
    Storybook Railroad

    Broadcasting together since 1990, radio personalities Robin MacBlane and Larry Whitler, better known as Robin And The Giant, host this podcast featuring conversations and interviews about books, music, and entertainment of all types for children and young readers.
    enLarry Whitler and Robin MacBlane41 Episodes

    Episodes (41)

    Doggy Dog World

    Doggy Dog World

    Mary Ann's dog, Rudy, learns an important lesson about not judging others and about being careful about feelings of revenge. This story is written by Larry Whitler and first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio program in the early 1990s. It is part of the anthology of stories included in the "Gift Of The Barking Frog" book by Robin MacBlane and Larry Whitler. The bonus song included after the story was originally broadcast with this story.



    Four children have a school assignment to research history and present their discoveries to the class. At first they go to the library to decide what historical event they would focus on. Then, when they bump into the grandfather of one of the children, they realize that history may be closer than they realize. In fact it is right in their own attic! Written by Robin MacBlane, "Memories" first appeared in the early 1990s on the Robin And The Giant radio program and can be read in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    The Mystery Of The Missing Birds

    The Mystery Of The Missing Birds

    Johnathan and Wanda know that the birds fly south in the winter. But, what they don't know, is where, exactly, the birds fly to. In this story the two children take their inquisitive minds and use some good old fashioned library research to try to uncover the answer to this perplexing question. Written by Larry Whitler, "The Mystery Of The Missing Birds" first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s and can be found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."



    Shannon loved playing make-believe with her toy Pegasus that she named Shasta. Her imagination enabled Shannon to pretend to fly on the winged horse, play with the birds, and even chase away the evil hunters. But, in real life, Shannon's true dream was to own a horse of her own. A real horse. In this story, written by Robin MacBlane, every young girl's dream is expressed as Shannon and Shasta take us all on a beautiful trip filled with love and fantasy.

    A Jelly Jar Mint of Belly Button Lint

    A Jelly Jar Mint of Belly Button Lint

    Sometimes it takes the mind of a child to show us all which things are really valuable. In "A Jelly Jar Mint of Belly Button Lint" three little children show the rest of us that nothing is worth more than spending time with someone we love. Written by Larry Whitler, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s and is found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    Field Trip

    Field Trip

    Field Trip, written by Robin MacBlane, was one of the most popular stories that we did in the early 1990s on our old radio program Robin And The Giant. It tells a simple tale that every school child, and former school child, remembers with fondness. The original broadcast of this story included the song, "Field Trip," also recorded and written by Robin And The Giant. The story can now be found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."



    A young girl, named Sadie, doesn't feel as beautiful as she feels her older sister is. Even though she is truly beautiful on the inside, Sadie wants to be beautiful on the outside, too. The lesson Sadie learns about the true beauty that is already within her is learned with the help of the costume lady from a local theatrical group. This story is written by Robin MacBlane and was first made public on the Robin And The Giant radio program in the early 1990s. The story is also found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    A Dancer Dances

    A Dancer Dances

    Mary was a dancer but she didn't believe in herself. Her friend, Harold, however, completely believed in her. It took a while but Harold finally convinced Mary to audition for a major dancing job at a show in New York City. This is a story about confidence and friendship. It is a story about believing in oneself and pursuing one's dreams. Written by Larry Whitler in the early 1990s, "A Dancer Dances" originally appeared on the old Robin And The Giant radio program and can be found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    The Tales Of The Rail

    The Tales Of The Rail

    When one of the new students in Mrs. Bryant's sixth grade class told some incredible stories to the other students, about his life and his family, his classmates felt inferior and less accomplished. Mrs. Bryant noticed that the fibs the new student was telling were making the other students feel unimportant. Since it would be wrong to call the new student a liar, Mrs. Bryant had a better idea! Written by Robin MacBlane, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s.

