
    Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.

    The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You won’t need any grammar nor boring exercises. You will also learn about the English culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on learning English. All the audio is in English and you can get the text at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
    enGeorgiana291 Episodes

    Episodes (291)

    Spring Offer 2024

    Spring Offer 2024


    This week is a bit special because it is Spring Offer, and all my premium courses have a 60% discount.

    I've received several messages with questions about the courses. I will try to answer some frequently asked questions in this short episode.

    By the way, you can get the offer at:


    Hurry up because the offer is only available until this Sunday at midnight.

    Let's start with the most frequently asked question:

    1) What is the difference between the podcast and the premium courses?

    That's a great question! In the podcast, I talk about very diverse topics to improve your vocabulary. It's a great listening practice. 

    I also give a small example of a lesson in each podcast episode. It can be a mini-story of questions and answers or a point of view. Because of time limitations, I can barely develop these lessons, yet they allow you to test the method that I use in my premium courses in an easy and fun way.

    Instead, the premium courses are complete programs designed to improve your spoken English dramatically. These are conversation courses.

    You start speaking from DAY ONE with the conversation simulator.

    They are audio lessons that "simulate" conversations. I call them Q&A mini-stories.

    Unlike the podcast, the premium courses contain hours and hours of questions and answers. Imagine for a moment a podcast episode multiplied by 100.

    Also, the courses allow you to work much better on grammar aspects such as the plural, singular, all kinds of verb tenses, and certain common expressions of English. All of this unfolds in an interactive way, following one or more stories that provide a rich and entertaining context.

    For example, the Fluency Course (level II) contains more than 8 hours of audio, thousands of questions and answers (mini-stories), and almost 200 pages of transcription text.

    Of course, there are also many point-of-view lessons that allow you to work very intensely on aspects of grammar.

    One rule I always follow is to create lessons with complex characters and funny stories with unexpected endings. That way, you'll never forget what you learn best and, of course, it's a lot more fun.

    Another question:

    2) Can I use the premium courses on the iPhone, iPad, Android, and so on?

    Yes, of course. You can use them without problems. It is important to keep in mind that the courses are not apps. That is, you don't install them. It's much more flexible. The courses consist of mp3 audio and text (PDF). This is much simpler and prevents technical problems.

    Transferring the content to any device is quite easy. However, when you buy one of the courses, I send you detailed steps to know what to do. In any case, you can contact me by e-mail with any questions.

    3) Is there a monthly payment for the premium courses?

    No, there is no such thing. They are yours for personal use and forever when you buy the courses.

    4) How many premium courses are there, and what is the difference?

    There are currently four courses. I will describe them briefly:

    1) 30-Day Crash Course (level 1): This course is for beginners with no knowledge of English. It is a course that works very well, and I am happy with the result because it helps a lot to start with English. In your case, I don't recommend it because if you are a follower of this podcast, you are no longer a beginner.

    2) The Fluency Course (level 2):  The level of this course is a bit easier than this podcast, but there is almost no difference. This program will help you automate the most common structures when speaking. It consists of 20 units with 20 unique and fun stories. I recommend this course if you're trying to stop mentally translating when you speak English, even with relatively easy expressions.  

    3) The Magic Course (level 3): This course is very ambitious because it goes one step beyond the Fluency Course. The aim is to practice all the verb tenses in the context of a long and well-developed story. There is plenty of vocabulary, and grammar points are very useful. When you finish this course, you will have an advanced level of English.

    4) The Business Course (Job Interview Course) With this course, you will master the 30 most common questions asked at a job interview, learn specific vocabulary, and when to use it. You will get examples of how to answer the questions. And the exclusive mini-stories will help you speak English more confidently at a job interview.

    5) Georgiana, what if I don't like them, or I don't adapt to the courses?

    That's all right. If, during the first 30 days, you are not convinced by the program, you can request a refund without any problem.

    6) Are there any free samples of the courses?

    Yes, of course. You can get some samples at:


    Very well, I think I have answered the most frequently asked questions. I hope you found this helpful. Remember that you can benefit from the Spring offer promotion at:


    If your goal is to improve your fluency, my courses can really help you. I repeat for the last time:


    Only until this Sunday at midnight.

    All right. That's all for today. I will see you next week!

    Bye! Bye!


    #290 Movie Idioms in English

    #290 Movie Idioms in English

    Hi, everyone! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    Today, we are going to talk about idioms and specific vocabulary related to movies in English.

    And with a mini-story, you are going to improve your fluency. I’ll tell you a story while asking you many questions that you have to answer right away. It’s like talking to another person in English.

    Please visit SpeakEnglishPodcast.com to get the transcript of today’s episode. And follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube.

    Let’s get started!

    As I said today, we will look at some specific words and idioms related to movies in English.

    Let’s start!

    1. Get the show on the road

    When someone tells you to get the show on the road, they urge you to start doing something. They want you to start, even if there are some mistakes and things that hinder your progress.


     “Let’s get the show on the road, or we’ll be late.”

    “We’re finally ready to get the show on the road.”

    “It’s about time we got the show on the road!”

    “Come on, the fans are waiting outside, and we must get the show on the road!”

    2. To kick off a show or kickoff

    In show business, to kick off a show means to start a performance. We also use this expression to refer to the first performance among many.

    A kickoff celebration is a party that celebrates the beginning of something. You can simply call this party a kickoff.


