
    Superconscious Success

    Please join Jen and her Co-hosts to bring you a podcast dedicated to helping you expand your consciousness, manifest greatness and connect with source and your superconscious.


    enJennifer Matthews111 Episodes

    Episodes (111)

    Introduction to the Higher Self and Spirit Teams

    Introduction to the Higher Self and Spirit Teams
    • What the higher self is;
    • Discuss the significance of the higher self in personal growth and self discovery;
    • What the spirit teams are and what they are composed of;
    • The role of the spirit teams in guiding and assisting individuals on their life journeys;
    • Practical tips and techniques for you to start connecting with your higher selves and spirit teams;
    • The importance of meditation, mindfulness and intuition when it comes to establishing this connection; and
    • The significance of understanding and working with your higher self and spirit teams in achieving both personal growth and success.

    Mastering the Art of Manifestation 101

    Mastering the Art of Manifestation 101
    • What manifestation is;
    • How thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences;
    • Significance of setting clear and specific intentions;
    • How our beliefs play a crucial role in our manifestation;
    • Importance of aligning your emotions with your desired outcomes;
    • Techniques to amplify the manifestation process;
    • Importance of inspired action when manifesting; and
    • Power of affirmations and affirmative statements.

    What are the Differences between Karmic Relationships and Twin Flames?

    What are the Differences between Karmic Relationships and Twin Flames?

    In this episode we cover:

    • How a Recent Karmic Relationship Changed My Life;
    • What a Karmic Relationship is and the purpose of it;
    • The energy you may feel in Karmic Relationships, as opposed to Twin Flames;
    • The time frame of both Karmic Relationships and Twin Flame Journeys and whether you are doomed to separation forever;
    • What is a Twin Flame and what is it's purpose?; and
    • More...

    Who's Running The Show - Your Ego or Your Higher Self?

    Who's Running The Show - Your Ego or Your Higher Self?

    Hi all, welcome back to the Superconscious Success Youtube Channel or Podcast. My name is Jennifer Matthews and I run the Superconscious Success platform and the associated brands underneath it.

    Higher Self Mastery is a brand that myself and Eleni have co-created and will be bringing you a lot of content very soon. However, whilst Eleni completes a couple of her other projects I have decided to start doing some solo episodes on topics that are going to help you get a gist of what we are all about.

    In this one I am excited to share with you a topic I am very passionate about and that is the topic of the ego versus the higher self. Have you ever wondered whether the voices you hear are your ego or your higher self? Have you ever questioned how you would know the difference? If so, in this video I am going to take you through how you may differentiate between the two and how you can make it so that your higher self is running the show and therefore you can co-create the life you are designed to live.

    We hope you enjoy and we look forward to bringing you a lot more co-created content very shortly.

    7 Signs You May Be In A Karmic Relationship

    7 Signs You May Be In A Karmic Relationship

    Hi all, welcome back to the Superconscious Success Youtube Channel or Podcast. My name is Jennifer Matthews and I run the Superconscious Success platform and the associated brands underneath it. This video is part of the Higher Self Mastery segment of the channel and myself and my co-creator soul sista Eleni have created this platform to show you how you may connect with your spirit team and your higher self to live a life of flow and ease.

    This video is going to take you through 7 signs that you may be in a karmic relationship.

    Matrix Reimprinting - Recreating your Reality

    Matrix Reimprinting - Recreating your Reality

    I have been using emotional freedom technique for a while now to release old emotions but was never truly aware that I was actually practicing a little reimprinting without even knowing it. In this episode I take you through what Matrix Reimprinting is and how you may begin to recreate your past and therefore recreate your present using it. https://www.superconscioussuccess.com (Blog and Podcast Episodes) https://www.superconscioussuccessacademy.com (Online Courses, Programs, Memberships and Masterminds etc) https://www.superconscioussuccess.live (Workshops, Classes, Livestreams, Summits, Retreats etc)

    Dawn Livingstone - Utilising the Subconscious Mind & Power of Belief to Manifest Your Dream Life

    Dawn Livingstone - Utilising the Subconscious Mind & Power of Belief to Manifest Your Dream Life

    I am so excited to be bringing an amazing guest to you today to discuss a couple of my absolute favorite topics – energy and the subconscious mind. Dawn Livingstone is an Ascension Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher of 20 years, a practitioner of Theta Healing and a master and medical intuitive practitioner with sacred activations. Dawn has an incredible story so I am excited to have her tell it to you.

