
    Spot On Radio.com

    Spot On is a term from the U.K. that means absolutely correct or exactly what is needed and offers two channels Inspirations/Generations and Creative Christians Podcast.
    enBridgette Mongeon139 Episodes

    Episodes (139)

    INSPIRATIONS_0136 Generations-Peparing for the dorm life

    INSPIRATIONS_0136 Generations-Peparing for the dorm life

    Bridgette Mongeon speaks with Kim Hundl and Shirley Skidmore about how they prepared their sons for the college dorm life, and how they continue to support their sons while they are away.   

    To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.

    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0135 Generations-Helping our kids leave home

    INSPIRATIONS_0135 Generations-Helping our kids leave home

    Bridgette Mongeon speaks with two guests Shirley Skidmore and Kim Hundl who are both going through a transition in life. They are helping their grown children prepare to leave home for college.   

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0134 Creative Christians-Spiritual abuse and creativity

    INSPIRATIONS_0134 Creative Christians-Spiritual abuse and creativity

    Bridgette Mongeon speaks with writer Victoria Reynolds about the spiritual abuse she suffered from childhood. Victoria explains how kept her from embracing her creative self. 

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0133 Creative Christians-Self Publishing-Tips

    INSPIRATIONS_0133 Creative Christians-Self Publishing-Tips

    Self publishing is a long journey. Author Gladney Darroh talks about his journey with independent publishing.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Inspiration 0132-Women of Uncommon Strength

    Inspiration 0132-Women of Uncommon Strength

    Bridgette Mongeon talks with guest Gladney Darroh about his book "Women of Uncommon Strength" and The Boys and Girls Harbor ministry.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Creative Christian-0131 Tips on blogging and a tribute to authors

    Creative Christian-0131 Tips on blogging and a tribute to authors

    Podcast host Bridgette Mongeon talks with author and blogger Vonna Carter about her blog that features young adult and middle grade books and the Houston visiting authors. Vonna says it is her blog is her way of saying thank you to the authors. 

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS-0130 Creative Christians-Marketing in the arts

    INSPIRATIONS-0130 Creative Christians-Marketing in the arts

    Bridgette Mongeon is often auctioned off at writers and artists conventions. She critiques and helps artists, writers and musicians with their marketing endeavors. In this podcast she chats with author and artist Donna Peruigini about what she is doing correct in her marketing. The ladies share their thoughts and helpful marketing tips.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0129 Creative Christian-Creativity with author and artist Donna Perugini

    INSPIRATIONS_0129 Creative Christian-Creativity with author and artist Donna Perugini


    Host Bridgette Mongeon chats with Children's book author and artist Donna Perugini about writing, and the creative process.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0128 Generations-Father's day grief and bereavement support

    INSPIRATIONS_0128 Generations-Father's day grief and bereavement support

    Saraj Shah and host Bridgette Mongeon talk about bereavement support, loss in their lives and how each has used their own  faith and support to work through grief and help others.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0127 Learn how to be a Go-Giver

    INSPIRATIONS_0127 Learn how to be a Go-Giver

    John David Mann talks with Host Bridgette Mongeon about the 5 laws of business found in the bestselling book The Go-Giver.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0126 Touch and Healing After Rape

    INSPIRATIONS_0126 Touch and Healing After Rape

    In our previous podcast South African journalist Charlene Smith discussed how God allowed miracles to come out of some of her greatest pain of rape. In this podcast she talks about her book

    "Whispers On My Skin" and how to heal after a rape.

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0125 Miracles Through Pain

    INSPIRATIONS_0125 Miracles Through Pain

    God can use every pain to his glory and to help others.  South African journalist Charlene Smith talks with Hosts Bridgette  about South Africa, her work as a journalist working with Nelson Mandela, and many other influential people of South Africa.   Charlene discusses how she was able to take one of the most  difficult experience in her life— a rape and a stabbing and use it for good, making a difference for women world wide.

    "What happened to me helped to create miracles. "

    "Pain allows us to access power and strength that we did not know we had in us, until something bad happens to us and we have to fight to live the lives we deserve, and that is when we become remarkable. "

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0124 Creative Christians-The importance of the silence in the music

    INSPIRATIONS_0124 Creative Christians-The importance of the silence in the music

    Hosts Bridgette Mongeon talks with Pianist Luke Rackers about the silence in the music. His faith and the worship in the creative process.


    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    INSPIRATIONS_0123 Generations-Misconceptions about Christians

    INSPIRATIONS_0123 Generations-Misconceptions about Christians

    Hosts Bridgette Mongeon and Christian Sizemore felt that since the misconceptions concerning atheists was a topic from last interview with Mike de la Flor, it might be a good idea to talk about some of the misconceptions about Christians.    

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!

    INSPIRATIONS_0122 Misconceptions about atheists

    INSPIRATIONS_0122 Misconceptions about atheists

    Learning about others who are different from ourselves is important. Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to Mike de la Flor about the misconceptions that individuals have about atheists.  

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!

    INSPIRATIONS_0121 Generational blessings and residual prayer - rebroadcast

    INSPIRATIONS_0121 Generational blessings and residual prayer - rebroadcast

    This podcast talks about how important and far reaching prayer can be. 

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!

    INSPIRATIONS_0120 Generations-addiction and healing of families 5-5

    INSPIRATIONS_0120 Generations-addiction and healing of families 5-5

    This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012.

    Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 5 of 5 

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!

    INSPIRATIONS_0119 Generations-addiction and healing of families 4-5

    INSPIRATIONS_0119 Generations-addiction and healing of families 4-5

    This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012.

    Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 3 of 5 

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!

    INSPIRATIONS_0118 Generations-addiction and healing of families 3-5

    INSPIRATIONS_0118 Generations-addiction and healing of families 3-5

    This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012.

    Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 3 of 5 

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
    Spot On Radio.com
    enMarch 31, 2012

    INSPIRATIONS_0117 Generations-addiction and healing of families. 2-5

    INSPIRATIONS_0117 Generations-addiction and healing of families. 2-5

    Show Notes

    This is a series titled Through The Darkness, A testimony of host and cohost recorded in 2008 and rebroadcasted in 2012.

    Barbara and Bridgette share their testimony of walking through the darkness and how God healed their family- Through the Darkness Part 2 of 5 

    The Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christian podcast are recorded three times a month.

    • To listen to the podcast press the purple button. To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes press the Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes button.
    • If you would like to see a list of the podcasts that have been recorded and read about the hosts please visit the host bios web page on the Godsword.net website.
    • These podcasts can also be found and listened to from the God's Word Facebook fans page.
    • A player has been added to this blog on the right column as well as on the main God's Word website.

    Sponsored by God's Word Collectibles
    Give God's Word as a gift, collect God's Word in your heart!
    Spot On Radio.com
    enFebruary 29, 2012