    “The advertising campaign is ready to kick off the show.”

     “Kickoff will be at 10 o’clock prompt.”

     “Tom is coming to the kickoff tonight.”

    3. Popcorn movie

    Do you enjoy eating popcorn?

    But what’s a popcorn movie?

    When you want to watch a movie just for entertainment, you will usually watch a popcorn movie. Although they are called popcorn movies, you don’t necessarily need to eat popcorn while watching them.

    Let’s say that this kind of movie will not give you a new perspective on life. Many of the summer blockbusters are popcorn movies, and the great thing is that you can watch them with friends or family.

    blockbuster is a very successful product like a movie or a book that makes a lot of money.

    For instance, a Hollywood studio releases many movies in search of a blockbuster.

    Here are some popular popcorn movies you have already watched:

    Transformers (2007), Spider-Man (2002), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), Mission: Impossible (1996), Forrest Gump (1994), Batman Begins (2005), The Fast and the Furious (2001), etc.

    4. Live up to the hype

    If a movie or a show is up to the hype, it means there is enough interest in it. Movie critics and bloggers become excited about something by generating a lot of buzz or hype.

    Generally speaking, it’s hard to live up to the hype, but the best movies can generate many expectations before they are released.


    “I watched that movie you recommended last week, and it definitely lived up to the hype. I loved it!

    “I am happy to say that your performance lived up to the hype.”

    5. Sell out

    We can use the expression to sell out in several ways.

    But if tickets are sold out, it means that all available tickets for a movie, concert, etc., have been sold.

    And also when we want to buy something in a store or on the Internet. If they are sold out, they are no longer available.


    “We sold out all the movie tickets in the first couple of hours.”

    “My favorite T-shirt sold out everywhere.”

    Before we continue, I want to give you a useful tip on how to understand movies in English.

    First of all, you should keep in mind that movies are meant for native speakers and are full of expressions and phrasal verbsAnd yes, actors usually talk fast. And the reason they speak so fast is that they have memorized their lines.

    I believe that the biggest problem English students have is that they don’t listen enough. First, you have to build a good foundation by listening to many hours of content with clear audio and good pronunciation. Over time, understanding movies will become easier.

    Before I move on to the next section, go and get the transcript of this episode at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Do you know how you can help me? You can share the podcast with your friends and family. And tell them to go to SpeakEnglishPodcast.com to get my free mini-course. That would mean a lot to me. Thanks.

    #289 Diogenes Syndrome

    #289 Diogenes Syndrome

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    Today, I want to talk about something called Diogenes syndrome. It might not be something you're familiar with, but it's a big deal in society. This syndrome is about people accumulating too much stuff in their homes.

    My friend shared a story with me last week about her dear 80-year-old neighbor who recently passed away. Her children came to clear out the house so they could sell it. It turns out that the poor woman had collected a lot of stuff over the years—furniture, boxes, and more. It seems like she had a habit of collecting things.

    You might have seen cases like this in the news, or maybe you know someone who just can't seem to throw things away. It's like they have a habit of hoarding stuff. Many people can relate to this—I sometimes have to remind myself to get rid of things I don't need anymore because they start piling up at home.

    But what I'm talking about here is more extreme. It's a condition where people hoard so much stuff that their homes become overwhelmed with clutter. Ironically, it's named after Diogenes of Sinope, an ancient Greek philosopher who believed in living with very little. People with this syndrome, however, collect things indiscriminately, thinking they might need them one day.

    While it's not officially classified as a mental illness, it often goes hand in hand with other mental health issues, and it tends to affect older people more. Some experts think it might stem from difficult experiences in the past, like living through a war, where holding onto things was a matter of survival.

    In the US, when someone has Diogenes syndrome, people try to help them in different ways. Here's what they do:

    Doctors or nurses might visit their homes to see if they are physically and mentally okay.

    Mental health experts can talk to them and try to help them feel better.

    Support from Social Workers: These are people who help others with their problems. They can arrange for someone to clean their house, talk to them about keeping it tidy, and connect them with other helpful services like food or counseling.

    Keeping in Touch: It's essential to check on them to ensure they get the help they need.

    Sometimes, the Law Gets Involved: If the person is in danger or putting others in danger, some legal steps might need to be taken to make sure they get the proper care.

    The goal is always to make sure the person is safe and healthy. It's also essential for more people to learn about Diogenes syndrome so that those who need help can get it sooner.

    Sometimes, people don't want help, and professionals must respect their choice to live as they please. Research shows that the causes of Diogenes syndrome are complicated—it could be genetic, psychological, or tied to traumatic events.

    As society ages, we might see more of this syndrome cropping up. It's something policymakers need to think about and take action on.

    Is it the same where you live? If you have any insights, feel free to share.

    #288 Marketing and Accounting Made Simple

    #288 Marketing and Accounting Made Simple

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Ok, let's start!

    This episode is for my English students who work in finance. But don't worry if you don't! I'll explain marketing and accounting in a way that's easy for everyone to understand.

    Understanding Marketing

    Marketing is how businesses tell people about their products or services. Imagine it as a four-letter word: 'P-P-P-P.'

    'Product' is what businesses want people to buy. It could be a smartphone, a pizza, or anything they sell.

    'Price' is how much money you need to buy the product. It can attract or discourage customers.

    'Place' is where you get the product. It can be in a store, online, or at a market.

    'Promotion' is how companies advertise their products, like TV ads or online banners.