    In this interview we cover:

    • What the subconscious mind is and how it works;
    • What part our beliefs play in the manifestation of our ideal life;
    • How to move out of victim mode and towards victor mode so that we can start taking responsibility for our own lives;
    • How to move from a place of fear to a place of peace;
    • How people in a codependent relationship can make a choice to change and begin to power up;
    • How energy and vibrations work when it comes to manifestation; and
    • So much more...

    Sue Rubin - Utilising the Science of the Mind to Manifest and Grow

    Sue Rubin - Utilising the Science of the Mind to Manifest and Grow

    I am so excited to be bringing an amazing guest to you today to discuss Ernest Holmes “Science of the Mind”. Dr Sue Rubin is a Religious Science Minister and Science of Mind teacher born in New York and raised in Southern California. After looking into the science of the mind I realised that the principles Sue is going to bless us with today are actually principles that I live my life by now. However, the way the science of the mind explains it makes it so much easier to understand.

    • What the science of the mind is?
    • The part the dark night of the soul has on the ascension process;
    • How may we move away from focusing on that which is already manifested to trust that what we desire is manifesting right in front of us.
    • The principles of the science of the mind;
    • What "treatments" are and how we may integrate our own treatments in order to manifest;
    • Why meditation, mindfulness and visualisation are so important for manifestation;
    • What visioning and direct revelation is and how we may begin to impress our visions onto the universe;
    • The importance and power of self awareness when it comes to manifestation;
    • The roles that compassion, gratitude and forgiveness plays when it comes to manifesting our dream life; and
    • So much more...

    Sue's Website: http://www.truthtidbits.com

    To check out this episode in both audio and video, go to: https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/suerubin

    Don't forget to sign up for our Superconscious Success Free Inner Circle at https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/innercircle to receive exclusive content.

    Renee Reisch - Finding Your Voice Using The VOICE blueprint

    Renee Reisch - Finding Your Voice Using The VOICE blueprint

    We are so excited to have our incredible guest on the podcast today who is going to talk to us about finding your voice. Renee has cultivated and inspired individuals and teams for over a decade.  You immediately feel her energy when she enters a room.  After over twenty-five years working in Corporate America, Renee decided it was time to hang up the corporate ladder.  She started her professional training and speaking as an instructor at WHW (Women Helping Women), a non-profit organization, where she donated her time helping the unemployed and underemployed find and keep their jobs.

    Renee has received numerous awards over the years for bringing her teams to the number one position.  Both her years and experience in the corporate world have taught her that in order to move the bar and increase profit, you must first invest in people.

    After suffering a devastating illness that took away her voice, then a few years later the loss of her best friend and then father, Renee decided to follow their example to Never Give Up. Now, that legacy is how Renee has chosen to live her life and help others, showing them that just when they feel life is closing in on them, there is always a way out.

    Today, Renee is a Four Times #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and a Transformational/Mindset Coach and Creator of the V.O.I.C.E. Blueprint.  She works with those suffocating in silence to find their true voice so they can express themselves with confidence and go from surviving to thriving.

    In this episode we cover:

    • The #1 reason why people are afraid to speak up and use their voice;
    • What part codependency had in her life when it came to her losing her voice and being afraid to speak up;
    • The impact intuition has on your life when it comes to finding your voice;
    • How you may start to find your voice and your inner purpose;
    • The dangers of being stuck in your comfort zone and avoiding growth;
    • The power of journaling by hand; and
    • So much more...

    Andrea Isaacs - Delving into the 9 Enneagrams & integrating them with Emotions & Somatic Awareness

    Andrea Isaacs - Delving into the 9 Enneagrams & integrating them with Emotions & Somatic Awareness

    In this interview, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most incredible souls I know. Her name is Andrea Isaacs and she is incredibly gifted and tapped into her superconscious. I spoke to her about a topic that I am fascinated with and that I really love to talk about and that is emotions. However, the conversation will be slightly different because emotions is one thing but when you add the concept of the enneagram with it, it truly becomes something else.

    • Another definition of the superconscious you may not have heard about;
    • What Energy is;
    • How Energy and Emotions are connected;
    • What the Enneagram is and how you can integrate it with emotions to move forward;
    • The gifts and challenges associated with all 9 enneagrams and how you can embrace the gifts and loosen the challenge;
    • How to use your intuition to guide you towards your tribe;
    • What somatic awareness is and the benefits associated with it;
    • The importance of inner child healing; and
    • So much more.

