
    Soul Leader

    In the Soul Leader podcast, hosted by Melissa Sandon, we explore how to invoke rich, restorative & revolutionary soul leadership in synergy with nature, community & the cosmos. We'll map the cosmology and ecology of who you are, as you navigate the world in your body, to create new paradigms of creativity, expression & contribution.
    en46 Episodes

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    Episodes (46)

    Feminine Awakening + Embodiment to Create Magnetism & Flow for your Soul Leadership

    Feminine Awakening + Embodiment to Create Magnetism & Flow for your Soul Leadership

    Years ago when I was first starting my business, I kept noticing so many other entrepreneurs easily and quickly launch their offers.

    Meanwhile, it seemed like the only way that I could create or launch anything was when I had been fully activated by the work, when it had taken me into a deep transformation process, when I had been invoked to become a new woman, then the work seemed to emerge from me as a new embodied frequency I could then share and teach.

    I know now this is the feminine embodiment of teaching and leading your soul work.Where you become the living and breathing essence of your work.

    Not just lip service, but emulated truth.

    At the time it just felt slow. And hard. And like I was being left behind.

    And in truth, it was slower and harder than it needed to be.

    My nervous system hadn't yet been re-wilded. I hadn't landed my lightbody. I didn't know how to weave my feminine and masculine flows together.

    I learnt that the undulating, vast, deep feminine awakening journey you go on as a feminised leader is pure gold for your business.

    It's not a case of 'when I get through this season of awakening or this next erotic edge then my soul work will flow again'

    It's something more more rich than that.

    It's that your soul work + leadership becomes magnetic and in super flow when you embrace your feminine embodiment.

    When you're allowing the deep dives, that's when the magic fully amps up in what you're bringing to the world.

    But when you're in it, when you're feeling uprooted, in the void, meeting edges, unsure, full of uncertainty, transforming your biggest, oldest patterns AND rebirthing........

    How do you continue to feel the lightspeed expansion and desirability of your soul work?

    Because its not one or the other.

    You can attract clients in your feminine transformation.

    You can have high flow and pleasure in your deep dives.

    You can be re-wilding your whole business and in the big rebirth of letting go of who you thought you were to become you are really are.

    And it can be radiant.

    And energy rich.

    And you can trust it.

    I'm heading over to the Energy Rich Soul Leader FB group today for a training on how to leverage and amplify these awakenings to be super magnetic for your clients.

    And how to stay in high flow, manifesting your big desires while you're in your personal awakening.

    Because your soul seems to LOVE creating the invitations into these wild transformations.

    So this training will show you how you can stay in the channel of your highest soul destiny and rocking your leadership while being an embodied, feminine human.

    Today's call is going to look at the essential, highly-profitable art of embracing your feminine awakening for your soul work legacy.

    Soul Leader
    enFebruary 05, 2021

    Upgrading + Letting in Higher Flows Because Your Soul Purpose Demands It

    Upgrading + Letting in Higher Flows Because Your Soul Purpose Demands It
    Soul Leader
    enJanuary 29, 2021

    Making an Impact With Your Soul Gifts During Rebirth, Awakening and Big Emotions

    Making an Impact With Your Soul Gifts During Rebirth, Awakening and Big Emotions
    Soul Leader
    enJanuary 28, 2021

    Money, Your Business and Your Earning Potential. Tapping Into Your Multi-D Soul Wealth Legacy

    Money, Your Business and Your Earning Potential. Tapping Into Your Multi-D Soul Wealth Legacy
    Soul Leader
    enJanuary 22, 2021

    The Channel of Your Soul Work and Earth Guidance

    The Channel of Your Soul Work and Earth Guidance

    How can you create a truly impactful movement of change with your gifts?

    And attract an abundant and ever-growing incredible community of soul clients? To earn a rich livelihood for those gifts, leading a movement of feminine wealth and soul connection, re-patterning the money wounds of your lineage and the scarcity story of society?

    In rebellion to a world in the midst of a massive healing awakening, where all structures are falling away and normalcy is being replaced with a need to grow and adapt to new ways?

    The answer in these quickening times is always:

    Create your highest and most potent soul work. The work you have been called forth for.

    This is your time to become very attuned to the greater dreaming of your soul work.

    What are you being called forth for?

    What is your unique contribution to an extraordinary future for our world?

    What is the Earth and the land upon which you stand asking of you in these times?

    How are you meant to be courageous and passionate so you can be a beacon for others in their awakening?

    Your soul work is not a mental exercise in trying to work out your ideal customer and what you can pull together to offer them.

    It's about understanding the deeper passion that wants to be fulfilled through your soul work.

    And also, being so attuned to how that soul work is downloaded from the stars but also RECEIVED from the Earth - so you can be in the most potent channel of your work.

    There is a coherence that happens between your soul work and what your clients desire. When you're super-aligned in your soul work, that alignment is a radiance-magnet for your clients.

    When you're in the flow of your true soul work, in the expanded energy field of your big why, your soul clients will be reaching out to you and selling themselves into your work.