    Marketing Vocabulary

    Let's explore some common marketing terms.

    'Advertising' is the commercials you see on TV or the banners you click online.

    'Branding' is a company's personality. Think of a famous fast-food restaurant and its logo.

    'Market research' is understanding what people like and want so companies can meet their needs.

    Introduction to Accounting

    Now, let's talk about accounting. It's like a financial diary for businesses.

    There are two key things in accounting: 'income' and 'expenses.'

    'Income' is the money a company earns, like from sales or services.

    'Expenses' are a business's costs, like paying employees or buying materials.

    Basic Accounting Terms

    Some essential accounting terms:

    'Revenue' is the total sales or money a company makes.

    'Expenses' are the costs to run a business.

    'Profit' is what's left when you subtract expenses from revenue. A positive number means making money.

    A 'balance sheet' is like a financial snapshot of a company's assets and debts.

    The Connection Between Marketing and Accounting

    Marketing and accounting are partners in business success. Marketing attracts customers, increasing revenue. Accounting measures this success, ensuring a company is profitable and healthy.

    Now, let's look at the vital connection between marketing and accounting. Think of a business as a ship sailing toward success. Marketing acts like the wind in its sails, driving it forward, while accounting is like the compass that keeps it on the right path.

    Marketing efforts, such as advertising and promotions, bring in customers. More customers mean higher sales or revenue, which is excellent for a business. Think of marketing as a way to gather a crowd around the ship.

    However, it's not sufficient to gather a crowd; you must also ensure the ship stays afloat and profitable. This is where accounting comes into play. Accounting checks the ship's financial health.

    It helps you determine if you're making a profit (when more money comes in than goes out) or if adjustments are necessary. Picture accounting as examining the ship's supplies, making sure it has enough fuel, and ensuring the crew gets paid.

    So, marketing and accounting cooperate to help businesses succeed. Marketing attracts customers, while accounting closely watches over the ship's finances, ensuring it remains on the correct course toward success.

    Remember, understanding this connection is crucial for getting the full picture of how businesses operate. Marketing brings people in, and accounting evaluates and guarantees long-term success.

    Recap and Tips

    Let's summarize:

    Marketing spreads the word about products (P-P-P-P Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

    Accounting tracks money (Income, Expenses, Profit, Balance Sheet).

    They work together for business success.

    Practice your new vocabulary by listening to this episode several times during the week.

    I hope this easy explanation of marketing and accounting helps you on your learning journey.

    #287 How to save money? part#2

    #287 How to save money? part#2

    If you want to save money, listen to this new episode.

    Last week, we discussed different strategies to save money; now, let's continue learning new tricks. And with a funny mini-story, you will practice your English speaking.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    And if you want to get the transcriptthen visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    Automate Your Savings

    Make saving money a habit by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account. This ensures that a portion of your income is saved automatically each month, reducing the temptation to spend it.

    Keep Track of Your Expenses

    Maintain a record of all your expenses to understand where your money goes. You can use a notebook or a smartphone app to record every purchase. This practice helps you identify areas where you might be overspending and where you can cut back.

    Shop Wisely

    When shopping, look for sales, discounts, and coupons to save money on everyday items. Consider purchasing generic or store-brand products, often more affordable than brand-name items. Plan your shopping trips and stick to your shopping list to avoid impulse buying.

    Reduce Utility Costs

    Save money on utility bills by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and addressing drafts in your home. These small changes can lead to noticeable savings over time.

    Pay Off High-Interest Debt

    If you have debt with high-interest rates, such as credit card debt, make it a priority to pay it off. High interest rates can eat into your savings. Allocate extra funds to paying down your high-interest debts and avoid accumulating more.

    Build an Emergency Fund

    This is essential for financial security. Do your best to save a few months' living expenses in a separate account. This fund acts as a safety net in case unexpected expenses arise, preventing you from going into debt.


    #286 How to save money?

    #286 How to save money?


    Hi! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast


    Ok, let's start!


    Do you want to save money? Today, we will explore some simple money-saving tips that are easy to understand and apply. And with a fun story, you will improve your English grammar in context.


    Learn Basic Money Vocabulary

    Before we start talking about ways to save money, let's get to know some important financial terms in English. Knowing these words will help you better understand and handle your finances:


    Income: This is the money you earn.

    Expenses: These are the costs or money you spend.

    Budget: A budget is a plan for managing your money.

    Savings: Savings are the money you keep for the future.

    Debt: Debt is money you owe.


    Understanding these words is a great starting point for improving your financial knowledge.


    Create a Simple Budget

    Creating a budget is the first step toward financial control. Start by listing your sources of income, such as your salary or any money you receive. Then, list your regular expenses, like rent or mortgage, groceries, transportation, and bills. A budget helps you see how much money you have left after covering your expenses, which you can allocate to savings.


    Prioritize Your Spending

    It's important to distinguish between essential needs and non-essential wants. Needs are things like housing, food, and utilities—necessities for daily life. Wants are things like dining out, entertainment, or shopping for items that are not essential. Focus on covering your needs first, and allocate any remaining funds to your wants or savings.


    Set Clear Savings Goals

    Identify specific financial goals that matter to you. Perhaps you want to save for unexpected expenses, education, a home, or retirement. Having clear goals provides motivation and direction for your savings efforts.


    Great! In a future episode, we will continue learning more about how to save money.

    #285 How to make a cup of tea?

