
    switch - für immer punkcast

    &&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%§§§§§§§§§§§§ hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*) presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it. the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ... so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me. AHH! to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *) much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding*** STAY CURIOUS, anyway on air: sibel taylan my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei- ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D (es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *) der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet. ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*) vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!! whohoooo!!! bleib neugierig, anyway+
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    Episodes (84)


    switch-fuerimmerpunk! 18 02 2024 sagen kann man: DU bist hinreissend und bezaubernd! und man kann sagen: ICH bin hinreissend und bezaubernd! one could say: YOU are gorgeous and enchanting! and one could say: I am gorgeous and entchanting! birisi diyebilir: muhtesem ve büyüleyicin! ve birisi diyebilir: ben muhtesem ve büyüleyicim! how easy we do forget- how wel and blessedl we can be - how important is the water, flushing all your dirt away in toilette f.e., implicitness- for you---...........well, youll just feel better, with that consiousness - and gratefulness- * again more! i am unbelievable thirsty at the moment, and i was too lazy to take the bottle of water with me- so now i am here in the forest, but it is so great- but i decided to stay here for making qi gong- with the blessing to know, that i have water at home- that i can drink. later. now i am so very grateful for it, even though i appreciate it every day yet- just_only_more! GRATEFULNESS!! so..." wollen wir vielleicht ein stück zusammen gehen? " so.." we want to walk together a bit maybe?" ahm.." biz biraz beraber yürüyelim mi?" * "istedigin yere otur!" *" have a seat where you want to!" * "setze dich hin wohin du möchtest!" when we break through some own set limit- some box in the brain? well is it easy to surrender? - to the box?! the lack?! what are these automatic thoughts and feelings which support my behave in this state? how would life be, when i take things easier? how would my future self then respond, think, feel or do when challenges appear? how, what where i am looking? * what is right now? * reality shows what's true - we don't actually have to make a decision anymore. - well, ya- maybe just for being happy!! act like, what love would do! so then bandit- in me, i saw through you! that was it- ciao raggazzi! and: thanks! => starting daily again if its needed - notice always the bandit in you-trying to let you tiny and feared- breakthrough old keeping habits, its an experiment with yourself- but please sealed with humor! be kind to yourself* i tell you about marie <3 mummy longleg spider, a dear friend who´s left into the wild again* :( :/ :D life is about that,too: one crying one laughing eye- not? then happend a time crash - in the next radioshow ill tell about : yet sooo long ago i wanted to share with you this story and close it within - thanks a lot till from this bermudafunkshow hörspielplatz who asked and remembered me, of this and if its possible to listen to that past case and radioshow again- also for you: listen to the most of the past radioshows on: switch-punkcast.podigee.io-.... i tunes, spotify : switch-fuerimmerpunkcast and in your dreams* it's about my report of a complaint at the time to the state psychotherapist chamber in stuttgart, where i had to report emotional abuse to the first psychotherapist i had to/was allowed to see - unfortunately after careful consideration and information. "universe, stop! you didnt listened this, yea?! " fuck- no, yes, it listened it : * you cannot reverse a thought goes only one way - the thoughttrain! you can work on with it at most or transform..haa craze * bir düsünceyi geriye alamasin tek yollu :) - düsüncetreni! sadece sonradan onla calisabilirsin, yada transforme edebilirsin- hhaa cilgin * man kann einen gedanken nicht mehr rückgängig machen geht nur in eine richtung- der gedankenzug! man kann ihn danach höchstens bearbeiten oder transferieren.. haa verrückt ! embrace yourself* umarme dich selbst* kendine saril* you´re so much love/ du bist so viel liebe*/ okadar cok sevgisin sen ki*


    21012024 switch-fuerimmerpunk live @www.bermudafunk.org <3 * wieso gehst du jetzt? * why are you leaving now? * niye gidiyorsun simdi? * insanlar birbirlerini esas ayrilirken tanir * erst beim abschied lernt man sich gegenseitig kennen * actually, people get to know each other first when they part * manchmal tut es auch gut, zu frieren * to be cold there and then, feels good, too * bazan üsümek, iyi geliyor gibi * benim mi bu seker? * is this my sweet? * ist der zucker für mich? * gefällt mir schon! * zaten hosuma gitti! * i like it already! / * als ich die spucke aussspuckt dann während dem zähneputzen, DA WAR ICH SOOO SO FROH- wohin es so langsam runterfließt- MEI!! ich bin allen erfindern und herstellern und den kanaldiensten so so sehr dankbar!/* when i spit out the spit while brushing my teeth, I WAS SOOO SO HAPPY-/where it slowly flows down - MEI!! I am so so very grateful to all the inventors and manufacturers and channel services!/* dişlerimi fırçalarken tükürüğümü tükürdüğümde ÇOK MUTLU OLDUM- yavaşça aşağı aktığı yer - MEI!! tüm mucitlere, üreticilere ve kanal hizmetlerine çok ama çok minnettarım* * MARIÉ there´s a daddy-long- legs/in this case a mummy-long-legs hahaa- living with me in my bathroom since few winterweeks up in the corner -one wednesday evening i just celebrated the radio again having a shower in the bathroom, and looked up to the spider- somehow, when i flit flat flut the room to another- i let the radio on playing.. <3 - if i am wrong i dont know, just came later and had to laugh, cause ive thought, she listens it fain, too- hahha this was and is a very beautiful moment. of recogniction. thanks! how i did find out her name? i asked her, and counted a lot a lot of names- and then- i have asked her to move herself a little, when it is the right name- hahhahah- lasted a short time..but ya, so this is- im grateful for her- the radio- ive bought in april 2010 in berlin at a fleamarket from an turkish older guy- for 8 euros- in berlin ive had not much money- i just had 5 euros by me--so ive asked the grandfather, to reserve it, that i will take the money from home and come again- ya and he said:" take it now with you- i trust in you!" and so... i went home, got the money and one and a half hour later i arrived finally at him- berlin is huge- i just thought, that he dont think, i wont come again...ah dear brain, dear human, he just smiled kindly at me- and this radio´s quality- STILL! WAOUW ! GRUNDIG!! THANKSSSS!! and too: the story about my adventure with the most beloved shoes ive ever had: asics onitsuka tiger mexico 66, mens, midrunner - tokyo- wh/bl/rd <3 where moments, strangers, hearts, love were involved* this sentence is really real: when you give, (best the things, you want to keep actually, or give things away, which you would keep fain on your own) you´ll get huge surprises!! in this story, or more now at this moment im writing, i recognize, that function of setting a cause and get the effect- in this case, i was unconscious of what ive done... well, it is just my heart or soul i just love my golden heart and the ability, to act like, like love would do. and listen to it. PS. as ive listened to this show again, i noticed, that it could look like, how "sweet-tempered" i am.. well, when i do write and tell, it comes from my innerlife - and also as someone who is watching it all from above. in fact, you and me are unique, but im sure, you do things the same, just different! "our heart knows the way - run in this direction." RUMI <3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR EARS AND PRECIOUS TIME SPENDING WITH ME!


    SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK! LIVE 17122023 at BERMUDAFUNK! * komm doch mal bischen weg von der lehne?! * come a little bit away from the backrest?! * arkaliktan biraz uzaklassana?!// *...was macht des eigentlich aus? * what does this actually matter? * aslinda ne önemi var? * sometimes, when i am somewhere, at toillette in a club, cafe or restaurant, at a stroll walk, at a shop or..f.e.then.. i leave this place much more beautiful than i found it. there are many possibilities..if it is to fill up the toilet paper, or leave there tissues or a sticker, or paint with chalk at a busy or unbusy street, or hide somewhere a tiny animal toy or so, or put somewhere flowers that is somehow beautiful. sometimes. then i but i dont do it either. i like it, that peoples know, which value they have -yeah so, what the klf what time is love? lets answer & see where we can be more kindly to ourselfes/ schau mal, wo du mit dir freundlicher sein kannst?! * bin ich selbst meine schlimmste kritikerin? * am i my own worst detractor?//* kann ich mir selbst verzeihen? * can i forgive myself?//* kann ich mich selbst in den arm nehmen und trösten? * can i hugg myself, solace myself?//* nehme ich meine bedürfnisse ernst? * i take my needs seriously?//* sehe und wertschätze ich meine leistungen?* i see and appreciate my performances?//* denke ich freundlich über mich? * am i thinking kindly about myself?//* benutze ich nette worte, wenn ich über mich selbst spreche?// * do i use lovely words, when i am speaking about myself?//* kann ich lob und komplimente annehmen? * can i take praise and compliments? * the story of the two wolfs tells of the both sides, which we carry in ourselfes. it is up to us - at our alignment and our attitude-what we want to carry into the world and how she will meet us in turn. it also depends in our attitude, what we want to express in other people. the story of the two wolfs one evening around the campfire, an old cherokee indian told his grandson about a battle that rages within everyone. he said:" my son, the battle is fought by two wolves that dwell within each of us. one is evil. he is the anger, the envy, the jealousy, the worry, the pain, the greed, the arrogance, the self-pity, the guilt, the prejudice, the feelings of inferiority, the lies, the false pride and the ego.the other is good. he is the joy, the peace, the love, the hope, the serenety, the humility, kindness,the benevolence, the fondness, the generousity, the sincerity, the compassion and faith." the grandson thought about his grandfather´s words for several time, and then asked:" which of the two wolves will win?" the old cherokee answered:" the one you feed." frau und mann / woman and man a woman`s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with source. im leben einer frau gibt es keine höhere berufung als die, den mann zu seiner seele zu führen, damit er sich mit seinem ursprung verbinden kann. a man`s highest calling is to protect a woman so she is free to walk the earth unharmed. im leben eines mannes gibt es keine höhere berufung als die, die frau zu beschützen, damit sie frei und unversehrt auf erden wirken kann. - cherokee - <3 let go of all what is keeping you in a cage- cleaning & releasing from too much old baggage. already in 2023. wish you resolution, radical honesty, true freedom and true love, and a pony! sana kararlılık, radikal dürüstlük, gerçek özgürlük ve gerçek aşk ve bir midilli diliyorum! und erinnere dich: du kannst immer und zu jeder zeit an der türe deines herzens klopfen. es wird sofortigst seine türen öffnen. NUR FÜR DICH! (es gehört zu dir!) UND ES LIEBT DICH! and remember: you can always and at any time knock at your heart´s door! immediatetely it will open its door. JUST FOR YOU! (it is part of you!) IT LOVES YOU! YOU ARE THE WONDER HERE! DU BIST DAS WUNDER HIER! BURADA SEN BU MUCIZESIN! GOODBYE & THANK YOU BEING MY LISTENING GUEST ! MUCH LOVEEEEE SIBEL*


    TEST OF A NEW DICTAPHONE ... AT HOME / KITCHEN 5.12.2023 17:01 YEAHH! FUNCTIONED! "* "auf den herzen steht, wie auf manch anderen medizinen: " vor gebrauch schütteln. " mfg rainer maria rilke <3 * "upon the heart is written, like upon some other medicines: " before use shake." rainer maria rilke * "kalbinin üstünde yazalili, baska ilaclarindaki gibi:" kulanmadan evvel calkaliyin." rainer maria rilke <§ COME & SEE ME LIVE AT THEATERSCHIFF HEILBRONN 10.12.2023 16:00PM ?? HAVE A SUPERLOVELY WINTERTIME ANYWAY* MUCH LOVE, SIBEL*
    switch - für immer punkcast
    deDecember 05, 2023


    SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK! 19 NOVEMBER 2023 - LIVE @ ALTE FEUERWACHE/ MANNHEIM BERMUDAFUNK.ORG <§ * "unsere arme sollen umarmen, nicht erwürgen, unsere beine tanzen, nicht marschieren und unsere münder singen, nicht schreien." könig ludwig II von bayern <3 *"our arms should embrace, don't strangle, our legs dance, not march and our mouths sing, do not cry" king ludwig II <3 (bavaria) * "WO BIST DU GEWESEN? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? NEREDEYDIN?" *"...und ich hab jetzt nochmal ganz kurz nachgedacht.." *"..and now ive thought again for a moment..." * how we will remember this moment in future? the most right the most wrong moment it looks to me * wie werden wir uns an diesen moment erinnern? es kommt mir so vor als ob er der richtigste, der falscheste moment war * * die augen glauben sich selbst und die ohren den anderen * the eyes do believe themselves and the ears the other one´s * gözler kendine inanirlar ve kulaklar digerine * when there was a lady in the stone shop and she wanted to choose a pendulum, she tested one - and it then began to swing - responded- i got tears in my eyes. it was such a beautiful moment, this vibration, unity, -to be able to see for me- miracles -everything is vibrating - and i'm in the middle of it - hmm. and you too! * ..manchmal is ne berührung gut gemeint der letzte rest,der einen umhaut / verstärkt. *..sometimes a touch is well-intentioned// the last remnant that blows you away / reinforces * * miranda..<3 in the last radioshow ive told about miranda, my pineal gland- and that i bring her sometimes somethings in a meditation- somehow- some crystals as a gift last time-- and as i was again meditating at another on one god´s day- i came to my heartenergycenter-but before i pass there- there is first a watersource living, in my heart´s garden..- where i do clean myself before and put some fresh water into a glassbottle for my heart- inside are some stones, ya..some tourmalines <3 :D & at the watersource, there is also a vase- with flowers..and ya, and then i was so so very much surprised and shocked, cause ive seen suddenly there a little crystal flower, too inside! HELLOH?? how´s that possible? miranda! i i didnt know that inside myself that such thing is possible- really- i thanked so much miranda this crystal flower- and simply for this absolute crazy wonder- trix inside myself, love inside..i mean what´s that kind of distancecalculation? aauwww?! * WHAT DO I KNOW IN THE DEPTHS OF MY ENTRAILS, THAT I WOULD LIKE AT MOST HIDE FROM MYSELF? * WHAT IS THAT UNSIGHTLY, UNBEAUTYFUL, WHOSE SIGHT I WANNA AVOIDING TO SEE? A:*"will i make it hm?" F:" you will you will.. one isnt that of both from to do what is neccessary- to do- sometimes it is to learn what is not to do, right?!" * sadece onu his etmek ögreniceksin / you´ll only-just learn to feel it / du wirst nur lernen es zu fühlen // * the act of devotion and the moment: so, celebrate AHA MOMENTS - be artistic then - dance, sing, paint, make music - so that these AHA is knowledge is stored in all the cells of my body! be present, go into acceptance - i.e. / information engineering- into my current disharmony - surrender to this process of transition - with meditation, prayers, music, movement, i can give the direction: love, joy, respect for this situation. DON'T BE IN A HURRY - NO PRESSURE - from/aus: der übergang vom alten ins neue adriana meisser yt VIELEN DANK!!! + an incident were i only can send love into & keep carring for myself good for that i live,share love as best i can & stay open to be wise.. oneness chants may you wake up in the morning and remember firstly to smile into this new given moment, this new day - & may you remember during the day your close friend in yourself, your heart. thanks to a soulcalledjoel* AND YOU!! <3


