
    Sovereign Self

    Tune in to Sovereign Self, a show that explores the magic of waking up to your most powerful, potent, and purposeful self as the conscious creator of your life in order to do your big work in this world. Zofia and her guests are passionate about transforming, not only their own lives, but the lives of others by accessing their highest potential through divine wisdom and love. Zofia and her guests dive deep into vulnerable sharing about how they brought their souls into full expression to influence their leadership, relationships, career, family and health. This show leaves you feeling amused, activated and connected to the opening of your own portal of passion, purpose and influence. The shares in this show provoke you, and inspire you to notice the enchantment of everyday life where synergy, flow, ease and manifesting are at your fingertips when you tap in to the synchrony of Source. Sovereign Self airs live Mondays at 3 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Business.
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    Episodes (261)

    Encore Darkness Disguised as Light, The Low Down on Psychic Protection

    Encore Darkness Disguised as Light, The Low Down on Psychic Protection
    Have you ever felt like something was dragging you down or holding you back? Zofia explores Maya Zahiras spiritual journey and the unexpected places it took her. She thought she was going to be all about Reiki, but it all took a sharp turn into a calling she'd never imagined, Psychic Protection. Discover the questions you should be asking before taking your next spiritual class, retreat or workshop and how to hold a safe space for your clients if you lead these kinds of events.

    Elevating Your Life with Spirit Guides

    Elevating Your Life with Spirit Guides
    Are you curious about the mysterious world of spirit guides? Do you ever wonder how connecting with someone else’s guides can have an effect on your life? Join us on Sovereign Self this week as we explore the power of spirit guides with special guest, Renee Spears. Renee is an intuitive reader and will be sharing insights she has gained from the spirit guides while doing readings for clients, including reincarnation and different timelines. She will also share how understanding and connecting with spirit guides can help you elevate your life. Tune in to this enlightening episode and discover the power of your spirit guides!

    Set Your Default to Play

    Set Your Default to Play
    In this episode, we discuss how setting our default to play can have a significant impact on our health, healing, and performance. Our guest, Ashley DePaulis, shares valuable insights on how incorporating play into our lives can help us manage stress, reshape our brains and bodies, and re-establish harmony within the mind-body-spirit connection. We explore how play also helps us reconnect with our inner child, tap into our creativity, and find joy in the midst of adversity. Ashley shares exercises for infusing play into our day by taking recess breaks, and the importance of creating safe spaces for play, where we can feel free to express ourselves without fear of judgment. Drawing from real-life experiences and personal anecdotes, we illustrate how play can be a potent tool that leads to greater success and happiness in all aspects of our lives. Tune in to this episode to gain practical guidance and inspiration on how to set your default to play and find joy on demand.

    Seeing Your Story Through Space

    Seeing Your Story Through Space
    What if the key to unlocking your highest potential and manifesting the life of your dreams lies in your environment? Join us this week on Sovereign Self, as host ZofiaRennea Morales interviews The Feng Shui Lady®?, Laura Beatriz Carrillo, to explore the power of Feng Shui and how it can be used as a manifesting tool. From magnetizing love, babies, health and wealth to creating sacred space in the physical, metaphysical and digital world, Laura will share her wisdom on how your environments serve as a reflection of your stories and how you can use Feng Shui to align your space with your highest good and set yourself up for the success you desire.

    The Science of Living Your Soul's Purpose

    The Science of Living Your Soul's Purpose
    Now that you know your soul purpose, how do you live into your highest potential? Join Zofia on Sovereign Self this week as she continues her chat with Kevin Carton, about how we actually live into our purpose in life. Kevin will discuss the the practical and tactical around living out our true purpose. Tune in for this inspiring and informative episode of Sovereign Self and get ready to start living into your soul's mission! Note: the Sovereign Self Media site has been taken down. Here are the links for this episode! Gift: www.thesoulpurposeblueprint.com Contact Kevin! https://www.instagram.com/kevinfcarton/ https://kevincarton.clickfunnels.com/optin-448796811606521839313 Contact Zofia: https://www.facebook.com/TransformationSpace https://www.facebook.com/ZofiaRennea https://www.linkedin.com/in/zofiarenneamorales http://www.Instagram.com/ZofiaRennea Super Power Quiz https://superpowerquiz.us Coffee Chat https://BookZofiaCoffeeChat.com

    The Art of Living Your Soul's Purpose

    The Art of Living Your Soul's Purpose
    Ready to awaken to your highest potential? Join Zofia on Sovereign Self this week as she chats with return guest and fan favorite, Kevin Carton, about the importance of connecting with our purpose in life. Kevin will discuss the spiritual approaches to our true purpose and how we can create the highest version of ourselves. Plus, he'll be sharing insights on the common blocks to purpose and how to overcome them. Tune in for this inspiring and informative episode of Sovereign Self and get ready to go deep into your soul's mission!