    #285 How to make a cup of tea?

    Emily: Would you like to come over for a cuppa?

    Raquel: Is that like a cupcake or something sweet?

    Emily: Oh no, a cuppa is just a cup of tea. But I can offer you some cake if you like.

    Raquel: Sure, I'd love a cuppa and some cake.

    Get the full transcript on my website: speakenglishpodcast.com/285-how-to-make-a-cup-of-tea/

    As you already noticed, I love drinking tea, and last week I talked about the history of tea in the UK. But if you're not sure about tea or think you might not like it, don't worry. I'm here to introduce you to different types of tea. I'm sure we can find one you'll really enjoy. And, of course, I'll show you how to make a British cuppa.

    By the way, you can say 'a cuppa' instead of 'a cup of tea.' People in some places use it a lot. For example, someone might say, 'When I'm tired, I enjoy having a cuppa to relax.'

    Hi, everyone! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's start!

    In the UK, people enjoy drinking many different kinds of tea. However, the most popular tea in the UK is black tea.

    Black Tea: People often put milk and sometimes sugar in it. Some famous black teas are English Breakfast Tea, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Assam, and Darjeeling.

    Green Tea: is not as popular as black tea in the UK, but some people like it. It's healthy and comes from Japan and China.

    Herbal teas, such as peppermint and chamomile, are caffeine-free and come in various flavors. People enjoy them because they can have a calming effect. Fruit Chai Chai tea has spices like cinnamon and ginger. Trust me, it's delicious when you add milk and sugar.

    White Tea: isn't as standard, but some people enjoy it. It's light and has a subtle taste.

    Oolong Tea: is like black and green tea. And it comes in different flavors.

    Rooibos Tea: is a caffeine-free tea from South Africa. It has a gentle, sweet, and earthy taste, often with hints of vanilla or honey.

    In the UK, you can also find specialty blends; teas with unique flavors like flowers, spices, and much more.

    Get the full transcript on my website: speakenglishpodcast.com/285-how-to-make-a-cup-of-tea/


    #284 The History of Tea in the UK

    #284 The History of Tea in the UK

    Do you like tea? I love trying different kinds, especially on cold days. Today, we’ll talk about the British love for tea. And in a future episode, I’ll show you how to make a British-style cup of tea.

    Hi! I’m Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    And if you want to get the transcriptthen visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast

    It’s completely free!

    Ok, let’s start!

    Once Upon a Time:

    Long ago, in the 1600s, tea debuted in the UK. This fancy beverage didn’t magically appear; it came from Portugal. Catherine of Braganza, married to King Charles II, really liked tea and introduced this interesting new habit to the UK.

    Tea for the Elite:

    In the early days, tea was rare and expensive, like treasure! People kept their tea in special locked boxes called tea caddies. Back then, only people like the king and queen enjoyed it.

    Afternoon Tea Parties:

    In the 1700s, tea became more popular, but it was still costly. Then, Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, had a brilliant idea: afternoon tea parties! She invited her friends for tea and snacks in the afternoon, which became a stylish tradition.

    The Tea Trade:

    The British East India Company played a huge part in making tea famous in the UK. They established trade relations with China and brought boatloads of tea back. There were even big arguments and fights, like the Opium Wars, over tea and other trading.

    Tea for Everyone:

    In the 1800s, tea became more affordable, and people from all walks of life started drinking it. Tea became a daily treat for everyone, including workers and those with a refined taste.

    A Solution to a Big Problem:

    In the 1800s, in the UK, many people drank too much alcohol. And it caused a lot of problems. Luckily, some smart people thought tea was a better choice than alcohol. Here’s why:

    • Tea was cheaper: Tea cost less than alcohol, so more people could buy it.
    • Easy to find: You could find tea in many places. It was easy to buy.
    • No harmful effects: Tea didn’t make you sick or misbehave, like alcohol.
    • Good for friends: People liked to meet and drink tea together. It was fun and didn’t make you drunk.
    • Calming: Tea helped people feel calm and relaxed without alcohol.

    While tea did not solve all alcohol problems, it was healthier and cheaper for many.

    It went from being an exclusive drink to something everyone loves. And that’s the short story of tea time in the UK! Enjoy your next cup of tea!

    In a future episode, I’ll talk about the different types of tea. And I will teach you how

    to make a proper cup of tea.

    #283 American or British English Accent - Which One's for You?

    #283 American or British English Accent - Which One's for You?

    In this episode, we'll discuss whether English learners should pick an accent when they're at an intermediate level. And with a short story you will learn grammar in context without any boring rules.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Hi, everyone! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's start!

    When choosing between learning American or British English, it's crucial to think about your goals and situation. Here are a few reasons why you might prefer one accent over the other:

    I'll start by sharing my experience. As you may know, I'm also a language learner like you, and I've been learning languages for many years. I've chosen to learn languages by listening to a lot of content. This method has helped me become fluent in several languages, including Spanish.

    When I began learning Spanish many years ago, I spent much time watching TV shows from South America. This helped me learn new words and understand the language better. Later, I started listening to content from Spain. At first, I noticed the accent was different, but I quickly got used to it because I already had a good foundation.

    That's when I realized that listening daily is crucial when learning a language. I listened to many of hours of Spanish content before I could speak fluently.

    So, don't worry too much about which accent to choose at this stage. Right now, your main focus should be on listening. Listen to content that is easy to understand as much as you can.

