships mutually beneficial, or are they draining your resources?
    • Do your habitual practices enhance your productivity and job satisfaction, or are they relics of a bygone era?
    • Is your marketing strategy delivering measurable results, or are you following it blindly?

    If you find that certain elements in your business are no longer serving their purpose, it might be time to pull the plug. Letting go can be challenging, but it's often necessary for growth, efficiency, and personal well-being. Remember, the goal is not just to maintain the status quo but to create a business environment that is productive, rewarding, and aligned with your goals. Making these tough decisions can pave the way for new opportunities, better relationships, and more effective strategies, ultimately leading to a more successful and satisfying business journey.

    Ethical Business: Putting Clients First for Long-Term Success

    Ethical Business: Putting Clients First for Long-Term Success

    In the realm of business, prioritizing client needs and establishing trust are not just ethical practices but strategic imperatives for sustainable growth. Today's discussion revolves around the significance of putting clients and potential clients first, and how this approach can lead to increased revenue in the long run.

    Let's delve into the story of Rottem, a case study in ethical business decision-making. Rottem came to us through a referral, seeking our expertise in developing a custom lead management system. This system needed to seamlessly integrate with his existing platforms. After thorough research, we identified a platform that perfectly met his requirements.

    Herein lay our ethical dilemma: Should we introduce Rottem to this third-party platform, which we neither owned nor profited from, or should we charge him a substantial sum to create a custom solution?

    Our decision leaned towards integrity. We recommended the external platform. This choice may seem counterintuitive in a profit-driven world, but here's why it was the right decision:

    1. Ethical Principle: Firstly, it was simply the right thing to do. Guiding the client towards the best solution available, even if it meant no immediate profit for us, was an ethical choice.

    2. Trust Building: This decision fostered a strong bond of trust between us and Rottem. He recognized that we prioritized his business needs over our financial gain.

    The outcome? Rottem returned to us, this time seeking our services in marketing and developing solutions for the gaps remaining in his business. He made this choice because he trusted us, knowing that we would always prioritize his business's success over our own financial interests.

    What You Can Do:

    • Offer a free analysis or report to potential clients.
    • Recommend the best solutions for them, even if it doesn't directly benefit your services.
    • Save your clients time and money by handling research on their behalf.


    This week, identify one actionable step you can take to show your clients and potential clients that their success is your priority. Implement this step to build a foundation of trust and ethical practice in your business.

    Remember, in the long-term, ethical business practices foster trust, loyalty, and a reputation that attracts more clients. Putting clients first is not just a moral decision, but a smart business strategy.

    Stop Comparing! Embrace Today for a Brighter Tomorrow

    Stop Comparing! Embrace Today for a Brighter Tomorrow

    In today's discussion, we delve into the critical topic of why it's imperative to cease comparing the present to the past. The year 2023 echoed with the voices of numerous business owners lamenting over how they compared the year with its predecessors. Common refrains included:

    • "I'm only doing half the business I did in 2022."
    • "I didn't spend a dime on marketing in the previous years."
    • "My marketing expenses this year are skyrocketing compared to last year."

    While being aware of your financials is crucial, it's equally important to recognize that today is distinct from yesterday. The business landscape in 2022 differed vastly from 2023, influenced by:

    • Varied economic factors.
    • A looming fear of recession.
    • A general tendency to hold onto money more tightly.

    As we step into 2024, it becomes clear that this year will be different from its predecessor. We anticipate:

    • Continued recession fears.
    • The dynamics of an election year.
    • Hopes pinned on falling interest rates.
    • The realization that the dreaded 2023 recession never materialized.
    • Increased competition, prompting businesses to invest in marketing, perhaps for the first time, or to substantially increase their marketing budgets.

    Focus on Today and Tomorrow:

    An insightful quote from a renowned book aptly sums up our approach:

    “Accept your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. Face your future without fear.”

    This adage encourages us to:

    • Acknowledge 2023's numbers, but not dwell on them.
    • Plan meticulously for 2024.
    • Take immediate actions to secure a prosperous future in 2024.
    • Move forward fearlessly, armed with a robust plan.


