
    Straight Talk's Events

    Straight Talk is a learning chat show, which comprises three parents (a mother and her two daughters); two generations, years apart, three points view to provide options to listeners on situations that influence their way of life, perceptions or self-esteem. Straight Talk is on between 12pm and 2pm (GMT) on Saturdays and you can listen via www.jamrockradio.com (Luton) or keep updated on times and topics via Twitter @JamrockST
    en-gb7 Episodes

    Episodes (7)

    A light-hearted but thorough look at Deception & Lies on Straight Talk

    A light-hearted but thorough look at Deception & Lies on Straight Talk
    I remember listening to Frank and Janet Robinson discuss how their teenage son, John, had been misdiagnosed at Staffordshire Hospital, as having bruised ribs and who then died from a ruptured spleen hours later. It wasn’t so much the misdiagnosis that insulted the deceased’s parents, but the NHS cover up!! Last week it was the IPCC who seemed to be colluding according to Civil Liberties Campaigner, Michael Docherty. Now, if large organisations who are accountable to the public, can lie and deceive – what says your regular John Public? Straight Talk discusses what makes people lie? And below are many of the reasons and questions we respond to on our show - so check it out! - The need to be accepted - Made a mistake - Got caught out - Cheating (the system and on an individual) - Fear of confrontation/inciting anger - Lack of self-esteem/assertiveness - Ego - Survival - Fancying your best friend’s ex - Married and fancy someone else DECEPTION Why do we cover up? - Afraid of the consequences - Fear of Retribution - Financial implication - Fear of losing - Fear of Isolation/alienation - Protecting Reputation - Fear of not getting what we want e.g. VISA How do we know if people are who they say they are? Leading a Double-Life? - By using online searching you can find the truth behind his statement of identity. Try to use these websites: http://www.web-detective.com/ - Man with second wife (1st wife found out on FB) Brian Frain ( - Married to a child molester – requires research - Secret drinkers/drugs - Past criminal record - History of serious debt/fraud - Online dating - - How to Find Out If Someone Is Who They Say They Are? | eHow

    Why young people take drugs - Straight Talk Chat Show

    Why young people take drugs - Straight Talk Chat Show
    Many teens experiment with drugs and 9 out of 10 people who end up addicted, started drinking, smoking or using drugs by age 18. 1 in 4 high school students who drink or use drugs become addicted. Drinking at an early age is linked to dangerous binge drinking. Experimentation is not harmless, healthy or even “the norm” for teens. A report from the National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that nearly half of high school students are using addictive drugs?? On Dying to Get High (Tonight Programme on ITV), 700,000 young people have experimented with legal highs, 53 died this year, which was an 80% increase over the year before! We are left asking: • How much is too much? • What is the impact of drugs on young people’s health? • More young people are smoking dangerous weed cocktails (the You Tube Drug (salvia divinorum) which is more powerful than LSD and is made up of a species of sage – it’s legal but what are the dangers? • What influences young people to experiment with legal and illegal drugs? • Risk of cross-contamination and spiking drinks – how can this be prevented/avoided?

    Why young people take drugs - Straight Talk Chat Show

    Why young people take drugs - Straight Talk Chat Show
    We are led to believe that image is everything – that it only takes 5 seconds for someone to form an opinion of us. We are told that suits denote respectability; that sagging jeans means you are advertising sex or that skinny jeans means that you could be gay. Criminals are told to wear a suit to ‘create the right impression’; innocent young boys are told not to wear sagging jeans because it creates the wrong impression and those who wear skinny jeans are left questioning their sexual identity! Why are we stereotyped by what we wear? • What does ‘creating the right image mean?’ • Is it important to create the right image (if so why) • Eating disorders; teenage spots; smoking/drugs - tough image • If it takes only 5 seconds to create an impression – 7 minutes to change it – How can we change an impression once its made? • Why do certain clothes/ images stereotype? E.g. Sagging jeans/ skinny jeans/tattoos/hoodies • Can visible tattoos obstruct a career goals? These are some of the questions we want answers to!

    Wicked Step-Parents? 80% of us have one or know of someone who does..

    Wicked Step-Parents? 80% of us have one or know of someone who does..
    Our first recollection of the wicked stepmother was in Cinderella. Since then we have witnessed or listened to horrifying tales of children being abused by step-parents (in particular Baby P). What happens when things do go right with the spouse you married - do you take it out on the child? What are the rules of disciplining a child that is not yours? Are their lovely step-parents? Kae C, D-Lo and Loy discuss step-parenting from a young person's perspective, and the impact it has on the child.