    Also, if you are not completely fluent, you should consume content designed for English learners. When I record my podcast episodes, I do my best to speak as clearly as possible to help you understand me better.

    However, if you want to choose an accent, let's briefly discuss why you might select an American or British accent.


    Get the transcript on my website.  https://speakenglishpodcast.com/283-american-or-british-english-which-ones-for-you/

New Year's Eve Traditions and Superstitions in the US

New Year's Eve Traditions and Superstitions in the US

    Today, we will talk about how people in America celebrate New Year's Eve. And with a short story you will learn grammar in context without any boring rules.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Hi, everyone! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast 

    Let's explore the fun traditions and superstitions that make New Year's Eve special in the USA.

    #1 Dropping the Ball in Times Square: Perhaps the most iconic New Year's Eve tradition in the USA is the dropping of the ball in Times Square, New York City. Imagine a big, shiny ball made of crystal. Every year, lots of people gather to watch the ball descend when the clock strikes midnight. It's a famous event since 1907, making people happy and hopeful about what's coming next.

    #2 Kissing at Midnight: Kissing someone at the stroke of midnight is considered a way to ensure that the year ahead will be filled with love and happiness.

    #3 Parties and Get-Togethers

    New Year's Eve is a time for friends and family to unite. We have parties where we dance, laugh, and have a great time. We also raise a toast with fizzy wine or champagne to celebrate and wish each other well. But don't confuse 'champagne' with 'shampoo.' It's not as bubbly and won't make your hair smell better!

    #4 Parades and Fireworks: In many parts of the country, there are parades and fireworks to celebrate the New Year. One of the most famous parades is the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. It's a happy parade with floats decorated with flowers, marching bands, and horses. It's a fun way to begin the new year.

    #5 Hangover Cure: Some people feel bad the next day after the party, like a headache and a sick stomach. This is called a 'hangover.' People say drinking water and eating breakfast can make you feel better. However, the best way to feel good is to sleep a lot on the first day of the year and wake up on January 2nd feeling fresh and ready!

    #6 New Year's Resolutions

    Many Americans like to make "resolutions" for the new year. These are like promises we make to ourselves. For example, we might promise to exercise more, learn something new, or be kinder. But let's be honest: many of us forget our resolutions by February.

    So, instead of saying we'll exercise every day, maybe we can just promise to enjoy chocolate without feeling bad about it. That's a resolution that's easy to keep!

    #281 Christmas Markets

    #281 Christmas Markets

    Today, I will talk about Christmas Markets in New York. And with a fun mini-story, you will improve your speaking.

    If you need to give something special for Christmas, consider buying my Premium courses. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/courses and get my English programs at an exceptional price.

    Ok! Let’s talk about Christmas markets in New York.

    What are you planning to do at Christmas? I recommend you fly to NYC because the best Christmas markets are here.

    New York's holiday markets often include ice skating, twinkling lights, great food vendors, and fun holiday activities. Plus, you can make your Christmas shopping a positive and relaxing experience.

    Bryant Park's Winter Village

    You could start by visiting Bryant Park's Winter Village. One of the highlights of this market is the 17,000-square-foot ice skating rink, which is free to use if you bring your skates.

    FAD Market

    And after ice skating, you could visit the FAD Market. Each season, the FAD market — for Fashion, Art, and Design - takes over a different Brooklyn venue with many independent vendors and creators. Here, you'll find New York City's emerging brands, designers, and small businesses offering a curated selection of handmade jewelry, clothing, skincare, tableware, and much more.

    Columbus Circle Holiday Market

    After all of this activity, you should go to the Columbus Circle Holiday Market, which is one of the most iconic holiday markets.

    The uptown counterpart to the Union Square Holiday Market offers shoppers a feast for the eyes and the stomach.

    Get the full text here: speakenglishpodcast.com/281-christmas-markets/

    #280 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for beginners

    #280 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for beginners

    Hi! Today, we will discuss "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. This story is about kindness and how people can change, especially during Christmas. So, let's dive into Ebenezer Scrooge's story together!

    Get the TRANSCRIPT on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/280-a-christmas-carol-by-charles-dickens-for-beginners/

    "A Christmas Carol" is about a man named Ebenezer Scrooge. He doesn't like Christmas, and he's mean to everyone, even his worker, Bob Cratchit.

    One cold Christmas Eve, Scrooge gets a visit from the ghost of his old partner, Jacob Marley, who is wrapped in chains. Marley tells Scrooge that he'll be in chains, too, if he doesn't change his ways.

    Scrooge is visited by three more ghosts—the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. They show him his past, his present, and a scary future.

    In the past, Scrooge sees when he was young and kinder. In the present, he sees people enjoying Christmas, even if they don't have much money. He especially sees Bob Cratchit and his family, who are poor but happy.

    The scariest part is when he meets the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. This ghost shows him a future where nobody cares about Scrooge because he's so mean. Scrooge realizes he doesn't want this future.

    He wants to change and feels happy when he wakes up on Christmas morning. He starts being kind and helps people. Not only that, but he gives money to charity, gives more money to Bob Cratchit, and takes care of Tiny Tim, who is very sick.

    "A Christmas Carol" shows us that we can always choose to be kind, and Christmas is a time to love and share.

    Here are the themes of the novel:

    Change and Kindness: This story shows us that people can change and become kinder if they want to.

    Family and Togetherness: The Cratchit family's love reminds us that family is important even when they don't have much.