    Let's take a proactive step. Dedicate this week to putting 2023 behind you and focus on strategizing your marketing for 2024. It's not about forgetting the past but learning from it to make informed, confident decisions for the future.

    In conclusion, the key to thriving in business lies in embracing the present and planning for the future rather than being tethered to the past. This mindset shift is vital for success in the ever-evolving landscape of 2024 and beyond.

    Website Superhero!! Part 1: From Web-Zero to Cyber-Hero

    Website Superhero!! Part 1: From Web-Zero to Cyber-Hero

    Introduction: Suit Up for the Web-venture!

    Welcome to "Website Superhero!" – the podcast series where we don our capes and turn your website from a digital damsel in distress to a caped crusader of clicks! Ready to leap tall competitors in a single bound? Let's fly into the action!

    Brochure or Lead Gen? The Eternal Web Dilemma!

    Is your website a sleepy digital brochure, snoozing in a corner, or a lead-gen superhero, flexing its muscles and saving the day one click at a time? It's time to ditch the sidekick status and become the hero of your own online story.

    The Psychology of Homepage Heroics

    The 3-Second Showdown

    In the wild web west, you've got three seconds to draw – draw attention, that is. Does your homepage hit the target or miss the mark? Remember, you're not just a web-slinger; you're a web-catcher!

    Hero Image: Your Web-Cape!

    A hero image is like your website's cape – bold, brave, and out there. And your header content? That's your superhero catchphrase. Make it memorable, or you'll be the one getting caught in the web of obscurity.

    Calls to Action: Your Superpowers

    Unleash your superpowers with CTAs that leap off the screen! "Call me, maybe?" – more like "Call me, definitely!" And don't just invite visitors to fill out a form; lure them in like the pied piper of pixels.

    Special Offers: Your Web Gadgets

    Who needs a utility belt when you've got special offers and webchat? They're the gadgets that keep the citizens of the internet coming back for more.

    Social Proof: The League of Extraordinary Reviews

    Assemble your league of extraordinary reviews! Social proof is like having a team of sidekicks backing you up, proving you're the real deal.

    Contact Us: The Bat-Signal!

    Think of 'Contact Us' as your Bat-Signal. It's there, glowing in the night sky (or the bottom of your homepage), calling for the customer's attention when all else fails.

    Homework: Don Your Detective Hat!

    It's time to turn detective. Scrutinize your homepage. Is it a hero or a zero? If your site's in distress, send up the signal – it's time for a homepage hero makeover!

    Join us next time for more web-slinging, cape-fluttering, lead-generating adventures in "Website Superhero!" Remember, with great power comes great click-ability!

    From Rejection to Revenue: The Art of Turning 'No' into 'Yes' with Strategic Follow-Ups

    From Rejection to Revenue: The Art of Turning 'No' into 'Yes' with Strategic Follow-Ups

    In today's insightful episode, we explore a strategic approach to boost your profits by transforming rejected opportunities into revenue-generating successes. Throughout the business year, encountering countless "No's" from potential clients is inevitable. The question is, what can you do with those who initially turned away? How can you convert these negatives into positives for your bottom line?

    The key lies in creating and effectively managing a Lost List. Every business, irrespective of its size or industry, should maintain a comprehensive database of potential clients who did not make a purchase. These individuals, who showed interest but didn't commit for various reasons, represent a latent revenue stream that could materialize at a later date.

    Creating a Lost List is a straightforward yet crucial step in this process. For those with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, marking or tagging leads as Lost is the optimal approach. If a CRM isn't part of your toolkit, a simple spreadsheet can serve as a makeshift solution.

    Once the Lost List is in place, the next step is establishing a structured follow-up plan. A well-crafted nurture campaign, reaching out at intervals such as every three months, six months, or a year, ensures that you stay on their radar without overwhelming them. Utilizing a mix of SMS and email channels for communication widens your outreach.

    Crafting the right message during follow-ups is essential. Whether it's a casual check-in, a reminder of a previous proposal, or an update on your services, the tone should be genuine and helpful. Share relevant articles, inform them about ongoing specials, or simply inquire about their needs – building a connection is key.