    Andrea's Website: http://www.andrea-isaacs.com

    Podcast Episode Page: https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/andreaisaacs



    Laurina Anderson - The Energy Shifter – Bringing Prosperity and Abundance Into Our Lives

    Laurina Anderson - The Energy Shifter – Bringing Prosperity and Abundance Into Our Lives

    Today I am absolutely thrilled to have “The Energy Shifter” on the podcast to discuss money mindset and changing our money blocks to bring more prosperity and success into our lives. Her name is Laurina Anderson and she is a world class life and energy coach who empowers her students to live life on a whole new level. Like many, Laurina had her own set of challenges growing up. She was raised in a basement apartment on the south side of Chicago, she became a high school dropout, she was married at 18 and was a single mother to two beautiful daughters by the age of 26. Barely managing to make ends meet, she was all too familiar with the lack mentality. Now she guides people on how they can shift their energy so they may create abundance in their lives.

    In this episode we cover:

    • What energy is and why it is so important when it comes to manifestation;
    • The power of self worth when it comes to manifestation and to creating the life you were designed to live;
    • The #1 thing that is stopping people from manifesting abundance into their lives;
    • How you can begin to tap into the messages from source and from your higher self to follow the path of least resistance;
    • Why being present (the magic moment) is so important;
    • 3 tips that you can start implementing today to help you begin manifesting more money into your life; and
    • So much more...

    Noha Essop - The Power of Retreats to Build Your Soul Tribe and Discover Your Purpose

    Noha Essop - The Power of Retreats to Build Your Soul Tribe and Discover Your Purpose

    We are so excited to be chatting to our guest on today’s podcast, none other than Noha Essop. Noha is The Conscious Maverick, your Supernova Coach and your Business Rainmaker. She is an internationally certified NLP trainer and master practitioner, business consultant and coach, clinical hypnotherapist and a demartini method facilitator. NLP came into her life when her son was recovering from his 1st brain tumor and she decided she was no longer satisfied with the business she was running. This is when she changed direction and took the plunge into her coaching practice. Today she has an established global coaching and training practice, serving in over 20 countries.

    In this interview we cover:

    • What consciousness is and how we may begin to integrate source into our business;
    • The importance of quiet time and living in the present moment;
    • How you can set up retreats to advance your business and connect with your soul tribe;
    • What NLP is and how it can actually help you to tap into your past life issues also;
    • What beliefs are and how altering these beliefs can lead us towards our highest good;
    • What impact unworthiness has on leading people towards their ultimate vision;
    • How she actually helps children tap into their unlimited potential and create their own businesses; and
    • So much more...
    Superconscious Success
    enSeptember 22, 2022

    Nicole Alesios - Breaking Down the 8 Money Personality Types - Which One Are You?

    Nicole Alesios - Breaking Down the 8 Money Personality Types - Which One Are You?

    I am so excited to have my guest here all the way from Melbourne, Australia. Her name is Nicole Alesios and she is a money mindset coach whose focus is to support women to have easier money conversations with both themselves and their clients. In this episode I will be delving into the 8 different types of money personalities and how each of these types determine your relationship with money.

    • What the number one block is that is stopping women from becoming the bad ass's that they were designed to be;
    • Why it is that people doubt themselves when it comes to asking for the money?
    • How you can start to build your confidence when it comes to asking for what you are worth;
    • How you can begin to work in alignment or flow when it comes to business so that you may be a rockin success;
    • What is meant by the term money personality?
    • What each of the 8 money personalities are and how each of them depict your relationship with money; and
    • Much more...

    Nicole's Website: http://www.nicolealesios.com

    To check out this episode in both audio and video, go to: https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/nicolealesios

    Don't forget to sign up for the Superconscious Success Inner Circle at https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/innercircle and get exclusive content.

    Petia Kolibova - Manifesting Money and Soul Clients utilising the “Matters” Method

    Petia Kolibova - Manifesting Money and Soul Clients utilising the “Matters” Method

    I am so excited to have our guest on today. Yet another awesome guest that is going to talk to us about manifesting money and bringing soul clients into your business. Peta Kolibova is an alignment coach who guides women to intuitively connect with their inner vision so that they may experience personal and professional magnetism and become unapologetically abundant. Her mission is to empower visionaries who are on the path to embody their fullest self-expression to soulfully expand into a quantum leap in all dimensions of their lives. Petia gives immense clarity + exact steps to unlock women’s divine feminine and abundance mindset. Through subconscious work as a certified breathwork facilitator, reiki, NLP & Human Design practitioner, she leads her 6 and 7 figure clients to their next level in life and business. If she is not interviewing fellow experts on her podcast Unapologetically Abundant, traveling the world with her husband, hosting retreats, or reading, you will find her in nature disconnecting from the world, connecting even deeper to herself.