    Giving and Joy: Christmas is about giving and making others happy.

    "A Christmas Carol" is a story that reminds us to be kind, especially during Christmas. Whether you hear it for the first time or again, it's a story that warms our hearts.

    Get the TRANSCRIPT on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/280-a-christmas-carol-by-charles-dickens-for-beginners/


    #279 My first computer and new alternatives part2

    #279 My first computer and new alternatives part2

    In a previous episode, we talked about the mouse, the keyboard, and the screen. Today, we'll learn about more parts of a computer. And with a short story, you will learn grammar in context without memorizing any boring rules.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your English fluency.

    If you want to help me, share the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Before we start, get the transcript of this episode for free. At: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's continue learning about computer parts:

    Now, let's talk about 'RAM.' RAM stands for 'Random Access Memory.' RAM is like a computer's working memory. It's where the computer keeps things while doing tasks, just like our brains remember stuff when we're busy.

    My old computer only had 8 megabytes of RAM. It's like having a small desk – you can only put a few things on it at once.

    Nowadays, computers have much more RAM, at least 8 gigabytes, which is like having a big desk with lots of space. This helps modern computers work faster and better.

    Another essential part of a computer is 'storage.' This is where we keep our files, such as photos and documents. The computer stores these files on a 'hard drive,' like a giant digital cabinet for our stuff.

    In the past, when we wanted to move information from one computer to another, we used something called a 'floppy disk.' A floppy disk was a small, flat, plastic thing that could only hold a tiny bit of information, like one page from a book. It was like using a small bag to carry your digital things.

    Today, we have much better ways to store our files. We use something called the 'cloud,' which is like a magical place on the internet where we can keep lots of information safely. 

    Examples of cloud services include 'iCloud' from Apple, 'Google Drive,' 'Microsoft OneDrive,' and 'Dropbox.' It's like having a big online storage room where you can keep your digital stuff.

    The closest thing we have now to a floppy disk is a 'flash drive.' It's a tiny device that can hold much information, like a small digital bag for your files.

    Before flash drives, we used something else called 'CDs.' A CD was like a flat, round disc that could hold more information than a floppy disk. It was like a small, thin plate.

    Get the full text here:  https://speakenglishpodcast.com/279-my-first-computer-and-new-alternatives-part2/

    #278 The History and Meaning of Thanksgiving

    #278 The History and Meaning of Thanksgiving

    Tom (Being serious): Hey, do we have to send thank you notes to everyone we've ever met for Thanksgiving?

    James (Laughing): Oh no, it's not like that! Thanksgiving is more about enjoying turkey and pie with family and friends, not writing thank you notes to everyone!

    Hi! Welcome to a special podcast about Thanksgiving! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and I want to tell you about Thanksgiving.

    Before we start, get the transcript of this episode for free. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Also, if you want to help me, share the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Ok, let's start!

    Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US and Canada. It's a special day when people express their gratitude for things like family and food.

    Why People Celebrate this holiday: Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for good things. Many people have a big meal with family and friends.

    When It Is Celebrated: Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. In Canada, it's on the second Monday of October.

    Where It Is Celebrated: People celebrate Thanksgiving in their homes or with family in other places. Others travel to be with family.

    What's the origin of this holiday? Thanksgiving began long ago when Pilgrims from England came to America on a ship called the Mayflower. Pilgrims are people who have a tough journey because of their religion, and these ones came to America so they could practice their religion freely.

    When they came to America, it was tough. It was cold, and they didn't have much food. But Native Americans, showed the Pilgrims how to grow food like corn, beans, and squash.

    In 1621, the Pilgrims had a good harvest during the fall because of what they learned from the Native Americans. So they had a big meal together to say thank you and celebrate. The feast is known as the first Thanksgiving.

    Since then, Thanksgiving has been a special day when people come together with their families. They usually eat turkey, potatoes, veggies, and pie. Some people also watch parades and football games on TV.

    As you can see, Thanksgiving is a wonderful day celebrated in the United States and Canada. Even if you're from another place, it's good to remember that Thanksgiving is all about being thankful and enjoying time with your loved ones.

    #277 Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare for beginners part2

    #277 Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare for beginners part2

    Hi! Let’s continue learning about the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. But don’t worry because I’ve made it very easy for you to understand.


    You can get the full transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/277-romeo-and-juliet-shakespeare-for-beginners-part2/


    In a previous episode, I began discussing the play “Romeo and Juliet.” Today, we will continue with Acts 4 and 5 of the play.

    Great! Let’s start with Act 4:

    [Act 4 – Juliet’s Bold Move]

    In Act 4, the story takes another turn. Juliet’s parents want her to marry Paris, a man she doesn’t love. She’s already married to Romeo, but it’s a secret.

    Juliet’s Problem: Juliet worries about marrying Paris because she loves Romeo. She goes to Friar Laurence, a good friend to the young lovers, for help.

    Friar’s Plan: Friar Laurence develops a plan to help Juliet. He gives her a special drink that will make her look like she’s dead for a while. He advises her to take it the night before her wedding so that everyone will believe she has died.

    Juliet’s Fear: Juliet is terrified of the plan. She’s worried that the drink might actually kill her or that she’ll wake up alone in a scary tomb.

    Juliet’s Agreement: Juliet agrees to the plan because she’s desperate to avoid marrying Paris. She goes back home, and her parents are happy because they think she’ll marry Paris soon.