    The frequency of follow-ups should align with industry norms and customer behavior. For instance, if your business, like a carpet cleaning service, recommends services every six months, your follow-ups should occur within that timeframe.

    As a practical homework assignment, businesses are encouraged to create their Lost List if they haven't already and initiate at least one communication this month. Transforming "No" into "Yes" is not just about persistence but a strategic and thoughtful engagement that can unlock hidden revenue potential.

    Balancing Act: Navigating the AI Landscape in Business for Efficiency and Human Connection

    Balancing Act: Navigating the AI Landscape in Business for Efficiency and Human Connection

    In this episode of SoTellUs Time, we delve into the dynamic realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its profound impact on the business landscape. AI, an acronym for Artificial Intelligence, has become synonymous with cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT, revolutionizing how businesses operate and manage their workload.

    ChatGPT, a prime example of AI services, acts as a virtual assistant that can undertake various tasks, such as crafting emails or engaging in web chat conversations. This technological marvel has found its place in business operations, proving invaluable for writing emails, conducting research, handling basic client queries, and even initiating communication with potential clients. The convenience it offers is palpable, making it a tempting prospect for businesses seeking efficiency.

    However, there's a crucial caveat – while AI excels at certain tasks, it has its limitations. It is not a panacea for all business needs. There are areas where human touch and intuition still reign supreme. One of the pitfalls lies in entrusting AI with customer service in its entirety. This brings to light the comparison between offshore support and in-house support, emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human connection in customer interactions.

    Consider the scenario of an AI scheduler attempting to establish a meeting time. It might efficiently propose a time, but it lacks the ability to adapt to nuances like a human would. The inability to build personal relationships is a key deficiency. Your relationship with clients is a business's most valuable asset, and while AI can automate tasks, it falls short in cultivating meaningful connections.

    The takeaway is clear: leverage AI for tasks that can be automated to save time, but never compromise the human touch when it comes to client interactions. Building relationships, understanding nuances, and creating a personalized experience are realms where humans still outshine AI.

    As homework, businesses are encouraged to evaluate their operations. Identify one task where AI can be integrated for efficiency and one aspect where personal interactions with clients can be enhanced. Striking the right balance between AI automation and human connection is the key to unlocking the full potential of technology in the business landscape.

    Just Get Started

    Just Get Started

    In the fast-paced world of business, the phrase "Just Get Started" holds profound significance. Procrastination often stands as the biggest hurdle on the path to success, and the simple act of initiating your endeavors today can have a transformative impact on your business in the future.

    The immediacy of action is driven by the dynamic nature of markets. Consumer needs evolve, technologies advance, and competitors innovate. By embracing the "Just Get Started" mindset, you position your business to adapt and stay ahead of the curve. The earlier you enter the arena, the sooner you gain valuable insights and experience that will serve as the foundation for future growth.

    Starting today isn't just about short-term gains; it's an investment in the long-term viability of your business. The seeds you plant now may take time to blossom, but their roots run deep. Consider the trajectory of successful entrepreneurs and companies – their journeys often began with a single step into the unknown.

    Moreover, the business landscape is inherently uncertain. Waiting for the perfect moment may result in missed opportunities. Taking action today allows you to learn, pivot, and refine your strategies based on real-world feedback. It's through this iterative process that businesses mature and become resilient.

    The positive effects of starting today extend beyond the operational realm. Entrepreneurship is as much about personal growth as it is about business development. Embracing challenges and learning from failures are integral parts of the journey. By starting now, you accelerate your learning curve, honing your skills, and cultivating the resilience needed to weather the inevitable storms of business.

    In the realm of technology and innovation, speed is often the differentiator. Early adopters gain a competitive edge by staying ahead of trends and pioneering solutions. By heeding the call to action today, you position your business to be at the forefront of industry changes, setting the stage for future success.

