
    Strategic Storytelling

    Strategic Storytelling blends together the magic of storytelling with practical strategies for copywriting and marketing, especially creating content, branding, and planning. Forget about movies, bedtime stories, and fairy tales: Cathy Goodwin, an online strategist and published author, show you how business storytelling will directly impact your bottom line. No fairy godmothers allowed!
    enCathy Goodwin138 Episodes

    Episodes (138)

    075 3 Backstories Your Client Tells Herself When You Offer A Free Consultation (And How To Respond To Them)

    075 3 Backstories Your Client Tells Herself When You Offer A Free Consultation (And How To Respond To Them)

    When I started my copywriting business on the Internet, lots of my competitors were writing on the back of their business cards: “Free 30-minute consultation.”

    It was an effective strategy that led to many long-term, profitable client relationshps.

    Today we’re seeing a backlash.

    “I offer a free report on my business card,” says one business coach. “If I offer a free session, people think I’m selling.”

    He’s probably right. We hear the word “free call” and our sales radar starts to ping.

    We also see a backlash on low-end programs — the first step in some funnels — and offers that include free consultations.

    To many people, a “free call” means a sales pitch. And they’re scared.

    Prospects consider your consultation — free or paid — in the context of their backstory.

    In this episode we review 3 common backstories your client tells herself when she hears the words, "Free Session." 

    Free offer - http://cathygoodwin.com/baggage

    Course: http://cathygoodwin.com/clientadvtc  coupon listen20 

    074 How 1 Story Gives You 5 Great Blog Post Ideas

    074 How 1 Story Gives You 5 Great Blog Post Ideas

    Looking for more creative blog post ideas that attract hungry readers?

    You'll find a zillion bundles promising to help...with tired titles like, "Behind the scenes of my business" or "5 mistakes I'll never make again."

    Writing a blog post is like making a sandwich.

    Using a template is like, "Begin with 2 slices of bread."

    For a great sandwich you need filling.

    When you start with your prospect's backstory, you start with the filling. You can go back and add. the bread - the structure - later.

    In this episode you'll discover how one story gives you lots of ideas for blog posts that deliver mouth-watering content to a hungry audience. 

    To learn more about filling your client's needs, download this free report: What REALLY Motivates Clients to Buy From You. 

    You can also sign up for my course - The Client Advantage - when you click here: http://CathyGoodwin.com/clientadvtc 

    Use the coupon code LISTEN20 to take $20 (29%)  off the published price.

    073 The Surprising Way To 10X The Impact Of Your Content

    073 The Surprising Way To 10X The Impact Of Your Content

    "I've heard this all before."
    "You sound just like everybody else in your field."
    "I can't remember...what did you say again?"

    Content creation takes work. Nobody wants to hear those responses after putting in effort to create what should have been a remarkable blog post, web page, podcast or landing page.

    In this episode we talk about specific ways to achieve originality in your message. In particular, we'll talk about the importance of creating a framework as a container for your message.

    Once you've established a framework your messaging becomes infinitely easier. When I established my 5 story archetype framework, I was able to create content more easily. I was also able to help clients with branding questions. 


    Podcast on voice  - Episode 37
    Listen on Apple
    Listen on Spotify
    Listen anywhere - search for Episode 37

    Course on credibility




    072 Entrepreneurs: Get Past Your Comfort Zone With Storytelling

    072 Entrepreneurs: Get Past Your Comfort Zone With Storytelling

    You want to grow a business ... but what happens when you keep telling yourself stories keep you from moving forward? Stories that seem so real and vivid you never think to question them?

    The truth is, comfort zones are just too ... comfortable. 

    Mike Krupit is an entrepreneur who's consulted with many companies over the years. Mike now supports business owners and entrepreneurs who are serious about developing profitable businesses.

    Mike talks about how we can get out of our way when we recognize these stories that hold us back.  He points out that we're encouraged to be open and authentic...but we need the right kind of authenticity. Balancing openness with professionalism holds the key. 

    Sources on the call:
    Herminia Ibarra - The Authenticity Paradox (HBR article Mike uses with his clients) 

    Herminia Ibarra - Working Identity  - book on Amazon

    Mike can be found at https://www.trajectify.com/contact-us



    071 Building A Community By Telling Stories With Alex Hillman of Indy Hall

    071 Building A Community By Telling Stories With Alex Hillman of Indy Hall

    Many organizations are still struggling to rebuild community after the pandemic forced everyone apart.

    Alex Hillman is the founder of Indy Hall, one of the first coworking spaces in Philadelphia. He had to answer the question, "How do you keep a space-based community together when the space goes away?" 

    In this episode, Alex shares stories that show why Indy Hall coworking is far more than a piece of real estate.  He shows how the community helps members find their way, grow and change. 

    Around 28:40, he shares some advice on choosing the best stories to tell - not necessarily stories of your most impressive success. 