    LIVE FROM https://bermudafunk.org/sendungen/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html STUDIO 1 ALTE FEUERWACHE, MANNHEIM 15102023 2300PM it is fascination for me, how the shows how the pieces find together then when i go live! i am surprised which kind of music which kind of lyrics or thoughts appear or disappear, so when i feel myself ok, with it, bingo, like otto krafft, german car engineer, who looked about every single car which leaves out the halls & got sold. i wish you the same fantastic feeling, how you spend your time, that you may meet also YOUR favourite talents in yourself & be open for all the life´s surprises* * HIC BIR SEY UNUTMA!! * DONT FORGET ANYTHING!! * VERGESSE NICHTS!! stay focused! bleib fokussiert! fokus ta kal! unbelievable, what a heart can all effect- unbelievable to what a heart is all able to do unbelievable, to what a human is all able to do, or that consiousness?! i name i say MY pineal gland, she told me her name is miranda <3 whereby mirinda was personally my favourite well, but she persisted on miranda . miaow... and while the blessings of the energycenters, sometimes i bring them something by- one time, i brought flowers- crystals, rainbowcrystals, like them of svarovksy, but clearcrystals- theyve looke so very beautiful, the bouquet of flowers, and miranda was very happy- and i with it. that was and is still such an superlovely experience. what is reality? * "the art of knowing is knowing what to ignore" rumi * BOAHH EYY!! all in all 201.339 advertising offers and trackers blocked - wow- * immediate relief- thanks my dear deep breath a story about a micronanomillimeter glass splinter in my foot & somehow when i have little aches at my footies, i have to think everytime at soldiers (??) => ...was braucht es liebes leben, lass mich frieden in meinem geist bleiben* mitgefühl ändert alles what is needed dear life, let me be peace in my ghost * sympathy changes everything - in german you say mitgefühl for sympathy- exact translated this means: with_feeling-i like that./ * sempati herseyi degirsir ...a story i lived in berlin with djhell <3 => ...und- das kann ich nur als kind, eltern mitgeben, dass es ein unglaublich großes ding ist für ein kind, zu wissen, dass man immer einen ort hat, wenn man in not sein sollte. egal wie alt man ist, an einen ort, wo geborgenheit, verständnis und bedingungslose liebe wohnt / and - as a child, i can only tell parents that it is an incredibly big thing for a child to know that you always have a place when you are in should be necessary. no matter how old you are, to a place where there is security, understanding and unconditional love. ..a story about giving strangers with crutches a get well soon... => it really doesn't break anything - it doesn't cost anything and you even feel good about it -... and who knows what else that might entail? * PUSTE MAL! BLOW ONCE! BIR ÜFLE YA! "when you watch at the stars at night, you will feel as if all the stars were laughing,because i live upon one of them, because i laugh upon one of them. you alone will see stars that can laugh." the little prince GOODNIGHT!


    SALVE at 17 09 23 live at 23 pm, www.bermudafunk.org studio 1 <3 well, ve said the word "thanks" very often these time.. ?! somehow im so much full of gratefulness- & dont know how to begin or stop with it! ive dedicated this show to all the music-tone-instrument-musicians-artists-electronic-technic-world- again im so very grateful, about this music frequency healing possibility- about my healthyness in senses, feets...well, cause at 17.09.23 i wasnt at my best state :/ but yeah, listen ha... * FREIHEIT STIRBT MIT SICHERHEIT * FREEDOM DIES WITH SECURITY * ÖZGÜRLÜK GÜVENLIKILEN ÖLÜR* THANKS SO VERY MUCH DEAR ALIEN!! * DAS KANN PASSIEREN! * THAT CAN HAPPEN! * BU OLABILIR! AND THANKS THANKS THANKS SO MUCH, ich recognize daily sooo so often, how good i feel or we are so blessed. there is water, available in all alternatives for us- - think about shortly how often you use water every day- where it mets you? (and in such masses. if for hands, the whole body, in bathroom, cold or warm, for the plants, in pools, in rivers, lakes or the sea at a festival or at hospital or to flush away your shit..) sometimes i just dont know how to be enough grateful of it? sincerely i hope that it will be handled carefully and that clear, running flowing and warm water will be available to everyone please, please please do you think this with me? * should i ignore this sense simply? * DO YOU HAVE DISCOVERED AN DETECTIVE INSIDE YOU? WHAT IS HE DOING? * it is so supernicesupergood, that i always can trust or rely upon my intuition- and thank you, dear northpole, and dear southpole hey, wir haben immer eine wahl hey, we´ve got always a choice hey, her zaman bir secenegimiz vardir bizim * KARAR / DECISION / ENTSCHEIDUNG - WICHTIG! IMPORTANT! ÖNEMLI! HÄNDE ANS LENKRAD! HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL! / ELLER DIREKSIYONDA! INTENSION - INTENTION / AMAC = AUCH WICHTIG - ALSO IMPORTANT - O DA ÖNEMLI * du kannst deine autotüre mit rechts öffnen! * you can open your cardoor with - on the right/ left! * arabanin kapiyi sag elinlen acabilirsin! " today ive seen your lovely lips in heaven at twilight it was just a short moment, the lane course has changed that was really beautiful muchthanks" * was - is the past tense of be * uhhhhh - what is outside my deadend- uhh?! * at some point you will find out that people, animals or life love you - because some people will meet you who will do things or say things, who will leave you.. yes who will move on.. these will show you how much strength you have,how much love you are or where your strength is not enough and what happens and is and you will notice, get to know yourself, in the other, and thereby fall in love with yourself, see how wonderful you are. *" dear human, you've got it all wrong. you didn't come here to master unconditional love. this is where you came from and where you'll return. you came here to learn personal love. universal love. messy love. sweaty Love. crazy love. broken love. whole love. infused with divinity. lived through the grace of stumbling. demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. often. you didn't come here to be perfect, you already are. you came here to be gorgeously human. flawed and fabulous. and rising again into remembering. but unconditional love? stop telling that story. love in truth doesn't need any adjectives. it doesn't require modifiers. it doesn't require the condition of perfection. it only asks you to show up. and do your best. that you stay present and feel fully. that you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and dance and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU. its enough. it's plenty.” - Courtney A. Walsh THE BREATH OF THE TREES GIVES US LIFE." <3 roswitha bloch german poet BREATHING MEANS LIFE AND LIFE MEANS ADVENTURE ..& a superlovely story about a shepherd & some other gems (of mine) keep smiling kisskisspengbang, much love & neonlight sibel*