    Wedding Rush: Her parents decide to move the wedding up to the next day, which makes Juliet even more nervous.

    Romeo’s Missed Message: Meanwhile, Friar Laurence tries to send a message to Romeo about the plan, but it doesn’t reach him because of a problem.

    [Act 5 – A Sad Ending]

    In Act 5, the story reaches its tragic conclusion.

    Romeo Comes Back: Romeo secretly returns to Verona because he thinks Juliet is dead. He wants to see her one last time.

    Fight with Paris: Romeo and a man named Paris fight at Juliet’s tomb. Romeo doesn’t want to hurt Paris, but they end up fighting, and Romeo accidentally kills Paris.

    Juliet’s “Death”: When Romeo sees Juliet in her tomb, he thinks she’s really dead. So, he drinks poison and dies next to her.

    Juliet Wakes Up: Just after Romeo dies, Juliet wakes up. She is very sad when she sees Romeo dead. Juliet tries to kiss the poison from his lips, but it doesn’t work. So, she takes his dagger and kills herself.

    Friar Explains: Friar Laurence comes to the tomb and explains everything to the Prince and the families. He tells them about Romeo and Juliet’s secret marriage and how it led to their sad endings.

    #276 My first computer and modern tech

    #276 My first computer and modern tech


    - Why did the computer catch a cold?

    - Because it had too many windows open! 😄

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. Also, thank you for the 30 million downloads!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

    Today, I'll talk about my very first computer and compare it with modern tech.

    Before we start, get the transcript for free at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's get started!

    Have you ever thought about how computers have changed over the years? Well, I have, and I want to share my experiences with you.

    I will start with the parts of the computer:

    First, the "mouse." A mouse is a small device you move on your desk. It's like a digital pet that helps  you control your computer. My mouse was big and had a ball underneath. It wasn't small and smooth like today's mice. It had a cord that often got tangled, but I liked it. I used it to click on things and move around on the screen.

    Well, nowadays, we have some other ways to do the same thing: 

    Many laptops have a flat area below the keyboard called "touchpad" that you can use your finger to move the arrow around. It's like a tiny built-in mouse. 

    Some computers now let you touch the screen directly with your finger to control things. This is called a "touch screen." It's just like using your finger to tap or swipe on your phone. 

    You can also use a special pen on some computers to point and click, just like you used to do with the mouse. 

    Next, let's talk about the 'screen.' The screen is like a computer's TV. But the ones I used in the past were different from today's flat screens.

    My old screen was big and not flat like modern screens. It looked more like a big, heavy box on my desk. The pictures and words on it didn't look very clear. They were a bit fuzzy, not sharp like today's screens. Nowadays, screens are much thinner and lighter, showing pictures and words much more clearly. So, things on the computer look better now.

    Now, let's talk about the 'keyboard.' A keyboard is like a big board with many buttons you press. Each button has a letter, number, or symbol on it. It helps you type words and tell the computer what to do.

    The keyboard I used back then had all the letters and keys you need, just like today's keyboards. But it looked bigger and the buttons were a bit farther apart. When you typed on them, they made a clicky sound, unlike today's quieter keyboards.

    Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/computer-vocabulary-in-english-for-beginners/

    #275 Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare for Beginners

    #275 Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare for Beginners

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    Today, I will discuss Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," but don't worry because I've made it very easy to understand.

    Before we start, get the transcript for free at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Let's start!

    Today, we'll explore the famous play 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare, written over 400 years ago. This play is divided into five acts, like chapters in a book. I've prepared a short summary for each act. In this episode, we'll focus on Acts 1, 2, and 3, and in our next session, we'll continue with Acts 4 and 5.

    In the play, Shakespeare explored important things like love, family, and problems that were important back then and still matter to people today.

    Now, let's start with the first three acts of this classic story.

    [Act 1 - A Tale of Two Families]

    Okay, picture this: we're in a lovely place called Verona, Italy. There are two big families there, the Montagues and the Capulets, and they don't get along. 

    But guess what? A young guy named Romeo, from the Montague family, and a girl named Juliet, from the Capulet family, meet at a fancy party and fall in love, unaware of the enmity between their families.

    And so Act 1 ends with a big surprise. Romeo and Juliet find out who each other really is. This is a big shock because they're from enemy families. This surprise begins a sad and complicated story with many problems that happen next.

    [Act 2 - Balcony Magic]

    In Act 2, the story becomes more romantic. Romeo sneaks into Juliet's garden, and they talk from her balcony.

    They declare their love and plan a hidden wedding with the help of Juliet's Nurse. 

    Tybalt, who is Juliet's cousin, challenges Romeo to a fight. This happens because Tybalt is angry with Romeo. Their clash is a significant moment in the story.

    As a result, the Prince banishes Romeo from Verona. The act concludes with Romeo and Juliet apart, encountering fresh difficulties, and their secret marriage adding more complexity to their love tale.

    [Act 3 - Trouble in Town]

    In Act 3, things get even more intense. Tybalt, who is Juliet's cousin, wants to get back at Romeo, and this leads to a big fight with Mercutio, which sadly ends in Mercutio getting hurt very badly.

    Romeo is very sad about Mercutio and gets into a fight with Tybalt, which results in Tybalt's death. Because of this, Romeo has to leave Verona. Things are getting really tough for Romeo and Juliet because they can't be together.