    Alex is an entertaining and sought-after speaker. Enjoy your time with this episode! Reach Alex at indyhall.org or his email, alex@indyhall.org and share what resonated with you. 

    070 The 5-Step Story Behind A Successful Small Business Blog

    070 The 5-Step Story Behind A Successful Small Business Blog

    Thinking of starting or growing a blog? This episode breaks down the steps - which are not what most marketers will tell you. You'll save a lot of time (and enjoy a more successful blog) when you stop and ask just a few extra questions.

    To discover your marketing archetype (which helps you create a blog consistent with your marketing style), download this free report - http://cathygoodwin.com/arch


    069 Small Business Branding: Your Brand Is Not Your Beach Towel

    069 Small Business Branding: Your Brand Is Not Your Beach Towel

    Branding consultants and courses often try to learn from big-name consumer products , such as beer and cola drinks.  

    Small service-based businesses run into trouble when they try to copy the big guys - like a petite female competing with big, muscular power lifters in a weight training class.

    Big brands wear their brands like beach towels. Small business branding starts when you take off the towel.

    This episode uses a fun summer metaphor to highlight the difference between large and small business branding...and why your whole approach to branding has to be different.

    Learn more in my book, Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. I have a free guide to branding for small business, which you can download here.

    Visit my website, http://CathyGoodwin.com, for more resources - free and for sale. 

    Don't forget to rate and review this podcast episode! 

    068 A Story A Day To Grow Your Business - With Ellen Finkelstein

    068 A Story A Day To Grow Your Business - With Ellen Finkelstein

    Ellen Finkelstein uses email marketing to grow her list. She sends out emails every day - 7 days per week - and each email begins with a story from her own everyday life. 

    Ellen is what I'd call a role model archetype.

    That means her promise is, "I'm just like you. If I can do it, you can do it." She uses stories to build profitable relationships with her very large,  responsive list. 

    In this episode you'll discover Ellen's system for...
    ...choosing which stories to include in her emails
    ...finding stories when nothing seems to appear
    ...deciding what to leave out of her email stories.

    We also talked about how her Role Model archetype influences her marketing. 

    You can learn more about Ellen at her website, 

    067 Is it time to stop telling business stories?

    067 Is it time to stop telling business stories?

    Storytelling has been a big business buzzword for a long time. Small business owners frequently are encouraged, "Learn to tell stories!" or even, "You can't market without storytelling in the 21st century!"

    Of course there's a backlash. We're hearing criticism of storytelling. It's fake. Companies use stories to come across as warm and fuzzy when they're cold as ice. People are tired of hearing stories. 

    There's some truth to those criticisms...and we can learn from them. But...stop telling stories? That's another...story. This episode explains.

    Download your free guide to the 3 Common Storytelling Mistakes (and the 1 Fix You Can Apply). 

    Episode #22 explains what I mean by "concept story."
    For a deeper explanation of concept stories, hero's journey and other stories, look up my book: Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. 

    Don't forget to subscribe and leave a rating as well as a review. Drop by my website and say hello - http://CathyGoodwin.com 

    066 How To Leverage Your Working Style To Become More Productive

    066 How To Leverage Your Working Style To Become More Productive

    You plan your next offer -a program or product.

    Some business owners get an idea and dive right in. I’m in this category. We execute fast…and wish we’d taken more time to plan.  

    Others like to nail every detail. They want to be crystal clear on the step-by-step systems. They lose time by overthinking. 

    I call these categories the "jumpers" and the "clingers." They tell different stories. They operate differently. And they can be extremely successful. The challenge is step beyond your comfort zone to try a different style...or to leverage your current style for maximum productivity. 

    That's what we talk about in this episode: using your work style to be more productive on your own terms. 

    I'm Cathy Goodwin and my website is http://cathygoodwin.com


    065 How to respond when they say "It's too expensive"

    065 How to respond when they say "It's too expensive"

    Small businesses get the "too expensive!" objection all the time. In this episode we dive into the client stories that might drive these objections. 

    Sometimes the clients don't "get" your value - but sometimes your offer conflicts with their story. I share some recommendations to help you deal with these objections more productively and profitably.

    Learn more about getting inside the client's mind with this free guide - http://cathygoodwin.com/baggage

    I also work with clients through the Strategic Intensive.


    Strategic Storytelling
    enJune 13, 2022

    064 Why these 2 story templates bring in more sales

    064 Why these 2 story templates bring in more sales

    Certain story templates are more effective when it comes to attracting more clients and generating more sales.

    Is it because they create more intense conflict? 

    The surprising answer is, "No."

    In his book, Story Paradox, Author Jonathan Gottschall reveals a stunning fact: the higher the level of poetic justice on a TV show, the higher it performs in the ratings. 

    In this episode of Strategic Storytelling, you'll discover the real reason these stories work...and you'll be able to apply these insights to your own business. 