    liveshow 20082023,mannheim, alte feuerwache, bermudafunk.org read full here : https://bermudafunk.org/sendungen/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=k&ts=1689458400 * i just saw a dog waiting at the traffic light with his master - it was such a black huge dog he was so cute and he had so an bright yellow, neon yellow ball or something in the mouth and waits until it turns green- oh god, that looked so cute, thanks! generally im looking much fain to dogs, when i see one, how they are and walk and stroll. such an easyness. the unbelievable easyness of being. aaahh, they are doing so well, the beloved animals. * ich, ist es mir wichtig , wie ich mich fühle? // DIR * i, is it important for me, how i feel? // YOU * ben, nasil hissettigimin bir önemi varmi? // SENIN * excuse me, did i touch you ? # es darf immer besser werden 2x / her zaman daha iyi olabilir / its always allowed to get better * when you now shortly imagine, maybe you close your eyes, JUST VERY SHORT :D, when you imagine now, that such a really beautiful butterfly sits right at the moment on your thing- matter-- on this so really shit situation in which you are stuck in - that he just, he is just only there and swings silently with its wings, sits upon there that- just for you how does this feels like? how do you feel then now? ask him:"dear butterfly, dear life, what is the next step in this situation to do for me?" and then breath, get silent, dont search for answers in mind...answers will arise in different in you - your heart wisdom will speak to you take attention also of the signs in outerworld, at a phone call, a picture, a song in the radio, or a sentence. what, if you would give up yourself your future self, existing yet? or and say, too:" dear mind, i choose my joy- i want that, i choose that!" in some things we have to shift inside our inner, old truth, change it be ready to receive, we are a part of something greater, in divine, in every aspect in our life you are not alone! * duygularin bir nöbetci / ein wächter der gefühle / a guardian of feelings * all kismet * i dont know if i will see the moon tomorrow again * " character is formed not by beauty"- morton harket aha singer/ nich alles muss sich schön anhören / not everything has to sound nice * when there is one feeling of guilt at someone, then you could write him a letter equal if this one is alive or dead brake the constant guilty feeling connection in love, it will be a bridge and it will free you * keep smiling during the phone call. your voice will appear warmer and friendlier. that can establish contact make it easier to talk to and cheer yourself up." doc monika hein " wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, unglücklich zu sein, was würde dann mit dem unglück passieren?" " if you don't mind being unhappy, what would happen to the unhappiness?" " mutsuz olmayi önemsemezsen, mutsuzluga ne olur?" mr, lovely ECKHART TOLLE <§ * senin icin en iyisi nedir, o olsun * whats the best for you, may happen * das was am besten für dich ist, soll sein aaand it´s about how u can clean your rooms up in a fumaging ritual! ...to fumage is a suitable method, as this opens a connection between the worlds ... ....you will recognize the difference definitely. all is again much lighter, farther, more open! ... ahoi with much oi - thx for spending time with me- may this show serve you too for the highest goody* KISS KISS PENG BANG, SIBEL*SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK!


    SWITCH- FÜR IMMER PUNK! 16 JULI 2023 ALTE FEUERWACHE MANNHEIM BERMUDAFUNK.ORG <§ 2300pm, LIVE * WIELANGE WILLST DU DENN NOCH WÜRFELN? * HOW LONG DO YOU WANT TO ROLL THE DICE? * ZARIYI NEKADAR SÜRE DAHA ATIYORSUNUZ * HOW LONG IS THE BRAKING DISTANCE? HOW LONG IS MY BRAKING DISTANCE? DO I WANT TO DRIVE? OR BRAKE? 2 x DO I BRAKE OR DRIVE? I STEER WHILE DRIVING! - 2X ..and i make it safely to my destination! * hallo, lieber moment! * hello, dear moment! * merhaba, sevgili an! * wo fängt die magie denn an? * where does the magic * sihirbazlik nereden baslar? * wozu leben wir im 21. jahrhundert? * why do we live in the 21 th century? * neden 21.yüzyilinda yasiyoruz? * a reminder of a new memory - i have noted in my diary in april:" what will i do on 2 december 2023 18:45 pm ? what will i live in? ohhh im sooo excited! and i love my mobile phone and the reminderbuttonnnn * genclik- masum bir merhabayimis hayata <3 * die jugend - ist ein unschuldiges hallo ans leben <3 * youth - is an innocent hello to life <3 * diese nachricht ist schon ein paar tage alt * this message is a few days old * bu mesaj bir kac gün yasinda * wie wichtig sind dir deine antworten? * how important are your answers you´re giving? * verdigin cevaplarin nekadar mühüm senin icin? *" SORRY ACHTUNG EINE WICHTIGE DURCHSAGE: POTENZIELLE MÖRDER BEFINDEN SICH AUF DER AUTOBAHNSTRECKE A 6 RICHTUNG MANNHEIM/ FRANKFURT SIE WERFEN STEINE VON DER BRÜCKE AUF AUTOS- BITTE FAHRT VORSICHIG UND KOMMT GUT UND SICHER AN EUER ZIEL! ICH SPIEL DEN SONG JETZT NOCHMAL VON VORNE! " es ist durchaus an der zeit, dies so auszusprechen anstatt nur steinewerfer* wenn die damit leben können so.. poah, krass!! * about CHRISTOPHER * people will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel the creating wonders, insta * daha siki saril. daha da iyi gelir! * umarme fester. tut noch mehr gut! * hugg more tighten. does even more good. * did you know, why it does feel so good at all? hugging ? yo, of course of the happiness the lovely happy hormones and sooo yes, but eric has told me! cause our heart is living at our left side- so and when one hugg the other person, there is touched the warmth and love, where the heart not lives. aaauwww ! eric´s heart living also at the left side <3 "MAY ALL POSSIBILITIES BE OPEN TO YOU SANAT KUMARA <3 we are like a radio where it depends on what kind of reception we are tuned to. joy and love generate the highest vibration. so live , love and have fun* ciao ragazzi READ OR LISTEN ALL AT : https://bermudafunk.org/sendungen/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=k&ts=1687039200


