
    Stewarding Your Influence

    Pinnacle Forum's podcast features interviews with our Partners and, occasionally, other guest speakers. Learn how to take your position of leadership to a higher purpose and deeper significance. Our speciality is in helping leaders to steward their influence in ways that honor Jesus Christ - which changes the cultures in which we live: family, personal, work, community, country, and globally. After all people are not just observing the amount of success we achieve, but they are watching how we achieve that success and the motives behind that success. We are helping leaders who are Christians rise to new heights with regards to an eternal purpose in mind.
    enPinnacle Forum272 Episodes

    Episodes (272)

    Corrective Truth Through Comedy. Seriously! | Valerie Howe | #272

    Corrective Truth Through Comedy. Seriously! | Valerie Howe | #272

    Partner Valerie Howe is a speaker, comedian, author and entrepreneur. She inspires others through speaking engagements and a boutique she runs with her daughter. Due to the state of our culture, she started Code Red Ministries in the vein that now is the time for believers to walk in their purpose and to stand on biblical truths. She also has a radio show called "Seriously!" Learn more about Valerie here, and don't forget to listen to this episode to hear her story. Valerie Howe's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2024/01/ul-podcast-272/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Partner Transforms Leadership & Lives | Dr. Paula Maddox | #271

    Partner Transforms Leadership & Lives | Dr. Paula Maddox | #271

    Partner Dr. Paula Maddox is a woman who steps out in faith and obedience to God’s call. As a result of living in the center of God’s will, she has served in highly influential places such as the FBI/GSA and IRS. She has a doctorate in strategic leadership and coaches Fortune 500 businesses nationally and internationally. Paula has released her 3rd book, Think Globally, Lead Strategically, A Christian Guide to Building Effective Leaders. In it, she shares life and counseling experiences. It can be purchased on Amazon. Hear her story and how being in a Pinnacle Forum has helped her further grow as a leader and find deep connections. Paula Maddox’s bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2024/01/ul-podcast-271/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Altruize: Inspire & Track Your Volunteer Activities | Nicole Sdao | #270

    Altruize: Inspire & Track Your Volunteer Activities | Nicole Sdao | #270

    Partner Nicole Sdao has launched a revolutionary volunteer platform that provides direct access to certified data to both the volunteer and the organization being served. She is living out her passion to inspire more individuals to do good works using their God-given calling. In addition, it provides credit for students to use with their college education. The first 20 organizations that Partner with Alruize will lock in a substantial discount for their participation. To learn more about this powerful program and app, go to altruize.com/demo to start a conversation with Nicole. Nicole Sdao's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2024/01/ul-podcast-270/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Foundations of Freedom: A Place for Leaders to Collaborate | Dave Dias | #269

    Foundations of Freedom: A Place for Leaders to Collaborate | Dave Dias | #269

    Partner Dave Dias shares about his ministry, Foundations of Freedom. It's a place where leaders can listen in weekly on Mondays to their podcast, "Voice of Reason" and also collaborate through the building of teams and the sharing of documents. Pinnacle Forum Partners will receive a discounted annual subscription. You'll want to check it out. Mention Chuck Bryant's name and reach out to Dave, dave.dias@foundationsoffreedom.com, 831-291-6166. Dave Dias' bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/12/ul-podcast-269/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enJanuary 02, 2024

    Salt & Light: A Partner's Ministry Model for a Hand Up | Nathan Montgomery | #268

    Salt & Light: A Partner's Ministry Model for a Hand Up | Nathan Montgomery | #268

    Partner Nathan Montgomery birthed a ministry called Salt & Light with his wife at the age of 26. Listen to his incredible story and what God has done to develop a successful model over time. Through research and the help of other wise leaders, multiple strategies led to greater funding and ingenuity on how to best serve those down on their luck. You'll hear about how part of the discovery led to an understanding of where people are in their journey and what kind of push some of them might need to lead them to successful outcomes. Nathan Montgomery's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/12/ul-podcast-268/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enDecember 19, 2023