    The Scariest Spell Of Pajama Top Hill

    The Scariest Spell Of Pajama Top Hill

    Joe Gurney lived a long and lonely life in the days when everybody was scurrying in the wild west to find gold. But Joe was different and never cared much for gold. In fact, Joe Gurney was most interested in why people spent so much time searching for gold. When Joe Gurney died the people of Cowtown found themselves victim to their own obsessions and the ghost of Joe Gurney made this perfectly clear. Written by Larry Whitler, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s.

    The Historical Adventure

    The Historical Adventure

    Two friends visit the Museum Of Natural History and take a ride into the distant, and not so distant, past. Their travels through time reveal the ways that humans have had an affect on the environment. The two children also learn how the lessons learned from those past mistakes have helped humanity realize that we need to be better stewards of the earth. Written by Robin MacBlane, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s. It is published in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    Gibsonton Circus

    Gibsonton Circus

    In this bonus episode of Storybook Railroad, we visited the Gibsonton International Independent Showmen's Club Circus in Riverview, Florida. The circus is a fundraiser to benefit local charities. Everything was done by volunteers! All of the performers, musicians, clowns, box office workers, animal handlers, and even the owners and installers of the tent and seating volunteered their time and talents to bring this circus to the people. We are joined by Robin's mother, Beverly, Robin's daughter, Shannon, and Shannon's young friend, Gabby. Also, Robin's brother, James Peronto, is the drummer in the band. 

    The Dog With The Unbelievable Tale

    The Dog With The Unbelievable Tale

    A young homeless puppy stumbles upon the home of an older and much more affluent dog. The friendship seems unlikely to the younger pup but the older, and wiser, dog knows the importance of being patient and gentle. In the end, it is love that levels the playing field. Written by Larry Whitler (The Giant) this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s. The song that follows the story is called "Winds Of Change" and accompanied this story in the original broadcast. 

    The Star Gazers

    The Star Gazers

    Nine year old Amanda gets to spend some time at an observatory with her Uncle Jack, who is a scientist. Together they explore the night sky through the lens of a telescope. In the process, Amanda learns about the planets in our solar system and Jack learns to make believe as the two of them pretend to spot a fleet of menacing flying saucers. This story was written by Robin MacBlane and first appeared on the old Robin And The Giant radio program in the early 1990s. The story is also published in the book, "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    Effortless Flight

    Effortless Flight

    Fourth grade classmates Kathryn and William were going to fly kites with William's father at a nearby park. William had his kite for two years but this would be the first time flying it because his Dad always had to work. But this was his father's day off and today would finally be the day they would get to fly the kite. But when the phone rings, and it is William's father's boss asking him to come in to work, William and Kathryn are worried that their trip to the park might be cancelled.



    Mrs. Christopher's 3rd Grade Class was going on a field trip to an amusement park called La-La-Land. It was young Evan's first time going to La-La-Land and his mother told him it would be fun and educational. But the lessons he learned from this field trip were from the conversations he heard from his classmates. One was concerned about being a know-it-all, another was speaking condescendingly about everything, and another was more interested in how expensive the souvenirs were. Written by Larry Whitler, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant Radio Show in the early 1990s and can be found in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    School Lunch Vs. Lunch From Home

    School Lunch Vs. Lunch From Home

    As a writing assignment at school, four children write a skit for the school stage that portrays a mock boxing match pitting school lunch against lunch from home. The children in the audience love the presentation and, in the end, the story shows that both lunch options can be healthy if the right foods are chosen. Written by Robin MacBlane, this story first appeared on the Robin And The Giant radio show in the early 1990s. It also is published in the book "The Gift Of The Barking Frog."

    Wonder Sounds

    Wonder Sounds

    Eric and Susan, ten and eight years old respectively, along with their mother, visit their great-grandfather in the nursing home. Great-Grandfather was a songwriter in his younger days. The children bring gifts to their Great-Grandpa that represent his love of music. But it isn't until the children learn that hit group, The Razors, recorded one of Great-Grandpas old songs do they really become excited about the musical legacy their great-grandfather is leaving behind.