    Every Day Miracles For Ancestral Healing

    Every Day Miracles For Ancestral Healing
    Have you every wondered if your family was cursed, around love, money or something else? Do you feel like you might be working off some old ancestral karma? Join Zofia and Frannie the Healer as they dive into ancestral healing and how it's not actually about healing from the curses in our lineage or paying for our father's (mother's) sins, but rather about embracing the knowledge, wisdom, and gifts from our ancestors. Our guest Francoise Dassier (Frannie the Healer) will share her perspective of this physical realm and how we can break generational patterns while still honoring our lineage. Tune in to gain insight into ancestral healing and practical applications for how to approach this in your own life to throw off the family junk weighing you down!

    Astrological New Year! More Energetic Shifts

    Astrological New Year! More Energetic Shifts
    Sally Boyd from Activated Astrology and the Ascension School of Spirituality will be our guest. Sally is an expert in the field of astrology and spirituality and she is here to discuss the importance of energetic shifts on our lives and how they can potentially show up. Energetic shifts are a crucial part of our lives, and astrology can help us to better understand the energies at play. These shifts can manifest in various ways, such as changes in our emotions, relationships, work, and spiritual practices. By paying attention to these shifts and understanding their underlying causes, we can better navigate the ups and downs of life. Lets talk about the tie between spirituality and astrology, as both fields are closely intertwined. Astrology can provide insight into our spiritual journey and help us to understand the cosmic energies at play in our lives. By embracing astrology as a tool for spiritual growth, we can deepen our connection with the universe and tap into our inner wisdom.

    Inner Medicine for Mother Earth

    Inner Medicine for Mother Earth
    With all the challenges we are facing on Earth, we might feel overwhelmed and helpless to do anything about it. Yet this darkest hour is humanity’s invitation to higher consciousness, homo luminous, and the decision to cultivate inner medicine through a series of initiations that will evolve us into what we were put on Earth to be—stewards of the Garden of Eden. Rise to the challenge with insights from this special interview and learn about Kerri Hummingbird’s new book: Inner Medicine - Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity.

    Encore Spirituality V Shadow - Unexpected Gifts of Shadow Work

    Encore Spirituality V Shadow - Unexpected Gifts of Shadow Work
    Ever feel like the deck is stacked against you? Or perhaps you can't shake a feeling of being an imposter in your own world? Join Zofia and Luna Ase, as they dig deep into the roots of unworthiness and learned helplessness. Luna shares the unexpected gift that shadow work brought her and how she used her shadow and unhealed parts as her guides into a better life, and how you can too!

    Waken your Divine Gifts, Purpose & Step into your Sovereign Truth

    Waken your Divine Gifts, Purpose & Step into your Sovereign Truth
    Do you ever wonder why we've come to live in self criticism and self rejection?   Have noticed, collectively, we act out patterns of addiction and self-destructive soothing more often than not? Join Zofia and Whitney Walker as they explore the role of the Divine Feminine and Spiritual Awakening experience in modern life. Discover how you can build trust in the changes and challenges that come with spiritual growth and step boldly onto your soul's path. Together they pull back the curtain on the Divine Feminine principals and show you how you can embody them in your life starting today by using life choices based them in order to begin forging a path for yourself and future generations that is not based in entirely masculine principals.  Freeing yourself and your family from the conditionality has turned society into addicts and connecting with your inherent worth and value.

    Encore It's Never Too Late

    Encore It's Never Too Late
    Have you been telling yourself it may too late to fulfill your dream, find your purposeful path, have the relationship you want or start a family, even find love again later in life? Regardless of the reason (age, money, family commitments, marriage breakdown, exhaustion, health, past failure, lack of education…) think again! You have a Fairy Godmother in Wendy Darling. Join us as Zofia and Wendy discuss how to do a full reset and allow your dreams and intentions to unfold seamlessly.