    In conclusion, "Just Get Started" is not just a mantra; it's a strategic imperative. The decisions and actions you take today reverberate into the future, shaping the destiny of your business. So, don't wait for the perfect moment – seize the opportunities today that will propel your business toward a brighter tomorrow.

    The Limitations of Online Marketing: A Story of ROI and Business Growth

    The Limitations of Online Marketing: A Story of ROI and Business Growth

    In today's episode, we're going to explore a story that sheds light on the sometimes misunderstood relationship between online marketing efforts and overall business success. In the age of the internet, where digital marketing reigns supreme, it's easy to assume that a substantial investment in online marketing will inevitably lead to immediate and consistent business growth. However, the story we're about to delve into reveals that the reality is far more nuanced.

    Meet Our Client, a determined entrepreneur with a flourishing business. They decided to allocate a significant portion of their budget to online marketing, hoping to amplify their brand's visibility and drive sales to new heights.

    Our Client's marketing strategy included a combination of search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and Content marketing. With a monthly marketing budget $3,500, they were eager to witness their business reach unprecedented heights.

    Initially, the results were promising. Our Client's online presence grew substantially. Their website's traffic soared, and their social media following flourished. Their online marketing efforts were indeed paying off. Their $3,500 a month yielded around $45,000.

    However, as the months passed, Our Client noticed a pattern. While their online marketing investments were driving consistent traffic and sales, they weren't experiencing the meteoric rise they had anticipated. They started judging the success of their overall business to the online marketing they were doing.

    This self-imposed pressure led Our Client to overlook a crucial detail: their marketing had an amazing return on investment. Their business was down from the previous year but that had nothing to do with the marketing ROI.

    The story of Our Client's business serves as a poignant reminder that the relationship between online marketing and business success is more intricate than a simple cause-and-effect dynamic. Online marketing is a potent tool, but a company's overall success is influenced by multifaceted factors, such as market conditions, customer behavior, and competition.

    Our Client's story encourages us to rethink our perceptions of successful avenues of revenue. It reminds us that maintaining a healthy and sustainable business, even in the face of challenges, is a remarkable achievement. While online marketing can undoubtedly boost a business's visibility and sales, it is not a silver bullet that guarantees perpetual growth. Success in business requires a holistic approach that considers various elements, both internal and external.

    So, the next time you evaluate your online marketing efforts and business performance, remember Our Client's story. Recognize that online marketing can be a powerful driver of success, but it's not the sole determinant. Your business's health and longevity depend on a combination of factors, including adaptability, customer relationships, and the ability to embrace both growth and stability.

    Making the Most of the Holidays with Specials and Marketing

    Making the Most of the Holidays with Specials and Marketing

    As we celebrate Halloween today, have you seized the opportunity to promote any enticing specials or unleash holiday-specific marketing campaigns? The holiday season offers an ideal pretext to connect with both your loyal customers and potential ones. With Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas just around the corner, there's a wealth of marketing potential to explore. Let's delve into how to make the most of these holidays, using the example of a pest control company reaching out to its existing customers with additional services.

    Holiday Marketing Strategy: The holiday season is synonymous with family gatherings, feasting, and shopping sprees. Businesses can harness this festive spirit to their advantage by rolling out tailored marketing strategies for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas. Whether it's offering discounts, launching exclusive holiday-themed products, or organizing festive events, the possibilities are endless.

    In the case of our pest control company, they decided to remind their existing customers of the comprehensive services they provide. The timing couldn't be better, as the holiday season often brings uninvited guests in the form of "scary pests." This proactive approach involved a targeted email campaign and social media posts, emphasizing the importance of a pest-free home during the holidays.

    The Scary Pests: Holidays are times for warmth and cheer, but the presence of unwanted pests can turn the festivities into a nightmare. Imagine having Thanksgiving dinner with a family of cockroaches or discovering that mice have invaded your Christmas decorations. To combat these holiday horrors, our pest control company highlighted the significance of pest prevention. They offered special discounts on pest inspections, treatments, and prevention packages.