    Jonathan Gottschall's book, The Story Paradox explores the darker side of storytelling.

    My ebook, Grow Your Business One Story At A Time, explains how to use storytelling purposefully for business growth. 

    Visit my website for more resources.



    Strategic Storytelling
    enJune 05, 2022

    062 Credibility for Business Leadership: Interview with Mitchell Levy

    062 Credibility for Business Leadership: Interview with Mitchell Levy

    Without credibility, you can't have a successful business. That's the lesson from Mitchell Levy, a Global Credibility Expert. 

    In this episode, Mitchell explains why credibility is important. He identifies some surprising indicators of credibility, such as being coachable, being a servant leader and showing up. 

    We also talked about using stories to reinforce credibility (and how the wrong story can kill your credibility fast).  We came up with some memorable examples! 

    This episode will give you a new perspective on how to use credibility as an essential source of business growth. 

    Mitchell can be reached at http://mitchelllevy.com 

    My course on credibility:

    061 3 Stories That Send Clients Away (and what to do instead)

    061 3 Stories That Send Clients Away (and what to do instead)
    As a new business owner, I was advised to share stories that would build the know, like, and trust factor.   I soon discovered 3 types of stories that had the opposite effect. They created distance, confused my audience, and left them saying, "That's bizarre."

    You'll discover why these types of stories don't work (and what to do instead). 

    Relocation book on Amazon
    Free report on understanding clients
    Free report on story archetypes


    060 Why that story got a laugh but not a sale (and surprisingly easy fix)

    060 Why that story got a laugh but not a sale (and  surprisingly easy fix)
    A lot of business owners have been told, "Stories entertain and captivate your audience."  

    If you buy that, you're not getting the full power of storytelling. Stories can support for your strategy and simplify your marketing.

    That's the big difference between personal and business stories. Personal stories might get an appreciative laugh, but business stories can do so much more. Anyway, your business audience might not be amused by your personal stories.

    I've referenced the topic indirectly. This episode clearly shows the difference between personal and business stories - and how strategizing your story helps you go beyond entertainment to reach your business goals. 

    Discover 17 ways storytelling can help grow your business with this free guide: http://mycopy.info/17ways

    058 For a simpler path to course creation, begin with a story

    058 For a simpler path to course creation, begin with a story

    Online course creation has become a major industry. If you're a business owner, your course gives you new opportunities to grow your business, find clients and gain credibility. 

    Designing a course can be challenging. How do you know what to include? How do you figure out how to sequence the modules? 

    Explore a new way to design your course by starting with a story. You'll appeal to more students and have fun with the process. 

    My course on course creation is 
    Use the code COURSE50 for a 50% discount as a thankyou for listening.

    Free guide: 17 surprising ways to grow your business with storytelling

    Strategic Storytelling
    enApril 24, 2022

    057 3 Tips To Win Clients As A Master Storyteller

    057 3 Tips To Win Clients As A Master Storyteller
    Creating your story is just the first part storytelling. You also need a way to tell your story. 

    As a business storyteller, your goal is to get listeners and readers involved in your story. They will see themselves in your story. They will want to jump in and join the story.

    Or realize "this isn't my story" and go elsewhere, saving you both some time.

    Learn more about storytelling when you download 17 Surprising Ways to Grow Your Business With Stories - free when you click here: http://mycopy.info/17ways

    Enjoy the podcast - and don't forget to leave a rating and a review, preferably on the Apple website. 

    Strategic Storytelling
    enApril 19, 2022

    056 How To Design A Story That Reaches Your Ideal Clients

    056 How To Design A Story That Reaches Your Ideal Clients

    Most stories will attract attention. Small business owners need to go beyond attracting attention to create stories that attract and persuade. 

    How do you attract your ideal clients? Create a story with elements they can relate to. A story that helps them see themselves in the story.  

    How do you do this? It's a pretty simple tweak, actually... but you have to decide consciously to structure your story this way. 

    This episode shows you how.

    To better enter the conversation in your client's mind, download my free guide - http://cathygoodwin.com/baggage 

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to leave a review and subscribe! 

    From Cathy Goodwin - cathygoodwin.com 

    Strategic Storytelling
    enApril 05, 2022

    055 How To Stand Out In A Crowded Space

    055 How To Stand Out In A Crowded Space
    They're not paying attention to your content? No surprise: there's a lot of noise in the background. 

    This episode (based on my new course - http://cathygoodwin.com/credcourse ) introduces the 2 factors that influence credibility...illustrated with a story.

    When classical violinist Joshua Bell agreed to a journalism-inspired gig ... not on a concert hall, but on a subway station in Washington DC. Why was he ignored in the subway? This story holds clues to getting your message heard on the crowded Internet. You might also like my free report - Understanding Your Client's Motivation to Buy - http://cathygoodwin.com/baggage


    Strategic Storytelling
    enApril 01, 2022