    Fulfillment in Uncompromising Pursuits | Melissa Smith | #267

    Fulfillment in Uncompromising Pursuits | Melissa Smith | #267

    Partner Melissa Smith grew up with a mindset that she never wanted to dislike her job. Thus she made it her personal mission to not compromise on staying with a job that didn't either promote her development or that conflicted with her ability to be a great mother. Little did she know that her career path in the executive assistant world would lead her to start her own virtual assistant company. Melissa has also had to learn many valuable lessons in her life through the loss of her husband and father and in trusting God for provision when business is lean. You'll want to listen. Melissa Smith's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/11/ul-podcast-267/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enNovember 28, 2023

    The Life Lessons That Reveal Meaning & Purpose | Karsten Solheim | #266

    The Life Lessons That Reveal Meaning & Purpose | Karsten Solheim | #266

    Partner, Karsten Solheim, has an interesting life journey. He has taken many different turns, discovering his talents along the way. His experience includes software programming and engineering to Bible college, a desire to counsel overseas and on to becoming a marathon runner. He's in the process of writing a book of life lessons. To quote Karsten, "Don't follow other Christians too closely, as you can't see the obstacles they are stepping over." So take a listen and gain some words of wisdom! Karsten Solheim's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/11/ul-podcast-266/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enNovember 21, 2023

    Partner Shares that It's Not About the Doing, It's About the Being | Terrilyn Miller | #265

    Partner Shares that It's Not About the Doing, It's About the Being | Terrilyn Miller | #265

    Partner Terrilyn Miller returns back to the podcast to share about her journey. She has been a part of helping Arizona become more of a trauma informed state and is an expert in her field on what it takes to make broken people whole again. Much of her former experience includes working with the Governor's office and other government agencies. As she journeyed on through transition, God graced her with strength to battle cancer a second time. She shares about this recent season and how being in transition has taught her how important it is to know how "to be." "God working through her is more than enough." Listen and be encouraged. Terrilyn Miller's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/11/ul-podcast-265/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enNovember 14, 2023

    Go Uphill to Build Momentum in Your Organization | Dr. Ed Delph | #264

    Go Uphill to Build Momentum in Your Organization | Dr. Ed Delph | #264

    Partner, Dr. Ed Delph, has a passion for turning churchgoers into city changers. He speaks at churches nationally and globally, helping leaders build action plans in their communities. Ed understands the importance of building momentum, what threatens it, and what accelerates it. To quote, "Whatever is worth it must be uphill for a while." As you listen, Ed also mentions a few resources, which you'll find on his website: nationstrategy.com. Ed Delph's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/10/ul-podcast-264/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enOctober 31, 2023

    A Place for Young Successful Leaders to Flourish and Be Known | Connor Hillard | #263

    A Place for Young Successful Leaders to Flourish and Be Known | Connor Hillard | #263

    Partner and Pinnacle Forum Young Successful Leader Director, Connor Hillard, shares his story and passion for the next generation of leaders. Listen to his story about transitioning from the political campaign space to his immersement in Pinnacle Forum's methodology. Watching his own father's transformation through participating in a Forum and serving on the board for many years captured Connor's attention. His father, Steve Hillard, proclaimed that he wished there had been such a group (Forum) for him when he was younger, helping him with Godly counsel through major life decisions and challenges. Today an opportunity is available, and Connor is excited to share more about it for the young men and women who would like to surround themselves with peers who will help them reach their full potential. You can reach out to Connor Hillard here: Connor.Hillard@pinnacleforum.com. Connor Hillard's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/10/ul-podcast-263/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enOctober 17, 2023

    Building the Global Medical Missions Force & Sharing Christ | Morgan Boardman | #262

    Building the Global Medical Missions Force & Sharing Christ | Morgan Boardman | #262

    Partner Morgan Boardman grew up in ministry and had a continuing desire to keep evangelism in the forefront of where he would serve. For several years he developed a strong skill set in fundraising, working for a consulting firm that supported churches and ministries. Then God began floating a different kind of opportunity before Morgan, although he didn't realize it. After the third opportunity presented itself, it became clear that God had a new direction, but was still going to meet the desires planted in Morgan's heart. Listen to Morgan's story and how he is using his gifts and talents to advance the Kingdom. Could God be floating a new adventure your way? Morgan Boardman's bio.  Reach out to Morgan here: morgan@medsend.org


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/10/ul-podcast-262/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enOctober 10, 2023

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 3 of 3 | #261

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 3 of 3 | #261

    Communication has always been a major challenge both in the business world and in the Body of Christ - and can be even more challenging for those of us who are members of the Body of Christ within the world of business.