    BAR EMMA 23 17 JUNE 2023 HELLO!! this special evening i´ve dedicated to JAN <3 he came through my mind, while i was searching for the "right" records for this night im going to play- and listened through the rills... JAN, was / is the one, i´ve met at data 77112 in 2008 i think and who´ve asked me, if he can play some records at one evening there - he is a shy,reserved, sensitive superlovely guy and played so good well stuff of guitar musics from the 60´s and some post punk - ive didnt knew yet- but one thing catched my attention of his action- cause there was a record playing... and he catched his beer - walked, past me by at the bar with his cooled gaze, cause he has noticed my questioning gaze at him, with this short words and a whimsically smile :" after this song, the next 2 songs are great, too- one is allowed to play the full majesty of this side of the record* they are so worth to listen.." and he went out to have a cigarette break <3 <3 <3 since then, i have to think there and then of him, cause this sentence is so true and mastermind that it burned into my heart- i cant forget and do the same now. THANK YOU SO MUCH JAN! unfortunately it was only one time he´d played there- one year later ive got a sad message from his friends, which are in a therapy where they "must" take pills for their mindfucks... that he has took his life through a suicide. MAAAAN JAAAAN! :/ and so it is, that when i got asked, if i would play somewhere.. i search the records after my behavior, which are medicine to me, or which energy is needed now for me and at the same time, i want to spread or share in this location- sometimes im surprised which records fall into my hands :D life is full of surprises, when we make room in ourselfes; are open to receive them. at the beginnings to play somewhere i was very unsure, if i will be "successful", if i can satisfy the peoples there- but more and more, i was loving and respecting myself, get the training, that they have choosen ME to ask- they want my energy and not if the set is perfect! AND MY SETS ARE NOT PERFECT - NO FLOWING CHANGEOVERS OR TECHNOLOGY ! ONLY FROM THE HEART- but MEDICINE for me- in silent wish for you, too* another great side affect is, that i can listen to them records so very loud where it is at current home not that possible yet aaaauuwww- this is,for now, the last part of 3 i upload.. HEY, HOW GOOD IVE MET YOU, JAN! ENJOY YOURSELF*


    SWITCH-FUER IMMER PUNK! LIVE AT STUDIO 1 / ALTE FEUERWACHE/ MANNHEIM SUN 18 06 2023 * do i live in somebody´s wound? * wohne ich in einer wunde eines jemanden? * birisinin acisindan mi yasiyorum ben? * neyin inadi bu? inad degil- korku * whats that heard- haded? not hard - headed - fear * was ist das für ein eigensinn? nicht eigensinnig - angst * hast du mir des (auch) schon a mal gesagt? 2x * have you ever told me that? 2x * bunu bana hic söylemis oldun mu? 2x * nasil anlarsan... * how you (ll) understand... * wie du es verstehen wirst tust... * weshalb denn nicht jetzt? weil wieder woanders wieder etwas wichtiger ist? * wherefore now not? cause again somewhere is something more important? * und? wie ist es jetzt, zu teilen? * and? how is it now, to share? * eh? paylasmak, nasil simdi? *..sooo- fühlt es sich also an, darauf zu scheissen! *...sooo- it feels like this ha, to fuck off! * krass, dass sich etwas "lohnt"! * crass, that something "worths"! * have i selected my heart? or has it selected me? do my braincelles have contributed in addition? my soul, or my consciousness, this gorgeous, deep, beauty, what is in me? why it is how it is? are every hearts capable therefor, couldnt they being so goldy cute and funny, how this mine is? when one maybe sets the intention and the will, to handle from within the heart with the braincelles togehter, to paddle in a boat- to handle? when one once takes the hand of the ego and just be allowed to observe it- full in FREEDOM? without judgement? am i , is one then not authentic?? * do you have got an organ donation idendity card in your pocket? why? why not? life is rythm and rythm is life- here once again the songs- i hope of course, you never must do this- but if it does in case he- think of these both, please! STAYIN ALIVE & HIGHWAY TO HELL ! while you are press with your both hands a pressure in the middle of the chest thorax of an human - in time- (ahm..and in case it shall not work...does that make sense, too- i believe) + a golden present from universe for me story meeting i had <3 ...unfortunately the grandpa banished this wild group waggeling his walking stick- because they were grazing there and the horses moved quickly- even now the darkbrown horse followed. and they had been lost into the tangerinefields- yildiz abla, a friend of our family and my mum told me, that the wildhorses are living upside the hills- and that they only come here into the vale, when there it is tight with food, also, it hadnt rained for a long time. but it hadnt been here the horses in the vale long ago, they ve meant. but there are some humans, which connect and they raise feeding ground and watergrounds, for the living animals out there in wilderness. - i stood there stunned, with my hand at my mouth, and had to breath shortly and take this lived somewhere into myself. "crass, that ive took this way, firstly at the stone beach and later to the sand beach by yildiz abla!" shocked and winged about this wonderful moment unfortunately i moved away, i grinned over the moon and all smiles- and i went for the way to the beach- the nervous lovely dog layed chilled in the middle of the street around- ive come closer, kneeed me down and appealed at him:" hey, hey, sen niye okadar havladin? korktunmu sen? bunlar büyük hayvan degilmi? sana birsey yapmazlar, sen cok güzelsin! cok! hoscakal tatli köpek, kendine cok iyi bak, güzel mir mevsim gecir, seni seviyorum!" he has started to fawn, while i ve showed him my attention and appreciaton against him- or yes, had talked to him-he stretched out all four legs towards me and i ve stroked him a bit- at his stomach i didnt want to stroke him :D when i stood up ive noticed now, that weve been observed from some man, he looked at us from his terrace, were he drunk tea, and smiled gently at me- ive nodded happily back and "iyi aksamlar!" "iyi aksamlar kizim!" and hurried now jumping to the blue (saying goodbye)* GOODBYE! <3


    HI (GH) - LIFE! switch-fuerimmerpunk 210523 live 23pm * turtles have lived since more than 220 mio years //* this is no fastrepair hopp hopp// * verlässlicher nachrichtensprecher des universums: DAS BAUCHGEFÜHL es weiss schon mehr als der rest von uns <3//* secure newsreader of universe: THE GUT INSTINCT it knows almost more yet than our rest of us//* evrenin emniyetli haber spikeri : KARNIN- ICINDEKI HIS bizim tüm geri kalandan daha cok bilir// maybe you touch your stomach there & then ?! * ...THEN NOT!! => then not <3 ! it has took a while... to can speak it out like this and also to feel like it // i´ve lived, what it means to be indigent - being it in love, ive confused it with love- in its many facets-but that the mind can´t do very well alone- immeasurable deep humility, very deep shame overwhelmed me, as i noticed, how indigent ive acted- caused through fear, losing this special human,who has turned away from me then just more-and somewhen- ive noticed, for what reason i had done this and it took a lot of work, to forgive this myself. or my at that time, unknowing self,who doesnt knew better. ive hugged it <3 true love,living inside,this divine gift- in you in me- gave me ultimately a kick- and strengthened this wonderful dreamteam connection between heart & brain pushed me all times deeper there - what wasnt only very pleasant- ya! why? cause, never before ive lived such deep connection to one human, so true, so beautiful- warmed me someone my whole life with his love. yes, i love that! i like that! but it does not feel good unfortunately anymore :( cause..what does he shows me? are my needs and values respected? no. do i have done it on my own??i dont invest therein anymore- i dont analyse anymore, wont come into a vortex of thoughts- in hope, that something will change, i wont let myself be lulled anymore - cause: WHAT ARE THE DEEDS??i let go-what doesnt feel good anymore in me,i dont choose anymore-im allowed to give myself respect-now, i choose something new- i choose it in me! there, in my world i am very happy!i laugh so much!there is no indigence anymore- iam precious and i am major - that one is allowed to notice learn again oh ya, it takes "a bit" maybe..so then, what stabilizes me? do i have desire- i ask myself, ya now what is missing there for me on my own actually? what brings me joy? who i want to be?how sickcoolbeautiful actually i am my mirror face is grinning now at me! i am a queen- with so much heart- i have huge standards and values, which are important for me, and: i´ll stand by them! now i can handle also uncomfortable feelings. and grow with them- into peace.i feel safe. in myself.i choose something new, i choose true love i choose freedom ohh beloved universe, i trust into you (who you´ll gonna send me?*) i claim it, that everyone in our lifetime plays a role- & anyone or thing or happening can bring you into your authentic being. it is more, what we believe we are- to find out in your heart! to be in peace with every (ex-)& lover, parent, friend..in the past gives you more energy to.. create- if we loose once our ego´s reactions & watch them from above in love,speak our truth with,in a peaceful mind.. facing &loosing fear..feels just so well. well, challenges will come & go until lovely daddy death is knocking..so...trust into your inner voice & instinct! YOU CAN DO THIS ...then ive thought with fullest reverence at our creator- who has for everything a solution - it is an overwhelming feeling, being in the basic sense of trust, to recognize that one is always at the right place at the right time- thanks to my chucks..ant that ive found there now one real, green, serpentine stone! i am telling also about superlovely meetings with mother earth& its creatures - <3 ( in june i´ll tell the very first meeting with a so special animal, which plays such a huge role in my life, (i dont know why) on which i do think again & again with so much grace & gratefulness) please, follow your heart.