    Homework: Your Holiday Marketing Plan:

    1. Identify your target audience: Know who your customers are and what they're looking for during the holidays.
    2. Plan your promotions: Consider exclusive holiday offers, limited-time discounts, or festive-themed products/services.
    3. Create a content calendar: Schedule your marketing activities, including email campaigns, social media posts, and any special events.
    4. Leverage visuals: Use holiday-themed graphics and imagery to capture the festive spirit.
    5. Engage with your audience: Interact with customers, answer their queries promptly, and address any concerns.

    In conclusion, the holidays are the perfect time to engage with your customers and attract new ones. By crafting a well-thought-out marketing plan and offering enticing specials, you can make the most of Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas. Remember, it's not just about promoting your products or services; it's also about creating a memorable and delightful experience for your customers during this joyous season. So, get to work on your holiday marketing strategy and ensure it's executed before the week is over. Your business and customers will thank you for it.

    The Art of Follow-Up: Mastering Client Engagement

    The Art of Follow-Up: Mastering Client Engagement

    Welcome back to the SoTellUs Time podcast, your go-to source for valuable business insights. In today's episode, we delve into the often underestimated yet crucial topic of follow-up. Why is follow-up a cornerstone of success, and how can you effectively incorporate it into your business strategies? Let's explore this art and learn how to stand out in the competitive business world.

    The Significance of Follow-Up: Follow-up is more than just a task; it's a cornerstone for building trust and rapport with your clients. Consistent follow-up demonstrates your commitment to their needs, be it potential or existing clients. In a world where many businesses fall short in this area, mastering the art of follow-up sets you apart from your competitors.

    Effective Implementation: To harness the power of follow-up, you must strike a balance between consistency and timing:

    1. Utilize Multiple Channels: Reach out through various channels, such as email, phone calls, and text messages. This multi-pronged approach ensures you can connect with clients in their preferred way.

    2. Tailor Your Messages: Customize your follow-up messages to resonate with your target audience. Personalize your communication to make it sound natural and genuine.

    3. Follow Up Quickly: Timeliness matters. Research indicates that 78% of businesses opt for the company that contacts them first. Surprisingly, only 7% of businesses follow up within the first 5 minutes of a new lead. Don't miss the opportunity to be that initial point of contact.

    Automate Follow-Up with a Personal Touch: Automation is a game-changer in efficient follow-up procedures. Automating the majority of your follow-up ensures that you stay consistent and persistent. But here's the twist: sprinkle in direct connection from you or your team. This personal touch provides a valuable point of contact.

    Homework: As we wrap up, take a moment to evaluate your current follow-up procedures. Your task for this week is to identify at least one way you can automate your follow-up processes. Embracing automation is not only a time-saver but also a means to enhance the quality of your interactions with clients.

    Remember, mastering the art of follow-up is not just a task; it's a strategic advantage. By consistently engaging with your clients in a timely and personalized manner, you can build lasting trust and loyalty. Stand out from the competition and make follow-up an integral part of your business's success.

    Finish Strong: Tips for a Successful Fourth Quarter

    Finish Strong: Tips for a Successful Fourth Quarter

    As we step into the fourth quarter of the year, it's time to gear up and finish strong. This period, though laden with holidays and distractions, presents a golden opportunity to make significant strides in your business. In this article, we'll provide you with three essential tips to help you navigate the challenges and emerge victorious in your year-end endeavors.

    Tip #1: Know Your Numbers To finish the year on a high note, start by taking a comprehensive look at your business's performance so far. Analyze your numbers for the year:

    • Are your financials better than the previous year, or is there room for improvement?
    • What strategies have yielded positive results, and which ones have fallen short?

    Understanding your numbers is critical as it provides valuable insights into where your business stands and where it needs to go. By identifying what has worked and what hasn't, you can make informed decisions to steer your business toward success.

    Tip #2: Set Weekly and Monthly Goals Goal-setting is an essential part of maintaining focus and motivation during the fourth quarter. Define clear, achievable weekly and monthly objectives for yourself and your team:

    • Write them down to solidify your commitment.
    • Display them prominently in your workspace to keep them top of mind.
    • Consider finding an accountability partner who will help you stay on track by checking in and providing support.

