
    Soul rEVOLutions with Lion in the Stars

    In depth conversations around the healing journey, energy work, channeling, and all things Spiritual. We focus on the different tools used for healing and the path to the light through the darkness while working through our shadows, inner child wounds, as well as generational and ancestral trauma. We look at the disconnect from our heart space and how it effects our day to day lives and adds to the separation internally and throughout the collective. Thank you for joining the conversations and opening your hearts and minds to true Soul rEVOLutions.
    en24 Episodes

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    Episodes (24)

    Spiritual Warfare - Part Infinity

    Spiritual Warfare - Part Infinity

    With new levels and ascending timelines comes new forms of spiritual warfare. This isn't designed to scare anyone or fear monger. It's meant to shed light on the healing journey ahead as leaders are having this experiences on their own personal paths.

    The new form of spiritual warfare running through the collective involves shapeshifting and mimicing those that are truly doing the work, those activatining other leaders, and through the divine counterpart collective energies. Showing up with their physical characteristics in order to siphon energy and cause distrust.

    By continuing to do the inner work and journeying into inner divine union, we create a shield of protection born from divine love. Now more than ever it's imperative to connect deeper and higher in our hearts to create an unbreakable connection with God.

    Remember, as healers, we are performing excersisms of demons both from other's own shadows as well as demons, entity attachments, and negative energy.

    We are here to connect to one another and create community. This is inner union to create outer union. This is the journey back to unity consciousness. We are awakening to our true calling and the dark will never succeed. The light will always win.

    You can book a 1:1 session at the link below and can follow the journey via social media.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter/X: @lioninthestars

    Dear Divine Feminine...

    Dear Divine Feminine...

    Words on the essence of Divine Feminine energy and the ways that you positively shift the world with your Goddess flow. You've gone through so much in this world throughout history, throughout different lifetimes and timelines. It's time to stand up in your power. It's time to heal the generational trauma that you choose to clear in this life.

    You are needed. You are loved. You are appreciated. You are seen in all your power and glory. There are men on this journey that are healing their trauma and pain so that they can create the most safe and protective container for you.

    Divine Feminine, thank you for saving my life.

    You can book a 1:1 session on the website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter/X: @lioninthestars

    Death and Rebirth

    Death and Rebirth

    We are moving into a space of community as we continue to walk this healing journey. We have a tendency to heal and transmute alone, as we have been conditioned and programmed to do this from a young age. This is a time to lean on your soul family, your spiritual team. It's time to allow the people that care about you and hold you to your highest timelines, to be there for you and assist you the way you assist so many.

    The death and rebith occurs on so many levels. The old you won't serve you in the new chapter of your life. The new you is ready for this rebirth of mind, body, and soul. This rebirth is allowing you to build trust within in regard to Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy which is reflected in the external and in relationships/community.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter/X: @lioninthestars

    Relationships in Venus Rx

    Relationships in Venus Rx

    The collective has been journeying through deep healing around relationships and the clearing karma from the past 8 years in regards to love. There are some that are feeling tired on this journey due to having one foot in a higher timeline and one foot in the old outdated timelines.

    We are being asked to release the past and step into the higher timelines where we strengthen our relationships with love and abundance. Venus Rx is here to assist our journey if we are willing to do the real work.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Lions Gate Energies

    Lions Gate Energies

    Leading up to and through the Lions Gate portal, there was a heavy feeling in the collective around being unappreciated. In some cases, this is completely valid, but you're being asked to dive deeper into the subconscious and take an honest assesment of this feeling.

    Are you unappreciated or are you not open to receiving the appreciation from those around you? It's easy to get caught up in our stories of the past, and this Lions Gate portal gives us the opportunity to look at the truth of the matter. It's time to let go and release all limiting beliefs and the stories that no longer serve us so that we can live our lives from our truth. And the truth is you are appreciated. Start pouring that energy into you.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Healing Lemurian Timelines

    Healing Lemurian Timelines

    There has been powerful energy running through the collective, but especially within those that resonate with the Twin Flame/Divine Counterpart journey. You're healing deep abandonment wounds, mistrust, lack of committment, all stemming from the fall of Lemuria and the role that jezebel and siren energy kept counterparts from each other.

    This is the lifetime to heal and move differently. This is the lifetime that you assist the collective ascension and align with the world that God intended. So, for those of you feeling the pain of these past lifetimes and timelines deeply, step into the healing work and clear all that is standing in the way of your most authentic journey.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Transparency and Vulnerability

    Transparency and Vulnerability

    There are intense energies as the collective is clearing karma from this life and past lives. Both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are stepping into their power and recommitting to their mission. Leaders in both collectives are starting to understand the importance of being of service to God and shining their light to guide others home.

    The Masculine collective is starting to break their hearts open and understand their strenth in transparency and vulnerability on this journey and how important it is for the Feminine collective to experience our most authentic selves.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instragram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Divine/Sacred Masculine Energies

    Divine/Sacred Masculine Energies

    As men on this journey and within the Masculine Collective, there are intense initiations and energies that we are working through. This ranges from understanding how Jezebel energy is running through the collective and swaying men from their path and their counterparts, to understanding the importance of a healthy container for the Feminine and stepping into the power of the heart within true healthy Masculine energy.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Collective Initiations

    Collective Initiations

    We are moving through powerful transists in the cosmos and intense initiations through the Masculine collective in particular. Divine Masculine is being asked to step deeper into their mission individually as well as for those in union with their counterpart. There's an initiation occuring for those that are transitioning from Divine to Sacred Masculinity as they are being called deeper into their connection with God.

