
    Syrian Civil War Podcast

    A podcast on the Syrian Civil War from Daraa to Falujah.
    en-usChristian Gentry16 Episodes

    Episodes (16)

    011 Understanding the Alawite ft. Dr. Goldsmith

    011 Understanding the Alawite ft. Dr. Goldsmith
    Check us out at Syriancivilwarpodcast.wordpress.com In this first episode of the new season we will take a look at the Alawite with an interview with Dr. Leon Goldsmith. Then we will do a news round up featuring rebel infighting, the battle for Raqqa, President Trump's chance in policy and the new advance by Hezbollah
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usAugust 18, 2017

    010 Syrian Chemical Attack

    010 Syrian Chemical Attack
    In this episode of the podcast we will look at the Battle for Hama and Palmyra, the Syrian Chemical Attack and the charity Books not Bombs You can check out Books not Bombs at Books-not-bombs.com
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usApril 16, 2017

    009 The Management of Savagery

    009 The Management of Savagery
    In this episode we will examine the current state of affairs in Al-Bab, look at the battles in Raqqa and Daraa, get an update on the battle in Mosul and finally look at the book The Management of Savagery and examine its long term implications
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usMarch 01, 2017

    008 Saydnaya

    008 Saydnaya
    In this episode we will look at the formation of Tahrir Al Sham, the battle al Bab, The new assault in Daraa, and finally we wrapped up with a discussion on the Amnesty report on Saydnaya
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usFebruary 13, 2017

    007 Ahrar Al Sham

    007 Ahrar Al Sham
    In this episode we will look at the causes for the collapse of Aleppo, the battle of Deir er-Zor, Palmyra, and finally we wrapped up with a discussion on the Militant Group Ahrar al-Sham
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usJanuary 28, 2017

    005 The Noose Tightens

    005 The Noose Tightens
    The noose begins to tighten around East Aleppo. East Ghoutta pocket continues to shrink. Turkey and Iraq get in a pissing fight over Mosul and the kurds just want to be a state.
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usOctober 16, 2016

    003 Turkey

    003 Turkey
    A deeper look at Turkish Syrian relations as well as a look at Manbij, Aleppo, the NSyA, and the split between AQ and Al Nusra eck out our website at www.SyrianCivilWarPodcast.com Thanks to Notembug and Dan and Deryn Cullen for our music and transitions.
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usJuly 30, 2016

    002- Aleppo

    002- Aleppo
    A deep look a the Aleppo conflict, with a glance at the new Syrian army, Damascus, Manbij, the SDF and Ghoutta. Check out our website at www.SyrianCivilWarPodcast.com Thanks to Notembug and Dan and Deryn Cullen for our music and transitions.
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usJuly 18, 2016

    001- Manbij

    001- Manbij
    This is the first episode of the Syrian Civil War Podcast created by Shaho Awier and Christian Gentry. It focuses on Manbij, Aleppo, Palmyra, Latakia, Falujah etc. Check out our website at www.SyrianCivilWarPodcast.com Thanks to Notembug and Dan and Deryn Cullen for our music and transitions.
    Syrian Civil War Podcast
    en-usJuly 08, 2016