    HELLO! (www.bermudafunk.org => full text) 16 04 2023 & a new radioshow past tttssss always again i find out-& thanks so much much hey- that i create these radioshows (for myself)- simply as this from yesterday- i tell myself the things i need to know!! it is like: the lots of/in me- do something in diverse "times" one writes it down, what the other- or who ever- send to my brain&heart,& then my old self, from the past is telling "me" in the now, what i have to know, when i remember the horrible months of depression..& i didnt slept nearly 5 months, there were days, i was awake over 24 h; without knowing whats wrong with me & no light in sight & in my mind/(heart) my radioshows been-( except 2 i really couldnt create there so-) just there for me- even i watched myself fail, watched me suffering & judging all the way long- but something inside of me, gave me power, to sit into the car, sit before & breath with eva kaczor to the psychedelic breath- were i cried out loud tears & tones & despair* the random radiomusic of the 1h cardrive to mannheim gave me power, too. when i stood in the studio, i felt very good somehow,& more better after the show. then, i thought, i was healed- i believed again in myself- felt the music in me- i was very grateful for this happening! this "tiny" light i saw in me- but i realised soon, that these dark thoughts in me- are still there... so, may you see also the power & love in yourself- that you may find for your outlets a creativity- what makes u feel good (again), what comforts, what gives u new strength, brave, acknowledgement & smiles, enriches, eases you, too me: "you are so sweet!" my heart:" like cacao?" me:" no, like candyfloss!" ich: "du bist so süss!" mein herz:" wie kakao?" ich:" nein, wie zuckerwatte!" ben:"sen cok tatlisin!" kalbim:" kakao gibi?" ben:" hayir,pamuk sekeri gibi!" following song sent me my heart- this was this conversation between us then after i got this song in the radio listened through my candy healty ears-- in this life suits hundreds of disputes- how difficult it is for love- for giving effort- amongest in these fierce thunderstorms--- actually actually only i can cry so deeply about-so much love- wrapped in invinsible silouhettes which are always changing in forms like a fire smoke cloud in front of you there is so many which the little brain cannot translate and grasp- how super great is all ha? "MAMA? SHOULD I STAND HERE?" a little girl was asking her mum sometimes only just one (kind)word could, may change a lot of peoples fate * you are loved from live- very much. equal what youre doing- or you are not doing. for that just, that you are breathing. it wants that you are happy. can you believe that? i wish, that you will someday: know- * CAVIT:".. for that it set out, evolve- for that you can step into a new life- you have no other choice - to leave,let go of this person in peace to give grant- if you wont will- you cant barge, bring yourself into life- then you will be someone, who is watching the life from far away- if you ask yourself the question if this person comes back to you- life wont allow you not a single day- to create, for use it to the max, and to expand." thanks hey! ask your bodywisdom. to hold on , something, that isnt truthfully- (FOR YOU) costs you a lot of energy - as you do believe. * a few years ago i was telling here the same yet... i was at an exhibition from my friend annika winkelmann named inner security and came to the pleasure, to wear once an real protection criminal investigation department vest- and what happened? I STOOD THERE JUST LIKE A COP! TOTALLY SELF-ASSURED! - LIKE AN WET STRAIGHTEND UP TEABAG! ... your protection vest lies directly in yourself! SET A NEW INTENTION ! will you walk with fear in your hand? or will you walk with love in your hand? GIVE IT A TRY HE!


    checkthisoutyobro www.bermudafunk.org SUN 19 03 2023 LIVE <3 * alo? evde kimse varmi? * hallo? ist jemand zuhause? * hello? is there someone at home? these times it increased that i wanna make prayers or an intercession- dont know why? ive read, we should see prayers as all done- with this intense of that they´ve been yet answered - hm * rabbim- yarali sikintili yüreklere ferahlik ver... kimin ne derdi varsa ucup gitsin amin - tesekkürler <3 suna teyze * lord - please give injured, suffering hearts relief... who ever has got which problem may fly and leave - amen thank you! <3 * lieber gott - bitte gib verletzten, leidenden herzen erleichterung.. wer immer welche probleme hat, mögen sie wegfliegen, amen - dankeschön! <3 * KIMINLE KONUSTUN SEN YINE? * WITH WHO DO YOU SPOKE AGAIN? * MIT WEM HASTN DU WIEDER GESPROCHEN? EMPFEHLUNG : als ich donnerstag beim artz war- fragte ich- und mich, wie meine lunge klingt? also, den ton aus dem stethoskop- wie der im ohr sich anhört uuund- das herz! tu es- es ist einfach echt irre. irre schön. danke RECOMMEND : as i ve been thursday sitting by the doctor- ive asked her, how does my lung listen? also, how is it listening through this stethoscope, the tone? aaaand- the heart! do it- it is just simply crazy. crazy supernice. thankss * denemeye deymez mi? * isnt it worth to try it? * ist es nicht wert, es zu versuchen? * ich muss--- zur pfanne! * i must --- go to pan! * ben -- tavaya gitmem gerekiyor! * die tüte ist voll! * the bag is full! * pecete dolu! * ich hoffe, du massierst dir die füße! oder es macht jemand bei dir! * i hope you massage your foots! or someone makes this for you! * insallah ayaklarini masaj ediyorsundur! yada- senin icin birisi yapar! * im alright! im alright! im alright! I LOVE TO HEAR THAT * mir geht es gut! mir geht es gut! mir geht es gut! ICH LIEBE DAS ZU HÖREN! * iyim ben! iyim ben! iyim ben! BUNU DUYMAK SEVIYORUM! * inside this one hour, it is a story included, which may show you, that animals, plants, numbers, songs, music, colours,symbols, smileys,unicorns-ya!, feathers, angels, dragons..all these, are our companions. guideposts, inconspicuous conspicuous beloved helper(lie)s. if you should have a problem, and not know further, so ask once just loudly into the round, when you are alone, for help! and you will be helped. together with your inner wisdom, a silent moment, maybe in nature, maybe in your car, youll understand the tips for you. and when you like to, you will be able bring them into peace, into an solution. ...cause ive been arrested to my feelings ich bin von meinen gefühlen verhaftet worden * duygularima esir oldum and i wanna free them and me... and my opinion, universe wants us to be - live free, that we are happy- live in our natural state - hope we find out as human beings, the recipe- what it means to be one- also, when i had such deep situation- in me- with me - the thing after is, that i am so much very closer- to me- to universe- i feel more one with all- also, these empathy, deep feelings, are helpful, cause i can understand other beings and look at them/that through other eyes. and hopefully i am awared enough, that i react, and act, like love would do. hey, you :) all some things, advices.. i tell here...does not mean, it is, may also suitable for you! i wish it would..but everyone here has its own way and story and thing to live- i just share things, which i took for granted which i ve lived through..- in hope somehow it may serve, too-- hm... so, thanks a lot for your listen & trust & interest- and a chance* full written at bermudafunk.org- switch-fuer immer punk! follow me also at spotify or itunes- HA! in love, sibel*