    Twin Flames/Divine Counterparts are working through different elements as their connections are being challenged within and without via psychic attacks.

    Stay grounded. Up your protection. And keep your hearts open as we continue to usher in the 5D into reality.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Inner Child Healing and Spiritual Warfare

    Inner Child Healing and Spiritual Warfare

    It's important to innerstand your past pains, traumas, and wounding, not only to become a better person and live life in your truth, but also to ensure that you are protected on your journey from psychic attacks and spiritual warfare.

    We discuss the difference between how an empath views the pain and trauma in another vs someone coming from a negative space with negative intentions.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Your journey is your content

    Your journey is your content

    The things you've experienced and the knowledge that you've gained equals the wisdom that your meant to share with the collective. Your journey through the pain and trauma is exactly the medicine that others need. You showing up in your power and walking the journey of authenticity helps the collective heal. It's time to stop overthinking about what content to push out when the things you've walked through in your life are the exact topics to build your content around. 

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Karma - The blocks to our abundance

    Karma - The blocks to our abundance

    This is a look into the other aspects of karma and how when we don't follow the calls of our heart, the downloads from God/Source, we create negavite karma that can block our blessings. You were given these downloads for a reason: to share with the collective. When you follow your purpose, the abundance will automatically start to flow.

    You can book a 1:1 session on our website below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Ascension Symptoms, Mission Codes, Timeline Ascension

    Ascension Symptoms, Mission Codes, Timeline Ascension

    We are moving through a powerful time in our lives individually and collectively. Those that are on the true healing journey are ascending timelines quickly and feeling the effects of the accompanying ascension symptoms. Those on the Divine Counterpart journey are receiving mission codes to assist in the success of your union and mission.

    Remember to upgrade your grounding and protection. Honor the call of your body as it acclimates to these higher timelines. Keep your heart open to receive the messages from God that will guide you on your journey.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars


    Twin Flame/Divine Counterpart Energies

    Twin Flame/Divine Counterpart Energies

    There is something BIG working through the Twin Flame collective (the 144,000) currently. Doubts, fears, insecurities, intrusive thoughts are all running rampant. This is more than the normal shadown work we experience on this healing journey. This is the energy of dark forces at play. The intention is not to fear monger. The intention is to inform and help gain understanding for those that are walking through these energies. Upgrade your grounding and protection. Keep your heart open. Remember God communicates through love. If it's not from love, it's not coming from God.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars

    Solitude, the Masculine Journey

    Solitude, the Masculine Journey

    There is magic that is found within solitude for the men on this healing journey. This is where you have the opportunity to face your shadows, fears, and insecurities. Where you have the opportunity to meet and heal the different versions of your wounded inner child. Where you make your deep and profound connection with God. This is the battleground that creates Spiritual Warriors, Leaders of the new world, and Divine and Sacred Kings.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars


    Deep Dive into Inner Child Healing

    Deep Dive into Inner Child Healing

    There are levels of healing and this is no different when it comes to the journey into the wounding and distortion of the inner child. I recently experienced a huge breakthrough around my relationships, which led to two more levels being unlocked.

    We all experience fears around our purpose and it's easy to just write it off or fall victim to external circumstances. But the journey always begins within and the external reality is a direct reflection of the internal reality. The beauty in this is that we can heal our trauma and ascend higher on our path as we allow ourselves to see and feel the truth: that we are worthy of the greatest life and greatest love.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars


    Scorpio Season and Eclipse Portal Energy

    Scorpio Season and Eclipse Portal Energy

    Talking about the intense energies that we are being asked to transmute through this powerful Scorpio Season and Eclipse Portal.

    We have been asked to dive into the depths of the wounding and trauma around our relationship with our parents via the Mother and Father wounding, inner child pain, our relationships and friendships, and so much more.

    We are being asked to shed our limiting beliefs and step fully into our purpose to share our love with the world.

    For any questions around 1:1 Mentoring, Soul Guidance Readings, or Reiki Healing please reach me at my website or email me at the reference points below.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Email: christopher.seiffert@lioninthestars.com

    IG: @lion.in.the.stars


    Episode 7 - Coming Into Union

    Episode 7 - Coming Into Union

    We discuss the growth and healing that occured through the past year, specifically 2021, and the part it played in building the foundation for 2022 and the theme of harmonious relationships and UNION.

    To book at 1:1 Coaching Session, Reading, or Reiki Healing, visit my website below, or click the link in my bio on Instagram.

    website: www.lioninthestars.com

    IG: @lion.in.the.stars


    Episode 6 - Pouring Into Your Own Cup First

    Episode 6 - Pouring Into Your Own Cup First
    We talk about the importance of pouring into our own cup first on the healing journey, especially as Empaths.  We provide techniques to help bring your energy back to center and into the present moment.  This will aid in better sleep, improved focus, and help rid yourself of the feelings of tiredness and being energetically drained.

    Reach out at the following links to book a 1:1 Coaching Session or a Reading.

    website: www.lioninthestars.com

    IG: @lion.in.the.stars

    Episode 5 - Shadow Integration

    Episode 5 - Shadow Integration

    We spend so much timing running from our shadows, afraid to face the darker parts of who we are and in doing so we deny ourselves the opportunity to move to a place of unconditional love within.  This is especially true for men on the Divine Masculine healing journey as we have been taught false truths about what being a leader and King are.

    Website: www.lioninthestars.com

    Instagram: @lion.in.the.stars

    Twitter: @lioninthestars


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