
    South Side Baptist Church (Abbeville SC)

    South Side Baptist - Abbeville SC
    en286 Episodes

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    Episodes (286)

    Coram Deo - Acts 9:1-22

    Coram Deo - Acts 9:1-22
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry March 10, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: Stage 1 in the Believer’s Life: Pre-conversion Acts 7:58-8:3, 9:1-2 Stage 2 in the Believer’s Life: Salvation Acts 9:3-18 Notice the Sequence: Regeneration—Conversion—Baptism Stage 3 in the Believer’s Life: A Life of Coram Deo Acts 9:19-22 https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Guilty as Sin - Romans 3:1-20

    Guilty as Sin - Romans 3:1-20
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry March 3, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: God is totally righteous to judge man’s total depravity. 1. God’s Total Righteousness (1-8) For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. (Hebrews 6:4-6) 2. Man’s Total Depravity (9-20) Summary of Romans 1:18-3:20 1. Gentiles know of God through natural law, yet suppress God’s truth and worship the creature not the Creator. 2. Jews are privileged in that they have God’s Law—but they are not able to keep God’s Law. The Law shows their guilt. 3. Having the Law isn’t what counts—keeping it is, and all are condemned because none keep the Law. The Law shows how far short we fall. 4. We need a righteous standing because we answer to the righteous judge. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    The Folly of Showy Religion - Romans 2:17-29

    The Folly of Showy Religion - Romans 2:17-29
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry February 25, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: An outward showy religion without inward transformation blasphemes God’s name among unbelievers. 1. It is the inside (heart), not the outside (showy religion), that matters to God. (17-24) And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” [Matthew 12:41-44] 2. Paul uses circumcision as an example of the folly of outward religion without inward transformation. (25-29) https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    God’s Righteous Judgment - Romans 2:1-16

    God’s Righteous Judgment - Romans 2:1-16
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry February 18, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: I. God judges truthfully. (1-5) II. God judges equitably. (6-11) A. God will judge all people equitably (6) B. Eternal life for those who do good (7) C. Indignation and wrath to the disobedient (8) C.’ Wrath to evil workers (9) B.’ Glory to workers of good (10) A.’ God judges impartially (11) III. God judges justly. (12-16) https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Gentile Sinners - Romans 1:18-32

    Gentile Sinners - Romans 1:18-32
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry February 11, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: I. God has revealed His wrath against Gentiles. (18a) II. God has revealed His wrath against Gentiles because they suppress God’s truth. (18b-23) III. God has revealed His wrath by giving men over to the desires of their hearts. (24-32) https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    An Argument Worthy of Our Attention - Romans 1:1-17

    An Argument Worthy of Our Attention - Romans 1:1-17
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry February 4, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: Outline of the Introduction (1:1-17) Greeting (1-7) Prayer (8-15) Main Idea of Argument (16-17) Ethos- the credibility of the persuader Pathos- the passion of the persuader Logos- the message of the persuader 1. It’s the subject of all the Bible (2) 2. It’s Christ-centered (3-4) 3. It’s about God’s power to save (16) 4. It's about the Righteousness of God (17) 5. It’s about NEWS, not LIFESTYLE (17) https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    What Happens at the Lord’s Table?

    What Happens at the Lord’s Table?
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry January 28, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: 1. First, imperfect believers act in obedience to their Lord’s command. 2. Second, as we experience the bread and the cup, we remember the person of Christ and the work He’s accomplished on our behalf. 3. Third, the body of Christ—the Church—engages in true communion with God and each other. 4. Fourth, we celebrate! 5. Finally, as we experience continual reminders of our position in Christ, we align our lives to God’s commands. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    The Significance of the Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:23-32

    The Significance of the Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry January 21, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: 1. The Lord’s Supper points to God’s Provision, and we respond with thanksgiving. 2.  The Lord’s Supper points to God’s Salvation, and we respond with remembrance. 3. The Lord’s Supper points to God’s New Covenant, and we respond in faith. 4. The Lord’s Supper points to God’s Good News, and we respond with obedient observance. 5. The Lord’s Supper points to the imminent return of Christ, so we respond in fearful obedience. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Passover: The Context of the Lord’s Supper - Exodus 11-12

    Passover: The Context of the Lord’s Supper - Exodus 11-12
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry January 7, 2024 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: 1. God’s Promise of devastating judgment (Exodus 11:4-10) 2. God’s Protection from devastating judgment (Exodus 12:1-13) 3. God’s Prescription of a Memorial Feast (Exodus 12:14-28) 4. God’s Perfection of His promises (Exodus 12:29-32) Before sacrifices occurred Sacrificial meals Blood was central Deliverers Signs Faith of the participants https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    The Christmas Story and God’s Big Picture - Revelation 12:1-6

    The Christmas Story and God’s Big Picture - Revelation 12:1-6
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry December 17, 2023 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: I. Creation ex nihilo II. Fall and God’s curse on all creation III. Redemption accomplished a. Incarnation b. Representation c. Crucifixion - Substitution - Propitiation d. Resurrection e. Ascension f. Session IV. Heaven: The consummation of the Kingdom of God https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    The Virgin Birth of Jesus: YES IT MATTERS - Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 (Part 2)

    The Virgin Birth of Jesus: YES IT MATTERS - Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 (Part 2)
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Joel Bradberry December 10, 2023 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: 1. The virgin birth is important because it helps us understand the deity and humanity of Jesus. 2. The virgin birth is important because it helps us understand Jesus’ sinless nature. 3. The virgin birth is important because it reminds us that salvation begins with God. 4. The virgin birth is important because it reassures us that God knows best. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Gospel Encouragement - Ephesians 6:21-24

    Gospel Encouragement - Ephesians 6:21-24
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Zack Little November 12, 2023 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: Gospel people giving gospel encouragement is necessary for gospel living. 1. As we walk in the gospel, we will need gospel encouragement. 2. We find gospel encouragement in the context of gospel relationships. 3. The truth of the gospel is the substance of our gospel encouragement. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Gospel Strength - Ephesians 6:10-20

    Gospel Strength - Ephesians 6:10-20
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Zack Little November 5, 2023 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: In Christ, we have all we need to stand firm in battle for the sake of the gospel mission. 1. Recognize the need to be strong in Jesus. a. We have a scheming enemy. b. We are in a spiritual battle. c. We fight in an evil day. 2. Utilize the resources we have in Jesus. a. Put on the gospel armor. b. Wield the word of God. c. Pray for supernatural help. 3. Prioritize the mission of Jesus. a. My circumstances are my gospel opportunity. b. My identity is a gospel ambassador. c. My need is gospel boldness. https://www.southsideabbeville.com

    Gospel Workplace - Ephesians 6:5-9

    Gospel Workplace - Ephesians 6:5-9
    South Side Baptist Church Abbeville, South Carolina Pastor Zack Little October 29, 2023 Sunday AM Service Sermon Notes: The Spirit enables servants and masters to honor Jesus by reflecting the gospel. 1. Gospel servants should obey their earthly masters. a. Respect from your heart. b. Remember your heavenly Master is watching and is worthy. c. Remember your heavenly reward is coming. 2. Gospel masters should treat servants with a mutual respect. a. Refrain from threatening. b. Remember your place as a servant of Jesus. c. Remember your servant is your spiritual equal. https://www.southsideabbeville.com