    Setting goals not only gives you a roadmap to follow but also ensures that you remain motivated and driven throughout this critical period.

    Tip #3: Increase Your Marketing Efforts While the holiday season can be hectic, it's also a time when consumers are actively looking for products and services. To capitalize on this, ramp up your marketing efforts:

    • Allocate a larger budget to your marketing campaigns.
    • Consider launching a new marketing campaign to capture the attention of holiday shoppers.
    • Initiate a referral program to encourage your existing customers to bring in new business.
    • Explore the possibility of introducing a new service or product that can be promoted to your existing customer base.

    Remember that marketing efforts often take a few months to gain traction, so starting now will ensure that you reap the rewards come December.

    Homework: In conclusion, as you embark on this journey to finish the year strong, remember that success requires a multifaceted approach. Instead of focusing on just one tip, commit to implementing all three. By knowing your numbers, setting clear goals, and increasing your marketing efforts, you'll be well-prepared to make this fourth quarter the most successful one yet for your business. So, don't wait; get started t

    Invest in Your Business: A Roadmap to Success

    Invest in Your Business: A Roadmap to Success

    Today, we're going to explore a fundamental aspect of running a successful business: investing in it. There are numerous ways to invest in your business, and each one plays a vital role in its growth and sustainability. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner, this roadmap will help you navigate the path to success.

    1. Invest Capital: Capital injection can fuel your business's growth. Take Elon Musk, for example, who invested his $180 million from PayPal into three new ventures, including Tesla and SpaceX. While not everyone has access to such colossal sums, even small investments can make a significant difference.

    2. Invest Time: If capital is limited, invest your time wisely. Outworking your competitors can be a game-changer. Dedicate long hours to your business, focusing on tasks that will drive growth. Your dedication and hard work can compensate for financial constraints.

    3. Invest in Automation: Time is a valuable resource. Automate repetitive tasks, such as marketing, lead capture, and billing, to free up your time for strategic planning and business development. Automation can significantly boost efficiency and productivity.

    4. Invest in Marketing: A well-crafted marketing strategy is essential for attracting new clients. Relying solely on referrals is risky because you can't control them. Create marketing channels that you have command over to ensure a consistent flow of potential customers.

    5. Invest in a Team: As your business grows, you'll reach a point where you can't manage everything on your own. This is when investing in a competent team becomes crucial. Find your key players and nurture a team that shares your vision and values.

    6. Invest in a Culture: Building a positive and engaging work culture is essential for retaining your team and maintaining their loyalty. Create an environment where your employees want to be, grow, and even retire from. A healthy workplace culture can improve morale and productivity.

    7. Invest in an Exit: Plan for the long term by setting up your business in a way that allows for a smooth exit strategy. Avoid creating a job for yourself; instead, build a business that provides you with the freedom and financial security you deserve.

    Homework: Now, take a moment to assess where you stand on this roadmap. Determine which areas need immediate attention and which can be tackled in the future. Remember that investing in your business is an ongoing process, and each step you take will bring you closer to success.

    In conclusion, investing in your business is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. Whether it's through capital, time, automation, marketing, a skilled team, a positive culture, or a well-planned exit strategy, each investment you make contributes to the growth and sustainability of your business. So, take the time to evaluate your business and start making the necessary investments today to secure a brighter tomorrow.

    Built to Last: 7 Tips for Building a Business with Longevity

    Built to Last: 7 Tips for Building a Business with Longevity

    In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, where startups bloom and wither like flowers in a spring breeze, the dream is not just to succeed but to build something that stands the test of time. In today's episode, we are going to share seven invaluable tips to help you construct a business that not only survives but thrives for decades to come.

    1. Hire the Right People Your business is only as strong as the people who run it. The first and foremost step in building a business for the ages is to invest in the right talent. A brilliant idea can fall flat if it's mismanaged. The right individuals can take a good idea and transform it into greatness. Prioritize people over profit, and you'll be on the path to long-term success.