    This super-alignment will also mean you express with the high passion and reverence you have for being chosen to do this work.

    By being gifted with your legacy.

    And supplied by a verdant planet to make it real.

    And rained upon by heavenly showers because this mission is written in the stars.

    There is a bigger reason you are here on Earth, with your unique life experiences, your fragile humanity and your radiant soul.

    And these are the times where you embrace this reason and you unlock your capacity to devote to it.

    Personally, that means you are also being asked to grow your tolerance to accept an extraordinary life, being a leader of stellar soul work.

    In this podcast, I speak to how to attune to the channel of your soul work - both from the soul home in the stars and also in connection to our Earth and the gifts rising up from the land in which you stand.

    We'll be sharing how you can tap into the coherence and richness of your soul calling and be filled with the passion to do your work as a beacon in this changing world.

    How you passion can eclipse your resistance. Your hope elevate your fear. Your deep connection with the earth's dreaming fuel you into your extraordinary future, in honour of the world.

    I'll also be sharing how I was gifted my next evolution of soul work by the land in which I stand and how this devotion is what makes my expression, impact, service and profit possible.

    Soul Leader
    enJanuary 13, 2021

    The Power of Commitment

    The Power of Commitment
    Soul Leader
    enDecember 29, 2020

    Quantum Leadership: Collapse time, stay aligned & be the Living Dream

    Quantum Leadership: Collapse time, stay aligned & be the Living Dream

    Your soul dreams aren’t to prove yourself, they are to fulfill the world. 

    And you’ll never unlock your #legacylife if you’re too busy chasing other people’s dreams. 

    Even when you’re hitting all the outward goals, if you’re not tapped into your soul channel, you’ll find yourself empty where it truly counts. 

    I’m the kind of gal that’s wired for achievement. But I know intimately what it's like when I let that drive run my soul work. 

    As soon as I compare my own progress to someone else’s success, the energy bombs out.

    I’m talking massive dismantling of the expansion field that fuels my soul work. 

    When I lose that energy, I lose the coherence and slipstream state of letting my legacy lead me. 

    I believe our attachment to external success metrics is more of an unconscious downgrade we use to hold ourselves back from our magnificence. 

    It’s the lineage of scarcity and the constant inheritance of feeling like you’ll never be enough to achieve your dreams. 

    But none of that longing ever compares to the way your soul work makes you feel.

    Turned on. Alive. Doing what you’re born for. 

    In the higher devotion. 

    The universe truly does not care about material wealth and success metrics. So even though we unapologetically make massive multi-D wealth flows in a feminized economy, we don’t lose sight of what truly counts. 

    You can’t take the instalife, property portfolio, or white picket fence where your soul is headed next. 

    Your leadership is about embodying the LIVING DREAM instead of being the desperado. 

    It’s about leading from the quantum, where your soul council are your business advisors and your true wealth is energetic. 

    That’s why we’re fully turned on at the Soul Medicine Academy in mentoring quantum leaders. 

    Those leaders who are ready to re-wild from all the shoulds and be ecstatically in their own channel, creating massive amounts of value in the world. 

    As a Quantum Leader, you: 

    ✳ Collapse time instead of feeling like you never get there

    ✳ Overflow in infinite creative energy rather than stuck in scarcity.

    ✳ Stay turned on for your big why and higher impact, not the small goals

    ✳ Co-create with your soul clients instead of trying to be liked by everyone

    ✳ Multiply our expression + receivership bandwidths

    Soul Leader
    enDecember 23, 2020

    Expression + Selling as Pleasure: Re-writing our Visibility Wounds

    Expression + Selling as Pleasure: Re-writing our Visibility Wounds

    Your soul work is meant to turn you on. 

    I’m talking maximum pleasure + feeling fully creatively expressed. 

    Yep - even the vulnerability-invoking parts of running business - like sharing offers, speaking the truth, signing clients, making money. 

    It’s meant to feel good. 

    It’s a here and now thing. NOT when you figure things out, heal more or get on top of your big, fiddly projects.

    Your true soul work will bring you fully alive. Like a lover, you will be seduced, melted, lit up & penetrated by your legacy.

    It will reach into your chest and pull your heart into the bliss of selling your gifts to the world.

    You know I take a stand for your financial wealth as a businesswoman - as an act of feminine power right? Making consistent money months means you're making an impact. 

    But all the money in the world can’t substitute this feeling. 

    Being tapped into the richest source of soul is the original calling. 

    You become both the channel & the vessel. 

    In that moment, you are ecstatically free. It's the multi-D channel that will fuel & supply you for your whole life. 

    Even though we can feel incredibly vulnerable in our visibility - it's the sharing, marketing & selling of ourselves that lights us up. 

    It’s our loved up, pleasure-filled super flow. 

    Expressing your soul is also the most profitable asset of your business. 

