
    Susan De Lorenzo

    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio12 Episodes

    Episodes (12)

    Declutter your life and start enjoying it more!

    Declutter your life and start enjoying it more!

    We’ve all heard about the benefits of decluttering our spaces, both at home and at work, but there is a deeper level of decluttering that we can do that can actually spills out into the spaces in which we live and work. We can start with the garage or basement, or we can take stock of our personal life and assess how that’s going. Today Life Coach Susan De Lorenzo will share four steps to clearing what no longer serves us and guide us in replacing them with what we’d really love in our lives - our health & well-being, our relationships, including the most important relationship – the one with ourselves!

    Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable!

    Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable!

    As a cancer survivor who was blessed to learn after treatment that she was cancer free, Susan De Lorenzo knew she didn’t want to go down that road again, so began to consider what changes needed to be at the top of the list, and the main conclusion was that she could no longer put herself last on her to-do list. Today, she continues to live in tribute to her wellness and as a life coach, works with others to understand that no dream can fully bloom in stress and exhaustion. We all can observe many today who feel under the gun to be perfect and accomplish at the expense of their health, their well-being and even their family or personal life.

    What Do Your Circumstances Say About Your Thinking?

    What Do Your Circumstances Say About Your Thinking?

    There are still many who believe that life just happens to us. Most of us have been brought up to believe this by well-meaning parents. But more and more of us are interested in learning about how our thoughts create our reality. We’re told all we have to do is change our thinking to create new results. That sounds easy doesn’t it? Well, it’s not! But raising your awareness to notice where your belief system is taking you is worth working on. How would you say your life is going right now? This is an invitation to open up and consider what areas of your life are calling to you for a re-frame of your thinking in order to change your results.

    Reframe Your Failure For Success!

    Reframe Your Failure For Success!

    Failure. Even the word makes us shudder. Most of us have been conditioned to feel ashamed and humiliated at the prospect of failing. Yet if we review any great accomplishment in human history, they all involved failure, and usually more than one! Today, Life Coach Susan De Lorenzo shares how we can reframe our perception of failure to turn it in to a brave move that leads to success if we keep going.

    Put on the Gorilla Suit: Magnetize the Life You’d Love

    Put on the Gorilla Suit: Magnetize the Life You’d Love

    Susan De Lorenzo says most of us have it backwards when going for significant changes in our lives. Most folks believe they must do something before they can have something so that they can be the someone living their dream life. Today Susan discusses how the reverse formula, beginning with “being” then “doing,” brings us to “having” the life that lights us up from the inside out.

    Upgrade Your Self-Esteem

    Upgrade Your Self-Esteem

    Did you know that we can never outperform our self-esteem? Bummer, huh? But here’s the good news: We can absolutely raise our self-esteem and thereby experience a greater version of ourselves and our lives. Our self-esteem is closely knit to our perceived level of deserving. My coaching clients and I work deeply with this Universal Law (Life matches us where we are – decoded in terms of the vibrations we emit). We check in on self-talk and our level of deserving, and then take steps to improve in these areas. In order to achieve a higher level of existence, we must become a match through greater self-awareness, so that we can release what has not been serving us and replace it with new patterns that bring greater self-esteem and personal success.

    Thank You, Cancer

    Thank You, Cancer
    Who would run towards an adversity? None of us! And yet, most of us have had our lives disrupted by something big.

    Susan De Lorenzo, survivor of invasive breast cancer followed by the crumbling of her marriage shares that when we begin to see adversity as a delivery system for greater awareness and new beginnings, our lives can actually change for the better.