    2. Find a Loyal Adversary Entrepreneurs often have an abundance of ideas and boundless enthusiasm. While this energy is essential, it can lead to hasty decisions and costly mistakes. To stay on course, seek out a loyal adversary – someone who challenges your ideas constructively. This trusted advisor can help refine your vision and prevent impulsive missteps.

    3. Change Your Thinking The power of your thoughts is astonishing. How you think influences how you act, which in turn affects your performance. Shift your perspective from problems to challenges. Your choice of words not only shapes your mindset but also impacts how your team perceives situations. A positive outlook can be contagious.

    4. Change the Way You Think About Money Financial wisdom is paramount for the long-term viability of your business. Reevaluate your spending habits. Are you tracking your return on investment diligently? Are you reinvesting in your business's future or pocketing all profits? Building a business with longevity requires a prudent approach to finances.

    5. Be Patient Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a lasting business empire. Set realistic goals, but don't underestimate your potential. Building a successful business takes time, dedication, and persistence. Maintain a steady pace, and don't be discouraged by setbacks.

    6. Be Willing to Put in the Work Leadership by example is a fundamental principle of enduring success. Regardless of your role, be prepared to roll up your sleeves and work diligently. When your team witnesses your unwavering commitment, they are more likely to follow suit. A strong work ethic is infectious and integral to long-term success.

    7. Resist Temptation The ability to resist temptation is a hallmark of successful entrepreneurs. Avoid frivolous expenses, especially in the early stages of your venture. Just because you can buy something doesn't mean you should. Likewise, refrain from engaging in unrealistic competition with rivals. Focus on nurturing your business's growth rather than pursuing quick, unsustainable wins.

    Homework: As you conclude this episode, take a moment to reflect on the seven tips we've shared. Select at least one that resonates with you and commit to implementing it in your business this week. Building a business that endures is a journey, and these steps can serve as your guiding stars on this remarkable path to long-term success.

    The Power of Simplicity: Streamlining Company Processes for Success

    The Power of Simplicity: Streamlining Company Processes for Success

    In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, the key to success often lies in simplifying processes across various departments, be it marketing, sales, or operations. Today, we will delve into the significance of streamlining your company's processes and share a real-life client experience that highlights the transformative impact of simplification.

    Complexity can be the silent killer of efficiency within an organization. It can lead to confusion, frustration, and, most importantly, lost opportunities. Let's take the example of John, a dedicated entrepreneur who was struggling with a cumbersome lead management process that was seriously hampering his company's sales growth.

    John's company had a highly intricate lead management system, which required his sales team to navigate through an array of software tools and databases to access customer information. This convoluted process not only consumed valuable time but also resulted in data discrepancies and errors. As a result, potential clients were slipping through the cracks, and sales were stagnating.

    Recognizing the urgency of the situation, John reached out to our team for assistance. We immediately conducted a comprehensive analysis of his company's processes and identified the bottlenecks that were inhibiting growth. What we found was not surprising – an overly complicated lead management process was the primary culprit.

    Our solution was simple yet effective. We implemented a user-friendly customer relationship management (CRM) system that streamlined lead tracking and communication. This single platform allowed John's sales team to access customer data effortlessly, track interactions, and follow up promptly. Additionally, we provided training to ensure that the team was well-equipped to utilize the new system efficiently.

    The results were astounding. With the simplified lead management process in place, John's company experienced a significant boost in sales productivity. The sales team could now focus more on building relationships with potential clients rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks. Customer satisfaction also improved, as the streamlined process allowed for quicker responses to inquiries and better-tailored interactions.

    John's experience serves as a powerful testament to the importance of simplifying company processes. By eliminating unnecessary complexities, businesses can achieve higher efficiency, reduced errors, and improved customer satisfaction. Moreover, streamlined processes empower employees to work more productively and creatively, which can ultimately lead to increased profitability.

    In conclusion, whether you're dealing with marketing, sales, or operations, simplifying your company's processes is crucial for long-term success. Don't wait until complexity stifles your growth – take proactive steps to streamline your operations, just as John did, and watch your business thrive. The power of simplicity can be the key to unlocking your company's full potential in today's competitive landscape.