
    蘇菲説故事時間 Sophie's Storytime

    藉由中英文童書繪本,寓言故事,圖畫書帶領孩子不僅學習雙語,更學習多國文化. 行動贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 Sophie’s Storytime is a podcast channel featuring storytelling of children’s favorite books written in Mandarin and English. It's a language learning channel for everyone as well. Let’s enjoy these timeless favorite children’s books with Miss Sophie. Please support the channel here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok Facebook 搜尋: 蘇菲說故事時間 Sophie's Storytime IG / thread 搜尋: @sophiesstorytime YouTube 搜尋: @SophiesStorytime 節目及合作詢問: sophiesstorytimetw@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zh蘇菲 Ms. Sophie316 Episodes

    Episodes (316)


    在《奇先生妙小姐》的故事裡,將孩子各種好個性、壞脾氣;聰明的、糊塗的;令人激賞的、惹人討厭的;好榜樣、壞習慣……等特質,以一貫幽默風趣的手法,演出一幕幕孩子自己的故事。 《奇先生妙小姐》-麻煩小姐 作者: Roger Hargreaves 羅傑·哈格里維斯 出版社: 喜樂雅文化 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63

    The Hare and the Tortoise (中英對照)

    The Hare and the Tortoise (中英對照)
    The Hare and The Tortoise is a very popular story with an important moral lesson. From this story, kids learn that one doesn’t have to be a champion to reach their goal. What one really needs is relentless hard work. ISBN ‏ : ‎ 978-8184998948 購書連結:https://www.amazon.com/Can-Read-Hare-Tortoise-Level/dp/8184998945 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63


    寶拉是個嚮往旅行的的孩子,來到了陌生的國家、聽到了不熟悉的語言、遇到了形形色色的人。歡迎您與寶拉一起踏上旅行,一起帶回滿滿一整袋背包的美好回憶。 作者: 伊莉莎白‧史坦肯納 ( Elisabeth Steinkellner) 譯者: 劉孟穎 繪者: 米歇爾‧羅爾(Michael Roher) 出版社:韋伯 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010806158 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63


    小海狸辛辛苦苦的蓋了房子,可是就在快完成的那一剎那,從屋頂上跌下來、受傷了,刺蝟和大熊希望可以給小海狸一個驚喜,幫他蓋一座新房子。 作者:戴特.舒伯特 繪者:英格麗.舒伯特 譯者:王元容 ISBN:9578387881 購書連結: https://www.kidsbook.com.tw/books/view_book.asp?id=3149 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63

    Pete the Cat: Sir Pete the Brave (中英對照)

    Pete the Cat: Sir Pete the Brave (中英對照)
    Pete is a knight on an adventure to save his pal, Calie. by James Dean (Author, Illustrator), Kimberly Dean (Author) ISBN :** ‎ **978-0062404213 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/F013692930 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok


    春天来了,青蛙媽媽在水田里產下999顆卵。一天,蝌蚪哥哥和青蛙弟弟們在水田捉迷藏的時候,遇到了一條可怕的蛇。蝌蚪哥哥和青蛙弟弟們該怎麼辦呢?他們能打敗蛇嗎? 作者:木村研 繪者: 村上康成 出版社:新星出版社 ISBN:9787513308342 購書連結: https://www.sanmin.com.tw/product/index/003605412 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok


    三隻小豬長大了,決定要離開家裡獨立生活,不過,為了不要被大野狼吃掉,他們決定自己蓋房子。 作者:巴斯卡‧維寇列(PASCAL VILCOLLET) 譯者: 李紫蓉 ISBN:978-986-212-384-3 購書連結: https://www.shang-renpub.com.tw/product/15909825446498016

    Celebrating the Lantern Festival (中英對照)

    Celebrating the Lantern Festival (中英對照)
    Little Mei wants to know why her grandpa is making a paper lantern. Grandpa tells her the story of the Jade Emperor of Heaven and how he ordered the earth to be destroyed by fire. by Tang Sanmu (Author) ISBN : ‎ 978-1602209701 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/F012039538 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok

    《伊索寓言》 - 恩人

    《伊索寓言》 - 恩人
    「伊索寓言」被寫成文字以後,兩千年來一直流傳下來。無論年老的、年幼的、千千萬萬的人,都喜歡它, 作者: 林海音 繪者: 貝果 出版社:國語日報 ISBN / 9789577516152 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010516037 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok

    《奇先生妙小姐》 - 熱心小姐

    《奇先生妙小姐》 - 熱心小姐
    在《奇先生妙小姐》的故事裡,將孩子各種好個性、壞脾氣;聰明的、糊塗的;令人激賞的、惹人討厭的;好榜樣、壞習慣……等特質,以一貫幽默風趣的手法,演出一幕幕孩子自己的故事。 《奇先生妙小姐》 - 熱心小姐 作者: Roger Hargreaves 羅傑·哈格里維斯 出版社: 智茂文化 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63


    等啊等啊等,終於等到了十二月最後一天,人們興奮的放煙火,慶祝新的一年即將展開。跨年倒數的煙火,照得夜空亮晃晃的,也讓豬古力發現了一個大寶藏! 作者: 王文華 繪者: 陳完玲 出版社:巴巴文化 ISBN:9789869520539 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010770521 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok

    Lunar New Year (中英對照)

    Lunar New Year (中英對照)
    Learn all about the traditions of Lunar New Year which is also known as Chinese New Year. by Hannah Eliot (Author), Alina Chau (Illustrator) ISBN** ‏ : ‎ **978-1534433038 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014243707 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok


    傑克與母親同住,家裡窮,把母牛換賣成5顆魔豆,魔豆帶著傑克到天上的城堡,傑克從城堡帶什麼回來,會改變他和母親的生活嗎? 作者:克蕾森‧布法雷(CRESCENCE BOUVAREL) 出版社: 上人文化 ISBN:978-986-212-384-3 購書連結: https://shorturl.at/mwBKS ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok


    兔子波利好難過,錯認為自己在家中是沒有人愛的,想不到,全家人送給他一個驚喜. 作者: 布里姬特‧溫尼格 譯者: 賴雅靜 繪者: 伊芙‧塔列特 出版社:上人 ISBN:9789867517371 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010271297

    Hug Machine (中英對照)

    Hug Machine (中英對照)
    This endearing story encourages a warm, caring, and buoyantly affectionate approach to life. Everyone deserves a hug. by Scott Campbell (Author, Illustrator) ISBN ‏ :** ‎ **978-1442459359 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/F013212765 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok


    里歐不喜歡水,當他拉開浴簾時,竟然看到一隻鯊魚!里歐和鯊魚先生分享了他怕水的秘密,鯊魚先生因此決定要陪里歐一起練習游泳,讓他不再害怕水, <不愛洗澡的里歐遇上鯊魚阿海> 作者: 姆爾 ( Iris Muhl ) 譯者: 劉孟穎 繪者: 胡提曼(Daniela Rütimann) 出版社:韋伯 ISBN:9789864270200 購書連結: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010686137 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok

    Noisy Neighbors (中英對照)

    Noisy Neighbors (中英對照)
    The hero of Noisy Neighbors is a tired and grumpy snail who is searching for some peace and quiet. Wherever he goes he bumps into his neighbors—chirping sparrows, singing foxes, hooting owls, quacking ducks, and buzzing bees—each noisier than the last! by Ruth Green 購書連結: https://shorturl.at/nruv9 ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok

    《奇先生妙小姐》- 暴躁先生

    《奇先生妙小姐》- 暴躁先生
    《奇先生妙小姐》的人物造型簡單有趣,故事淺白幽默。幾乎涵蓋了各種特色人物,房間由這個系列組成,可以讓孩子好好地“改正自己、了解別人”,培養多元智能的內省及人際智能。為孩子一認知和不同性格的奇先生與妙小姐,從而塑造孩子的性格,讓孩子矯正自己,完美規矩,了解別人。 作者: Roger Hargreaves 羅傑·哈格里維斯 出版社: 全美文化 購書連結: https://shorturl.at/jyDQT ~~ 小額贊助支持:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/a9e63d01-2fe5-418f-9b3b-8d743aac8b63 If you enjoy the story and would like to buy Sophie a coffee, please click here: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/sophiesstok