    Perhaps the most critical and challenging component of our communication comes as we work to communicate across generations. We know that it is essential to share wisdom and experience, but how we do that can look substantially different if you are 28 than it does if you are 82.

    This episode gathers Pinnacle Forum Partners from various age ranges to discuss how we can bridge the gap in many areas such as expectations, understanding historical context and upbringings, technologies and various preferred methods of communicating. If you have multi generations in your business or organization, then this 3 part series will be helpful to you.

    In Part 1, we're hearing from a predominantly millennial generation panel, along with some older gens peppered in. In Parts 2 and 3, we're predominantly hearing from the older generations as they are informed of the things our previous younger panel shared.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/10/ul-podcast-261/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enOctober 03, 2023

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 2 of 3 | #260

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 2 of 3 | #260

    Communication has always been a major challenge both in the business world and in the Body of Christ - and can be even more challenging for those of us who are members of the Body of Christ within the world of business.

    Perhaps the most critical and challenging component of our communication comes as we work to communicate across generations. We know that it is essential to share wisdom and experience, but how we do that can look substantially different if you are 28 than it does if you are 82.

    This episode gathers Pinnacle Forum Partners from various age ranges to discuss how we can bridge the gap in many areas such as expectations, understanding historical context and upbringings, technologies and various preferred methods of communicating. If you have multi generations in your business or organization, then this 3 part series will be helpful to you.

    In Part 1, we're hearing from a predominantly millennial generation panel, along with some older gens peppered in. In Parts 2 and 3, we're predominantly hearing from the older generations as they are informed of the things our previous younger panel shared.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/09/ul-podcast-260/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enSeptember 26, 2023

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 1 of 3 | #259

    Building Strong Communications Across Generations - Part 1 of 3 | #259

    Communication has always been a major challenge both in the business world and in the Body of Christ - and can be even more challenging for those of us who are members of the Body of Christ within the world of business.

    Perhaps the most critical and challenging component of our communication comes as we work to communicate across generations. We know that it is essential to share wisdom and experience, but how we do that can look substantially different if you are 28 than it does if you are 82.

    This episode gathers Pinnacle Forum Partners from various age ranges to discuss how we can bridge the gap in many areas such as expectations, understanding historical context and upbringings, technologies and various preferred methods of communicating. If you have multi generations in your business or organization, then this 3 part series will be helpful to you.

    In Part 1, we're hearing from a predominantly millennial generation panel, along with some older gens peppered in. In Parts 2 and 3, we're predominantly hearing from the older generations as they are informed of the things our previous younger panel shared.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/09/ul-podcast-259/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Partner Walks By Faith Into Kingdom Entrepreneurship | Michelle Warren | #258

    Partner Walks By Faith Into Kingdom Entrepreneurship | Michelle Warren | #258

    Partner Michelle Warren has an incredible story about God equipping her through education, career opportunities, her mother's godly example, and the people He's used to speak into her life. She courageously stepped into a man's industry many years ago in commercial furniture sales and worked herself through opportunities that grew her influential leadership in the industry. God then opened another door for her to start a successful consulting business of her own that is quickly developing into a Kingdom business with God as its CEO. Michelle is still in the commercial furniture industry, but she knows that it can be so much more with God at the helm. You'll want to hear her inspiring story and learn about what God is unfolding with her ability to help other women in the industry and beyond. Michelle Warren's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/09/ul-podcast-258/