    Soul Leader
    enDecember 17, 2020

    Upgrade Your Receivership + Earning Potential to Let in Your Soul's High Flow

    Upgrade Your Receivership + Earning Potential to Let in Your Soul's High Flow
    Soul Leader
    enDecember 01, 2020

    The Veil Soul Centre and erotic awakening in the void

    The Veil Soul Centre and erotic awakening in the void

    The Veil Soul Centre is a powerful, mysterious portal we transition through in birth. It is the void we must all traverse, where we are called to surrender and open wide. If we can re-wild ourselves here, then we activate a pure download of the treasures of the universe to fuel our soul creations. The Veil Soul Centre is located in the place of our deep pelvis, the cervix for women. There is phenomenal power in these dark moments of activation and we are all being called to open to the veil now. 

    Soul Leader
    enMarch 30, 2020

    Expression MAGIC - tapped into your maximum contribution value

    Expression MAGIC - tapped into your maximum contribution value

    What if your greatest service was to unleash the magic that can only be expressed through you? That you devoted to your maximum contribution value instead worrying about what to say, what you have to give, what others might think. You stayed in the channel of your brilliance and learnt to tap into the hearts of your soul clients and speak directly (and only) for them. This expression magic creates a vortex that is captivating, magnetic and enriched. Fame and glory aren't your soul goals, activating the hearts of others with your truth is. 

    Erotic Embodiment + Manifesting - your body is MAGIC

    Erotic Embodiment + Manifesting - your body is MAGIC

    Your soul chose the body you have. And yet we spend so much time wishing that body was different, without realising it is the magic that powers your desires. Without your body, your soul dreams won't come true. There is a phenomenal amount of latent power that can be unleashed with erotic embodiment, for your highest potential. In this podcast, Melissa explores how to claim your soul's contract with your body to unlock your manifesting magic. 

    What's your frequency? Wiring yourself for pleasure & riches.

    What's your frequency? Wiring yourself for pleasure & riches.

    We all have a frequency that sets the limit of what we experience in the world. Because of our personal & collective history, scarcity and fear can lock into us and we can't attune ourselves to the higher flows of abundance & riches available to us. 

    When you know how to connect with your soul, you are shown the cosmic orgasm of life. In this podcast, we explore how to invoke those higher states of pleasure & flow in our lives, re-wilding ourselves from scarcity mentality. 

    Feeling stuck & paralysed. Moving forward on your big dreams

    Feeling stuck & paralysed. Moving forward on your big dreams

    We all know what its like to feel paralysed. We have big desires & dreams and yet our fear can hold us back and keep us stuck. How do you 'unstuck' yourself? How do you increase your setpoint for abundance and keep on expressing? Melissa explains the science and then gives you a truth-telling on why you're here and what to do. 

    Soul Leader
    enJanuary 29, 2020

    Spiritual flakiness, excuses & soul commitments

    Spiritual flakiness, excuses & soul commitments

    Spiritual flakiness is when someone backs out of a soul commitment they've made to themselves because of fear and doubt. It's when we use intuitive language as excuses and unconsciously dismantle our dreams. The world needs your gifts and that means its time to learn to stay in the trenches of your becoming without walking away. We explore what happens when you stay in the story and turn away from the commitment you've made to your soul. In this podcast, we cover: - projecting onto leaders, coaches and programs without being self-responsible, - the tendency of womxn leaders to use 'intuition' as an excuse not to commit to their soul, - detouring and hijacking your growth, - creating a new paradigm of enriched & earthed leaders who back themselves, - growing our tolerance for discomfort and fear, - how abundance only comes when you show up to your soul, - a simple truth about manifesting

    Manifesting your BIG soul desire

    Manifesting your BIG soul desire

    We all have an original soul desire. Manifesting it is our life long journey. It is the sacred gateway where we meet our original fears and patterns. Often struggling with the light & dark of it. You’ll find many parts of your life interact with this desire - your body, relationships, career, purpose, finances. And that’s why it often can be the desire that is most complex to manifest in physical form. In today’s podcast, we’re going to explore how you can manifest this desire into being, across all areas of your life. 

    Doing Business + Leadership in these times

    Doing Business + Leadership in these times

    These are intense for our communities and the Earth. Devastating fires are raging in Australia. While grief is in our hearts and rage in our bellies, how do we continue to do our soul work and run our businesses? How do we bring higher energy without spiritual bypass? How do we keep leading with our message, launching our offerings and claiming our power? And is it the right, ethical thing to do? 

    Upgrade - anchoring a new energy in your body

    Upgrade - anchoring a new energy in your body

    How do we ride these awakening times and create the bigger vision you have for your life? So many of us are receiving big downloads from our soul because we have these multidimensional channels opened to us that go straight into our soul realm and many of us are feeling the calling. To live in a more connected, aligned, earthed way, to share our truth and our gifts and to make a big contribution in a future we all desire. 

    But once we’ve received the vision, how do we bridge the gap? How do we bring our bodies along for the ride? 

    I’m going to share a little bit about how my body and nervous system has been struggling with the upgrades I’ve been saying yes too and how when your nervous systems triggers, it starts governing and patterning you back down into safety and comfort or unconscious downgrading. 

    But our souls have already said yes, so let’s explore how we can create our lives in reflection of our soul’s legacy and vision. 

    Soul Leader
    enDecember 18, 2019

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