    LIVE ON AIR WWW.BERMUDAFUNK.ORG <3 SUN19022023 * * my dear lips are you satisfied? ... ok. - happy? " i wanna cry, because i feel like it, like the children on the last bench, crying, for i am neither an human, nor a poet nor a paper, but yet an injured wrist, which has to move different." Federico Garcia Lorca * to speak means, to lend our senses expression and give them so a space. animals do different sounds. iam much thankful, that i can speak out loud something. and sometimes i am very happy, to speak it out only in my inner just. i feel better then. for example a pain- says something, he leaves out - of the body. like a one way ticket! guilty just for outward journey - in this case gateway! the expression of our feelings is the exit door from all them, what does not keeps our hearts happy- ive read once. what do humans, which have pains- and cant express anymore? or they dont know where the pain comes from exactly? do we ask after grandmas and grandfathers when they´re looking such grim? are humans cause of this sometimes aggressive? cause no one is asking them about their pain? cause we are all passing by each other so? and why we feel guilty, when someone gives us love?when you reach a smile, then you will disc over, that you should love yourself and that this world is there, to enjoy her, without borders and with thunderstorms. *thank you dear braincelles, that you´re strain so much!! * please start into your day with joy and wait for until it rings at your homedoor bell- * " i need a moment of silence, please!" *" IT IS JUST LIKE THAT!" - then..=> are our faults we´ve made over our assessments the same like a chain-linking of a car accident (on highway) then, there which those of this story´s involved - paying for that the price falls sometimes on innocent which has made no fault - how often we may do that? *...feelings for which we havent got so much names.. ( butterflyfeeling in stomach <3) * it brings everything a little something * what i do different today? what can i leave? * how fast one say: forever - easy * ...i tell a situation, which came to me even i´ve thought, that it would not happen again. all of my body was suddenly full of fear-according through my action(a journey ive decided, a desicion, ive made, when ive started to act different, as in my past) then, ive got an old thought pattern (ego-mind or behavior?) that wanted to let me stay in this. but- ive overcame this crass situation- and how you could listen when you click play! and remember: fear is an illusion. (until it is getting real- you can create it on your own, through your supermind- take care of your thoughts, where you want to think, you can master this <3 ) 5 SUPERLOVELY QUESTIONS FROM DOC JOE DISPENZA TO YOU: 1. which challenge in your life you would like fain untangle and transform it into a solution? 2. which lection hides possibly behind this masquerades of challenges? 3. how you would think, act and feel, when this challenge wouldnt be in your life, and in what extent would your life then be different? 4. through that how would your relationssships change and/or your interactions with your outside world? 5. who you would be and how you would walk today, when you´ve completed this challenge almost already and she wouldnt exist no more? other decicions, lead always into another life open your heart & change your energy- i only can lay it down into your heart, to get once in touch with doctor joe dispenza´s work. there is freedom, peace, love (and more) waiting for you! i am sorry, i will work on that, this 60 minutes - it is just moving so faaasssst! it means a lot to me, when you are listening to my .. hmm... radioshow! THANK YOU!! ENJOY YOURSELF, love sibel *


    SWITCH- FÜR IMMER PUNK!-- SUNDAY 15 01 2023 live @bermudafunk.org <3 * if i would ask you to name all the things you love how long would it take to name yourself? who ever might written and shared this letters with us : I LOVE U ! huggies never stop ! * nasil verdin bu karari? / how did you make this choice ? / wie hast du diese wahl getroffen?   * STARTING WITH A FOCUSMEETING -ANYTIME- ( advice from my pc <3) * WAS TUN MIT SAHNE?? / WHAT DO WITH CREAM?? / KREMA ILEN NE YAPILIR?? * * was ein arzt tun muß und was ein arzt leisten kann, sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche dinge * what a doctor has do & what a doctor can execute are two fully different things <3 * how blessed one is. always again i close my eyes, when i stroll over. as one time ive winded nearly in a ditch cause of this-i pay more attention, that no one is gonna be that injured- except adrenaline- :) it is such a dizzy sense! mother earth and me totally different! also walking backwards with closed eyes is worth a try! WHAT IS ? * * dedigin laf laf mi acaba? / ist deine aussage eine aussage etwa? / is your statement a statement for instance? * (i) dont get stuck somewhere, i dont belong to (repeat 2000 x ca) *is dir eigentlich klar, was du grade NICHT gesagt hast? *is it actually clear to you, what you´ve now DIDN´T say ?* farkina vardinmi acaba su an neyi DEMEDIGINI? * "when i´ve made it all right, these praalines will taste for you like fidelity."--"after fidelity?" --"yes, i mean that suits so good for you, cause you are here in your job for so many years so true blue and to your husband anyway!"--" that both neither is difficult for me!" * aber pass auf dass du dein herz nicht überhörst, falls es sich melden sollte/* but pay attention that you dont miss hear your heart in case it is calling (on) you /* ama dikkatli ol, duyu onu, eger kalbinin sesi seni ariyorsa & A LITTLE WALNUTSHELLLIGHT (CHRISTMAS-) STORY <3 => where i´ve learned, that also a feeling can fox some "ill" braincelles- there were times, like in this story, where i´ve felt lonely; tiny; weak; maybe also helpless.. but also in this story ive learned from life, universe, this big love, that thats not true. one never walks alone - even it feels on you so. just stay open and attentioned. there will be-are always helping hands- which you can see or just feel -   love is in the air and so much in yourself* AND PS. PARDON ME; PLEASE !! IVE HAD SUDDENLY A RASH OF FURY EMOTION!! universe played its special tricks on me :D i´ve noticed this tip while i was reading sentences which made my mind explode - i just wanted to destroy something in that moment- somehow im happy, i was able to let out this overwhelming emotion of pure ?? (something i cant describe ) and cruel and funny and unbelievable accident thought happening in my brain and body- I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU!!! have a best year 2023 where you can come closer to yourself, see, who you really are, get strong in your will, what you really want to do from your heart and stay gold! thanks for listen and your precious time im happy and open if i can get any feedback from you, if there is something i could change or make this one hour much better! love, sibel*