    Stewarding Your Influence
    enSeptember 12, 2023

    Jeff Andersen's Forum Guys Share About Their Time With Him | #257

    Jeff Andersen's Forum Guys Share About Their Time With Him | #257

    Sadly, Jeff Andersen departed from us too soon, from our heart's perspective that is. He is now heaven's prize. Partner and beloved Pinnacle Forum Regional Director and Forum Facilitator, Jeff impacted many individuals. His reach included people of many walks. In this episode, his Forum guys reminisce about the great man Jeff was. You'll get to hear about Jeff's delightful personality and character, the humorous stories, and the lasting impact he will have on these men. One resounding sentiment is that whatever Jeff started he finished. So may this serve as a tribute to Jeff finishing well this side of heaven.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/09/ul-podcast-257/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enSeptember 05, 2023

    Leaving Your Life's Final Thoughts With Your Loved Ones | Sandy Wheeler | #256

    Leaving Your Life's Final Thoughts With Your Loved Ones | Sandy Wheeler | #256

    What if you could capture a special video to share with your loved ones during your memorial service, and it was scheduled to be released upon your passing? What if you had a message for different members of your family? Partner, Sandy Wheeler has a time capsule video offering for anyone who knows they are terminally ill, serving in the military, or even because they simply want to send a special message of remembrance to a loved one. Get the update on the LifesFinalThoughts.com project. Also, hear a miraculous story about Sandy's wife, how she died and left her body. She could hear what the doctor and nurses said as they worked to save her life. Sandy Wheeler's bio.

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enAugust 29, 2023

    The Countdown to Ecclesia 2000 in 2033 | Dr. Michael Mobley | #255

    The Countdown to Ecclesia 2000 in 2033 | Dr. Michael Mobley | #255

    The countdown is on for the celebration of Jesus Christ's crucifixion on Easter of 2033. Partner, Dr. Mike Mobley, Founder of the Galilean Institute in Galilee, Israel has been partnering up with other ministries in preparation for the churches around the world to gather in unity. Hear a little bit about Mike's story, including his background in connecting science with religion. He has also initiated a 2033 Bible reading plan. Don't miss this episode! Dr. Mike Mobley's bio.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/08/ul-podcast-255/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enAugust 22, 2023

    Partner Supports The Timothy Initiative: Making Disciples | Bob Miller & David Nelms | #254

    Partner Supports The Timothy Initiative: Making Disciples | Bob Miller & David Nelms | #254

    Partner Dr. Bob Miller is passionate about The Timothy Initiative, a ministry run by guest/friend Dr. David Nelms. The mission? Discipling the over 7,000 unreached people groups around the world. You'll want to listen because this is no ordinary church-planting movement. David and his son, Jared, learned that the ultimate goal is to make and multiply disciples, and from that, experience the fruit of newly established Bible-teaching churches. Hear their story and see if there is a place for you to engage. Check out: TTIonline.org. Learn how both Bob and David received the sounding board they needed from Pinnacle Forum.


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/08/ul-podcast-254/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enAugust 15, 2023

    DEI Is Inescapable: Partners Collaborate Around Biblical DEI | Kevin McGary & Mark Griffin | #253

    DEI Is Inescapable: Partners Collaborate Around Biblical DEI | Kevin McGary & Mark Griffin | #253

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has been around for a long time. However, it was quite different in the 90s than what it has become today. Fundamentals of today's DEI programs are built upon Marxist teachings. On the surface DEI has the appearance of leveling the playing field, but the outcomes have actually been shown to be divisive. Partners, Kevin McGary and Mark Griffin come together to discuss Biblical DEI. Kevin shares about his book, Woked Up, and Mark shares more on his DEI certification program. Their efforts provide a truer standard that celebrates differences and human connectedness. You'll also learn how they met through Pinnacle Forum.

    Below are resources to check out:

    Subscribe link to In His Name HR's blog: https://inhisnamehr.com/contact-us/subscribe/
    https://everyblm.com (Kevin McGary)
    Books by Kevin McGary: Click here


    Show Notes: https://pinnacleforum.com/2023/08/ul-podcast-253/

    Stewarding Your Influence
    enAugust 08, 2023