
    superSIXX/Learn to Live

    You live in an increasingly complex world in which you're less and less prepared for. Our public education system did not prepare you to effectively compete in this new paradigm. The superSIXX podcast is designed to help you understand your world and learn to compete at the highest levels, find happiness, and develop a game plan that will allow you to succeed.
    enDavid Ripley147 Episodes

    Episodes (147)



    As the world becomes more and more complex; especially considering the mounting number of negative influences, preparation becomes more important.  Few people are prepared for the trials and tribulations life brings.  If you want to be successful, you must be prepared for the probable  events which become part of your life.  After that, you can concentrate on the possible events which could impact you.

    In this episode we'll consider six important keys to help tip the odds of success in your favor.  

    Getting Angry

    Getting Angry

    There are a lot of things in life worthy of your anger; and, in truth, anger is a good thing.  If you've been following this podcast, you may think I just lost my mind because I continually caution about anger and encourage you to be very wary of its expression.

    However, anger can be a good thing if it's channeled properly; and that's the topic of this episode.  Join me as we consider how to deal with anger in order to turn it to your advantage..

    There's no shortage of topics to be angry about in this world.  But you must be smart and learn to master your anger and use it as a powerful tool in order to achieve a life of success.



    I served on a jury a few days ago for a criminal trial involving a young man who had been charged with several felonies.  Though we did find him guilty of the most serious charges, I found that I kind of felt sorry for him to some degree.  This young man isn't evil.  He's just simply adrift in life.  

    It got me to thinking about all the other people I know of who are adrift in their lives, and the serious consequences that can result from that.

    It isn't only young people who are adrift.  People further along in life can also find themselves adrift as the result of a divorce, the loss of a child, the loss of a job.  Even many retired people find themselves adrift due to a loss of purpose and focus.

    In this episode we'll consider how to keep yourself from getting adrift in life.  Join me as we dive into this situation, which can affect anyone.

    I encourage you to share this episode with anyone you know who may be experiencing the pain of finding themselves adrift.



    How much time do you spend worrying about things?  It's not like their isn't a lot to worry about.  The question is, does it do you any good to worry; or are there better places to put your focus? 

    Join me in this episode as we consider the effect worry has on the quality of your life and your ability to lead a successful life.

    The Martian

    The Martian

    I recently re-watched a movie called The Martian, starring Matt Damon.  If you haven't already seen this movie, it's about a Mars mission that has to abort due to a storm, and the crew has to leave behind a crew member they think has been killed. 

    Unfortunately for him, he's just injured, not dead.  Now he's alone on Mars and has to figure out a way to survive until a rescue mission can be sent.

    The great thing about this movie is that it centers on the ability to survive an almost impossible situation through knowledge, wisdom, determination, and guts.  The same thing you need to survive your life here on earth.

    In this episode we'll consider what it takes to not only survive, but to thrive in life, regardless of all the trials and tribulations facing you.  Join me as we explore this important key to your success.

    A Clear Path

    A Clear Path

    Life is difficult for all of us.  There always seem to be problems; obstacles in our way, problems to be overcome.  Because we're worn down by life's daily trials and tribulations, it's easy to get in the habit of taking the easier path.  Mainly because the thing we really want most is comfort.

    How this tends to manifest in your life is the tendency to focus on things that seem more easily achievable.  Taking the path of least resistance, as it were. 

    In this episode we'll consider ways to overcome this tendency, and to what degree.  After all, monetary wealth isn't the only path to success, or necessarily the optimal goal.

    Join me as we consider another key to achieving your goal of a successful life. 

    Passive Bystander

    Passive Bystander

    When you entered this world you inherited, among other things, certain rights and privileges.  You have an obligation and responsibility to at least preserve, if not add to or improve, those rights and privileges.

    In today's world, many of those rights and privileges are being attacked.  Are you going to be a passive bystander and allow it, even if you don't agree with it?  Even if you can clearly see the damage that is being done, and how the future is being changed for those coming after you?

    In this episode we'll consider why it's important for you to stand with reasonable, caring people and offer whatever resistance you can to this destruction of personal rights.  The privileges you enjoy came at a cost to those who came before you.  I would really hate to have to face those people from the past and try to explain to them how I did nothing to preserve and honor their efforts.  Even worse, I would hate to have to face my grandchildren and explain to them why they can't live as free as I did.

    Join me as we take a look at this difficult subject.   



    Each day, life assails you with all kinds of things that compel you to react.  How you react, and whether you react, is extremely important.  Being aware that you are reacting, and being in control of how you're reacting will make the difference between a life of success and a life of frustration.

    In this episode we'll consider this important skill.  If you want to live your life deliberately, with purpose, you must be aware of these influences and tailor your responses in ways that give you the advantage. 

    Those who master this life skill will see tremendous success!



    The normal progression of human development is basically, childhood, adolescence, adulthood.  Unfortunately, our recent crop of new adults seem to be stuck in adolescence.  They don't want to grow up.  We've coddled these young people to the point that they are dangerous to society in general.  When they don't get what their immature minds think they should get, they throw a fit.  They destroy things, threaten people, and burn things down.  This won't work for them, and it won't work for us in the long run.  The past couple of years have shown this reality, and we should take notice.  Join me as we consider the consequences of failing to move from adolescence into adulthood, and the role you play in fixing this problem.



    One of the major advantages of being a human being, as opposed to being a member of the animal kingdom, is the ability to think in a precise and logical manner.  From this ability to exercise thought came language, and from that, the written word. 