    music i found in the records at 24 december 2022 at the lovely bar emma 23 ambition i have got- i want to order the records in a harmonic way for the ears and so... listening through the days before in lots of moments the lovely records with beloved memories and healing powers, too - i find often in them all ones, some NEW songs for me- or my current state.. thats also, i am surprised still, that in "local" radiostations is always played the known one songs from the artists. on a record are located still other great songs from this bands. so for example: madonna = material girl on one side, yea, maybe we´ve got to listen this again and again- so that we can check.something! but then please, dear radiostations play also more unknown treasures from artists* i dont know how long i will play - as i came i saw lovely niko behind the deks, the resident dj from emma23, so and we played together through this holy night- i was happy, he was there! after worrying if it was cool for the audience..today im fine with the result-some exclamationmarks..- under the stroke, it doesnt matter if this is "harmonic"- it is just a result of my current doing! so no judging, taylan. also, i do love all the stuff anyway- and the guests celebrated <3 thank you very much having me there <3 and thank you dear guests and surprising guests- what happens every year again ? take care of yourself & superlovely moments wishes for you* there´s much love to give, peace is out*


    a sunday at bermudafunk 18 12 2022 * it was silent, as i so poured the springwater into the crystalglas i took one sip of-it and must had to close my eyes by the second and third, and fullest fourthed sip wanted, that it never ends but so it is good! the cold, the clarity, the wisdom, crystals, met there amusing in my mouth sensed this gliding through my inner body temple "??!! THAT SHE HAS WANTED!! cleara! my soul wanted to to drink exactly springwater that kind!" inselove * was legitimierst du in deinem hirn? * what do you legitimate in your brain? ÜBERPRÜFEN UND VERBINDEN CHCHCHECK - REVIEW AND CONNECT ziel => mit leichtigkeit navigieren und losgelöst im loveship umher destination => navigate with easyness & detached in loveship around * "camura mi gittin, sibel?" annem * "you´ve been in the mud, sibel?" mum * " warst du im dreck,sibel?" mama * ..und da kommt es wieder auf dich zu * .. and there it comes up again to you *.. ve yine sana dogru geliyor * a glow * ein funke * bir cakin * VÖLLIG NEIN! * FULLY NO! * SIRISIKLAM HAYIR! * WERDE ICH MEINEN WILLEN NOCH ERKENNEN? * WILL I STILL KNOW - REALISE MY WILL? * ISTEDIGIMI HALA FARKINA VARICAM MI? * soll ich dir die tür aufhalten?? * shall i hold the door for thee ?? * senin icin kapiyi acigim mi?? * willst ma kotzen? * you want to puke once? * bir kusmak istermiyidin? * one time i could rescue the life of one little sheep. i believe, it wanted to go AWOL- it hanged on the electric fence and each time, in rythm, it got shocked from the lighting stroke - the whole body cringed - the poor cattle!! some sheeps stood around it, stood back with it and they´ve looked at me bleated and agitated- on my own i was unable to free it- in this panic i also didnt found the stopbutton of this electrical box and ran to the nearest house. at a chic villa at a mountain, i ringed wild- a housekeeperlady came- hereupon she called the landlord- whereupon he godisthanked knows the shepard, cause his sheeps grazed upon his meadow!! yeah! together with the landlord we jumped back to the meadow, funnily enough i had in my bag a baby bottle with a dummy, filled with water, from my niece, ha, i wanted to give the sheep water, it was also very hot- but as we arrived there, the shepard been there yet and rescued the tiny sheep from the electrical fence :" hello, when you´ve noticed it? it was senseless yet?" "yes, just the eyes stood a bit open, how is it?" " this i will find out in the next 2 hours, i hope it hasnt got too much- i will leave it in my car with a blanket!" " ohhhhh!" "that was very kind from you, you probably saved its life!" "ohhh, yes but very fain! everyone would do this!" "ohhh no- dont believe that. unfortunately this not happens very much- that isnt to be sure!" the sheeps observed me long time, as i stood there so full of question and exclamation marks when i was thinking about his last sentence- i dared to shout after the shepard:" ahm, dear mr shepard! maybe you turn on nice music in your car?!" he turned around once again and grinned at me - and nodded at me <3 sheeps and goats are very curious that´s nice and sometimes dangerous * *" i thank into every world, in every time and into every dimension- and i also beg for forgiveness- (my organs maybe..) AN ANASHA ( GRATEFULNESS) i thank all what i do forget or not know yet- and please let me know, when i could do something for someone!" *" and i thank all, which i´ve met yet & will meet which made me to this, what i´ve become today or will become still." *this is usually the 3d sentence, who i daily say in the morning and also do mean it. during daytime i count like meditation all the things on, which i am very grateful for. cause that is a looot, i cant recite daily some- ive combined it rough.. *so actually i notice, that i sometimes get lead like through magichands to places- f.e. when i decide, go another way, which i originally wanted to go and just go.. be authentic WE NEED YOU SO!
    switch - für immer punkcast
    deDecember 19, 2022


    gems gems gems situations situations situations emotions emotions emotions frequencies frequencies frequencies words words words shouts shouts shouts illusions illusions illusions delusions delusions delusions solutions solutions solutions let go let go let go feelings feelings feelings instruments instruments instruments oneness oneness oneness awareness awareness awareness freedom freedom freedom love love love " from past emotions there it isn´t possible to create a new future. to change means, to outgrow about the conditioned body, the past. how you are thinking and how you are feeling creates your state of being. " doc joe dispenza <3 yo switch - foreverfuerimmer punk! u could listen loud
    switch - für immer punkcast
    deDecember 11, 2022


    another friday night where i could let out all my current frustrations, angers, love and agreements with myself could share this PUNK-MUSIC with beloved ones, a great audience and guests at the lovely kings´s pub! 23:03 the cops where there --so sad peoples everywhere hae but then not again <3 (maybe cause inside sat one police man in his free time?!) thank you for having me, for this smiley still in my face- thank you dome, kneipenfreunde, for asking me, for the other dj chris, that i could play and play and play just through ! i cannot explain in words how much grateful i am for my past- experiences- hatred- love- pain- lovely adventures, knowing this kind of music, my present and presence and the feeling this in my heart and bones and all abilities - a lot of fun it was to refound and listen to some really great records, ive bought at concerts or bought in record store or which was given me- also the lived memories, emotions returned, power and trust to move on- that there are still human, who celebrate, act like a "punk"- it gives me hope- well, i have to work on the matches, order of the records !! and also at the speed 33 / 45 :D so, if you like punk music- i hope you will enjoy this energy or maybe take this and let it be part of your further life a fist into something THANK YOU ALL! have a good wintertime *