    Get the full text on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/podcast

    #274 Stress-Free English Learning and Healthy Living Tips

    #274 Stress-Free English Learning and Healthy Living Tips

    Hey there, everyone! If you're new here, welcome to our podcast family! 🎙️

    I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and a language learner just like you. I believe that learning should be fun and easy.

    With my exclusive method I've helped many people worldwide speak English fluently without using grammar or textbooks.

    Yes, you heard that correctly! It's time to say goodbye to those boring grammar books.

    How can you do it? Well, I'll tell you a short story twice, and each time, I'll change the tense or whether it's singular or plural. This way, you can learn by comparing these changes in the context of the story.

    But first, our main topic today is stress management because, let's admit it – learning a new language can be quite overwhelming.

    Don't worry, I'm here to help. I'm going to share some really helpful tips to make learning a new language less stressful.

    Before you start listening, get the transcript of this episode for free.

    visit SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast 

    Ok, let's start with some useful tips on how to manage stress:

    #1 Breathe deeply: When stressed, pause and focus on your breath. Inhale slowly through your nose, letting your lungs fill with air, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This simple breathing exercise can quickly calm your nerves and help you relax.

    #2 Stay Organized: Try making a list to manage your tasks and reduce stress. Write down what you need to do, prioritizing the most important things. This organized approach helps you use your time and resources effectively.

    #3 Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a great stress reliever. Make it a habit to move your body regularly. You don't need intense workouts; even a short walk or simple stretches can make a big difference. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally boost your mood and reduce stress.

    #4 Talk to Someone: Sharing your worries with someone you trust can be really helpful. Reach out to a friend, family member, or teacher. A supportive conversation can give you emotional relief and a fresh perspective on your stress.

    #5 Get Good Sleep: Try getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for your physical and mental well-being. It allows your body and mind to recover, making it easier to handle stress when you're well-rested.

    Get the transcript of this episode for free:

    visit SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast 


    #273 Healthy Lifestyle - Sleep

    #273 Healthy Lifestyle - Sleep


    Today, we're discussing our precious hours in bed every night, and why it's important to get a good amount of sleep. And with a mini-story, you will practice your English speaking.

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    And if you want to get the transcriptthen visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    I remember a time when I constantly felt tired. I'd drag myself through the day, feeling like I was two steps behind. I thought, "Maybe it's just how life is." 

    But, one day, I looked at my nighttime habits and realized I wasn't giving my body the rest it needed. And trust me, once I made a few changes, everything transformed. I felt alive and happier, and everything just became easier. I want that for all of you, too. So, let's dive in!

    Why are restful nights crucial?

    1. Recharge your body and mind. During those quiet hours, your body and mind reset. Imagine it like charging a phone. When you wake up, you're ready to go!

    2. Better mood. Getting enough rest can make you happier and less irritable. When we're tired, everything seems harder.

    3. Helps with memory. Rest can sharpen your memory. This is essential for students and those with busy jobs.

    4. Keeps you strong. Getting a good night's sleep helps your body stay healthy, and you might not get sick as much.

    Knowing this, how can we make the most of our nights?

    1. Set a routine. Try to go to bed at a similar time every night. This creates a rhythm for your body.

    2. Peaceful surroundings. Ensure your room is dark and silent. This signals to your brain that it's time to wind down.

    3. Avoid screens. Put electronics away at least one hour before you head to bed. Their light can disturb your natural rhythms.

    4. Comfort is key. A comfy bed, the perfect pillow, and a cozy blanket can really make a difference.

    5. Relax before bedtime. Read, listen to soothing music, or enjoy a warm bath. These activities can help you unwind.

    Sometimes it's hard to get 8 hours of sleep. But remember, it's about quality over quantity. Six hours of good, solid rest can be better than eight hours of tossing and turning.

    #272 Be more positive when learning English

    #272 Be more positive when learning English

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    Learning English can be enjoyable and useful, but also challenging. You might experience frustration or have doubtful or negative thoughts.

    For instance, you might believe, "I can't speak English fluently," but a more positive way to approach it is, "I'm improving my English every day." 

    It's crucial to know that negative thoughts can slow down progress. In this episode, we will explore ways to change these thoughts and motivate you.

    Before you continue listening, go to my website SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast, to get the transcript of this episode.

    Ok. Let's start!

    First, you'll need to spot negative thoughts when they happen. These might involve doubting your abilities or fearing making mistakes.

    Keeping a journal to write down these ideas as they come up can help you understand when and why they happen.

    Think, "Age doesn't stop me from learning," instead of, "I'm too old to learn a new language." Or, remember that "Mistakes help me learn" when you catch yourself thinking, "I keep making mistakes when I speak English."

    After you spot negative ideas, take a moment to question if they're really true or not.

    Reflect on these questions:

    • Can I prove this idea, or is it just a feeling?
    • Have I dealt with similar issues before?
    • Am I being too hard on myself?

    Asking these questions helps you think more logically. For instance, instead of believing "I'll never speak English perfectly," consider "Learning a new language takes time and practice, but I can get better with persistence."

    Set Realistic Goals 

    Setting achievable goals in language learning can fight negative thinking. Instead of aiming for perfection right away, establish smaller, step-by-step objectives.

    Picture yourself succeeding every day. See yourself confidently engaging in English conversations and handling different communication situations. This mental image will boost your confidence and keep you motivated.

    Go to my website, SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast, to get the transcript of this episode.