    The use of the written word allows you to share a bond with amazing people from times long gone; to experience their reasoning, their experiences, and quite possibly, absorb some of their wisdom.

    Those who have come before you are the vanguard of human thought and understanding.  But, they are not the only source of potential wisdom.  There are those who live among us today who can also guide you on your journey as you travel the road of life.

    In this episode we'll consider the importance of taking advantage of the experiences and wisdom gained by others.  For thousands of years this experience and wisdom has accumulated for you to make use of.       

    Crossing The Bridge

    Crossing The Bridge

    In this episode we'll consider the points in your life which show you a better direction.  The interesting thing is, life gives you feedback all the time.  How you respond to that feedback will determine your outcomes; good or bad.

    Join me as we contemplate those major points in life that give you the most profound lessons, and how to take advantage of those opportunities.

    Get this right, and your life will improve by leaps and bounds.  Get this wrong, and your life could become a living hell. 

    Some Thoughts On Success

    Some Thoughts On Success

    As I contemplate the world we currently live in I see fewer and fewer people achieving success.  I think the biggest problem is that they're so embroiled in all the nonsense going on; feeling all the frustration that goes along with that, that they feel somewhat hopeless.

    However, there really is a great deal to be hopeful about; even today.  Join me as we consider a few things for you to focus on in order to achieve success in your life.

    Six Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

    Six Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

    At the beginning and end of each day you should spend a few moments reflecting on what you want your day to be and whether or not you met your goals.

    In this episode we'll consider six important questions you should ponder in this regard.  Keep in mind that the person who lives life with purpose is more likely to live a life of meaning; and of success.

    Investing the time to develop this simple habit will allow you to reap major rewards.  It only takes a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day, and it's one of the best investments you can make.     

    Are You Talking To Yourself?

    Are You Talking To Yourself?

    Every person on this planet is engaged in an ongoing inner conversation with themselves.  The quality of that conversation, or self-talk, can and will have a major impact on your life's outcomes.  Though you cannot control the outside world, the one thing you can control is your own mind.  For that reason, the self-talk you engage in is important.  Through self-talk you can empower yourself or you can destroy any hope of ever achieving success.

    Learning the importance of this discipline is vital.  In reality, what it boils down to is mastering your critical thinking skills.

    Join me as we consider the effects of your inner self-talk, and how you can improve the quality of that conversation.



    In last week's episode I talked about the things you should do in order to achieve success in life.  In this episode we'll consider the six most important things you must not do in order to keep yourself on course and not sabotage your success.

    Achieving success in life is a balance between doing the things you should do, and refraining from doing things you should not do.  Knowing the difference is important.  It's not that complicated, and these six don'ts have been proven over time.

    Join me as we consider the six things you must not do in order to master the game of life.



    If life is a journey, what's your destination?  Where is your journey taking you?  Do you have any control over your end destination?  In this episode we'll consider the role you play in reaching your destination.

    The fact is, where you end up is a matter of what we call destiny, but you do have some control in setting your course, and in keeping yourself on course.

    The important thing to remember though, is that the journey is more important than the destination.  And, ultimately, we're all heading for the same destination regardless of how much wealth and power we gather for ourselves.  That should be a driving factor as you determine your own course. 

    Keeper Of The Flame

    Keeper Of The Flame

    We live our lives in a very strange world; full of mystery, pleasure, and pain.  You have inside you a small flame that is goodness, and only you can be the keeper of this flame.

    In this episode we'll consider the role you play in pushing back the darkness of evil by the light you bring into this world.  Though we'll never eliminate evil in this world, you can help keep it at bay.  We'll consider six ways in which you can ensure your contribution to a more positive world, both for yourself, and for others.


    Keeper Of The Flame

    Keeper Of The Flame

    We live our lives in a very strange world; full of mystery, pleasure, and pain.  You have inside you a small flame that is goodness, and only you can be the keeper of this flame.

    In this episode we'll consider the role you play in pushing back the darkness of evil by the light you bring into this world.  Though we'll never eliminate evil in this world, you can help keep it at bay.  We'll consider six ways in which you can ensure your contribution to a more positive world, both for yourself, and for others.


    Be Dangerous

    Be Dangerous

    If you want to succeed over the long haul, it's important that you become dangerous.  That may sound kind of strange, but it will make more sense when you understand the reason behind it.

    We don't live in a world that favors docile, weak, people.  The whole idea of this podcast series is to help you understand the philosophical concepts underlying the success of western culture so you can make you best effort toward a successful life.  This takes effort and strength to accomplish.

    Some things in life are so dangerous to you that, in order to keep them at bay and reduce their threat to you, you must become dangerous to them.

    That's the point of today's episode.  Join me as we consider when, why, and how you should be dangerous to those people and ideas that would injure or destroy you.

    Thrive In A Broken World

    Thrive In A Broken World

    I don't think anyone with even a moderate amount of common sense would argue with the premise that we currently live in a broken world.

    The highest rate of inflation we've seen in over forty years, massively increasing violent crime, the constant pounding of media and politicians loudly and forcefully demanding you accept deeply flawed ideas.  And most heartbreaking, the loss of hope that is leading so many to despair, drug abuse, and suicide.

    In this episode we'll consider how you can thrive in our current world.  In some regards, it's more difficult to thrive.  In other ways, however, it's even easier.  While all around you are drowning in hopelessness and despair; and even though more and more roadblocks are placed in your path, you have the power to thrive and grow.  The key to success is choice, attitude, and your ability to discipline yourself to stay your course.

    Join me as we consider your path to success in a world so broken.