    • What the higher self is and the relationship our higher self has to success;
    • The importance of self worth when it comes to manifesting money and success into your life;
    • How you can begin to build that self worth;
    • Her 7 step money matters method;
    • How you can begin to change your beliefs surrounding money;
    • What is meant by the term aspirations and how you can begin to move towards your highest aspirations;
    • How to build a relationship with money and why that is so important;
    • The importance of trusting in yourself, source and your higher power in order to bring wealth and abundance into your life;
    • Why expansion is our ultimate goal and how visualising this expansion is so powerful; and
    • So much more...

    Tia Fagan - Moving From Authoritarian to Authentic as a Conscious Parent

    Tia Fagan - Moving From Authoritarian to Authentic as a Conscious Parent

    Wow did we have an awesome episode talking to Tia about all things Conscious Parenting, Emotions, Authentic Parenting, Setting Intentions and more. Tia was an absolute delight to have on the show and shared a wealth of knowledge that we are so grateful for.

    Tia Fagan is a Conscious Parenting and Authenticity Coach and mom to twin daughters in their 20s, who has been coaching and guiding parents and nonparents since 2016. Tia is Certified with Dr. Shefali Tsabary (Oprah's favorite parenting expert) and the Jai Institute for Parenting. As a registered Professional Engineer, Tia is able to blend the analytical brain and the emotional heart. Tia is here to share her ideas on Conscious and Authority Parenting.

    In this episode, Ilene and Jen talked to her about:

    • What her definition of conscious parenting is and how it differs from our current system of parenting (i.e. authoritarian, passive etc);
    • What an authentic parent is and why authenticity is so important when building a relationship with your child;
    • How a conscious parent may deal with mistakes that children make as opposed to other parenting styles;
    • What the difference is between setting goals and setting intentions and why it is an important difference;
    • What it means to hold space for your child, even when they are driving you crazy;
    • The importance of promoting your child to feel their emotions and to work through them;
    • Why Conscious Parents need to look inside and not outside for the answers to their parenting;
    • What shadow work is and why it is critical for the evolvement of the parent/child relationship; and
    • So much more...

    Tia's Website: http://www.tiafagan.com

    Marika Nayan - Body, Mind and Soul Transformation Utilising NLP and Shamanic Healing

    Marika Nayan - Body, Mind and Soul Transformation Utilising NLP and Shamanic Healing

    Today I have a fantastic guest that I am excited to bring to you, whom I connected with instantly. Her name is Marika Nayan, and she is 5th generational shamanic healer as well as a results and performance coach. After suffering from anxiety and depression 13 years ago she began her own journey of self discovery and this led her to what she is doing now.

    • What a results and performance coach is and who may benefit from these services;
    • The 3 categories of transformation;
    • The importance of values, habits, beliefs and self esteem when it comes to truly succeeding in life;
    • What Shamanic Healing is;
    • What spirit guides are and which spirit guides are called upon during Shamanic Healing sessions;
    • Can you go into spirit guides and power animals, which are two categories of spirits that are used in shamanic healing;
    • The 3 main causes of mental, emotional and physical healing, according to the shamans;
    • What soul retrieval is and how it can help with transformation; 
    • What you can expect during and after a shamanic healing session; and
    • So much more...


    Lael Stone - Deal With Your Own Stuff To Help Your Child Foster Emotional Intelligence

    Lael Stone - Deal With Your Own Stuff To Help Your Child Foster Emotional Intelligence

    We are so excited to have our guest on the podcast today to discuss a topic that is dear to our heart and that is the topic of raising emotionally intelligent children when it comes to conscious parenting. Lael Stone is a parenting educator and consultant all the way from Melbourne, Australia and is the host of the Aware Parenting Project, as well as a speaker for the resilience project. We were so thrilled to have Lael on to discuss the topic of dealing with our own stuff to foster emotional intelligence in children.

    • Lael’s Definition of Conscious Parenting;
    • How Conscious Parenting differs from Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting;
    • How parents dealing with their generational trauma can help with Conscious Parenting;
    • Children living life as an independent soul;
    • Importance of kids feeling their feelings and being able to express their emotions;
    • How you can help build a strong emotional foundation for your children;
    • The importance of instilling love in your child every single day;
    • What the Aware Parenting Project and the Connection Program/Reslience Project;
    • What the Woodline Primary School is; and
    • So much more...

    Lael's Website: http://www.laelstone.com.au

    Podcast Episode Page: https://www.superconscioussuccess.com/laelstone