    Encore 3 Dangerous Myths about Psychic Protection

    Encore 3 Dangerous Myths about Psychic Protection
    Have you ever felt like there was something causing you trouble in random ways, like a cloud over your head? Or felt like there was a person that it was bad to share your hopes and goals with because your plans would start to go to pieces soon afterwards? Today Zofia and Maya Zahira unpack the 3 biggest myths about psychic protection and psychic attack. Plus Maya shares the signs of psychic attack (If you answered yes to the 2 questions above you'll want to take note) and the 1 tool it's important to keep handy, to buy yourself time in the case of an acute psychic attack. Tune in and up your spiritual self defense game today, so you know how to handle yourself on the spiritual plane as well.

    Encore Pharmacy Failure leads to Spiritual Coaching Success

    Encore Pharmacy Failure leads to Spiritual Coaching Success
    Have you ever achieved your dream only to find it underwhelming or unsatisfying? or perhaps the dream was right there in reach and then snatched away as the last moment? What's up with that? Zofia and Kevin Carton explore his journey into becoming a successful spiritual coach with all it's twists, turns and disappointments. Digging deep into the nuts and bolts of how he set himself up for success. Tune in and learn how you too can make your heart centered business support you and serve more people, today on Sovereign Self.

    A life of Magic

    A life of Magic
    Do you ever wonder where YOUR magic is? Anand Sukhadia joins Zofia to discuss how he discovered how to shift his happiness set point. Plus they go deep into the tactical and practical of inviting the magic that is all around you each day into your awareness and your life experience. So join us for YOUR road map into your most magical life.

    Changing Your World from the Inside Out

    Changing Your World from the Inside Out
    What Choice would you make? You’ve just given birth to your first child, when you are told you will die in 6 months if you don’t amputate your leg. You may live a couple years more if you do. That’s when Linda Lang’s journey really began in earnest. She and Zofia explore the decision that she faced and how she negotiated her cancer journey and her awakening. Tune in to gain the tools and insights that will help you make your own aligned decisions. (And discover what Linda decided.)

    Living from the Inside Out

    Living from the Inside Out
    What if you were taught to build your life backwards? What if how you were taught to solve problems is all backwards? What if these lessons are contributing to why your life feels heavy and unmagical? On Today's episode, Zofia and Karen Maloney, the inside out coach, explore how to make the shift from seeking answers from the world around you into seeking your answers within yourself. Karen shares lessons from her own journey of awakening and making the shift into her intuitive guidance. And how that shift has made all the difference in her satisfaction and fulfillment. Join us to gain the tools to make that shift for yourself and bring your own life into alignment, starting from the inside out.

    3 Dangerous Myths about Psychic Protection

    3 Dangerous Myths about Psychic Protection
    Have you ever felt like there was something causing you trouble in random ways, like a cloud over your head? Or felt like there was a person that it was bad to share your hopes and goals with because your plans would start to go to pieces soon afterwards? Today Zofia and Maya Zahira unpack the 3 biggest myths about psychic protection and psychic attack. Plus Maya shares the signs of psychic attack (If you answered yes to the 2 questions above you'll want to take note) and the 1 tool it's important to keep handy, to buy yourself time in the case of an acute psychic attack. Tune in and up your spiritual self defense game today, so you know how to handle yourself on the spiritual plane as well.

    Manifesting your Most Magnificent Life

    Manifesting your Most Magnificent Life
    Ever wonder why everyone else seems to manifesting their entire vision boards and you can barely manifest a cup of joe? Or why you are amazing at Manifesting Stuff, but not cash money? Zofia and Heather discuss the secret sauce of manifesting that helped her manifest her most magnificent life. Before Heather opened up to her gifts she was sick, broke, and was left feeling uninspired with life. However, as she started her spiritual journey, she started manifesting an epic life. From a beautiful house on the lake, to landing her dream jobs, to becoming a psychic medium. Tune in to learn the biggest step that is often missed when trying to manifest your dreams, so you too can live the life you want.

    Encore Encore Embracing the Financial Flow of Abundance

    Encore Encore Embracing the Financial Flow of Abundance
    How you can open yourself up to more flow of money, even if you’ve been broke or financially up and down for most of your life? What is the single most important thing to think about? Because if you can get to the root of money flow, you can open the flow for love, good health, and joy. Tune in with Robert and Zofia as they explore the answers to these questions in today's discussion.