
    Structural Performance Podcast

    Manny Aragon Structural Performance Podcast is your source for Sports Biomechanics, Recovery, Nutrition, Health, and Weight Loss advice from the worlds top experts.
    enManny Aragon67 Episodes

    Episodes (67)

    Episode # 11 Aaron Guyett

    Episode # 11 Aaron Guyett

    Have you ever heard of "The Human Cashew" or the "4Cs"? Would you like to learn some great exercises that will help you strengthen your body with minimal effort?


    Listen to this week's podcast to hear Aaron Guyett, owner of Innovative Results, discuss these topics and how they effect structural performance!

    Episode #10 Does coffee make you pee your bones out?

    Episode #10 Does coffee make you pee your bones out?

    No matter what time of day it is there always seems to be a line at coffee shops, but did you know coffee may be doing more than giving you that extra pick me up?

    Listen to this week's podcast to learn more and also hear about the relationship between exercise and your teeth, hormones, the perfect exercise, and those annoying muscle cramps we all get!

    Episode #8 What is muscle testing and is it bogus? What kinds of things can be assessed using muscle testing? How to tell if your liver is congested. How to tell if you are at risk for stroke. How can you resolve IT band syndrome? Is there a cure for dand

    Episode #8 What is muscle testing and is it bogus? What kinds of things can be assessed using muscle testing? How to tell if your liver is congested. How to tell if you are at risk for stroke. How can you resolve IT band syndrome? Is there a cure for dand

    In this week's podcast, I discuss the following topics:


    What is muscle testing and is it bogus?

    What kinds of things can be assessed using muscle testing?

    How to tell if your liver is congested.

    How to tell if you are at risk for stroke?

    How can you resolve IT band syndrome? What are the causes?

    Is there a cure for dandruff? What causes dandruff?

    Structural Performance Podcast
    enSeptember 23, 2014

    Episode #7 How to tell if scars are getting in the way of your healing process, The little known way to unleash your body's healing potential, How to tell if hidden food sensitivities are driving disease in your body, Are beets the best food for boosting

    Episode #7 How to tell if scars are getting in the way of your healing process, The little known way to unleash your body's healing potential, How to tell if hidden food sensitivities are driving disease in your body, Are beets the best food for boosting

    Episode #7 How to tell if scars are getting in the way of your healing process, The little known way to unleash your body's healing potential, How to tell if hidden food sensitivities are driving disease in your body, Are beets the best food for boosting endurance?

    Structural Performance Podcast
    enSeptember 17, 2014

    #6 Cure for athletes foot, How to build blood oxygen capacity,What fingernail moons represent, Libido boosting foods, What is adrenal fatigue?

    #6 Cure for athletes foot, How to build blood oxygen capacity,What fingernail moons represent, Libido boosting foods, What is adrenal fatigue?

    In this podcast I discuss the following questions:

    ·      Athletes foot cure

    What is athletes foot? 

    ·      What causes gray hair-Science says it is not directly caused by stress. But what does stress do to the body? 

    Are Poor digestion, poor sleep, poor healing, low regeneration, increases aging response, signs of a depleted adrenal function?

    How can you tell if your adrenal function is compromised?

    ·      What fingernail moons represent and how their condition can predict your performance efficiency.

     How to build blood- oxygen carrying capacity using food and herbs. 

    ·      What foods help to keep your libido up?

            Obesity/ excess weight tied to lower brain volume and brain degeneration

    new study. Simple tricks to drop excess fat and stimulate your body to become a fat burning machine.


    Structural Performance Podcast
    enSeptember 09, 2014

    Episode #5 Are These Common Swimming Errors Slowing You Down?

    Episode #5 Are These Common Swimming Errors Slowing You Down?

    In this episode, I interview Coach Stephanie Havelka of The Surge Method of Swimming (https://www.facebook.com/surgeswimmethod) to uncover some of the most common fundamental errors and missing elements of water skills, swimming form and mindset that hold age group and elite level swimmers and triathletes back from performing to their potential. Most swimmers and coaches focus training on top of poor fundamentals- which retards improvement and generates frustration and hopelessness. Many swimmers could be much faster by focusing their efforts on their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Listen to the interview to find out what fundamental skills may be holding you back.